Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


nwnk sbid mrY mnu mwnIAY swcy swcI soie ]33] (1417-1)
naanak sabad marai man maanee-ai saachay saachee so-ay. ||33||
O Nanak, when someone dies in the Word of the Shabad, the mind is pleased and appeased. True is the reputation of those who are true. ||33||

mwieAw mohu duKu swgru hY ibKu duqru qirAw n jwie ] (1417-1)
maa-i-aa moh dukh saagar hai bikh dutar tari-aa na jaa-ay.
Emotional attachment to Maya is a treacherous ocean of pain and poison, which cannot be crossed.

myrw myrw krdy pic muey haumY krq ivhwie ] (1417-2)
mayraa mayraa karday pach mu-ay ha-umai karat vihaa-ay.
Screaming, "Mine, mine!", they rot and die; they pass their lives in egotism.

mnmuKw aurvwru n pwru hY AD ivic rhy lptwie ] (1417-2)
manmukhaa urvaar na paar hai aDh vich rahay laptaa-ay.
The self-willed manmukhs are in limbo, neither on this side, nor the other; they are stuck in the middle.

jo Duir iliKAw su kmwvxw krxw kCU n jwie ] (1417-3)
jo Dhur likhi-aa so kamaavanaa karnaa kachhoo na jaa-ay.
They act as they are pre-destined; they cannot do anything else.

gurmqI igAwnu rqnu min vsY sBu dyiKAw bRhmu suBwie ] (1417-3)
gurmatee gi-aan ratan man vasai sabh daykhi-aa barahm subhaa-ay.
Following the Guru's Teachings, the jewel of spiritual wisdom abides in the mind, and then God is easily seen in all.

nwnk siqguir boihQY vfBwgI cVY qy Baujil pwir lµGwie ]34] (1417-4)
naanak satgur bohithai vadbhaagee charhai tay bha-ojal paar langhaa-ay. ||34||
O Nanak, the very fortunate ones embark on the Boat of the True Guru; they are carried across the terrifying world-ocean. ||34||

ibnu siqgur dwqw ko nhI jo hir nwmu dyie AwDwru ] (1417-5)
bin satgur daataa ko nahee jo har naam day-ay aaDhaar.
Without the True Guru, there is no giver who can bestow the Support of the Lord's Name.

gur ikrpw qy nwau min vsY sdw rhY auir Dwir ] (1417-5)
gur kirpaa tay naa-o man vasai sadaa rahai ur Dhaar.
By Guru's Grace, the Name comes to dwell in the mind; keep it enshrined in your heart.

iqsnw buJY iqpiq hoie hir kY nwie ipAwir ] (1417-6)
tisnaa bujhai tipat ho-ay har kai naa-ay pi-aar.
The fire of desire is extinguished, and one finds satisfaction, through the Love of the Name of the Lord.

nwnk gurmuiK pweIAY hir ApnI ikrpw Dwir ]35] (1417-6)
naanak gurmukh paa-ee-ai har apnee kirpaa Dhaar. ||35||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh finds the Lord, when He showers His Mercy. ||35||

ibnu sbdY jgqu brilAw khxw kCU n jwie ] (1417-7)
bin sabdai jagat barli-aa kahnaa kachhoo na jaa-ay.
Without the Shabad, the world is so insane, that it cannot even be described.

hir rKy sy aubry sbid rhy ilv lwie ] (1417-7)
har rakhay say ubray sabad rahay liv laa-ay.
Those who are protected by the Lord are saved; they remain lovingly attuned to the Word of the Shabad.

nwnk krqw sB ikCu jwxdw ijin rKI bxq bxwie ]36] (1417-8)
naanak kartaa sabh kichh jaandaa jin rakhee banat banaa-ay. ||36||
O Nanak, the Creator who made this making knows everything. ||36||

hom jg siB qIrQw piV@ pMifq Qky purwx ] (1417-8)
hom jag sabh teerthaa parhH pandit thakay puraan.
The Pandits, the religious scholars, have grown weary of making fire-offerings and sacrifices, making pilgrimages to all the sacred shrines, and reading the Puraanas.

ibKu mwieAw mohu n imteI ivic haumY Awvxu jwxu ] (1417-9)
bikh maa-i-aa moh na mit-ee vich ha-umai aavan jaan.
But they cannot get rid of the poison of emotional attachment to Maya; they continue to come and go in egotism.

siqgur imilAY mlu auqrI hir jipAw purKu sujwxu ] (1417-10)
satgur mili-ai mal utree har japi-aa purakh sujaan.
Meeting with the True Guru, one's filth is washed off, meditating on the Lord, the Primal Being, the All-knowing One.

ijnw hir hir pRBu syivAw jn nwnku sd kurbwxu ]37] (1417-10)
jinaa har har parabh sayvi-aa jan naanak sad kurbaan. ||37||
Servant Nanak is forever a sacrifice to those who serve their Lord God. ||37||

mwieAw mohu bhu icqvdy bhu Awsw loBu ivkwr ] (1417-11)
maa-i-aa moh baho chitvaday baho aasaa lobh vikaar.
Mortals give great thought to Maya and emotional attachment; they harbor great hopes, in greed and corruption.

mnmuiK AsiQru nw QIAY mir ibnis jwie iKn vwr ] (1417-11)
manmukh asthir naa thee-ai mar binas jaa-ay khin vaar.
The self-willed manmukhs do not become steady and stable; they die and are gone in an instant.

vf Bwgu hovY siqguru imlY haumY qjY ivkwr ] (1417-12)
vad bhaag hovai satgur milai ha-umai tajai vikaar.
Only those who are blessed with great good fortune meet the True Guru, and leave behind their egotism and corruption.

hir nwmw jip suKu pwieAw jn nwnk sbdu vIcwr ]38] (1417-12)
har naamaa jap sukh paa-i-aa jan naanak sabad veechaar. ||38||
Chanting the Name of the Lord, they find peace; servant Nanak contemplates the Word of the Shabad. ||38||

ibnu siqgur Bgiq n hoveI nwim n lgY ipAwru ] (1417-13)
bin satgur bhagat na hova-ee naam na lagai pi-aar.
Without the True Guru, there is no devotional worship, and no love of the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

jn nwnk nwmu ArwiDAw gur kY hyiq ipAwir ]39] (1417-14)
jan naanak naam araaDhi-aa gur kai hayt pi-aar. ||39||
Servant Nanak worships and adores the Naam, with love and affection for the Guru. ||39||

loBI kw vyswhu n kIjY jy kw pwir vswie ] (1417-14)
lobhee kaa vaysaahu na keejai jay kaa paar vasaa-ay.
Do not trust greedy people, if you can avoid doing so.

AMiq kwil iqQY DuhY ijQY hQu n pwie ] (1417-15)
ant kaal tithai Dhuhai jithai hath na paa-ay.
At the very last moment, they will deceive you there, where no one will be able to lend a helping hand.

mnmuK syqI sMgu kry muih kwlK dwgu lgwie ] (1417-15)
manmukh saytee sang karay muhi kaalakh daag lagaa-ay.
Whoever associates with the self-willed manmukhs, will have his face blackened and dirtied.

muh kwly iqn@ loBIAW jwsin jnmu gvwie ] (1417-15)
muh kaalay tinH lobhee-aaN jaasan janam gavaa-ay.
Black are the faces of those greedy people; they lose their lives, and leave in disgrace.

sqsMgiq hir myil pRB hir nwmu vsY min Awie ] (1417-16)
satsangat har mayl parabh har naam vasai man aa-ay.
O Lord, let me join the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation; may the Name of the Lord God abide in my mind.

jnm mrn kI mlu auqrY jn nwnk hir gun gwie ]40] (1417-17)
janam maran kee mal utrai jan naanak har gun gaa-ay. ||40||
The filth and pollution of birth and death is washed away, O servant Nanak, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||40||

Duir hir pRiB krqY iliKAw su mytxw n jwie ] (1417-17)
Dhur har parabh kartai likhi-aa so maytnaa na jaa-ay.
Whatever is pre-destined by the Lord God Creator, cannot be erased.

jIau ipMfu sBu iqs dw pRiqpwil kry hir rwie ] (1417-18)
jee-o pind sabh tis daa partipaal karay har raa-ay.
Body and soul are all His. The Sovereign Lord King cherishes all.

cugl inMdk BuKy ruil muey eynw hQu n ikQwaU pwie ] (1417-18)
chugal nindak bhukhay rul mu-ay aynaa hath na kithaa-oo paa-ay.
The gossipers and slanderers shall remain hungry and die, rolling in the dust; their hands cannot reach anywhere.

bwhir pwKMf sB krm krih min ihrdY kptu kmwie ] (1417-19)
baahar pakhand sabh karam karahi man hirdai kapat kamaa-ay.
Outwardly, they do all the proper deeds, but they are hypocrites; in their minds and hearts, they practice deception and fraud.

Kyiq srIir jo bIjIAY so AMiq KloAw Awie ] (1417-19)
khayt sareer jo beejee-ai so ant khalo-aa aa-ay.
Whatever is planted in the farm of the body, shall come and stand before them in the end.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD