Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


siqguru guru syiv AlK giq jw kI sRI rwmdwsu qwrx qrxM ]2] (1402-1)
satgur gur sayv alakh gat jaa kee saree raamdaas taaran tarnaN. ||2||
So serve the Guru, the True Guru; His ways and means are inscrutable. The Great Guru Raam Daas is the Boat to carry us across. ||2||

sMswru Agm swgru qulhw hir nwmu gurU muiK pwXw ] (1402-1)
sansaar agam saagar tulhaa har naam guroo mukh paa-yaa.
The Name of the Lord, from the Mouth of the Guru, is the Raft to cross over the unfathomable world-ocean.

jig jnm mrxu Bgw ieh AweI hIAY prqIiq ] (1402-2)
jag janam maran bhagaa ih aa-ee hee-ai parteet.
The cycle of birth and death in this world is ended for those who have this faith in their hearts.

prqIiq hIAY AweI ijn jn kY iqn@ kau pdvI auc BeI ] (1402-3)
parteet hee-ai aa-ee jin jan kai tinH ka-o padvee uch bha-ee.
Those humble beings who have this faith in their hearts, are awarded the highest status.

qij mwieAw mohu loBu Aru lwlcu kwm k®oD kI ibRQw geI ] (1402-3)
taj maa-i-aa moh lobh ar laalach kaam kroDh kee baritha ga-ee.
They forsake Maya, emotional attachment and greed; they are rid of the frustrations of possessiveness, sexual desire and anger.

Avlok´w bRhmu Brmu sBu Cutk´w idb´ idRis† kwrx krxM ] (1402-4)
avlok-yaa barahm bharam sabh chhut-yaa dib-y darisat kaaran karnaN.
They are blessed with the Inner Vision to see God, the Cause of causes, and all their doubts are dispelled.

siqguru guru syiv AlK giq jw kI sRI rwmdwsu qwrx qrxM ]3] (1402-4)
satgur gur sayv alakh gat jaa kee saree raamdaas taaran tarnaN. ||3||
So serve the Guru, the True Guru; His ways and means are inscrutable. The Great Guru Raam Daas is the Boat to carry us across. ||3||

prqwpu sdw gur kw Git Git prgwsu BXw jsu jn kY ] (1402-5)
partaap sadaa gur kaa ghat ghat pargaas bha-yaa jas jan kai.
The Glorious Greatness of the Guru is manifest forever in each and every heart. His humble servants sing His Praises.

ieik pVih suxih gwvih prBwiqih krih ies˜wnu ] (1402-6)
ik parheh suneh gaavahi parbhaatihi karahi isnaan.
Some read and listen and sing of Him, taking their cleansing bath in the early hours of the morning before the dawn.

ies˜wnu krih prBwiq suD min gur pUjw ibiD sihq krM ] (1402-6)
isnaan karahi parbhaat suDh man gur poojaa biDh sahit karaN.
After their cleansing bath in the hours before the dawn, they worship the Guru with their minds pure and clear.

kMcnu qnu hoie pris pwrs kau joiq srUpI D´wnu DrM ] (1402-7)
kanchan tan ho-ay paras paaras ka-o jot saroopee Dhayaan DharaN.
Touching the Philosopher's Stone, their bodies are transformed into gold. They focus their meditation on the Embodiment of Divine Light.

jgjIvnu jgMnwQu jl Ql mih rihAw pUir bhu ibiD brnľ ] (1402-8)
jagjeevan jagannaath jal thal meh rahi-aa poor baho biDh baranaN.
The Master of the Universe, the very Life of the World pervades the sea and the land, manifesting Himself in myriads of ways.

siqguru guru syiv AlK giq jw kI sRI rwmdwsu qwrx qrxM ]4] (1402-8)
satgur gur sayv alakh gat jaa kee saree raamdaas taaran tarnaN. ||4||
So serve the Guru, the True Guru; His ways and means are inscrutable. The Great Guru Raam Daas is the Boat to carry us across. ||4||

ijnhu bwq insçl DR¨A jwnI qyeI jIv kwl qy bcw ] (1402-9)
jinahu baat nischal Dharoo-a jaanee tay-ee jeev kaal tay bachaa.
Those who realize the Eternal, Unchanging Word of God, like Dhroo, are immune to death.

iqn@ qirE smudRü rudRü iKn iek mih jlhr ibMb jugiq jgu rcw ] (1402-9)
tinH tari-o samudar rudar khin ik meh jalhar bimb jugat jag rachaa.
They cross over the terrifying world-ocean in an instant; the Lord created the world like a bubble of water.

kuMflnI surJI sqsMgiq prmwnľd gurU muiK mcw ] (1402-10)
kundlanee surjhee satsangat parmaanand guroo mukh machaa.
The Kundalini rises in the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation; through the Word of the Guru, they enjoy the Lord of Supreme Bliss.

isrI gurU swihbu sB aUpir mn bc k®Mm syvIAY scw ]5] (1402-11)
siree guroo saahib sabh oopar man bach krem sayvee-ai sachaa. ||5||
The Supreme Guru is the Lord and Master over all; so serve the True Guru, in thought, word and deed. ||5||

vwihgurU vwihgurU vwihgurU vwih jIau ] (1402-11)
vaahiguroo vaahiguroo vaahiguroo vaahi jee-o.
Waahay Guru, Waahay Guru, Waahay Guru, Waahay Jee-o.

kvl nYn mDur bYn koit sYn sMg soB khq mw jsod ijsih dhI Bwqu Kwih jIau ] (1402-12)
kaval nain maDhur bain kot sain sang sobh kahat maa jasod jisahi dahee bhaat khaahi jee-o.
You are lotus-eyed, with sweet speech, exalted and embellished with millions of companions. Mother Yashoda invited You as Krishna to eat the sweet rice.

dyiK rUpu Aiq AnUpu moh mhw mg BeI ikMknI sbd Jnqkwr Kylu pwih jIau ] (1402-13)
daykh roop at anoop moh mahaa mag bha-ee kinknee sabad jhanatkaar khayl paahi jee-o.
Gazing upon Your supremely beautiful form, and hearing the musical sounds of Your silver bells tinkling, she was intoxicated with delight.

kwl klm hukmu hwiQ khhu kaunu myit skY eIsu bMm´ü g´wnu D´wnu Drq hIAY cwih jIau ] (1402-14)
kaal kalam hukam haath kahhu ka-un mayt sakai ees bamm-yu ga-yaan Dhayaan Dharat hee-ai chaahi jee-o.
Death's pen and command are in Your hands. Tell me, who can erase it? Shiva and Brahma yearn to enshrine Your spiritual wisdom in their hearts.

siq swcu sRI invwsu Awid purKu sdw quhI vwihgurU vwihgurU vwihgurU vwih jIau ]1]6] (1402-14)
sat saach saree nivaas aad purakh sadaa tuhee vaahiguroo vaahiguroo vaahiguroo vaahi jee-o. ||1||6||
You are forever True, the Home of Excellence, the Primal Supreme Being. Waahay Guru, Waahay Guru, Waahay Guru, Waahay Jee-o. ||1||6||

rwm nwm prm Dwm suD buD inrIkwr bysumwr srbr kau kwih jIau ] (1402-15)
raam naam param Dhaam suDh buDh nireekaar baysumaar sarbar ka-o kaahi jee-o.
You are blessed with the Lord's Name, the supreme mansion, and clear understanding. You are the Formless, Infinite Lord; who can compare to You?

suQr icq Bgq ihq ByKu DirE hrnwKsu hirE nK ibdwir jIau ] (1402-16)
suthar chit bhagat hit bhaykh Dhari-o harnaakhas hari-o nakh bidaar jee-o.
For the sake of the pure-hearted devotee Prahlaad, You took the form of the man-lion, to tear apart and destroy Harnaakhash with your claws.

sMK ck® gdw pdm Awip Awpu kIE Cdm AprMpr pwrbRhm lKY kaunu qwih jIau ] (1402-17)
sankh chakar gadaa padam aap aap kee-o chhadam aprampar paarbarahm lakhai ka-un taahi jee-o.
You are the Infinite Supreme Lord God; with your symbols of power, You deceived Baliraja; who can know You?

siq swcu sRI invwsu Awid purKu sdw quhI vwihgurU vwihgurU vwihgurU vwih jIau ]2]7] (1402-18)
sat saach saree nivaas aad purakh sadaa tuhee vaahiguroo vaahiguroo vaahiguroo vaahi jee-o. ||2||7||
You are forever True, the Home of Excellence, the Primal Supreme Being. Waahay Guru, Waahay Guru, Waahay Guru, Waahay Jee-o. ||2||7||

pIq bsn kuMd dsn ipRA sihq kMT mwl muktu sIis mor pMK cwih jIau ] (1402-19)
peet basan kund dasan pari-a sahit kanth maal mukat sees mor pankh chaahi jee-o.
As Krishna, You wear yellow robes, with teeth like jasmine flowers; You dwell with Your lovers, with Your mala around Your neck, and You joyfully adorn Your head with the crow of peacock feathers.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD