Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


byvjIr bfy DIr Drm AMg AlK Agm Kylu kIAw AwpxY auCwih jIau ] (1403-1)
bayvjeer baday Dheer Dharam ang alakh agam khayl kee-aa aapnai uchhaahi jee-o.
You have no advisors, You are so very patient; You are the Upholder of the Dharma, unseen and unfathomable. You have staged the play of the Universe with joy and delight.

AkQ kQw kQI n jwie qIin lok rihAw smwie suqh isD rUpu DirE swhn kY swih jIau ] (1403-1)
akath kathaa kathee na jaa-ay teen lok rahi-aa samaa-ay sutah siDh roop Dhari-o saahan kai saahi jee-o.
No one can speak Your Unspoken Speech. You are pervading the three worlds. You assume the form of spiritual perfection, O King of kings.

siq swcu sRI invwsu Awid purKu sdw quhI vwihgurU vwihgurU vwihgurU vwih jIau ]3]8] (1403-2)
sat saach saree nivaas aad purakh sadaa tuhee vaahiguroo vaahiguroo vaahiguroo vaahi jee-o. ||3||8||
You are forever True, the Home of Excellence, the Primal Supreme Being. Waahay Guru, Waahay Guru, Waahay Guru, Waahay Jee-o. ||3||8||

siqgurU siqgurU siqguru guibMd jIau ] (1403-3)
satguroo satguroo satgur gubind jee-o.
The True Guru, the True Guru, the True Guru is the Lord of the Universe Himself.

bilih Cln sbl mln Bigœ Pln kwn@ kuAr inhklµk bjI fMk cVH¨ dl rivMd jIau ] (1403-4)
balihi chhalan sabal malan bhagat falan kaanH ku-ar nihklank bajee dank charhhoo dal ravind jee-o.
Enticer of Baliraja, who smothers the mighty, and fulfills the devotees; the Prince Krishna, and Kalki; the thunder of His army and the beat of His drum echoes across the Universe.

rwm rvx durq dvx skl Bvx kusl krx srb BUq Awip hI dyvwiD dyv shs muK PinMd jIau ] (1403-5)
raam ravan durat davan sakal bhavan kusal karan sarab bhoot aap hee dayvaaDh dayv sahas mukh fanind jee-o.
The Lord of contemplation, Destroyer of sin, who brings pleasure to the beings of all realms, He Himself is the God of gods, Divinity of the divine, the thousand-headed king cobra.

jrm krm mC kC huA brwh jmunw kY kUil Kylu KyilE ijin igMd jIau ] (1403-6)
jaram karam machh kachh hu-a baraah jamunaa kai kool khayl khayli-o jin binn jee-o.
He took birth in the Incarnations of the Fish, Tortoise and Wild Boar, and played His part. He played games on the banks of the Jamunaa River.

nwmu swru hIey Dwru qju ibkwru mn gXMd siqgurU siqgurU siqgur guibMd jIau ]4]9] (1403-7)
naam saar hee-ay Dhaar taj bikaar man ga-yand satguroo satguroo satgur gubind jee-o. ||4||9||
Enshrine this most excellent Name within your heart, and renounce the wickedness of the mind, O Gayand the True Guru, the True Guru, the True Guru is the Lord of the Universe Himself. ||4||9||

isrI gurU isrI gurU isrI gurU siq jIau ] (1403-8)
siree guroo siree guroo siree guroo sat jee-o.
The Supreme Guru, the Supreme Guru, the Supreme Guru, the True, Dear Lord.

gur kihAw mwnu inj inDwnu scu jwnu mMqRü iehY inis bwsur hoie kl´wnu lhih prm giq jIau ] (1403-8)
gur kahi-aa maan nij niDhaan sach jaan mantar ihai nis baasur ho-ay kal-yaan laheh param gat jee-o.
Respect and obey the Guru's Word; this is your own personal treasure - know this mantra as true. Night and day, you shall be saved, and blessed with the supreme status.

kwmu k®oDu loBu mohu jx jx isau Cwfu Dohu haumY kw PMDu kwtu swDsMig riq jIau ] (1403-9)
kaam kroDh lobh moh jan jan si-o chhaad Dhohu ha-umai kaa fanDh kaat saaDhsang rat jee-o.
Renounce sexual desire, anger, greed and attachment; give up your games of deception. Snap the noose of egotism, and let yourself be at home in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

dyh gyhu iqRA snyhu icq iblwsu jgq eyhu crn kml sdw syau idRVqw kru miq jIau ] (1403-10)
dayh gayhu tari-a sanayhu chit bilaas jagat ayhu charan kamal sadaa say-o darirh-taa kar mat jee-o.
Free your consciousness of attachment to your body, your home, your spouse, and the pleasures of this world. Serve forever at His Lotus Feet, and firmly implant these teachings within.

nwmu swru hIey Dwru qju ibkwru mn gXMd isrI gurU isrI gurU isrI gurU siq jIau ]5]10] (1403-11)
naam saar hee-ay Dhaar taj bikaar man ga-yand siree guroo siree guroo siree guroo sat jee-o. ||5||10||
Enshrine this most excellent Name within your heart, and renounce the wickedness of the mind, O Gayand. the Supreme Guru, the Supreme Guru, the Supreme Guru, the True, Dear Lord. ||5||10||

syvk kY BrpUr jugu jugu vwhgurU qyrw sBu sdkw ] (1403-12)
sayvak kai bharpoor jug jug vaahguroo tayraa sabh sadkaa.
Your servants are totally fulfilled, throughout the ages; O Waahay Guru, it is all You, forever.

inrMkwru pRBu sdw slwmiq kih n skY koaU qU kd kw ] (1403-13)
nirankaar parabh sadaa salaamat kahi na sakai ko-oo too kad kaa.
O Formless Lord God, You are eternally intact; no one can say how You came into being.

bRhmw ibsnu isry qY Agnq iqn kau mohu BXw mn md kw ] (1403-13)
barahmaa bisan siray tai agnat tin ka-o moh bha-yaa man mad kaa.
You created countless Brahmas and Vishnus; their minds were intoxicated with emotional attachment.

cvrwsIh lK join aupweI irjku dIAw sB hU kau qd kw ] (1403-14)
chavraaseeh lakh jon upaa-ee rijak dee-aa sabh hoo ka-o tad kaa.
You created the 8.4 million species of beings, and provide for their sustanance.

syvk kY BrpUr jugu jugu vwhgurU qyrw sBu sdkw ]1]11] (1403-15)
sayvak kai bharpoor jug jug vaahguroo tayraa sabh sadkaa. ||1||11||
Your servants are totally fulfilled, throughout the ages; O Waahay Guru, it is all You, forever. ||1||11||

vwhu vwhu kw bfw qmwsw ] (1403-15)
vaahu vaahu kaa badaa tamaasaa.
Waaho! Waaho! Great! Great is the Play of God!

Awpy hsY Awip hI icqvY Awpy cMdu sUru prgwsw ] (1403-16)
aapay hasai aap hee chitvai aapay chand soor pargaasaa.
He Himself laughs, and He Himself thinks; He Himself illumines the sun and the moon.

Awpy jlu Awpy Qlu QMm@nu Awpy kIAw Git Git bwsw ] (1403-16)
aapay jal aapay thal thamHan aapay kee-aa ghat ghat baasaa.
He Himself is the water, He Himself is the earth and its support. He Himself abides in each and every heart.

Awpy nru Awpy Puin nwrI Awpy swir Awp hI pwsw ] (1403-17)
aapay nar aapay fun naaree aapay saar aap hee paasaa.
He Himself is male, and He Himself is female; He Himself is the chessman, and He Himself is the board.

gurmuiK sMgiq sBY ibcwrhu vwhu vwhu kw bfw qmwsw ]2]12] (1403-17)
gurmukh sangat sabhai bichaarahu vaahu vaahu kaa badaa tamaasaa. ||2||12||
As Gurmukh, join the Sangat, and consider all this: Waaho! Waaho! Great! Great is the Play of God! ||2||12||

kIAw Kylu bf mylu qmwsw vwihgurU qyrI sB rcnw ] (1403-18)
kee-aa khayl bad mayl tamaasaa vaahiguroo tayree sabh rachnaa.
You have formed and created this play, this great game. O Waahay Guru, this is all You, forever.

qU jil Qil ggin pXwil pUir rh´w AMimRq qy mITy jw ky bcnw ] (1403-19)
too jal thal gagan pa-yaal poor rah-yaa amrit tay meethay jaa kay bachnaa.
You are pervading and permeating the water, land, skies and nether regions; Your Words are sweeter than Ambrosial Nectar.

mwnih bRhmwidk rudRwidk kwl kw kwlu inrMjn jcnw ] (1403-19)
maaneh barahmaadik rudraadik kaal kaa kaal niranjan jachnaa.
Brahmas and Shivas respect and obey You. O Death of death, Formless Lord, I beg of You.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD