Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


gurU guru guru krhu gurU hir pweIAY ] (1401-1)
guroo gur gur karahu guroo har paa-ee-ai.
Chant Guru, Guru, Guru; through the Guru, the Lord is obtained.

audiD guru gihr gMBIr byAMqu hir nwm ng hIr mix imlq ilv lweIAY ] (1401-1)
udaDh gur gahir gambheer bay-ant har naam nag heer man milat liv laa-ee-ai.
The Guru is an Ocean, deep and profound, infinite and unfathomable. Lovingly attuned to the Lord's Name, you shall be blessed with jewels, diamonds and emeralds.

Puin gurU prml srs krq kMcnu prs mYlu durmiq ihrq sbid guru D´weIAY ] (1401-2)
fun guroo parmal saras karat kanchan paras mail durmat hirat sabad gur Dha-yaa-ee-ai.
And, the Guru makes us fragrant and fruitful, and His Touch transforms us into gold. The filth of evil-mindedness is washed away, meditating on the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

AMimRq prvwh CutkMq sd dÍwir ijsu g´wn gur ibml sr sMq isK nweIAY ] (1401-3)
amrit parvaah chhutkant sad davaar jis ga-yaan gur bimal sar sant sikh naa-ee-ai.
The Stream of Ambrosial Nectar flows constantly from His Door. The Saints and Sikhs bathe in the immaculate pool of the Guru's spiritual wisdom.

nwmu inrbwxu inDwnu hir auir Drhu gurU guru guru krhu gurU hir pweIAY ]3]15] (1401-4)
naam nirbaan niDhaan har ur Dharahu guroo gur gur karahu guroo har paa-ee-ai. ||3||15||
Enshrine the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within your heart, and dwell in Nirvaanaa. Chant Guru, Guru, Guru; through the Guru, the Lord is obtained. ||3||15||

gurU guru gurU guru gurU jpu mMn ry ] (1401-5)
guroo gur guroo gur guroo jap man ray.
Chant Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, O my mind.

jw kI syv isv isD swiDk sur Asur gx qrih qyqIs gur bcn suix kMn ry ] (1401-5)
jaa kee sayv siv siDh saaDhik sur asur gan tareh taytees gur bachan sun kann ray.
Serving Him, Shiva and the Siddhas, the angels and demons and servants of the gods, and the thrity-three million gods cross over, listening to the Word of the Guru's Teachings.

Puin qrih qy sMq ihq Bgq guru guru krih qirE pRhlwdu gur imlq muin jMn ry ] (1401-6)
fun tareh tay sant hit bhagat gur gur karahi tari-o parahlaad gur milat mun jann ray.
And, the Saints and loving devotees are carried across, chanting Guru, Guru. Prahlaad and the silent sages met the Guru, and were carried across.

qrih nwrdwid snkwid hir gurmuKih qrih iek nwm lig qjhu rs AMn ry ] (1401-7)
tareh naardaad sankaad har gurmukheh tareh ik naam lag tajahu ras ann ray.
Naarad and Sanak and those men of God who became Gurmukh were carried across; attached to the One Name, they abandoned other tastes and pleasures, and were carried across.

dwsu byniq khY nwmu gurmuiK lhY gurU guru gurU guru gurU jpu mMn ry ]4]16]29] (1401-8)
daas baynat kahai naam gurmukh lahai guroo gur guroo gur guroo jap man ray. ||4||16||29||
This is the prayer of the Lord's humble slave: the Gurmukh obtains the Naam, the Name of the Lord, chanting Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, O my mind. ||4||16||29||

isrI gurU swihbu sB aUpir ] (1401-9)
siree guroo saahib sabh oopar.
The Great, Supreme Guru showered His Mercy upon all;

krI ik®pw sqjuig ijin DR¨ pir ] (1401-9)
karee kirpaa satjug jin Dharoo par.
in the Golden Age of Sat Yuga, He blessed Dhroo.

sRI pRhlwd Bgq auDrIAM ] (1401-9)
saree parahlaad bhagat uDhree-aN.
He saved the devotee Prahlaad,

hsœ kml mwQy pr DrIAM ] (1401-10)
hast kamal maathay par Dharee-aN.
placing the Lotus of His Hand upon his forehead.

AlK rUp jIA lK´w n jweI ] (1401-10)
alakh roop jee-a lakh-yaa na jaa-ee.
The Unseen Form of the Lord cannot be seen.

swiDk isD sgl srxweI ] (1401-10)
saaDhik siDh sagal sarnaa-ee.
The Siddhas and seekers all seek His Sanctuary.

gur ky bcn siq jIA Dwrhu ] (1401-10)
gur kay bachan sat jee-a Dhaarahu.
True are the Words of the Guru's teachings. Enshrine them in your soul.

mwxs jnmu dyh insœwrhu ] (1401-11)
maanas janam dayh nistaarahu.
Emancipate your body, and redeem this human incarnation.

guru jhwju Kyvtu gurU gur ibnu qirAw n koie ] (1401-11)
gur jahaaj khayvat guroo gur bin tari-aa na ko-ay.
The Guru is the Boat, and the Guru is the Boatman. Without the Guru, no one can cross over.

gur pRswid pRBu pweIAY gur ibnu mukiq n hoie ] (1401-12)
gur parsaad parabh paa-ee-ai gur bin mukat na ho-ay.
By Guru's Grace, God is obtained. Without the Guru, no one is liberated.

guru nwnku inkit bsY bnvwrI ] (1401-12)
gur naanak nikat basai banvaaree.
Guru Nanak dwells near the Creator Lord.

iqin lhxw Qwip joiq jig DwrI ] (1401-12)
tin lahnaa thaap jot jag Dhaaree.
He established Lehnaa as Guru, and enshrined His Light in the world.

lhxY pMQu Drm kw kIAw ] (1401-13)
lahnai panth Dharam kaa kee-aa.
Lehnaa established the path of righteousness and Dharma,

Amrdws Bly kau dIAw ] (1401-13)
amardaas bhalay ka-o dee-aa.
which He passed on to Guru Amar Daas, of the Bhalla dynasty.

iqin sRI rwmdwsu soFI iQru Qp´au ] (1401-13)
tin saree raamdaas sodhee thir thap-ya-o.
Then, He firmly established the Great Raam Daas of the Sodhi dynasty.

hir kw nwmu AKY iniD Ap´au ] (1401-14)
har kaa naam akhai niDh ap-ya-o.
He was blessed with the inexhaustible treasure of the Lord's Name.

Ap´au hir nwmu AKY iniD chu juig gur syvw kir Plu lhIAM ] (1401-14)
ap-ya-o har naam akhai niDh chahu jug gur sayvaa kar fal lahee-aN.
He was blessed with the treasure of the Lord's Name; throughout the four ages, it is inexhaustible. Serving the Guru, He received His reward.

bMdih jo crx srix suKu pwvih prmwnµd gurmuiK khIAM ] (1401-15)
bandeh jo charan saran sukh paavahi parmaanand gurmukh kahee-aN.
Those who bow at His Feet and seek His Sanctuary, are blessed with peace; those Gurmukhs are blessed with supreme bliss.

prqiK dyh pwrbRhmu suAwmI Awid rUip poKx BrxM ] (1401-15)
partakh dayh paarbarahm su-aamee aad roop pokhan bharnaN.
The Guru's Body is the Embodiment of the Supreme Lord God, our Lord and Master, the Form of the Primal Being, who nourishes and cherishes all.

siqguru guru syiv AlK giq jw kI sRI rwmdwsu qwrx qrxM ]1] (1401-16)
satgur gur sayv alakh gat jaa kee saree raamdaas taaran tarnaN. ||1||
So serve the Guru, the True Guru; His ways and means are inscrutable. The Great Guru Raam Daas is the Boat to carry us across. ||1||

ijh AMimRq bcn bwxI swDU jn jpih kir ibiciq cwE ] (1401-17)
jih amrit bachan banee saaDhoo jan jaapeh kar bichit chaa-o.
The Holy people chant the Ambrosial Words of His Bani with delight in their minds.

Awnµdu inq mMglu gur drsnu sPlu sMswir ] (1401-17)
aanand nit mangal gur darsan safal sansaar.
The Blessed Vision of the Guru's Darshan is fruitful and rewarding in this world; it brings lasting bliss and joy.

sMswir sPlu gMgw gur drsnu prsn prm pivqR gqy ] (1401-18)
sansaar safal gangaa gur darsan parsan param pavitar gatay.
The Guru's Darshan is fruitful and rewarding in this world, like the Ganges. Meeting Him, the supreme sacred status is obtained.

jIqih jm loku piqq jy pRwxI hir jn isv gur g´win rqy ] (1401-19)
jeeteh jam lok patit jay paraanee har jan siv gur ga-yaan ratay.
Even sinful people conquer the realm of Death, if they become the Lord's humble servants, and are imbued with the Guru's spiritual wisdom.

rGubMis iqlku suMdru dsrQ Gir muin bMCih jw kI srxM ] (1401-19)
raghubans tilak sundar dasrath ghar mun banchheh jaa kee sarnaN.
He is certified, like the handsome Ram Chander in the house of Dasrath of the Raghwa dynasty. Even the silent sages seek His Sanctuary.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD