Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


nwnk kI pRB bynqI hir BwvY bKis imlwie ]41] (1418-1)
naanak kee parabh bayntee har bhaavai bakhas milaa-ay. ||41||
Nanak offers this prayer: O Lord God, please forgive me, and unite me with Yourself. ||41||

mn Awvx jwxu n suJeI nw suJY drbwru ] (1418-1)
man aavan jaan na sujh-ee naa sujhai darbaar.
The mortal being does not understand the comings and goings of reincarnation; he does not see the Court of the Lord.

mwieAw moih plyitAw AMqir AigAwnu gubwru ] (1418-2)
maa-i-aa mohi palayti-aa antar agi-aan gubaar.
He is wrapped up in emotional attachment and Maya, and within his being is the darkness of ignorance.

qb nru suqw jwigAw isir fMfu lgw bhu Bwru ] (1418-2)
tab nar sutaa jaagi-aa sir dand lagaa baho bhaar.
The sleeping person wakes, only when he is hit on the head by a heavy club.

gurmuKW krW aupir hir cyiqAw sy pwiein moK duAwru ] (1418-3)
gurmukhaaN karaaN upar har chayti-aa say paa-in mokh du-aar.
The Gurmukhs dwell upon the Lord; they find the door of salvation.

nwnk Awip Eih auDry sB kutMb qry prvwr ]42] (1418-3)
naanak aap ohi uDhray sabh kutamb taray parvaar. ||42||
O Nanak, they themselves are saved, and all their relatives are carried across as well. ||42||

sbid mrY so muAw jwpY ] (1418-4)
sabad marai so mu-aa jaapai.
Whoever dies in the Word of the Shabad, is known to be truly dead.

gur prswdI hir ris DRwpY ] (1418-4)
gur parsaadee har ras Dharaapai.
By Guru's Grace, the mortal is satisfied by the sublime essence of the Lord.

hir drgih gur sbid is\wpY ] (1418-5)
har dargahi gur sabad sinjaapai.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, he is recognized in the Court of the Lord.

ibnu sbdY muAw hY sBu koie ] (1418-5)
bin sabdai mu-aa hai sabh ko-ay.
Without the Shabad, everyone is dead.

mnmuKu muAw Apunw jnmu Koie ] (1418-5)
manmukh mu-aa apunaa janam kho-ay.
The self-willed manmukh dies; his life is wasted.

hir nwmu n cyqih AMiq duKu roie ] (1418-6)
har naam na cheeteh ant dukh ro-ay.
Those who do not remember the Name of the Lord, shall cry in pain in the end.

nwnk krqw kry su hoie ]43] (1418-6)
naanak kartaa karay so ho-ay. ||43||
O Nanak, whatever the Creator Lord does, comes to pass. ||43||

gurmuiK buFy kdy nwhI ijn@w AMqir suriq igAwnu ] (1418-6)
gurmukh budhay kaday naahee jinHaa antar surat gi-aan.
The Gurmukhs never grow old; within them is intuitive understanding and spiritual wisdom.

sdw sdw hir gux rvih AMqir shj iDAwnu ] (1418-7)
sadaa sadaa har gun raveh antar sahj Dhi-aan.
They chant the Praises of the Lord, forever and ever; deep within, they intuitively meditate on the Lord.

Eie sdw Anµid ibbyk rhih duiK suiK eyk smwin ] (1418-7)
o-ay sadaa anand bibayk raheh dukh sukh ayk samaan.
They dwell forever in blissful knowledge of the Lord; they look upon pain and pleasure as one and the same.

iqnw ndrI ieko AwieAw sBu Awqm rwmu pCwnu ]44] (1418-8)
tinaa nadree iko aa-i-aa sabh aatam raam pachhaan. ||44||
They see the One Lord in all, and realize the Lord, the Supreme Soul of all. ||44||

mnmuKu bwlku ibriD smwin hY ijn@w AMqir hir suriq nwhI ] (1418-9)
manmukh baalak biraDh samaan hai jinHaa antar har surat naahee.
The self-willed manmukhs are like stupid children; they do not keep the Lord in their thoughts.

ivic haumY krm kmwvdy sB Drm rwie kY jWhI ] (1418-9)
vich ha-umai karam kamaavday sabh Dharam raa-ay kai jaaNhee.
They do all their deeds in egotism, and they must answer to the Righteous Judge of Dharma.

gurmuiK hCy inrmly gur kY sbid suBwie ] (1418-10)
gurmukh hachhay nirmalay gur kai sabad subhaa-ay.
The Gurmukhs are good and immaculately pure; they are embellished and exalted with the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

Enw mYlu pqMgu n lgeI ij clin siqgur Bwie ] (1418-10)
onaa mail patang na lag-ee je chalan satgur bhaa-ay.
Not even a tiny bit of filth sticks to them; they walk in harmony with the Will of the True Guru.

mnmuK jUiT n auqrY jy sau Dovx pwie ] (1418-11)
manmukh jooth na utrai jay sa-o Dhovan paa-ay.
The filth of the manmukhs is not washed away, even if they wash hundreds of times.

nwnk gurmuiK myilAnu gur kY AMik smwie ]45] (1418-11)
naanak gurmukh mayli-an gur kai ank samaa-ay. ||45||
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs are united with the Lord; they merge into the Guru's Being. ||45||

burw kry su kyhw isJY ] (1418-12)
buraa karay so kayhaa sijhai.
How can someone do bad things, and still live with himself?

AwpxY roih Awpy hI dJY ] (1418-12)
aapnai rohi aapay hee dajhai.
By his own anger, he only burns himself.

mnmuiK kmlw rgVY luJY ] (1418-12)
manmukh kamlaa ragrhai lujhai.
The self-willed manmukh drives himself crazy with worries and stubborn struggles.

gurmuiK hoie iqsu sB ikCu suJY ] (1418-13)
gurmukh ho-ay tis sabh kichh sujhai.
But those who become Gurmukh understand everything.

nwnk gurmuiK mn isau luJY ]46] (1418-13)
naanak gurmukh man si-o lujhai. ||46||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh struggles with his own mind. ||46||

ijnw siqguru purKu n syivE sbid n kIqo vIcwru ] (1418-13)
jinaa satgur purakh na sayvi-o sabad na keeto veechaar.
Those who do not serve the True Guru, the Primal Being, and do not reflect upon the Word of the Shabad

Eie mwxs jUin n AwKIAin psU For gwvwr ] (1418-14)
o-ay maanas joon na aakhee-an pasoo dhor gaavaar.
- do not call them human beings; they are just animals and stupid beasts.

Enw AMqir igAwnu n iDAwnu hY hir sau pRIiq n ipAwru ] (1418-14)
onaa antar gi-aan na Dhi-aan hai har sa-o pareet na pi-aar.
They have no spiritual wisdom or meditation within their beings; they are not in love with the Lord.

mnmuK muey ivkwr mih mir jMmih vwro vwr ] (1418-15)
manmukh mu-ay vikaar meh mar jameh vaaro vaar.
The self-willed manmukhs die in evil and corruption; they die and are reborn, again and again.

jIvidAw no imlY su jIvdy hir jgjIvn aur Dwir ] (1418-16)
jeevdi-aa no milai so jeevday har jagjeevan ur Dhaar.
They alone live, who join with the living; enshrine the Lord, the Lord of Life, within your heart.

nwnk gurmuiK sohxy iqqu scY drbwir ]47] (1418-16)
naanak gurmukh sohnay tit sachai darbaar. ||47||
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs look beautiful in that Court of the True Lord. ||47||

hir mMdru hir swijAw hir vsY ijsu nwil ] (1418-17)
har mandar har saaji-aa har vasai jis naal.
The Lord built the Harimandir, the Temple of the Lord; the Lord dwells within it.

gurmqI hir pwieAw mwieAw moh prjwil ] (1418-17)
gurmatee har paa-i-aa maa-i-aa moh parjaal.
Following the Guru's Teachings, I have found the Lord; my emotional attachment to Maya has been burnt away.

hir mMdir vsqu Anyk hY nv iniD nwmu smwil ] (1418-18)
har mandar vasat anayk hai nav niDh naam samaal.
Countless things are in the Harimandir, the Temple of the Lord; contemplate the Naam, and the nine treasures will be yours.

Dnu BgvMqI nwnkw ijnw gurmuiK lDw hir Bwil ] (1418-18)
Dhan bhagvantee naankaa jinaa gurmukh laDhaa har bhaal.
Blessed is that happy soul-bride, O Nanak, who, as Gurmukh, seeks and finds the Lord.

vfBwgI gV mMdru KoijAw hir ihrdY pwieAw nwil ]48] (1418-19)
vadbhaagee garh mandar khoji-aa har hirdai paa-i-aa naal. ||48||
By great good fortune, one searches the temple of the body-fortress, and finds the Lord within the heart. ||48||

mnmuK dh idis iPir rhy Aiq iqsnw loB ivkwr ] (1418-19)
manmukh dah dis fir rahay at tisnaa lobh vikaar.
The self-willed manmukhs wander lost in the ten directions, led by intense desire, greed and corruption.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD