Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


gur pRswid pweIAY prmwrQu sqsMgiq syqI mnu Kcnw ] (1404-1)
gur parsaad paa-ee-ai parmaarath satsangat saytee man khachnaa.
By Guru's Grace, the greatest thing is obtained, and the mind is involved with the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation.

kIAw Kylu bf mylu qmwsw vwhgurU qyrI sB rcnw ]3]13]42] (1404-2)
kee-aa khayl bad mayl tamaasaa vaahguroo tayree sabh rachnaa. ||3||13||42||
You have formed and created this play, this great game. O Waahay Guru, this is all Your making. ||3||13||42||

Agmu Anµqu Anwid Awid ijsu koie n jwxY ] (1404-2)
agam anant anaad aad jis ko-ay na jaanai.
The Lord is Inaccessible, Infinite, Eternal and Primordial; no one knows His beginning.

isv ibrMic Dir D´wnu inqih ijsu bydu bKwxY ] (1404-3)
siv biranch Dhar Dhayaan niteh jis bayd bakhaanai.
Shiva and Brahma meditate on Him; the Vedas describe Him again and again.

inrMkwru inrvYru Avru nhI dUsr koeI ] (1404-3)
nirankaar nirvair avar nahee doosar ko-ee.
The Lord is Formless, beyond hate and vengeance; there is no one else like Him.

BMjn gVHx smQu qrx qwrx pRBu soeI ] (1404-4)
bhanjan garhHan samath taran taaran parabh so-ee.
He creates and destroys - He is All-powerful; God is the Boat to carry all across.

nwnw pRkwr ijin jgu kIE jnu mQurw rsnw rsY ] (1404-4)
naanaa parkaar jin jag kee-o jan mathuraa rasnaa rasai.
He created the world in its various aspects; His humble servant Mat'huraa delights in His Praises.

sRI siq nwmu krqw purKu gur rwmdws icqh bsY ]1] (1404-5)
saree sat naam kartaa purakh gur raamdaas chitah basai. ||1||
Sat Naam, the Great and Supreme True Name of God, the Personification of Creativity, dwells in the Consciousness of Guru Raam Daas. ||1||

gurU smrQu gih krIAw DRüv buiD sumiq smHwrn kau ] (1404-5)
guroo samrath geh karee-aa Dharuv buDh sumat samHaaran ka-o.
I have grasped hold of the All-powerful Guru; He has made my mind steady and stable, and embellished me with clear consciousness.

Puin DRMm Dujw PhrMiq sdw AG puMj qrMg invwrn kau ] (1404-6)
fun Dharamm Dhujaa fahrant sadaa agh punj tarang nivaaran ka-o.
And, His Banner of Righteousness waves proudly forever, to defend against the waves of sin.

mQurw jn jwin khI jIA swcu su Aaur kCU n ibcwrn kau ] (1404-7)
mathuraa jan jaan kahee jee-a saach so a-or kachhoo na bichaaran ka-o.
His humble servant Mat'hraa knows this as true, and speaks it from his soul; there is nothing else to consider.

hir nwmu boihQu bfO kil mY Bv swgr pwir auqwrn kau ]2] (1404-7)
har naam bohith badou kal mai bhav saagar paar utaaran ka-o. ||2||
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Lord's Name is the Great Ship, to carry us all across the terrifying world-ocean, safely to the other side. ||2||

sMqq hI sqsMgiq sMg surMg rqy jsu gwvq hY ] (1404-8)
santat hee satsangat sang surang ratay jas gaavat hai.
The Saints dwell in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; imbued with pure celestial love, they sing the Lord's Praises.

DRm pMQu DirE DrnIDr Awip rhy ilv Dwir n Dwvq hY ] (1404-9)
Dharam panth Dhari-o DharneeDhar aap rahay liv Dhaar na Dhaavat hai.
The Support of the Earth has established this Path of Dharma; He Himself remains lovingly attuned to the Lord, and does not wander in distraction.

mQurw Bin Bwg Bly aun@ ky mn ieCq hI Pl pwvq hY ] (1404-9)
mathuraa bhan bhaag bhalay unH kay man ichhat hee fal paavat hai.
So speaks Mat'huraa: those blessed with good fortune receive the fruits of their minds' desires.

riv ky suq ko iqn@ qRwsu khw ju crMn gurU icqu lwvq hY ]3] (1404-10)
rav kay sut ko tinH taraas kahaa jo charann guroo chit laavat hai. ||3||
Those who focus their consciousness on the Guru's Feet, they do not fear the judgement of Dharamraj. ||3||

inrml nwmu suDw prpUrn sbd qrMg pRgitq idn Awgru ] (1404-11)
nirmal naam suDhaa parpooran sabad tarang paragtit din aagar.
The Immaculate, Sacred Pool of the Guru is overflowing with the waves of the Shabad, radiantly revealed in the early hours before the dawn.

gihr gMBIru AQwh Aiq bf suBru sdw sB ibiD rqnwgru ] (1404-11)
gahir gambheer athaah at bad subhar sadaa sabh biDh ratnaagar.
He is Deep and Profound, Unfathomable and utterly Great, eternally overflowing with all sorts of jewels.

sMq mrwl krih kMqUhl iqn jm qRws imitE duK kwgru ] (1404-12)
sant maraal karahi kantoohal tin jam taraas miti-o dukh kaagar.
The Saint-swans celebrate; their fear of death is erased, along with the accounts of their pain.

kljug durq dUir krby kau drsnu gurU sgl suK swgru ]4] (1404-13)
kaljug durat door karbay ka-o darsan guroo sagal sukh saagar. ||4||
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the sins are taken away; the Blessed Vision of the Guru's Darshan is the Ocean of all peace and comfort. ||4||

jw kau muin D´wnu DrY iPrq sgl jug kbhu k koaU pwvY Awqm pRgws kau ] (1404-13)
jaa ka-o mun Dhayaan Dharai firat sagal jug kabahu ka ko-oo paavai aatam pargaas ka-o.
For His Sake, the silent sages meditated and focused their consciousness, wandering all the ages through; rarely, if ever, their souls were enlightened.

byd bwxI sihq ibrMic jsu gwvY jw ko isv muin gih n qjwq kiblws kMau ] (1404-14)
bayd banee sahit biranch jas gaavai jaa ko siv mun geh na tajaat kabilaas kaN-u.
In the Hymns of the Vedas, Brahma sang His Praises; for His Sake, Shiva the silent sage held his place on the Kailaash Mountain.

jw kO jogI jqI isD swiDk Anyk qp jtw jUt ByK kIey iPrq audws kau ] (1404-15)
jaa kou jogee jatee siDh saaDhik anayk tap jataa joot bhaykh kee-ay firat udaas ka-o.
For His Sake, the Yogis, celibates, Siddhas and seekers, the countless sects of fanatics with matted hair wear religious robes, wandering as detached renunciates.

su iqin siqguir suK Bwie ik®pw DwrI jIA nwm kI bfweI deI gur rwmdws kau ]5] (1404-16)
so tin satgur sukh bhaa-ay kirpaa Dhaaree jee-a naam kee badaa-ee da-ee gur raamdaas ka-o. ||5||
That True Guru, by the Pleasure of His Will, showered His Mercy upon all beings, and blessed Guru Raam Daas with the Glorious Greatness of the Naam. ||5||

nwmu inDwnu iDAwn AMqrgiq qyj puMj iqhu log pRgwsy ] (1404-17)
naam niDhaan Dhi-aan antargat tayj punj tihu log pargaasay.
He focuses His Meditation deep within; the Embodiment of Light, He illuminates the three worlds.

dyKq drsu Btik BRmu Bjq duK prhir suK shj ibgwsy ] (1404-18)
daykhat daras bhatak bharam bhajat dukh parhar sukh sahj bigaasay.
Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, doubt runs away, pain is eradicated, and celestial peace spontaneously wells up.

syvk isK sdw Aiq luiBq Ail smUh ijau kusm subwsy ] (1404-18)
sayvak sikh sadaa at lubhit al samooh ji-o kusam subaasay.
The selfless servants and Sikhs are always totally captivated by it, like bumble bees lured by the fragrance of the flower.

ibd´mwn guir Awip Qp´au iQru swcau qKqu gurU rwmdwsY ]6] (1404-19)
bid-yamaan gur aap thap-ya-o thir saacha-o takhat guroo raamdaasai. ||6||
The Guru Himself established the Eternal Throne of Truth, in Guru Raam Daas. ||6||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD