Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


qwr´au sMswru mwXw md moihq AMimRq nwmu dIAau smrQu ] (1405-1)
taar-ya-o sansaar maa-yaa mad mohit amrit naam dee-a-o samrath.
The Universe is intoxicated with the wine of Maya, but it has been saved; the All-powerful Guru has blessed it with the Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam.

Puin kIriqvMq sdw suK sMpiq iriD Aru isiD n Cofie sQu ] (1405-1)
fun keertivant sadaa sukh sampat riDh ar siDh na chhod-ay sath.
And, the Praiseworthy Guru is blessed with eternal peace, wealth and prosperity; the supernatural spiritual powers of the Siddhis never leave him.

dwin bfO AiqvMqu mhwbil syvik dwis kihE iehu qQu ] (1405-2)
daan badou ativant mahaabal sayvak daas kahi-o ih tath.
His Gifts are vast and great; His awesome Power is supreme. Your humble servant and slave speaks this truth.

qwih khw prvwh kwhU kI jw kY bsIis DirE guir hQu ]7]49] (1405-3)
taahi kahaa parvaah kaahoo kee jaa kai basees Dhari-o gur hath. ||7||49||
One, upon whose head the Guru has placed His Hand - with whom should he be concerned? ||7||49||

qIin Bvn BrpUir rihE soeI ] (1405-3)
teen bhavan bharpoor rahi-o so-ee.
He is totally pervading and permeating the three realms;

Apn srsu kIAau n jgq koeI ] (1405-4)
apan saras kee-a-o na jagat ko-ee.
in all the world, He has not created another like Himself.

Awpun Awpu Awp hI aupwXau ] (1405-4)
aapun aap aap hee upaa-ya-o.
He Himself created Himself.

suir nr Asur AMqu nhI pwXau ] (1405-4)
sur nar asur ant nahee paa-ya-o.
The angels, human beings and demons have not found His limits.

pwXau nhI AMqu sury Asurh nr gx gMDRb KojMq iPry ] (1405-5)
paa-ya-o nahee ant suray asureh nar gan ganDharab khojant firay.
The angels, demons and human beings have not found His limits; the heavenly heralds and celestial singers wander around, searching for Him.

AibnwsI Aclu AjonI sMBau purKoqmu Apwr pry ] (1405-5)
abhinaasee achal ajonee sambha-o purkhotam apaar paray.
The Eternal, Imperishable, Unmoving and Unchanging, Unborn, Self-Existent, Primal Being of the Soul, the Infinity of the Infinite,

krx kwrx smrQu sdw soeI srb jIA min D´wieXau ] (1405-6)
karan kaaran samrath sadaa so-ee sarab jee-a man Dhayaa-i-ya-o.
the Eternal All-powerful Cause of causes - all beings meditate on Him in their minds.

sRI gur rwmdws jXo jX jg mih qY hir prm pdu pwieXau ]1] (1405-6)
saree gur raamdaas ja-yo ja-y jag meh tai har param pad paa-i-ya-o. ||1||
O Great and Supreme Guru Raam Daas, Your Victory resounds across the universe. You have attained the supreme status of the Lord. ||1||

siqguir nwnik Bgiq krI iek min qnu mnu Dnu goibMd dIAau ] (1405-7)
satgur naanak bhagat karee ik man tan man Dhan gobind dee-a-o.
Nanak, the True Guru, worships God single-mindedly; He surrenders His body, mind and wealth to the Lord of the Universe.

AMgid Anµq mUriq inj DwrI Agm g´win ris rs´au hIAau ] (1405-8)
angad anant moorat nij Dhaaree agam ga-yaan ras ras-ya-o hee-a-o.
The Infinite Lord enshrined His Own Image in Guru Angad. In His heart, He delights in the spiritual wisdom of the Unfathomable Lord.

guir Amrdwis krqwru kIAau vis vwhu vwhu kir D´wieXau ] (1405-9)
gur amardaas kartaar kee-a-o vas vaahu vaahu kar Dhayaa-i-ya-o.
Guru Amar Daas brought the Creator Lord under His control. Waaho! Waaho! Meditate on Him!

sRI gur rwmdws jXo jX jg mih qY hir prm pdu pwieXau ]2] (1405-9)
saree gur raamdaas ja-yo ja-y jag meh tai har param pad paa-i-ya-o. ||2||
O Great and Supreme Guru Raam Daas, Your Victory resounds across the universe. You have attained the supreme status of the Lord. ||2||

nwrdu DR¨ pRhlwdu sudwmw pub Bgq hir ky ju gxM ] (1405-10)
naarad Dharoo parahlaad sudaamaa pub bhagat har kay jo ganaN.
Naarad, Dhroo, Prahlaad and Sudaamaa are accounted among the Lord's devotees of the past.

AMbrIku jXdyv iqRlocnu nwmw Avru kbIru BxM ] (1405-11)
ambreek ja-ydayv tarilochan naamaa avar kabeer bhanaN.
Ambreek, Jai Dayv, Trilochan, Naam Dayv and Kabeer are also remembered.

iqn kO Avqwru BXau kil iBMqir jsu jgqR pir CwieXau ] (1405-11)
tin kou avtaar bha-ya-o kal bhintar jas jagtar par chhaa-i-ya-o.
They were incarnated in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga; their praises have spread over all the world.

sRI gur rwmdws jXo jX jg mih qY hir prm pdu pwieXau ]3] (1405-12)
saree gur raamdaas ja-yo ja-y jag meh tai har param pad paa-i-ya-o. ||3||
O Great and Supreme Guru Raam Daas, Your Victory resounds across the universe. You have attained the supreme status of the Lord. ||3||

mnsw kir ismrMq quJY nr kwmu k®oDu imitAau ju iqxM ] (1405-12)
mansaa kar simrant tujhai nar kaam kroDh miti-a-o jo tinaN.
Those who meditate in remembrance on You within their minds - their sexual desire and anger are taken away.

bwcw kir ismrMq quJY iqn@ duKu dirdRü imtXau ju iKxM ] (1405-13)
baachaa kar simrant tujhai tinH dukh daridar miti-ya-o jo khinaN.
Those who remember You in meditation with their words, are rid of their poverty and pain in an instant.

krm kir quA drs prs pwrs sr bl´ Bt jsu gwieXau ] (1405-14)
karam kar tu-a daras paras paaras sar bal-y bhat jas gaa-i-ya-o.
Those who obtain the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, by the karma of their good deeds, touch the Philosopher's Stone, and like BALL the poet, sing Your Praises.

sRI gur rwmdws jXo jX jg mih qY hir prm pdu pwieXau ]4] (1405-14)
saree gur raamdaas ja-yo ja-y jag meh tai har param pad paa-i-ya-o. ||4||
O Great and Supreme Guru Raam Daas, Your Victory resounds across the universe. You have attained the supreme status of the Lord. ||4||

ijh siqgur ismrMq nXn ky iqmr imtih iKnu ] (1405-15)
jih satgur simrant na-yan kay timar miteh khin.
Those who meditate in remembrance on the True Guru - the darkness of their eyes is removed in an instant.

ijh siqgur ismrMiQ irdY hir nwmu idno idnu ] (1405-16)
jih satgur simranth ridai har naam dino din.
Those who meditate in remembrance on the True Guru within their hearts, are blessed with the Lord's Name, day by day.

ijh siqgur ismrMiQ jIA kI qpiq imtwvY ] (1405-16)
jih satgur simranth jee-a kee tapat mitaavai.
Those who meditate in remembrance on the True Guru within their souls - the fire of desire is extinguished for them.

ijh siqgur ismrMiQ iriD isiD nv iniD pwvY ] (1405-17)
jih satgur simranth riDh siDh nav niDh paavai.
Those who meditate in remembrance on the True Guru, are blessed with wealth and prosperity, supernatural spiritual powers and the nine treasures.

soeI rwmdwsu guru bl´ Bix imil sMgiq DMin DMin krhu ] (1405-17)
so-ee raamdaas gur bal-y bhan mil sangat Dhan Dhan karahu.
So speaks BALL the poet: Blessed is Guru Raam Daas; joining the Sangat, the Congregation, call Him blessed and great.

ijh siqgur lig pRBu pweIAY so siqguru ismrhu nrhu ]5]54] (1405-18)
jih satgur lag parabh paa-ee-ai so satgur simrahu marahu. ||5||54||
Meditate on the True Guru, O men, through Whom the Lord is obtained. ||5||54||

ijin sbdu kmwie prm pdu pwieE syvw krq n CoifE pwsu ] (1405-19)
jin sabad kamaa-ay param pad paa-i-o sayvaa karat na chhodi-o paas.
Living the Word of the Shabad, He attained the supreme status; while performing selfless service, He did not leave the side of Guru Amar Daas.

qw qy gauhru g´wn pRgtu aujIAwrau duK dirdR AMD´wr ko nwsu ] (1405-19)
taa tay ga-uhar ga-yaan pargat ujee-aara-o dukh daridar anDh-yaar ko naas.
From that service, the light from the jewel of spiritual wisdom shines forth, radiant and bright; it has destroyed pain, poverty and darkness.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD