Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


syj sDw shju Cwvwxu sMqoKu srwiecau sdw sIl sMnwhu sohY ] (1398-1)
sayj saDhaa sahj chhaavaan santokh saraa-icha-o sadaa seel sannahu sohai.
On the bed of faith, with the blankets of intuitive peace and poise and the canopy of contentment, You are embellished forever with the armor of humility.

gur sbid smwcirE nwmu tyk sMgwid bohY ] (1398-2)
gur sabad samaachri-o naam tayk sangaad bohai.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, you practice the Naam; You lean on its Support, and give Your Fragrance to Your companions.

AjonIau Bl´ü Amlu siqgur sMig invwsu ] (1398-2)
ajonee-o bhalyu amal satgur sang nivaas.
You abide with the Unborn Lord, the Good and Pure True Guru.

gur rwmdws kl´ücrY quA shj srovir bwsu ]10] (1398-3)
gur raamdaas kal-yuchrai tu-a sahj sarovar baas. ||10||
So speaks KALL: O Guru Raam Daas, You abide in the sacred pool of intuitive peace and poise. ||10||

guru ijn@ kau supRsMnu nwmu hir irdY invwsY ] (1398-3)
gur jinH ka-o suparsan naam har ridai nivaasai.
The Lord's Name abides in the hearts of those who are pleasing to the Guru.

ijn@ kau guru supRsMnu durqu dUrMqir nwsY ] (1398-4)
jinH ka-o gur suparsan durat doorantar naasai.
Sins run far away from those who are pleasing to the Guru.

guru ijn@ kau supRsMnu mwnu AiBmwnu invwrY ] (1398-4)
gur jinH ka-o suparsan maan abhimaan nivaarai.
Those who are pleasing to the Guru eradicate pride and egotism from within.

ijn@ kau guru supRsMnu sbid lig Bvjlu qwrY ] (1398-5)
jinH ka-o gur suparsan sabad lag bhavjal taarai.
Those who are pleasing to the Guru are attached to the Shadad, the Word of God; they are carried across the terrifying world-ocean.

prcau pRmwxu gur pwieAau iqn skXQau jnmu jig ] (1398-5)
parcha-o parmaan gur paa-i-a-o tin sakaytha-o janam jag.
Those who are blessed with the wisdom of the certified Guru - blessed and fruitful is their birth into the world.

sRI gurU srix Bju kl´ kib Bugiq mukiq sB gurU lig ]11] (1398-6)
saree guroo saran bhaj kal-y kab bhugat mukat sabh guroo lag. ||11||
KALL the poet runs to the Sanctuary of the Great Guru; attached to the Guru, they are blessed with worldly enjoyments, liberation and everything. ||11||

siqguir Kymw qwixAw jug jUQ smwxy ] (1398-6)
satgur khaymaa taani-aa jug jooth samaanay.
The Guru has pitched the tent; under it, all the ages are gathered.

AnBau nyjw nwmu tyk ijqu Bgq AGwxy ] (1398-7)
anbha-o nayjaa naam tayk jit bhagat aghaanay.
He carries the spear of intuition, and takes the Support of Naam, the Name of the Lord, through which the devotees are fulfilled.

guru nwnku AMgdu Amru Bgq hir sMig smwxy ] (1398-7)
gur naanak angad amar bhagat har sang samaanay.
Guru Nanak, Guru Angad and Guru Amar Daas, through devotional worship, have merged into the Lord.

iehu rwj jog gur rwmdws qum@ hU rsu jwxy ]12] (1398-8)
ih raaj jog gur raamdaas tumH hoo ras jaanay. ||12||
O Guru Raam Daas, You alone know the taste of this Raja Yoga. ||12||

jnku soie ijin jwixAw aunmin rQu DirAw ] (1398-8)
janak so-ay jin jaani-aa unman rath Dhari-aa.
He alone is enlightened like Janaka, who links the chariot of his mind to the state of ecstatic realization.

squ sMqoKu smwcry ABrw sru BirAw ] (1398-9)
sat santokh samaachray abhraa sar bhari-aa.
He gathers in truth and contentment, and fills up the empty pool within.

AkQ kQw Amrw purI ijsu dyie su pwvY ] (1398-9)
akath kathaa amraa puree jis day-ay so paavai.
He speaks the Unspoken Speech of the eternal city. He alone obtains it, unto whom God gives it.

iehu jnk rwju gur rwmdws quJ hI bix AwvY ]13] (1398-10)
ih janak raaj gur raamdaas tujh hee ban aavai. ||13||
O Guru Raam Daas, Your sovereign rule, like that of Janak, is Yours alone. ||13||

siqgur nwmu eyk ilv min jpY idRV@ü iqn@ jn duK pwpu khu kq hovY jIau ] (1398-10)
satgur naam ayk liv man japai darirhHu tinH jan dukh paap kaho kat hovai jee-o.
Tell me, how can sin and suffering cling to that humble being who chants the Naam, given by the Guru, with single-minded love and firm faith?

qwrx qrx iKn mwqR jw kau idRis† DwrY sbdu ird bIcwrY kwmu k®oDu KovY jIau ] (1398-11)
taaran taran khin matar jaa ka-o darisat Dhaarai sabad rid beechaarai kaam kroDh khovai jee-o.
When the Lord, the Boat to carry us across, bestows His Glance of Grace, even for an instant, the mortal contemplates the Shabad within his heart; unfulfilled sexual desire and unresolved anger are eradicated.

jIAn sBn dwqw Agm g´wn ibK´wqw Aihinis D´wn DwvY plk n sovY jIau ] (1398-12)
jee-an sabhan daataa agam ga-yaan bikh-yaataa ahinis Dhayaan Dhaavai palak na sovai jee-o.
The Guru is the Giver to all beings; He speaks the spiritual wisdom of the Unfathomable Lord, and meditates on Him day and night. He never sleeps, even for an instant.

jw kau dyKq dirdRü jwvY nwmu so inDwnu pwvY gurmuiK g´win durmiq mYlu DovY jIau ] (1398-13)
jaa ka-o daykhat daridar jaavai naam so niDhaan paavai gurmukh ga-yaan durmat mail Dhovai jee-o.
Seeing Him, poverty vanishes, and one is blessed with the treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. The spiritual wisdom of the Guru's Word washes away the filth of evil-mindedness.

siqgur nwmu eyk ilv min jpY idRVu iqn jn duK pwp khu kq hovY jIau ]1] (1398-14)
satgur naam ayk liv man japai darirh tin jan dukh paap kaho kat hovai jee-o. ||1||
Tell me, how can sin and suffering cling to that humble being who chants the Naam, given by the Guru, with single-minded love and firm faith? ||1||

Drm krm pUrY siqguru pweI hY ] (1398-15)
Dharam karam poorai satgur paa-ee hai.
Dharmic faith and the karma of good deeds are obtained from the Perfect True Guru.

jw kI syvw isD swD muin jn suir nr jwcih sbd swru eyk ilv lweI hY ] (1398-15)
jaa kee sayvaa siDh saaDh mun jan sur nar jaacheh sabad saar ayk liv laa-ee hai.
The Siddhas and Holy Saadhus, the silent sages and angelic beings, yearn to serve Him; through the most excellent Word of the Shabad, they are lovingly attuned to the One Lord.

Puin jwnY ko qyrw Apwru inrBau inrMkwru AkQ kQnhwru quJih buJweI hY ] (1398-16)
fun jaanai ko tayraa apaar nirbha-o nirankaar akath kathanhaar tujheh bujhaa-ee hai.
Who can know Your limits? You are the Embodiment of the Fearless, Formless Lord. You are the Speaker of the Unspoken Speech; You alone understand this.

Brm BUly sMswr Cuthu jUnI sMGwr jm ko n fMf kwl gurmiq D´weI hY ] (1398-17)
bharam bhoolay sansaar chhutahu joonee sanghaar jam ko na dand kaal gurmat Dhayaa-ee hai.
O foolish worldly mortal, you are deluded by doubt; give up birth and death, and you shall not be punished by the Messenger of Death. Meditate on the Guru's Teachings.

mn pRwxI mugD bIcwru Aihinis jpu Drm krm pUrY siqguru pweI hY ]2] (1398-17)
man paraanee mugaDh beechaar ahinis jap Dharam karam poorai satgur paa-ee hai. ||2||
You foolish mortal being, reflect on this in your mind; chant and meditate day and night. Dharmic faith and the karma of good deeds are obtained from the Perfect True Guru. ||2||

hau bil bil jwau siqgur swcy nwm pr ] (1398-18)
ha-o bal bal jaa-o satgur saachay naam par.
I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, to the True Name, O my True Guru.

kvn aupmw dyau kvn syvw sryau eyk muK rsnw rshu jug joir kr ] (1398-19)
kavan upmaa day-o kavan sayvaa saray-o ayk mukh rasnaa rasahu jug jor kar.
What Praises can I offer to You? What service can I do for You? I have only one mouth and tongue; with my palms pressed together, I chant to You with joy and delight.

Puin mn bc k®m jwnu Anq dUjw n mwnu nwmu so Apwru swru dIno guir ird Dr ] (1398-19)
fun man bach karam jaan anat doojaa na maan naam so apaar saar deeno gur rid Dhar.
In thought, word and deed, I know the Lord; I do not worship any other. The Guru has enshrined the most excellent Name of the Infinite Lord within my heart.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD