Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


skXQu jnmu kl´ücrY guru pris´au Amr pRgwsu ]8] (1394-1)
sakyath janam kal-yuchrai gur paras-yi-o amar pargaas. ||8||
So speaks KALL: fruitful is the life of one who meets with Guru Amar Daas, radiant with the Light of God. ||8||

bwirju kir dwihxY isiD snmuK muKu jovY ] (1394-1)
baarij kar daahinai siDh sanmukh mukh jovai.
On His right hand is the sign of the lotus; the Siddhis, the supernatural spiritual powers, await His Command.

iriD bsY bWvWig ju qIin lokWqr mohY ] (1394-2)
riDh basai baaNvaaNg jo teen lokaantar mohai.
On His left are worldly powers, which fascinate the three worlds.

irdY bsY AkhIau soie rsu iqn hI jwqau ] (1394-2)
ridai basai ak-hee-o so-ay ras tin hee jaata-o.
The Inexpressible Lord abides in His Heart; He alone knows this joy.

muKhu Bgiq aucrY Amru guru iequ rMig rwqau ] (1394-3)
mukhahu bhagat uchrai amar gur it rang raata-o.
Guru Amar Daas utters the words of devotion, imbued with the Love of the Lord.

msqik nIswxu scau krmu kl´ joiV kr D´wieAau ] (1394-3)
mastak neesaan sacha-o karam kal-y jorh kar Dhayaa-i-a-o.
On His forehead is the true insignia of the Lord's Mercy; with his palms pressed together, KALL meditates on Him.

prisAau gurU siqgur iqlku srb ieC iqin pwieAau ]9] (1394-4)
parsi-o guroo satgur tilak sarab ichh tin paa-i-a-o. ||9||
Whoever meets with the Guru, the certified True Guru, has all his desires fulfilled. ||9||

crx q pr skXQ crx gur Amr pvil rX ] (1394-4)
charan ta par sakyath charan gur amar paval ra-y.
Supremely fruitful are the feet which walk upon the path of Guru Amar Daas.

hQ q pr skXQ hQ lgih gur Amr pX ] (1394-5)
hath ta par sakyath hath lageh gur amar pa-y.
Supremely fruitful are the hands which touch the feet of Guru Amar Daas.

jIh q pr skXQ jIh gur Amru BixjY ] (1394-5)
jeeh ta par sakyath jeeh gur amar bhanijai.
Supremely fruitful is the tongue which utters the praises of Guru Amar Daas.

nYx q pr skXQ nXix guru Amru ipiKjY ] (1394-6)
nain ta par sakyath na-yan gur amar pikhijai.
Supremely fruitful are the eyes which behold Guru Amar Daas.

sRvx q pr skXQ sRvix guru Amru suixjY ] (1394-6)
sarvan ta par sakyath sarvan gur amar sunijai.
Supremely fruitful are the ears which hear the Praises of Guru Amar Daas.

skXQu su hIau ijqu hIA bsY gur Amrdwsu inj jgq ipq ] (1394-7)
sakyath so hee-o jit hee-a basai gur amardaas nij jagat pit.
Fruitful is the heart in which Guru Amar Daas, the Father of the world, Himself abides.

skXQu su isru jwlpu BxY ju isru invY gur Amr inq ]1]10] (1394-7)
sakyath so sir jaalap bhanai jo sir nivai gur amar nit. ||1||10||
Fruitful is the head, says Jaalap, which bows forever before Guru Amar Daas. ||1||10||

iq nr duK nh BuK iq nr inDn nhu khIAih ] (1394-8)
te nar dukh nah bhukh te nar niDhan nahu kahee-ahi.
They do not suffer pain or hunger, and they cannot be called poor.

iq nr soku nhu huAY iq nr sy AMqu n lhIAih ] (1394-9)
te nar sok nahu hu-ai te nar say ant na lahee-ah.
They do not grieve, and their limits cannot be found.

iq nr syv nhu krih iq nr sX shs smpih ] (1394-9)
te nar sayv nahu karahi te nar sa-y sahas sampeh.
They do not serve anyone else, but they give gifts to hundreds and thousands.

iq nr dulIcY bhih iq nr auQip ibQpih ] (1394-10)
te nar duleechai baheh te nar uthap bithpahi.
They sit on beautiful carpets; they establish and disestablish at will.

suK lhih iq nr sMswr mih ABY ptu irp miD iqh ] (1394-10)
sukh laheh te nar sansaar meh abhai pat rip maDh tih.
They find peace in this world, and live fearlessly amidst their enemies.

skXQ iq nr jwlpu BxY gur Amrdwsu supRsMnu ijh ]2]11] (1394-11)
sakyath te nar jaalap bhanai gur amardaas suparsan jih. ||2||11||
They are fruitful and prosperous, says Jaalap. Guru Amar Daas is pleased with them. ||2||11||

qY piFAau ieku min DirAau ieku kir ieku pCwixE ] (1394-11)
tai padhi-a-o ik man dhari-a-o ik kar ik pachhaani-o.
You read about the One Lord, and enshrine Him in Your mind; You realize the One and Only Lord.

nXix bXix muih ieku ieku duhu TWie n jwixE ] (1394-12)
na-yan ba-yan muhi ik ik duhu thaaN-ay na jaani-o.
With Your eyes and the words You speak, You dwell upon the One Lord; You do not know any other place of rest.

supin ieku prqiK ieku ieks mih lIxau ] (1394-13)
supan ik partakh ik ikas meh leena-o.
You know the One Lord while dreaming, and the One Lord while awake. You are absorbed in the One.

qIs ieku Aru pMij isDu pYqIs n KIxau ] (1394-13)
tees ik ar panj siDh paitees na kheena-o.
At the age of seventy-one, You began to march towards the Indestructible Lord.

iekhu ij lwKu lKhu AlKu hY ieku ieku kir vrinAau ] (1394-13)
ikahu je laakh lakhahu alakh hai ik ik kar varni-a-o.
The One Lord, who takes hundreds of thousands of forms, cannot be seen. He can only be described as One.

gur Amrdws jwlpu BxY qU ieku loVih ieku mMinAau ]3]12] (1394-14)
gur amardaas jaalap bhanai too ik lorheh ik manni-a-o. ||3||12||
So speaks Jaalap: O Guru Amar Daas, You long for the One Lord, and believe in the One Lord alone. ||3||12||

ij miq ghI jYdyiv ij miq nwmY sMmwxI ] (1394-15)
je mat gahee jaidayv je mat naamai sammaanee.
The understanding which Jai Dayv grasped, the understanding which permeated Naam Dayv,

ij miq iqRlocn iciq Bgq kMbIrih jwxI ] (1394-15)
je mat tarilochan chit bhagat kambeereh jaanee.
the understanding which was in the consciousness of Trilochan and known by the devotee Kabeer,

rukmWgd krqUiq rwmu jMphu inq BweI ] (1394-16)
rukmaaNgad kartoot raam jampahu nit bhaa-ee.
by which Rukmaangad constantly meditated on the Lord, O Siblings of Destiny,

AMmrIik pRhlwid srix goibMd giq pweI ] (1394-16)
ammreek parahlaad saran gobind gat paa-ee.
which brought Ambreek and Prahlaad to seek the Sanctuary of the Lord of the Universe, and which brought them to salvation

qY loBu k®oDu iqRsnw qjI su miq jl´ jwxI jugiq ] (1394-17)
tai lobh kroDh tarisnaa tajee so mat jal-y jaanee jugat.
-says JALL that sublime understanding has brought You to renounce greed, anger and desire, and to know the way.

guru Amrdwsu inj Bgqu hY dyiK drsu pwvau mukiq ]4]13] (1394-17)
gur amardaas nij bhagat hai daykh daras paava-o mukat. ||4||13||
Guru Amar Daas is the Lord's own devotee; gazing upon the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, one is liberated. ||4||13||

guru Amrdwsu prsIAY puhim pwiqk ibnwsih ] (1394-18)
gur amardaas parsee-ai puham paatik binaaseh.
Meeting with Guru Amar Daas, the earth is purged of its sin.

guru Amrdwsu prsIAY isD swiDk Awswsih ] (1394-18)
gur amardaas parsee-ai siDh saaDhik aasaaseh.
The Siddhas and seekers long to meet with Guru Amar Daas.

guru Amrdwsu prsIAY iDAwnu lhIAY pau muikih ] (1394-19)
gur amardaas parsee-ai Dhi-aan lahee-ai pa-o mukihi.
Meeting with Guru Amar Daas, the mortal meditates on the Lord, and his journey comes to its end.

guru Amrdwsu prsIAY ABau lBY gau cuikih ] (1394-19)
gur amardaas parsee-ai abha-o labhai ga-o chukihi.
Meeting with Guru Amar Daas, the Fearless Lord is obtained, and the cycle of reincarnation is brought to an end.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD