Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


Bau Kwxw pIxw suKu swru ] (1345-1)
bha-o khaanaa peenaa sukh saar.
Those who eat and drink the Fear of God, find the most excellent peace.

hir jn sMgiq pwvY pwru ] (1345-1)
har jan sangat paavai paar.
Associating with the humble servants of the Lord, they are carried across.

scu bolY bolwvY ipAwru ] (1345-1)
sach bolai bolaavai pi-aar.
They speak the Truth, and lovingly inspire others to speak it as well.

gur kw sbdu krxI hY swru ]7] (1345-1)
gur kaa sabad karnee hai saar. ||7||
The Word of the Guru's Shabad is the most excellent occupation. ||7||

hir jsu krmu Drmu piq pUjw ] (1345-2)
har jas karam Dharam pat poojaa.
Those who take the Lord's Praises as their karma and Dharma, their honor and worship service

kwm k®oD AgnI mih BUMjw ] (1345-2)
kaam kroDh agnee meh bhooNjaa.
- their sexual desire and anger are burnt off in the fire.

hir rsu cwiKAw qau mnu BIjw ] (1345-2)
har ras chaakhi-aa ta-o man bheejaa.
They taste the sublime essence of the Lord, and their minds are drenched with it.

pRxviq nwnku Avru n dUjw ]8]5] (1345-3)
paranvat naanak avar na doojaa. ||8||5||
Prays Nanak, there is no other at all. ||8||5||

pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] (1345-3)
parbhaatee mehlaa 1.
Prabhaatee, First Mehl:

rwm nwmu jip AMqir pUjw ] (1345-3)
raam naam jap antar poojaa.
Chant the Lord's Name, and worship Him deep within your being.

gur sbdu vIcwir Avru nhI dUjw ]1] (1345-4)
gur sabad veechaar avar nahee doojaa. ||1||
Contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad, and no other. ||1||

eyko riv rihAw sB TweI ] (1345-4)
ayko rav rahi-aa sabh thaa-ee.
The One is pervading all places.

Avru n dIsY iksu pUj cVweI ]1] rhwau ] (1345-4)
avar na deesai kis pooj charhaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I do not see any other; unto whom should I offer worship? ||1||Pause||

mnu qnu AwgY jIAVw quJ pwis ] (1345-5)
man tan aagai jee-arhaa tujh paas.
I place my mind and body in offering before You; I dedicate my soul to You.

ijau BwvY iqau rKhu Ardwis ]2] (1345-5)
ji-o bhaavai ti-o rakhahu ardaas. ||2||
As it pleases You, You save me, Lord; this is my prayer. ||2||

scu ijhvw hir rsn rsweI ] (1345-6)
sach jihvaa har rasan rasaa-ee.
True is that tongue which is delighted by the sublime essence of the Lord.

gurmiq CUtis pRB srxweI ]3] (1345-6)
gurmat chhootas parabh sarnaa-ee. ||3||
Following the Guru's Teachings, one is saved in the Sanctuary of God. ||3||

krm Drm pRiB myrY kIey ] (1345-6)
karam Dharam parabh mayrai kee-ay.
My God created religious rituals.

nwmu vfweI isir krmW kIey ]4] (1345-7)
naam vadaa-ee sir karmaaN kee-ay. ||4||
He placed the glory of the Naam above these rituals. ||4||

siqgur kY vis cwir pdwrQ ] (1345-7)
satgur kai vas chaar padaarath.
The four great blessings are under the control of the True Guru.

qIin smwey eyk ik®qwrQ ]5] (1345-7)
teen samaa-ay ayk kirtaarath. ||5||
When the first three are put aside, one is blessed with the fourth. ||5||

siqguir dIey mukiq iDAwnW ] (1345-8)
satgur dee-ay mukat Dhi-aanaaN.
Those whom the True Guru blesses with liberation and meditation

hir pdu cIin@ Bey prDwnw ]6] (1345-8)
har pad cheeneh bha-ay parDhaanaa. ||6||
realize the Lord's State, and become sublime. ||6||

mnu qnu sIqlu guir bUJ buJweI ] (1345-8)
man tan seetal gur boojh bujhaa-ee.
Their minds and bodies are cooled and soothed; the Guru imparts this understanding.

pRBu invwjy ikin kImiq pweI ]7] (1345-9)
parabh nivaajay kin keemat paa-ee. ||7||
Who can estimate the value of those whom God has exalted? ||7||

khu nwnk guir bUJ buJweI ] (1345-9)
kaho naanak gur boojh bujhaa-ee.
Says Nanak, the Guru has imparted this understanding;

nwm ibnw giq iknY n pweI ]8]6] (1345-9)
naam binaa gat kinai na paa-ee. ||8||6||
without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, no one is emancipated. ||8||6||

pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] (1345-10)
parbhaatee mehlaa 1.
Prabhaatee, First Mehl:

ieik Duir bKis ley guir pUrY scI bxq bxweI ] (1345-10)
ik Dhur bakhas la-ay gur poorai sachee banat banaa-ee.
Some are forgiven by the Primal Lord God; the Perfect Guru makes the true making.

hir rMg rwqy sdw rMgu swcw duK ibsry piq pweI ]1] (1345-10)
har rang raatay sadaa rang saachaa dukh bisray pat paa-ee. ||1||
Those who are attuned to the Love of the Lord are imbued with Truth forever; their pains are dispelled, and they obtain honor. ||1||

JUTI durmiq kI cqurweI ] (1345-11)
jhoothee durmat kee chaturaa-ee.
False are the clever tricks of the evil-minded.

ibnsq bwr n lwgY kweI ]1] rhwau ] (1345-11)
binsat baar na laagai kaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
They shall disappear in no time at all. ||1||Pause||

mnmuK kau duKu drdu ivAwpis mnmuiK duKu n jweI ] (1345-12)
manmukh ka-o dukh darad vi-aapas manmukh dukh na jaa-ee.
Pain and suffering afflict the self-willed manmukh. The pains of the self-willed manmukh shall never depart.

suK duK dwqw gurmuiK jwqw myil ley srxweI ]2] (1345-12)
sukh dukh daataa gurmukh jaataa mayl la-ay sarnaa-ee. ||2||
The Gurmukh recognizes the Giver of pleasure and pain. He merges in His Sanctuary. ||2||

mnmuK qy AB Bgiq n hovis haumY pcih idvwny ] (1345-13)
manmukh tay abh bhagat na hovas ha-umai pacheh divaanay.
The self-willed manmukhs do not know loving devotional worship; they are insane, rotting away in their egotism.

iehu mnUAw iKnu aUiB pieAwlI jb lig sbd n jwny ]3] (1345-13)
ih manoo-aa khin oobh paa-i-aalee jab lag sabad na jaanay. ||3||
This mind flies in an instant from the heavens to the underworld, as long as it does not know the Word of the Shabad. ||3||

BUK ipAwsw jgu BieAw iqpiq nhI ibnu siqgur pwey ] (1345-14)
bhookh pi-aasaa jag bha-i-aa tipat nahee bin satgur paa-ay.
The world has become hungry and thirsty; without the True Guru, it is not satisfied.

shjY shju imlY suKu pweIAY drgh pYDw jwey ]4] (1345-15)
sahjai sahj milai sukh paa-ee-ai dargeh paiDhaa jaa-ay. ||4||
Merging intuitively in the Celestial Lord, peace is obtained, and one goes to the Lord's Court wearing robes of honor. ||4||

drgh dwnw bInw ieku Awpy inrml gur kI bwxI ] (1345-15)
dargeh daanaa beenaa ik aapay nirmal gur kee banee.
The Lord in His Court is Himself the Knower and Seer; the Word of the Guru's Bani is Immaculate.

Awpy surqw scu vIcwris Awpy bUJY pdu inrbwxI ]5] (1345-16)
aapay surtaa sach veechaaras aapay boojhai pad nirbaanee. ||5||
He Himself is the Awareness of Truth; He Himself understands the state of nirvaanaa. ||5||

jlu qrMg AgnI pvnY Puin qRY imil jgqu aupwieAw ] (1345-16)
jal tarang agnee pavnai fun tarai mil jagat upaa-i-aa.
He made the waves of water, the fire and the air, and then joined the three together to form the world.

AYsw blu Clu iqn kau dIAw hukmI Twik rhwieAw ]6] (1345-17)
aisaa bal chhal tin ka-o dee-aa hukmee thaak rahaa-i-aa. ||6||
He blessed these elements with such power, that they remain subject to His Command. ||6||

AYsy jn ivrly jg AMdir priK KjwnY pwieAw ] (1345-18)
aisay jan virlay jag andar parakh khajaanai paa-i-aa.
How rare are those humble beings in this world, whom the Lord tests and places in His Treasury.

jwiq vrn qy Bey AqIqw mmqw loBu cukwieAw ]7] (1345-18)
jaat varan tay bha-ay ateetaa mamtaa lobh chukaa-i-aa. ||7||
They rise above social status and color, and rid themselves of possessiveness and greed. ||7||

nwim rqy qIrQ sy inrml duKu haumY mYlu cukwieAw ] (1345-19)
naam ratay tirath say nirmal dukh ha-umai mail chukaa-i-aa.
Attuned to the Naam, the Name of the Lord, they are like immaculate sacred shrines; they are rid of the pain and pollution of egotism.

nwnku iqn ky crn pKwlY ijnw gurmuiK swcw BwieAw ]8]7] (1345-19)
naanak tin kay charan pakhaalai jinaa gurmukh saachaa bhaa-i-aa. ||8||7||
Nanak washes the feet of those who, as Gurmukh, love the True Lord. ||8||7||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD