Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


qwrx qrx smRQu kiljuig sunq smwiD sbd ijsu kyry ] (1400-1)
taaran taran samrath kalijug sunat samaaDh sabad jis kayray.
The All-powerful Guru is the Boat to carry us across in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. Hearing the Word of His Shabad, we are transported into Samaadhi.

Puin duKin nwsu suKdwXku sUrau jo Drq iDAwnu bsq iqh nyry ] (1400-1)
fun dukhan naas sukh-daa-yak soora-o jo Dharat Dhi-aan basat tih nayray.
He is the Spiritual Hero who destroys pain and brings peace. Whoever meditates on Him, dwells near Him.

pUrau purKu irdY hir ismrq muKu dyKq AG jwih pryry ] (1400-2)
poora-o purakh ridai har simrat mukh daykhat agh jaahi parayray.
He is the Perfect Primal Being, who meditates in remembrance on the Lord within his heart; seeing His Face, sins run away.

jau hir buiD iriD isiD cwhq gurU gurU guru kru mn myry ]5]9] (1400-3)
ja-o har buDh riDh siDh chaahat guroo guroo gur kar man mayray. ||5||9||
If you long for wisdom, wealth, spiritual perfection and properity, O my mind, dwell upon the Guru, the Guru, the Guru. ||5||9||

gurU muKu dyiK grU suKu pwXau ] (1400-3)
guroo mukh daykh garoo sukh paa-ya-o.
Gazing upon the Face of the Guru, I find peace.

huqI ju ipAws ipaUs ipvMn kI bMCq isiD kau ibiD imlwXau ] (1400-4)
hutee jo pi-aas pi-oos pivann kee banchhat siDh ka-o biDh milaa-ya-o.
I was thirsty, yearning to drink in the Nectar; to fulfill that wish, the Guru laid out the way.

pUrn Bo mn Taur bso rs bwsn isau ju dhM idis DwXau ] (1400-4)
pooran bho man tha-ur baso ras baasan si-o jo dahaN dis Dhaa-ya-o.
My mind has become perfect; it dwells in the Lord's Place; it had been wandering in all directions, in its desire for tastes and pleasures.

goibMd vwlu goibMd purI sm jlŽn qIir ibpws bnwXau ] (1400-5)
gobind vaal gobind puree sam jal-yan teer bipaas banaa-ya-o.
Goindwal is the City of God, built on the bank of the Beas River.

gXau duKu dUir brKn ko su gurU muKu dyiK grU suKu pwXau ]6]10] (1400-5)
ga-ya-o dukh door barkhan ko so guroo mukh daykh garoo sukh paa-ya-o. ||6||10||
The pains of so many years have been taken away; gazing upon the Face of the Guru, I find peace. ||6||10||

smrQ gurU isir hQu DrŽau ] (1400-6)
samrath guroo sir hath Dhar-ya-o.
The All-powerful Guru placed His hand upon my head.

guir kInI ik®pw hir nwmu dIAau ijsu dyiK crMn AGMn hrŽau ] (1400-6)
gur keenee kirpaa har naam dee-a-o jis daykh charann aghann har-ya-o.
The Guru was kind, and blessed me with the Lord's Name. Gazing upon His Feet, my sins were dispelled.

inis bwsur eyk smwn iDAwn su nwm suny suqu Bwn frŽau ] (1400-7)
nis baasur ayk samaan Dhi-aan so naam sunay sut bhaan dar-ya-o.
Night and day, the Guru meditates on the One Lord; hearing His Name, the Messenger of Death is scared away.

Bin dws su Aws jgqR gurU kI pwrsu Byit prsu krŽau ] (1400-8)
bhan daas so aas jagtar guroo kee paaras bhayt paras kar-ya-o.
So speaks the Lord's slave: Guru Raam Daas placed His Faith in Guru Amar Daas, the Guru of the World; touching the Philosopher's Stone, He was transformed into the Philosopher's Stone.

rwmdwsu gurU hir siq kIXau smrQ gurU isir hQu DrŽau ]7]11] (1400-8)
raamdaas guroo har sat kee-ya-o samrath guroo sir hath Dhar-ya-o. ||7||11||
Guru Raam Daas recognized the Lord as True; the All-powerful Guru placed His hand upon His head. ||7||11||

Ab rwKhu dws Bwt kI lwj ] (1400-9)
ab raakho daas bhaat kee laaj.
Now, please preserve the honor of Your humble slave.

jYsI rwKI lwj Bgq pRihlwd kI hrnwKs Pwry kr Awj ] (1400-9)
jaisee raakhee laaj bhagat par-hilaad kee harnaakhas faaray kar aaj.
God saved the honor of the devotee Prahlaad, when Harnaakhash tore him apart with his claws.

Puin dRopqI lwj rKI hir pRB jI CInq bsqR dIn bhu swj ] (1400-10)
fun daropatee laaj rakhee har parabh jee chheenat bastar deen baho saaj.
And the Dear Lord God saved the honor of Dropadi; when her clothes were stripped from her, she was blessed with even more.

sodwmw Apdw qy rwiKAw ginkw pVHq pUry iqh kwj ] (1400-11)
sodaamaa apdaa tay raakhi-aa ganikaa parhHat pooray tih kaaj.
Sudaamaa was saved from misfortune; and Ganikaa the prostitute - when she chanted Your Name, her affairs were perfectly resolved.

sRI siqgur supRsMn kljug hoie rwKhu dws Bwt kI lwj ]8]12] (1400-11)
saree satgur suparsan kaljug ho-ay raakho daas bhaat kee laaj. ||8||12||
O Great True Guru, if it pleases You, please save the honor of Your slave in this Dark Age of kali Yuga. ||8||12||

Jolnw ] (1400-12)

gurU guru gurU guru gurU jpu pRwnIAhu ] (1400-12)
guroo gur guroo gur guroo jap paraanee-ahu.
Chant Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, O mortal beings.

sbdu hir hir jpY nwmu nv iniD ApY rsin Aihinis rsY siq kir jwnIAhu ] (1400-13)
sabad har har japai naam nav niDh apai rasan ahinis rasai sat kar jaanee-ahu.
Chant the Shabad, the Word of the Lord, Har, Har; the Naam, the Name of the Lord, brings the nine treasures. With your tongue, taste it, day and night, and know it as true.

Puin pRym rMg pweIAY gurmuKih iDAweIAY AMn mwrg qjhu Bjhu hir gŽwnIAhu ] (1400-13)
fun paraym rang paa-ee-ai gurmukheh Dhi-aa-ee-ai ann maarag tajahu bhajahu har gayaanee-ahu.
Then, you shall obtain His Love and Affection; become Gurmukh, and meditate on Him. Give up all other ways; vibrate and meditate on Him, O spiritual people.

bcn gur irid Drhu pMc BU bis krhu jnmu kul auDrhu dÍwir hir mwnIAhu ] (1400-14)
bachan gur rid Dharahu panch bhoo bas karahu janam kul uDhrahu davaar har maanee-ahu.
Enshrine the Word of the Guru's Teachings within your heart, and overpower the five passions. Your life, and your generations, shall be saved, and you shall be honored at the Lord's Door.

jau q sB suK ieq auq qum bMCvhu gurU guru gurU guru gurU jpu pRwnIAhu ]1]13] (1400-15)
ja-o ta sabh sukh it ut tum banchhvahu guroo gur guroo gur guroo jap paraanee-ahu. ||1||13||
If you desire all the peace and comforts of this world and the next, then chant Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, O mortal beings. ||1||13||

gurU guru gurU guru gurU jip siq kir ] (1400-16)
guroo gur guroo gur guroo jap sat kar.
Chant Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, and know Him as true.

Agm gun jwnu inDwnu hir min Drhu DŽwnu Aihinis krhu bcn gur irdY Dir ] (1400-16)
agam gun jaan niDhaan har man Dharahu Dhayaan ahinis karahu bachan gur ridai Dhar.
Know that the Lord is the Treasure of Excellence. Enshrine Him in your mind, and meditate on Him. Enshrine the Word of the Guru's Teachings within your heart.

Puin gurU jl ibml AQwh mjnu krhu sMq gurisK qrhu nwm sc rMg sir ] (1400-17)
fun guroo jal bimal athaah majan karahu sant gursikh tarahu naam sach rang sar.
Then, cleanse yourself in the Immaculate and Unfathomable Water of the Guru; O Gursikhs and Saints, cross over the Ocean of Love of the True Name.

sdw inrvYru inrMkwru inrBau jpY pRym gur sbd ris krq idRVu Bgiq hir ] (1400-18)
sadaa nirvair nirankaar nirbha-o japai paraym gur sabad ras karat darirh bhagat har.
Meditate lovingly forever on the Lord, free of hate and vengeance, Formless and Fearless; lovingly savor the Word of the Guru's Shabad, and implant devotional worship of the Lord deep within.

mugD mn BRmu qjhu nwmu gurmuiK Bjhu gurU guru gurU guru gurU jpu siq kir ]2]14] (1400-19)
mugaDh man bharam tajahu naam gurmukh bhajahu guroo gur guroo gur guroo jap sat kar. ||2||14||
O foolish mind, give up your doubts; as Gurmukh, vibrate and meditate on the Naam. Chant Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, and know Him as true. ||2||14||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD