Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ieku ibMin dugx ju qau rhY jw sumMiqR mwnvih lih ] (1395-1)
ik binn dugan jo ta-o rahai jaa sumantar maanvahi leh.
Realizing the One Lord, love of duality ceases, and one comes to accept the Sublime Mantra of the Guru.

jwlpw pdwrQ ieqVy gur Amrdwis ifTY imlih ]5]14] (1395-2)
jaalpaa padaarath it-rhay gur amardaas dithai mileh. ||5||14||
So speaks Jaalap: countless treasures are obtained, by the sight of Guru Amar Daas. ||5||14||

scu nwmu krqwru su idRVu nwnik sMgRihAau ] (1395-2)
sach naam kartaar so darirh naanak sangar-hi-a-o.
Guru Nanak gathered up the True Name of the Creator Lord, and implanted it within.

qw qy AMgdu lhxw pRgit qwsu crxh ilv rihAau ] (1395-3)
taa tay angad lahnaa pargat taas charnah liv rahi-a-o.
Through Him, Lehnaa became manifest in the form of Guru Angad, who remained lovingly attuned to His Feet.

iqqu kuil gur Amrdwsu Awsw invwsu qwsu gux kvx vKwxau ] (1395-3)
tit kul gur amardaas aasaa nivaas taas gun kavan vakhaana-o.
Guru Amar Daas of that dynasty is the home of hope. How can I express His Glorious Virtues?

jo gux AlK AgMm iqnh gux AMqu n jwxau ] (1395-4)
jo gun alakh agamm tinah gun ant na jaana-o.
His Virtues are unknowable and unfathomable. I do not know the limits of His Virtues.

boihQau ibDwqY inrmXO sB sMgiq kul auDrx ] (1395-5)
bohitha-o biDhaatai niramyou sabh sangat kul uDhran.
The Creator, the Architect of Destiny, has made Him a boat to carry all His generations across, along with the Sangat, the Holy Congregation.

gur Amrdws kIrqu khY qRwih qRwih quA pw srx ]1]15] (1395-5)
gur amardaas keerat kahai taraahi taraahi tu-a paa saran. ||1||15||
So speaks Keerat: O Guru Amar Daas, please protect me and save me; I seek the Sanctuary of Your Feet. ||1||15||

Awip nrwiexu klw Dwir jg mih prvirXau ] (1395-6)
aap naraa-in kalaa Dhaar jag meh parvari-ya-o.
The Lord Himself wielded His Power and entered the world.

inrMkwir Awkwru joiq jg mMfil kirXau ] (1395-6)
nirankaar aakaar jot jag mandal kari-ya-o.
The Formless Lord took form, and with His Light He illuminated the realms of the world.

jh kh qh BrpUru sbdu dIpik dIpwXau ] (1395-7)
jah kah tah bharpoor sabad deepak deepaa-ya-o.
He is All-pervading everywhere; the Lamp of the Shabad, the Word, has been lit.

ijh isKh sMgRihE qqu hir crx imlwXau ] (1395-7)
jih sikhah sangarahi-o tat har charan milaa-ya-o.
Whoever gathers in the essence of the teachings shall be absorbed in the Feet of the Lord.

nwnk kuil inMmlu Avqir´au AMgd lhxy sMig huA ] (1395-8)
naanak kul nimmal avtar-yi-o angad lahnay sang hu-a.
Lehnaa, who became Guru Angad, and Guru Amar Daas, have been reincarnated into the pure house of Guru Nanak.

gur Amrdws qwrx qrx jnm jnm pw srix quA ]2]16] (1395-8)
gur amardaas taaran taran janam janam paa saran tu-a. ||2||16||
Guru Amar Daas is our Saving Grace, who carries us across; in lifetime after lifetime, I seek the Sanctuary of Your Feet. ||2||16||

jpu qpu squ sMqoKu ipiK drsnu gur isKh ] (1395-9)
jap tap sat santokh pikh darsan gur sikhah.
Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, the Gursikh is blessed with chanting and deep meditation, truth and contentment.

srix prih qy aubrih Coif jm pur kI ilKh ] (1395-9)
saran pareh tay ubrahi chhod jam pur kee likhah.
Whoever seeks His Sanctuary is saved; his account is cleared in the City of Death.

Bgiq Bwie BrpUru irdY aucrY krqwrY ] (1395-10)
bhagat bhaa-ay bharpoor ridai uchrai kartaarai.
His heart is totally filled with loving devotion; he chants to the Creator Lord.

guru gauhru drIAwau plk fubMq´h qwrY ] (1395-10)
gur ga-uhar daree-aa-o palak dubaNt-yah taarai.
The Guru is the river of pearls; in an instant, he carries the drowning ones across.

nwnk kuil inMmlu Avqir´au gux krqwrY aucrY ] (1395-11)
naanak kul nimmal avtar-yi-o gun kartaarai uchrai.
He was reincarnated into the House of Guru Nanak; He chants the Glorious Praises of the Creator Lord.

guru Amrdwsu ijn@ syivAau iqn@ duKu dirdRü prhir prY ]3]17] (1395-11)
gur amardaas jinH sayvi-a-o tinH dukh daridar parhar parai. ||3||17||
Those who serve Guru Amar Daas - their pains and poverty are taken away, far away. ||3||17||

iciq icqvau Ardwis khau pru kih iB n skau ] (1395-12)
chit chitva-o ardaas kaha-o par kahi bhe na saka-o.
I consciously pray within my consciousness, but I cannot express it in words.

srb icMq quJu pwis swDsMgiq hau qkau ] (1395-13)
sarab chint tujh paas saaDhsangat ha-o taka-o.
I place all my worries and anxieties before You; I look to the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, for help.

qyrY hukim pvY nIswxu qau krau swihb kI syvw ] (1395-13)
tayrai hukam pavai neesaan ta-o kara-o saahib kee sayvaa.
By the Hukam of Your Command, I am blessed with Your Insignia; I serve my Lord and Master.

jb guru dyKY suB idsit nwmu krqw muiK myvw ] (1395-14)
jab gur daykhai subh disat naam kartaa mukh mayvaa.
When You, O Guru, gaze at me with Your Glance of Grace, the fruit of the Naam, the Name of the Creator, is placed within my mouth.

Agm AlK kwrx purK jo Purmwvih so khau ] (1395-14)
agam alakh kaaran purakh jo furmaaveh so kaha-o.
The Unfathomable and Unseen Primal Lord God, the Cause of causes - as He orders, so do I speak.

gur Amrdws kwrx krx ijv qU rKih iqv rhau ]4]18] (1395-15)
gur amardaas kaaran karan jiv too rakheh tiv raha-o. ||4||18||
O Guru Amar Daas, Doer of deeds, Cause of causes, as You keep me, I remain; as You protect me, I survive. ||4||18||

iBKy ky ] (1395-15)
bhikhay kay.
Of Bhikhaa:

guru igAwnu Aru iDAwnu qq isau qqu imlwvY ] (1395-15)
gur gi-aan ar Dhi-aan tat si-o tat milaavai.
In deep meditation, and the spiritual wisdom of the Guru, one's essence merges with the essence of reality.

sic scu jwxIAY iek icqih ilv lwvY ] (1395-16)
sach sach jaanee-ai ik chiteh liv laavai.
In truth, the True Lord is recognized and realized, when one is lovingly attuned to Him, with one-pointed consciousness.

kwm k®oD vis krY pvxu aufMq n DwvY ] (1395-16)
kaam kroDh vas karai pavan udant na Dhaavai.
Lust and anger are brought under control, when the breath does not fly around, wandering restlessly.

inrMkwr kY vsY dyis hukmu buiJ bIcwru pwvY ] (1395-17)
nirankaar kai vasai days hukam bujh beechaar paavai.
Dwelling in the land of the Formless Lord, realizing the Hukam of His Command, His contemplative wisdom is attained.

kil mwih rUpu krqw purKu so jwxY ijin ikCu kIAau ] (1395-17)
kal maahi roop kartaa purakh so jaanai jin kichh kee-a-o.
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Guru is the Form of the Creator, the Primal Lord God; he alone knows, who has tried it.

guru imil´au soie iBKw khY shj rMig drsnu dIAau ]1]19] (1395-18)
gur mili-ya-o so-ay bhikhaa kahai sahj rang darsan dee-a-o. ||1||19||
So speaks Bhikhaa: I have met the Guru. With love and intuitive affection, He has bestowed the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. ||1||19||

rihE sMq hau toil swD bhuqyry ifTy ] (1395-19)
rahi-o sant ha-o tol saaDh bahutayray dithay.
I have been searching for the Saints; I have seen so many Holy and spiritual people.

sMinAwsI qpsIAh muKhu ey pMifq imTy ] (1395-19)
sani-aasee tapsee-ah mukhahu ay pandit mithay.
The hermits, Sannyaasees, ascetics, penitents, fanatics and Pandits all speak sweetly.

brsu eyku hau iPirE iknY nhu prcau lwXau ] (1395-19)
baras ayk ha-o firi-o kinai nahu parcha-o laa-ya-o.
I wandered around lost for a year, but no one touched my soul.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD