Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


pRBwqI mhlw 3 ibBws (1346-2)
parbhaatee mehlaa 3 bibhaas
Prabhaatee, Third Mehl, Bibhaas:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1346-2)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

gur prswdI vyKu qU hir mMdru qyrY nwil ] (1346-3)
gur parsaadee vaykh too har mandar tayrai naal.
By Guru's Grace, see that the Temple of the Lord is within you.

hir mMdru sbdy KojIAY hir nwmo lyhu sm@wil ]1] (1346-3)
har mandar sabday khojee-ai har naamo layho samHaal. ||1||
The Temple of the Lord is found through the Word of the Shabad; contemplate the Lord's Name. ||1||

mn myry sbid rpY rMgu hoie ] (1346-4)
man mayray sabad rapai rang ho-ay.
O my mind, be joyfully attuned to the Shabad.

scI Bgiq scw hir mMdru pRgtI swcI soie ]1] rhwau ] (1346-4)
sachee bhagat sachaa har mandar pargatee saachee so-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
True is devotional worship, and True is the Temple of the Lord; True is His Manifest Glory. ||1||Pause||

hir mMdru eyhu srIru hY igAwin rqin prgtu hoie ] (1346-4)
har mandar ayhu sareer hai gi-aan ratan pargat ho-ay.
This body is the Temple of the Lord, in which the jewel of spiritual wisdom is revealed.

mnmuK mUlu n jwxnI mwxis hir mMdru n hoie ]2] (1346-5)
manmukh mool na jaannee maanas har mandar na ho-ay. ||2||
The self-willed manmukhs do not know anything at all; they do not believe that the Lord's Temple is within. ||2||

hir mMdru hir jIau swijAw riKAw hukim svwir ] (1346-6)
har mandar har jee-o saaji-aa rakhi-aa hukam savaar.
The Dear Lord created the Temple of the Lord; He adorns it by His Will.

Duir lyKu iliKAw su kmwvxw koie n mytxhwru ]3] (1346-6)
Dhur laykh likhi-aa so kamaavanaa ko-ay na maytanhaar. ||3||
All act according to their pre-ordained destiny; no one can erase it. ||3||

sbdu cIin@ suKu pwieAw scY nwie ipAwr ] (1346-7)
sabad cheeneh sukh paa-i-aa sachai naa-ay pi-aar.
Contemplating the Shabad, peace is obtained, loving the True Name.

hir mMdru sbdy sohxw kMcnu kotu Apwr ]4] (1346-7)
har mandar sabday sohnaa kanchan kot apaar. ||4||
The Temple of the Lord is embellished with the Shabad; it is an Infinite Fortress of God. ||4||

hir mMdru eyhu jgqu hY gur ibnu GorMDwr ] (1346-8)
har mandar ayhu jagat hai gur bin ghoranDhaar.
This world is the Temple of the Lord; without the Guru, there is only pitch darkness.

dUjw Bwau kir pUjdy mnmuK AMD gvwr ]5] (1346-8)
doojaa bhaa-o kar poojday manmukh anDh gavaar. ||5||
The blind and foolish self-willed manmukhs worship in the love of duality. ||5||

ijQY lyKw mMgIAY iqQY dyh jwiq n jwie ] (1346-9)
jithai laykhaa mangee-ai tithai dayh jaat na jaa-ay.
One's body and social status do not go along to that place, where all are called to account.

swic rqy sy aubry duKIey dUjY Bwie ]6] (1346-9)
saach ratay say ubray dukhee-ay doojai bhaa-ay. ||6||
Those who are attuned to Truth are saved; those in the love of duality are miserable. ||6||

hir mMdr mih nwmu inDwnu hY nw bUJih mugD gvwr ] (1346-9)
har mandar meh naam niDhaan hai naa boojheh mugaDh gavaar.
The treasure of the Naam is within the Temple of the Lord. The idiotic fools do not realize this.

gur prswdI cIin@Aw hir rwiKAw auir Dwir ]7] (1346-10)
gur parsaadee cheenHi-aa har raakhi-aa ur Dhaar. ||7||
By Guru's Grace, I have realized this. I keep the Lord enshrined within my heart. ||7||

gur kI bwxI gur qy jwqI ij sbid rqy rMgu lwie ] (1346-11)
gur kee banee gur tay jaatee je sabad ratay rang laa-ay.
Those who are attuned to the love of the Shabad know the Guru, through the Word of the Guru's Bani.

pivqu pwvn sy jn inrml hir kY nwim smwie ]8] (1346-11)
pavit paavan say jan nirmal har kai naam samaa-ay. ||8||
Sacred, pure and immaculate are those humble beings who are absorbed in the Name of the Lord. ||8||

hir mMdru hir kw hwtu hY riKAw sbid svwir ] (1346-12)
har mandar har kaa haat hai rakhi-aa sabad savaar.
The Temple of the Lord is the Lord's Shop; He embellishes it with the Word of His Shabad.

iqsu ivic saudw eyku nwmu gurmuiK lYin svwir ]9] (1346-12)
tis vich sa-udaa ayk naam gurmukh lain savaar. ||9||
In that shop is the merchandise of the One Name; the Gurmukhs adorn themselves with it. ||9||

hir mMdr mih mnu lohtu hY moihAw dUjY Bwie ] (1346-13)
har mandar meh man lohat hai mohi-aa doojai bhaa-ay.
The mind is like iron slag, within the Temple of the Lord; it is lured by the love of duality.

pwris ByitAY kMcnu BieAw kImiq khI n jwie ]10] (1346-13)
paaras bhayti-ai kanchan bha-i-aa keemat kahee na jaa-ay. ||10||
Meeting with the Guru, the Philosopher's Stone, the mind is transformed into gold. Its value cannot be described. ||10||

hir mMdr mih hir vsY srb inrMqir soie ] (1346-14)
har mandar meh har vasai sarab nirantar so-ay.
The Lord abides within the Temple of the Lord. He is pervading in all.

nwnk gurmuiK vxjIAY scw saudw hoie ]11]1] (1346-14)
naanak gurmukh vanjee-ai sachaa sa-udaa ho-ay. ||11||1||
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs trade in the merchandise of Truth. ||11||1||

pRBwqI mhlw 3 ] (1346-15)
parbhaatee mehlaa 3.
Prabhaatee, Third Mehl:

BY Bwie jwgy sy jn jwgRx krih haumY mYlu auqwir ] (1346-15)
bhai bhaa-ay jaagay say jan jaagran karahi ha-umai mail utaar.
Those who remain awake and aware in the Love and Fear of God, rid themselves of the filth and pollution of egotism.

sdw jwgih Gru Apxw rwKih pMc qskr kwFih mwir ]1] (1346-16)
sadaa jaageh ghar apnaa raakhahi panch taskar kaadheh maar. ||1||
They remain awake and aware forever, and protect their homes, by beating and driving out the five thieves. ||1||

mn myry gurmuiK nwmu iDAwie ] (1346-16)
man mayray gurmukh naam Dhi-aa-ay.
O my mind, as Gurmukh, meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

ijqu mwrig hir pweIAY mn syeI krm kmwie ]1] rhwau ] (1346-17)
jit maarag har paa-ee-ai man say-ee karam kamaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O mind, do only those deeds which will lead you to the Path of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

gurmuiK shj Duin aUpjY duKu haumY ivchu jwie ] (1346-17)
gurmukh sahj Dhun oopjai dukh ha-umai vichahu jaa-ay.
The celestial melody wells up in the Gurmukh, and the pains of egotism are taken away.

hir nwmw hir min vsY shjy hir gux gwie ]2] (1346-18)
har naamaa har man vasai sehjay har gun gaa-ay. ||2||
The Name of the Lord abides in the mind, as one intuitively sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||2||

gurmqI muK sohxy hir rwiKAw auir Dwir ] (1346-19)
gurmatee mukh sohnay har raakhi-aa ur Dhaar.
Those who follow the Guru's Teachings - their faces are radiant and beautiful. They keep the Lord enshrined in their hearts.

AYQY EQY suKu Gxw jip hir hir auqry pwir ]3] (1346-19)
aithai othai sukh ghanaa jap har har utray paar. ||3||
Here and hereafter, they find absolute peace; chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, they are carried across to the other shore. ||3||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD