Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


hir nwmu rsin gurmuiK brdwXau aulit gMg psçim DrIAw ] (1393-1)
har naam rasan gurmukh baraad-ya-o ulat gang pascham Dharee-aa.
The Guru spoke the Lord's Name with His mouth and broadcast it throughout the world, to turn the tide of the hearts of men.

soeI nwmu AClu Bgqh Bv qwrxu Amrdws gur kau PuirAw ]1] (1393-2)
so-ee naam achhal bhagtah bhav taaran amardaas gur ka-o furi-aa. ||1||
That Undeceivable Naam, which carries the devotees across the world-ocean, came into Guru Amar Daas. ||1||

ismrih soeI nwmu jK´ Aru ikMnr swiDk isD smwiD hrw ] (1393-2)
simrahi so-ee naam jakh-y ar kinnar saaDhik siDh samaaDh haraa.
The gods and heavenly heralds, the Siddhas and seekers and Shiva in Samaadhi meditate in remembrance on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

ismrih nK´qR Avr DR¨ mMfl nwrdwid pRhlwid vrw ] (1393-3)
simrahi nakh-yatar avar Dharoo mandal naardaad parahlaad varaa.
The stars and the realms of Dhroo, and devotees like Naaraad and Prahlaad meditate on the Naam.

ssIAru Aru sUru nwmu aulwsih sYl loA ijin auDirAw ] (1393-4)
sasee-ar ar soor naam ulaaseh sail lo-a jin uDhri-aa.
The moon and the sun long for the Naam; it has saved even mountain ranges.

soeI nwmu AClu Bgqh Bv qwrxu Amrdws gur kau PuirAw ]2] (1393-4)
so-ee naam achhal bhagtah bhav taaran amardaas gur ka-o furi-aa. ||2||
That Undeceivable Naam, which carries the devotees across the world-ocean, came into Guru Amar Daas. ||2||

soeI nwmu isvir nv nwQ inrMjnu isv snkwid smuDirAw ] (1393-5)
so-ee naam sivar nav naath niranjan siv sankaad samuDhri-aa.
Dwelling upon that Immaculate Naam, the nine Yogic masters, Shiva and Sanak and many others have been emancipated.

cvrwsIh isD buD ijqu rwqy AMbrIk Bvjlu qirAw ] (1393-6)
chavraaseeh siDh buDh jit raatay ambreek bhavjal tari-aa.
The eighty-four Siddhas, the beings of supernatural spiritual powers, and the Buddhas are imbued with the Naam; it carried Ambreek across the terrifying world-ocean.

auDau Ak®¨ru iqlocnu nwmw kil kbIr iklivK hirAw ] (1393-6)
uDha-o akroor tilochan naamaa kal kabeer kilvikh hari-aa.
It has erased the sins of Oodho, Akroor, Trilochan, Naam Dayv and Kabeer, in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga.

soeI nwmu AClu Bgqh Bv qwrxu Amrdws gur kau PuirAw ]3] (1393-7)
so-ee naam achhal bhagtah bhav taaran amardaas gur ka-o furi-aa. ||3||
That Undeceivable Naam, which carries the devotees across the world-ocean, came into Guru Amar Daas. ||3||

iqqu nwim lwig qyqIs iDAwvih jqI qpIsur min visAw ] (1393-7)
tit naam laag taytees Dhi-aavahi jatee tapeesur man vasi-aa.
The three hundred thirty million angels meditate, attached to the Naam; it is enshrined within the minds of the celibates and ascetics.

soeI nwmu ismir gMgyv ipqwmh crx icq AMimRq risAw ] (1393-8)
so-ee naam simar gangayv pitaameh charan chit amrit rasi-aa.
Bhisham Pitama, the son of the Ganges, meditated on that Naam; his consciousness delighted in the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord's Feet.

iqqu nwim gurU gMBIr grUA miq sq kir sMgiq auDrIAw ] (1393-9)
tit naam guroo gambheer garoo-a mat sat kar sangat uDhree-aa.
The great and profound Guru has brought forth the Naam; accepting the teachings as true, the Holy Congregation has been saved.

soeI nwmu AClu Bgqh Bv qwrxu Amrdws gur kau PuirAw ]4] (1393-9)
so-ee naam achhal bhagtah bhav taaran amardaas gur ka-o furi-aa. ||4||
That Undeceivable Naam, which carries the devotees across the world-ocean, came into Guru Amar Daas. ||4||

nwm ikiq sMswir ikrix riv surqr swKh ] (1393-10)
naam kit sansaar kiran rav surtar saakhah.
The Glory of the Naam shines forth, like the rays of the sun, and the branches of the Elysian Tree.

auqir diKix puib dyis psçim jsu BwKh ] (1393-11)
utar dakhin pub days pascham jas bhaakhah.
In the countries of the north, south, east and west, the Praises of the Naam are chanted.

jnmu q iehu skXQu ijqu nwmu hir irdY invwsY ] (1393-11)
janam ta ih sakyath jit naam har ridai nivaasai.
Life is fruitful, when the Name of the Lord abides in the heart.

suir nr gx gMDrb iCA drsn AwswsY ] (1393-12)
sur nar gan ganDharab chhi-a darsan aasaasai.
The angelic beings, heavenly heralds, celestial singers and the six Shaastras yearn for the Naam.

Blau pRisDu qyjo qnO kl´ joiV kr D´wieAE ] (1393-12)
bhala-o parsiDh tayjo tanou kal-y jorh kar Dhayaa-i-o.
The son of Tayj Bhaan of the Bhalla dynasty is noble and famous; with his palms pressed together, KALL meditates on Him.

soeI nwmu Bgq Bvjl hrxu gur Amrdws qY pwieE ]5] (1393-13)
so-ee naam bhagat bhavjal haran gur amardaas tai paa-i-o. ||5||
The Naam takes away the fears of the devotees about the word-ocean; Guru Amar Daas has obtained it. ||5||

nwmu iDAwvih dyv qyqIs Aru swiDk isD nr nwim KMf bRhmMf Dwry ] (1393-13)
naam Dhi-aavahi dayv taytees ar saaDhik siDh nar naam khand barahmand Dhaaray.
The thirty-one million gods meditate on the Naam, along with the Siddhas and seekers; the Naam supports solar systems and galaxies.

jh nwmu smwiDE hrKu sogu sm kir shwry ] (1393-14)
jah naam samaaDhi-o harakh sog sam kar sahaaray.
One who meditates on the Naam in Samaadhi, endures sorrow and joy as one and the same.

nwmu isromix srb mY Bgq rhy ilv Dwir ] (1393-14)
naam siroman sarab mai bhagat rahay liv Dhaar.
The Naam is the most sublime of all; the devotees remain lovingly attuned to it.

soeI nwmu pdwrQu Amr gur quis dIE krqwir ]6] (1393-15)
so-ee naam padaarath amar gur tus dee-o kartaar. ||6||
Guru Amar Daas was blessed with the treasure of the Naam, by the Creator Lord, in His Pleasure. ||6||

siq sUrau sIil blvMqu sq Bwie sMgiq sGn grUA miq inrvYir lIxw ] (1393-16)
sat soora-o seel balvant sat bhaa-ay sangat saghan garoo-a mat nirvair leenaa.
He is the Warrior Hero of Truth, humility is His Power. His Loving Nature inspires the Congregation with deep and profound understanding; He is absorbed in the Lord, free of hate and vengeance.

ijsu DIrju Duir Dvlu Dujw syiq bYkuMT bIxw ] (1393-16)
jis Dheeraj Dhur Dhaval Dhujaa sayt baikunth beenaa.
Patience has been His white banner since the beginning of time, planted on the bridge to heaven.

prsih sMq ipAwru ijh krqwrh sMjogu ] (1393-17)
parseh sant pi-aar jih kartaareh sanjog.
The Saints meet their Beloved Guru, who is united with the Creator Lord.

siqgurU syiv suKu pwieE Amir guir kIqau jogu ]7] (1393-17)
satguroo sayv sukh paa-i-o amar gur keeta-o jog. ||7||
Serving the True Guru, they find peace; Guru Amar Daas has given them this ability. ||7||

nwmu nwvxu nwmu rs Kwxu Aru Bojnu nwm rsu sdw cwX muiK ims† bwxI ] (1393-18)
naam naavan naam ras khaan ar bhojan naam ras sadaa chaa-y mukh mist banee.
The Naam is His cleansing bath; the Naam is the food He eats; the Naam is the taste He enjoys. With deep yearning, He chants the Sweet Bani of the Guru's Word forever.

Din siqguru syivE ijsu pswie giq Agm jwxI ] (1393-19)
Dhan satgur sayvi-o jis pasaa-ay gat agam jaanee.
Blessed is service to the True Guru; by His Grace, the State of the Unfathomable Lord is known.

kul sMbUh smuDry pwXau nwm invwsu ] (1393-19)
kul sambooh samuDhray paa-ya-o naam nivaas.
All Your generations are totally saved; You dwell in the Naam, the Name of the Lord.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD