Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


sqguir dXwil hir nwmu idRV@wXw iqsu pRswid vis pMc kry ] (1397-1)
satgur da-yaal har naam darirh-aa-yaa tis parsaad vas panch karay.
The Merciful True Guru has implanted the Lord's Name within me, and by His Grace, I have overpowered the five thieves.

kiv klī Tkur hrdws qny gur rwmdws sr ABr Bry ]3] (1397-1)
kav kal-y thakur hardaas tanay gur raamdaas sar abhar bharay. ||3||
So speaks KALL the poet: Guru Raam Daas, the son of Har Daas, fills the empty pools to overflowing. ||3||

AnBau aunmwin Akl ilv lwgI pwrsu ByitAw shj Gry ] (1397-2)
anbha-o unmaan akal liv laagee paaras bhayti-aa sahj gharay.
With intuitive detachment, He is lovingly attuned to the Fearless, Unmanifest Lord; He met with Guru Amar Daas, the Philosopher's Stone, within his own home.

sqgur prswid prm pdu pwXw Bgiq Bwie BMfwr Bry ] (1397-3)
satgur parsaad param pad paa-yaa bhagat bhaa-ay bhandaar bharay.
By the Grace of the True Guru, He attained the supreme status; He is overflowing with the treasures of loving devotion.

myitAw jnmWqu mrx Bau Bwgw icqu lwgw sMqoK sry ] (1397-3)
mayti-aa janmaaNt maran bha-o bhaagaa chit laagaa santokh saray.
He was released from reincarnation, and the fear of death was taken away. His consciousness is attached to the Lord, the Ocean of contentment.

kiv klī Tkur hrdws qny gur rwmdws sr ABr Bry ]4] (1397-4)
kav kal-y thakur hardaas tanay gur raamdaas sar abhar bharay. ||4||
So speaks KALL the poet: Guru Raam Daas, the son of Har Daas, fills the empty pools to overflowing. ||4||

ABr Bry pwXau Apwru ird AMqir DwirE ] (1397-4)
abhar bharay paa-ya-o apaar rid antar Dhaari-o.
He fills the empty to overflowing; He has enshrined the Infinite within His heart.

duK BMjnu Awqm pRboDu min qqu bIcwirE ] (1397-5)
dukh bhanjan aatam parboDh man tat beechaari-o.
Within His mind, He contemplates the essence of reality, the Destroyer of pain, the Enlightener of the soul.

sdw cwie hir Bwie pRym rsu Awpy jwxie ] (1397-5)
sadaa chaa-ay har bhaa-ay paraym ras aapay jaan-ay.
He yearns for the Lord's Love forever; He Himself knows the sublime essence of this Love.

sqgur kY prswid shj syqI rMgu mwxie ] (1397-6)
satgur kai parsaad sahj saytee rang maan-ay.
By the Grace of the True Guru, He intuitively enjoys this Love.

nwnk pRswid AMgd sumiq guir Amir Amru vrqwieE ] (1397-6)
naanak parsaad angad sumat gur amar amar vartaa-i-o.
By the Grace of Guru Nanak, and the sublime teachings of Guru Angad, Guru Amar Daas broadcast the Lord's Command.

gur rwmdws klīücrY qYN Atl Amr pdu pwieE ]5] (1397-7)
gur raamdaas kal-yuchrai taiN atal amar pad paa-i-o. ||5||
So speaks KALL: O Guru Raam Daas, You have attained the status of eternal and imperishable dignity. ||5||

sMqoK srovir bsY AimA rsu rsn pRkwsY ] (1397-8)
santokh sarovar basai ami-a ras rasan parkaasai.
You abide in the pool of contentment; Your tongue reveals the Ambrosial Essence.

imlq sWiq aupjY durqu dUrMqir nwsY ] (1397-8)
milat saaNt upjai durat doorantar naasai.
Meeting with You, a tranquil peace wells up, and sins run far away.

suK swgru pwieAau idMqu hir mig n hutY ] (1397-8)
sukh saagar paa-i-a-o binn har mag na hutai.
You have attained the Ocean of peace, and You never grow tired on the Lord's path.

sMjmu squ sMqoKu sIl sMnwhu mPutY ] (1397-9)
sanjam sat santokh seel sannahu mafutai.
The armor of self-restraint, truth, contentment and humility can never be pierced.

siqguru pRmwxu ibD nY isirau jig js qUru bjwieAau ] (1397-9)
satgur parmaan biDh nai siri-o jag jas toor bajaa-i-a-o.
The Creator Lord certified the True Guru, and now the world blows the trumpet of His Praises.

gur rwmdws klīücrY qY ABY Amr pdu pwieAau ]6] (1397-10)
gur raamdaas kal-yuchrai tai abhai amar pad paa-i-a-o. ||6||
So speaks KALL: O Guru Raam Daas, You have attained the state of fearless immortality. ||6||

jgu ijqau siqgur pRmwix min eyku iDAwXau ] (1397-10)
jag jita-o satgur parmaan man ayk Dhi-aa-ya-o.
O certified True Guru, You have conquered the world; You meditate single-mindedly on the One Lord.

Din Din siqgur Amrdwsu ijin nwmu idRVwXau ] (1397-11)
Dhan Dhan satgur amardaas jin naam darirhaa-ya-o.
Blessed, blessed is Guru Amar Daas, the True Guru, who implanted the Naam, the Name of the Lord, deep within.

nv iniD nwmu inDwnu iriD isiD qw kI dwsI ] (1397-12)
nav niDh naam niDhaan riDh siDh taa kee daasee.
The Naam is the wealth of the nine treasures; prosperity and supernatural spiritual powers are His slaves.

shj srovru imilE purKu ByitE AibnwsI ] (1397-12)
sahj sarovar mili-o purakh bhayti-o abhinaasee.
He is blessed with the ocean of intuitive wisdom; He has met with the Imperishable Lord God.

Awid ly Bgq ijqu lig qry so guir nwmu idRVwieAau ] (1397-13)
aad lay bhagat jit lag taray so gur naam darirhaa-i-a-o.
The Guru has implanted the Naam deep within; attached to the Naam, the devotees have been carried across since ancient times.

gur rwmdws klīücrY qY hir pRym pdwrQu pwieAau ]7] (1397-13)
gur raamdaas kal-yuchrai tai har paraym padaarath paa-i-a-o. ||7||
So speaks KALL: O Guru Raam Daas, You have obtained the wealth of the Lord's Love. ||7||

pRym Bgiq prvwh pRIiq publI n hutie ] (1397-14)
paraym bhagat parvaah pareet publee na hut-ay.
The flow of loving devotion and primal love does not stop.

siqgur sbdu AQwhu AimA Dwrw rsu gutie ] (1397-14)
satgur sabad athaahu ami-a Dhaaraa ras gut-ay.
The True Guru drinks in the stream of nectar, the sublime essence of the Shabad, the Infinite Word of God.

miq mwqw sMqoKu ipqw sir shj smwXau ] (1397-15)
mat maataa santokh pitaa sar sahj samaa-ya-o.
Wisdom is His mother, and contentment is His father; He is absorbed in the ocean of intuitive peace and poise.

AwjonI sMBivAau jgqu gur bcin qrwXau ] (1397-15)
aajonee sambhvi-a-o jagat gur bachan taraa-ya-o.
The Guru is the Embodiment of the Unborn, Self-illumined Lord; by the Word of His Teachings, the Guru carries the world across.

Aibgq Agocru Aprpru min gur sbdu vswieAau ] (1397-16)
abigat agochar aparpar man gur sabad vasaa-i-a-o.
Within His mind, the Guru has enshrined the Shabad, the Word of the Unseen, Unfathomable, Infinite Lord.

gur rwmdws klīücrY qY jgq auDwrxu pwieAau ]8] (1397-16)
gur raamdaas kal-yuchrai tai jagat uDhaaran paa-i-a-o. ||8||
So speaks KALL: O Guru Raam Daas, You have attained the Lord, the Saving Grace of the world. ||8||

jgq auDwrxu nv inDwnu Bgqh Bv qwrxu ] (1397-17)
jagat uDhaaran nav niDhaan bhagtah bhav taaran.
The Saving Grace of the world, the nine treasures, carries the devotees across the world-ocean.

AMimRq bUMd hir nwmu ibsu kI ibKY invwrxu ] (1397-17)
amrit boond har naam bis kee bikhai nivaaran.
The Drop of Ambrosial Nectar, the Lord's Name, is the antidote to the poison of sin.

shj qrovr PilE igAwn AMimRq Pl lwgy ] (1397-18)
sahj tarovar fali-o gi-aan amrit fal laagay.
The tree of intuitive peace and poise blossoms and bears the ambrosial fruit of spiritual wisdom.

gur pRswid pweIAih DMin qy jn bfBwgy ] (1397-18)
gur parsaad paa-ee-ah Dhan tay jan badbhaagay.
Blessed are those fortunate people who receive it, by Guru's Grace.

qy mukqy Bey siqgur sbid min gur prcw pwieAau ] (1397-19)
tay muktay bha-ay satgur sabad man gur parchaa paa-i-a-o.
They are liberated through the Shabad, the Word of the True Guru; their minds are filled with the Guru's Wisdom.

gur rwmdws klīücrY qY sbd nIswnu bjwieAau ]9] (1397-19)
gur raamdaas kal-yuchrai tai sabad neesaan bajaa-i-a-o. ||9||
So speaks KALL: O Guru Raam Daas, You beat the drum of the Shabad. ||9||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD