Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


mwieAw mohu n cukeI mir jMmih vwro vwr ] (1419-1)
maa-i-aa moh na chuk-ee mar jameh vaaro vaar.
Their attachment to Maya does not cease; they die, only to be reborn, over and over again.

siqguru syiv suKu pwieAw Aiq iqsnw qij ivkwr ] (1419-1)
satgur sayv sukh paa-i-aa at tisnaa taj vikaar.
Serving the True Guru, peace is found; intense desire and corruption are discarded.

jnm mrn kw duKu gieAw jn nwnk sbdu bIcwir ]49] (1419-2)
janam maran kaa dukh ga-i-aa jan naanak sabad beechaar. ||49||
The pains of death and birth are taken away; servant Nanak reflects upon the Word of the Shabad. ||49||

hir hir nwmu iDAwie mn hir drgh pwvih mwnu ] (1419-2)
har har naam Dhi-aa-ay man har dargeh paavahi maan.
Meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, O mortal being, and you shall be honored in the Court of the Lord.

iklivK pwp siB ktIAih haumY cukY gumwnu ] (1419-3)
kilvikh paap sabh katee-ah ha-umai chukai gumaan.
All your sins and terrible mistakes shall be taken away, and you shall be rid of your pride and egotism.

gurmuiK kmlu ivgisAw sBu Awqm bRhmu pCwnu ] (1419-4)
gurmukh kamal vigsi-aa sabh aatam barahm pachhaan.
The heart-lotus of the Gurmukh blossoms forth, realizing God, the Soul of all.

hir hir ikrpw Dwir pRB jn nwnk jip hir nwmu ]50] (1419-4)
har har kirpaa Dhaar parabh jan naanak jap har naam. ||50||
O Lord God, please shower Your Mercy upon servant Nanak, that he may chant the Name of the Lord. ||50||

DnwsrI DnvMqI jwxIAY BweI jW siqgur kI kwr kmwie ] (1419-5)
Dhanaasree Dhanvantee jaanee-ai bhaa-ee jaaN satgur kee kaar kamaa-ay.
In Dhanaasaree, the soul-bride is known to be wealthy, O Siblings of Destiny, when she works for the True Guru.

qnu mnu saupy jIA sau BweI ley hukim iPrwau ] (1419-5)
tan man sa-upay jee-a sa-o bhaa-ee la-ay hukam firaa-o.
She surrenders her body, mind and soul, O Siblings of Destiny, and lives according to the Hukam of His Command.

jh bYswvih bYsh BweI jh Byjih qh jwau ] (1419-6)
jah baisaaveh baisah bhaa-ee jah bhayjeh tah jaa-o.
I sit where He wishes me to sit, O Siblings of Destiny; wherever He sends me, I go.

eyvfu Dnu horu ko nhI BweI jyvfu scw nwau ] (1419-6)
ayvad Dhan hor ko nahee bhaa-ee jayvad sachaa naa-o.
There is no other wealth as great, O Siblings of Destiny; such is the greatness of the True Name.

sdw scy ky gux gwvW BweI sdw scy kY sMig rhwau ] (1419-7)
sadaa sachay kay gun gaavaaN bhaa-ee sadaa sachay kai sang rahaa-o.
I sing forever the Glorious Praises of the True Lord; I shall remain with the True One forever.

pYnxu gux cMigAweIAw BweI AwpxI piq ky swd Awpy Kwie ] (1419-7)
painan gun chang-aa-ee-aa bhaa-ee aapnee pat kay saad aapay khaa-ay.
So wear the clothes of His Glorious Virtues and goodness, O Siblings of Destiny; eat and enjoy the flavor of your own honor.

iqs kw ikAw swlwhIAY BweI drsn kau bil jwie ] (1419-8)
tis kaa ki-aa salaahee-ai bhaa-ee darsan ka-o bal jaa-ay.
How can I praise Him, O Siblings of Destiny? I am a sacrifice to the Blessed Vision of His Darshan.

siqgur ivic vfIAw vifAweIAw BweI krim imlY qW pwie ] (1419-9)
satgur vich vadee-aa vadi-aa-ee-aa bhaa-ee karam milai taaN paa-ay.
Great is the Glorious Greatness of the True Guru, O Siblings of Destiny; if one is blessed with good karma, He is found.

ieik hukmu mMin n jwxnI BweI dUjY Bwie iPrwie ] (1419-9)
ik hukam man na jaannee bhaa-ee doojai bhaa-ay firaa-ay.
Some do not know how to submit to the Hukam of His Command, O Siblings of Destiny; they wander around lost in the love of duality.

sMgiq FoeI nw imlY BweI bYsix imlY n Qwau ] (1419-10)
sangat dho-ee naa milai bhaa-ee baisan milai na thaa-o.
They find no place of rest in the Sangat, O Siblings of Destiny; they find no place to sit.

nwnk hukmu iqnw mnwiesI BweI ijnw Dury kmwieAw nwau ] (1419-10)
naanak hukam tinaa manaa-isee bhaa-ee jinaa Dhuray kamaa-i-aa naa-o.
Nanak: they alone submit to His Command, O Siblings of Destiny, who are pre-destined to live the Name.

iqn@ ivthu hau vwirAw BweI iqn kau sd bilhwrY jwau ]51] (1419-11)
tinH vitahu ha-o vaari-aa bhaa-ee tin ka-o sad balihaarai jaa-o. ||51||
I am a sacrifice to them, O Siblings of Destiny, I am forever a sacrifice to them. ||51||

sy dwVIAW scIAw ij gur crnI lgMin@ ] (1419-12)
say daarhee-aaN sachee-aa je gur charnee lagaNniH.
Those beards are true, which brush the feet of the True Guru.

Anidnu syvin guru Awpxw Anidnu Anid rhMin@ ] (1419-12)
an-din sayvan gur aapnaa an-din anad rahaNniH.
Those who serve their Guru night and day, live in bliss, night and day.

nwnk sy muh sohxy scY dir idsMin@ ]52] (1419-13)
naanak say muh sohnay sachai dar disaNniH. ||52||
O Nanak, their faces appear beautiful in the Court of the True Lord. ||52||

muK scy scu dwVIAw scu bolih scu kmwih ] (1419-13)
mukh sachay sach daarhee-aa sach boleh sach kamaahi.
True are the faces and true are the beards, of those who speak the Truth and live the Truth.

scw sbdu min visAw siqgur mWih smWih ] (1419-14)
sachaa sabad man vasi-aa satgur maaNhi samaaNhi.
The True Word of the Shabad abides in their minds; they are absorbed in the True Guru.

scI rwsI scu Dnu auqm pdvI pWih ] (1419-14)
sachee raasee sach Dhan utam padvee paaNhi.
True is their capital, and true is their wealth; they are blessed with the ultimate status.

scu suxih scu mMin lYin scI kwr kmwih ] (1419-15)
sach suneh sach man lain sachee kaar kamaahi.
They hear the Truth, they believe in the Truth; they act and work in the Truth.

scI drgh bYsxw scy mwih smwih ] (1419-15)
sachee dargeh baisnaa sachay maahi samaahi.
They are given a place in the Court of the True Lord; they are absorbed in the True Lord.

nwnk ivxu siqgur scu n pweIAY mnmuK BUly jWih ]53] (1419-16)
naanak vin satgur sach na paa-ee-ai manmukh bhoolay jaaNhi. ||53||
O Nanak, without the True Guru, the True Lord is not found. The self-willed manmukhs leave, wandering around lost. ||53||

bwbIhw ipRau ipRau kry jliniD pRym ipAwir ] (1419-16)
baabeehaa pari-o pari-o karay jalniDh paraym pi-aar.
The rainbird cries, "Pri-o! Pri-o! Beloved! Beloved!" She is in love with the treasure, the water.

gur imly sIql jlu pwieAw siB dUK invwrxhwru ] (1419-17)
gur milay seetal jal paa-i-aa sabh dookh nivaaranhaar.
Meeting with the Guru, the cooling, soothing water is obtained, and all pain is taken away.

iqs cukY shju aUpjY cukY kUk pukwr ] (1419-17)
tis chukai sahj oopjai chukai kook pukaar.
My thirst has been quenched, and intuitive peace and poise have welled up; my cries and screams of anguish are past.

nwnk gurmuiK sWiq hoie nwmu rKhu auir Dwir ]54] (1419-18)
naanak gurmukh saaNt ho-ay naam rakhahu ur Dhaar. ||54||
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs are peaceful and tranquil; they enshrine the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within their hearts. ||54||

bwbIhw qUM scu cau scy sau ilv lwie ] (1419-18)
baabeehaa tooN sach cha-o sachay sa-o liv laa-ay.
O rainbird, chirp the True Name, and let yourself be attuned to the True Lord.

boilAw qyrw Qwie pvY gurmuiK hoie Alwie ] (1419-19)
boli-aa tayraa thaa-ay pavai gurmukh ho-ay alaa-ay.
Your word shall be accepted and approved, if you speak as Gurmukh.

sbdu cIin iqK auqrY mMin lY rjwie ] (1419-19)
sabad cheen tikh utrai man lai rajaa-ay.
Remember the Shabad, and your thirst shall be relieved; surrender to the Will of the Lord.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD