Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


nl´ kiv pwrs prs kc kMcnw huie cMdnw subwsu jwsu ismrq An qr ] (1399-1)
nal-y kav paaras paras kach kanchnaa hu-ay chandnaa subaas jaas simrat an tar.
So speaks NALL the poet: touching the Philosopher's Stone, glass is transformed into gold, and the sandalwood tree imparts its fragrance to other trees; meditating in remembrance on the Lord, I am transformed.

jw ky dyKq duAwry kwm k®oD hI invwry jI hau bil bil jwau siqgur swcy nwm pr ]3] (1399-2)
jaa kay daykhat du-aaray kaam kroDh hee nivaaray jee ha-o bal bal jaa-o satgur saachay naam par. ||3||
Seeing His Door, I am rid of sexual desire and anger. I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, to the True Name, O my True Guru. ||3||

rwju jogu qKqu dIAnu gur rwmdws ] (1399-3)
raaj jog takhat dee-an gur raamdaas.
Guru Raam Daas was blessed with the Throne of Raja Yoga.

pRQmy nwnk cMdu jgq BXo Awnµdu qwrin mnuK´ jn kIAau pRgws ] (1399-3)
parathmay naanak chand jagat bha-yo aanand taaran manukh-y jan kee-a-o pargaas.
First, Guru Nanak illuminated the world, like the full moon, and filled it with bliss. To carry humanity across, He bestowed His Radiance.

gur AMgd dIAau inDwnu AkQ kQw igAwnu pMc BUq bis kIny jmq n qRws ] (1399-4)
gur angad dee-a-o niDhaan akath kathaa gi-aan panch bhoot bas keenay jamat na taraas.
He blessed Guru Angad with the treasure of spiritual wisdom, and the Unspoken Speech; He overcame the five demons and the fear of the Messenger of Death.

gur Amru gurU sRI siq kiljuig rwKI piq AGn dyKq gqu crn kvl jws ] (1399-5)
gur amar guroo saree sat kalijug raakhee pat aghan daykhat gat charan kaval jaas.
The Great and True Guru, Guru Amar Daas, has preserved honor in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. Seeing His Lotus Feet, sin and evil are destroyed.

sB ibiD mwin´au mnu qb hI BXau pRsMnu rwju jogu qKqu dIAnu gur rwmdws ]4] (1399-6)
sabh biDh maani-ya-o man tab hee bha-ya-o parsann raaj jog takhat dee-an gur raamdaas. ||4||
When His mind was totally satisfied in every way, when He was totally pleased, He bestowed upon Guru Raam Daas the Throne of Raja Yoga. ||4||

rf ] (1399-7)

ijsih Dwir´au Driq Aru ivaumu Aru pvxu qy nIr sr Avr Anl Anwid kIAau ] (1399-7)
jisahi Dhaari-ya-o Dharat ar vi-um ar pavan tay neer sar avar anal anaad kee-a-o.
He established the earth, the sky and the air, the water of the oceans, fire and food.

sis iriK inis sUr idin sYl qrUA Pl Pul dIAau ] (1399-8)
sas rikh nis soor din sail taroo-a fal ful dee-a-o.
He created the moon, the starts and the sun, night and day and mountains; he blessed the trees with flowers and fruits.

suir nr spq smudR ikA DwirE iqRBvx jwsu ] (1399-8)
sur nar sapat samudar ki-a Dhaari-o taribhavan jaas.
He created the gods, human beings and the seven seas; He established the three worlds.

soeI eyku nwmu hir nwmu siq pwieE gur Amr pRgwsu ]1]5] (1399-9)
so-ee ayk naam har naam sat paa-i-o gur amar pargaas. ||1||5||
Guru Amar Daas was blessed with the Light of the One Name, the True Name of the Lord. ||1||5||

kchu kMcnu BieAau sbdu gur sRvxih suixE ] (1399-9)
kachahu kanchan bha-i-a-o sabad gur sarvaneh suni-o.
Glass is transformed into gold, listening to the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

ibKu qy AMimRqu huXau nwmu siqgur muiK BixAau ] (1399-10)
bikh tay amrit hu-ya-o naam satgur mukh bhani-a-o.
Poison is transformed into ambrosial nectar, speaking the Name of the True Guru.

lohau hoXau lwlu ndir siqguru jid DwrY ] (1399-11)
loha-o ho-ya-o laal nadar satgur jad Dhaarai.
Iron is transformed into jewels, when the True Guru bestows His Glance of Grace.

pwhx mwxk krY igAwnu gur kihAau bIcwrY ] (1399-11)
paahan maanak karai gi-aan gur kahi-a-o beechaarai.
Stones are transformed into emeralds, when the mortal chants and contemplates the spiritual wisdom of the Guru.

kwThu sRIKMf siqguir kIAau duK dirdR iqn ky gieA ] (1399-12)
kaathahu sareekhand satgur kee-a-o dukh daridar tin kay ga-i-a.
The True Guru transforms ordinary wood into sandalwood, eradicating the pains of poverty.

siqgurU crn ijn@ prisAw sy psu pryq suir nr BieA ]2]6] (1399-12)
satguroo charan jinH parsi-aa say pas parayt sur nar bha-i-a. ||2||6||
Whoever touches the Feet of the True Guru, is transformed from a beast and a ghost into an angelic being. ||2||6||

jwim gurU hoie vil Dnih ikAw gwrvu idjie ] (1399-13)
jaam guroo ho-ay val dhaneh ki-aa gaarav dij-ay.
One who has the Guru on his side - how could he be proud of his wealth?

jwim gurU hoie vil lK bwhy ikAw ikjie ] (1399-13)
jaam guroo ho-ay val lakh baahay ki-aa kij-ay.
One who has the Guru on his side - what would hundreds of thousands of supporters do for him?

jwim gurU hoie vil igAwn Aru iDAwn Ann pir ] (1399-14)
jaam guroo ho-ay val gi-aan ar Dhi-aan anan par.
One who has the Guru on his side, does not depend on anyone else for spiritual wisdom and meditation.

jwim gurU hoie vil sbdu swKI su sch Gir ] (1399-14)
jaam guroo ho-ay val sabad saakhee so sachah ghar.
One who has the Guru on his side contemplates the Shabad and the Teachings, and abides in the Home of Truth.

jo gurU gurU Aihinis jpY dwsu Btu byniq khY ] (1399-15)
jo guroo guroo ahinis japai daas bhat baynat kahai.
The Lord's humble slave and poet utters this prayer: whoever chants to the Guru night and day,

jo gurU nwmu ird mih DrY so jnm mrx duh Qy rhY ]3]7] (1399-15)
jo guroo naam rid meh Dharai so janam maran duh thay rahai. ||3||7||
whoever enshrines the Name of the Guru within his heart, is rid of both birth and death. ||3||7||

gur ibnu Goru AMDwru gurU ibnu smJ n AwvY ] (1399-16)
gur bin ghor anDhaar guroo bin samajh na aavai.
Without the Guru, there is utter darkness; without the Guru, understanding does not come.

gur ibnu suriq n isiD gurU ibnu mukiq n pwvY ] (1399-17)
gur bin surat na siDh guroo bin mukat na paavai.
Without the Guru, there is no intuitive awareness or success; without the Guru, there is no liberation.

guru kru scu bIcwru gurU kru ry mn myry ] (1399-17)
gur kar sach beechaar guroo kar ray man mayray.
So make Him your Guru, and contemplate the Truth; make Him your Guru, O my mind.

guru kru sbd spuMn AGn ktih sB qyry ] (1399-18)
gur kar sabad sapunn aghan kateh sabh tayray.
Make Him your Guru, who is embellished and exalted in the Word of the Shabad; all your sins shall be washed away.

guru nXix bXix guru guru krhu gurU siq kiv nl´ kih ] (1399-18)
gur na-yan ba-yan gur gur karahu guroo sat kav nal-y kahi.
So speaks NALL the poet: with your eyes, make Him your Guru; with the words you speak, make Him your Guru, your True Guru.

ijin gurU n dyiKAau nhu kIAau qy AkXQ sMswr mih ]4]8] (1399-19)
jin guroo na daykhi-a-o nahu kee-a-o tay akyath sansaar meh. ||4||8||
Those who have not seen the Guru, who have not made Him their Guru, are useless in this world. ||4||8||

gurU gurU guru kru mn myry ] (1399-19)
guroo guroo gur kar man mayray.
Dwell upon the Guru, the Guru, the Guru, O my mind.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD