Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


pRBwqI mhlw 1 dKxI ] (1344-1)
parbhaatee mehlaa 1 dakh-nee.
Prabhaatee, First Mehl, Dakhnee:

goqmu qpw AihilAw iesqRI iqsu dyiK ieMdRü luBwieAw ] (1344-1)
gotam tapaa ahili-aa istaree tis daykh indar lubhaa-i-aa.
Ahalyaa was the wife of Gautam the seer. Seeing her, Indra was enticed.

shs srIr ichn Bg hUey qw min pCoqwieAw ]1] (1344-1)
sahas sareer chihan bhag hoo-ay taa man pachhotaa-i-aa. ||1||
When he received a thousand marks of disgrace on his body, then he felt regret in his mind. ||1||

koeI jwix n BUlY BweI ] (1344-2)
ko-ee jaan na bhoolai bhaa-ee.
O Siblings of Destiny, no one knowingly makes mistakes.

so BUlY ijsu Awip Bulwey bUJY ijsY buJweI ]1] rhwau ] (1344-2)
so bhoolai jis aap bhulaa-ay boojhai jisai bujhaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He alone is mistaken, whom the Lord Himself makes so. He alone understands, whom the Lord causes to understand. ||1||Pause||

iqin hrI cMid ipRQmI piq rwjY kwgid kIm n pweI ] (1344-3)
tin haree chand parithmee pat raajai kaagad keem na paa-ee.
Harichand, the king and ruler of his land, did not appreciate the value of his pre-ordained destiny.

Aaugxu jwxY q puMn kry ikau ikau nyKwis ibkweI ]2] (1344-3)
a-ugan jaanai ta punn karay ki-o ki-o naykhaas bikaa-ee. ||2||
If he had known that it was a mistake, he would not have made such a show of giving in charity, and he would not have been sold in the market. ||2||

krau AFweI DrqI mWgI bwvn rUip bhwnY ] (1344-4)
kara-o adhaa-ee Dhartee maaNgee baavan roop bahaanai.
The Lord took the form of a dwarf, and asked for some land.

ikau pieAwil jwie ikau ClIAY jy bil rUpu pCwnY ]3] (1344-4)
ki-o pa-i-aal jaa-ay ki-o chhalee-ai jay bal roop pachhaanai. ||3||
If Bal the king has recognized Him, he would not have been deceived, and sent to the underworld. ||3||

rwjw jnmyjw dy mqˆØI brij ibAwis pV@wieAw ] (1344-5)
raajaa janmayjaa day mateeN baraj bi-aas parhHaa-i-aa.
Vyaas taught and warned the king Janmayjaa not to do three things.

iqin@ kir jg ATwrh Gwey ikrqu n clY clwieAw ]4] (1344-6)
tiniH kar jag athaarah ghaa-ay kirat na chalai chalaa-i-aa. ||4||
But he performed the sacred feast and killed eighteen Brahmins; the record of one's past deeds cannot be erased. ||4||

gxq n gxˆØI hukmu pCwxw bolI Bwie suBweI ] (1344-6)
ganat na ganeeN hukam pachhaanaa bolee bhaa-ay subhaa-ee.
I do not try to calculate the account; I accept the Hukam of God's Command. I speak with intuitive love and respect.

jo ikCu vrqY quDY slwhˆØI sB qyrI vifAweI ]5] (1344-7)
jo kichh vartai tuDhai salaaheeN sabh tayree vadi-aa-ee. ||5||
No matter what happens, I will praise the Lord. It is all Your Glorious Greatness, O Lord. ||5||

gurmuiK Ailpqu lypu kdy n lwgY sdw rhY srxweI ] (1344-7)
gurmukh alipat layp kaday na laagai sadaa rahai sarnaa-ee.
The Gurmukh remains detached; filth never attaches itself to him. He remains forever in God's Sanctuary.

mnmuKu mugDu AwgY cyqY nwhI duiK lwgY pCuqweI ]6] (1344-8)
manmukh mugaDh aagai chaytai naahee dukh laagai pachhutaa-ee. ||6||
The foolish self-willed manmukh does not think of the future; he is overtaken by pain, and then he regrets. ||6||

Awpy kry krwey krqw ijin eyh rcnw rcIAY ] (1344-8)
aapay karay karaa-ay kartaa jin ayh rachnaa rachee-ai.
The Creator who created this creation acts, and causes all to act.

hir AiBmwnu n jweI jIAhu AiBmwny pY pcIAY ]7] (1344-9)
har abhimaan na jaa-ee jee-ahu abhimaanay pai pachee-ai. ||7||
O Lord, egotistical pride does not depart from the soul. Falling into egotistical pride, one is ruined. ||7||

Bulx ivic kIAw sBu koeI krqw Awip n BulY ] (1344-9)
bhulan vich kee-aa sabh ko-ee kartaa aap na bhulai.
Everyone makes mistakes; only the Creator does not make mistakes.

nwnk sic nwim insqwrw ko gur prswid AGulY ]8]4] (1344-10)
naanak sach naam nistaaraa ko gur parsaad aghulai. ||8||4||
O Nanak, salvation comes through the True Name. By Guru's Grace, one is released. ||8||4||

pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] (1344-11)
parbhaatee mehlaa 1.
Prabhaatee, First Mehl:

AwKxw sunxw nwmu ADwru ] (1344-11)
aakh-naa sunnaa naam aDhaar.
To chant and listen to the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is my Support.

DMDw Cutik gieAw vykwru ] (1344-11)
DhanDhaa chhutak ga-i-aa vaykaar.
Worthless entanglements are ended and gone.

ijau mnmuiK dUjY piq KoeI ] (1344-11)
ji-o manmukh doojai pat kho-ee.
The self-willed manmukh, caught in duality, loses his honor.

ibnu nwvY mY Avru n koeI ]1] (1344-12)
bin naavai mai avar na ko-ee. ||1||
Except for the Name, I have no other at all. ||1||

suix mn AMDy mUrK gvwr ] (1344-12)
sun man anDhay moorakh gavaar.
Listen, O blind, foolish, idiotic mind.

Awvq jwq lwj nhI lwgY ibnu gur bUfY bwro bwr ]1] rhwau ] (1344-12)
aavat jaat laaj nahee laagai bin gur boodai baaro baar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Aren't you ashamed of your comings and goings in reincarnation? Without the Guru, you shall drown, over and over again. ||1||Pause||

iesu mn mwieAw moih ibnwsu ] (1344-13)
is man maa-i-aa mohi binaas.
This mind is ruined by its attachment to Maya.

Duir hukmu iliKAw qW khIAY kwsu ] (1344-13)
Dhur hukam likhi-aa taaN kahee-ai kaas.
The Command of the Primal Lord is pre-ordained. Before whom should I cry?

gurmuiK ivrlw cIn@Y koeI ] (1344-14)
gurmukh virlaa cheenHai ko-ee.
Only a few, as Gurmukh, understand this.

nwm ibhUnw mukiq n hoeI ]2] (1344-14)
naam bihoonaa mukat na ho-ee. ||2||
Without the Naam, no one is liberated. ||2||

BRim BRim folY lK caurwsI ] (1344-14)
bharam bharam dolai lakh cha-uraasee.
People wander lost, staggering and stumbling through 8.4 million incarnations.

ibnu gur bUJy jm kI PwsI ] (1344-15)
bin gur boojhay jam kee faasee.
Without knowing the Guru, they cannot escape the noose of Death.

iehu mnUAw iKnu iKnu aUiB pieAwil ] (1344-15)
ih manoo-aa khin khin oobh pa-i-aal.
This mind, from one moment to the next, goes from the heavens to the underworld.

gurmuiK CUtY nwmu sm@wil ]3] (1344-15)
gurmukh chhootai naam samHaal. ||3||
The Gurmukh contemplates the Naam, and is released. ||3||

Awpy sdy iFl n hoie ] (1344-16)
aapay saday dhil na ho-ay.
When God sends His Summons, there is no time to delay.

sbid mrY sihlw jIvY soie ] (1344-16)
sabad marai sahilaa jeevai so-ay.
When one dies in the Word of the Shabad, he lives in peace.

ibnu gur soJI iksY n hoie ] (1344-16)
bin gur sojhee kisai na ho-ay.
Without the Guru, no one understands.

Awpy krY krwvY soie ]4] (1344-17)
aapay karai karaavai so-ay. ||4||
The Lord Himself acts, and inspires all to act. ||4||

JgVu cukwvY hir gux gwvY ] (1344-17)
jhagarh chukhaavai har gun gaavai.
Inner conflict comes to an end, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

pUrw siqguru shij smwvY ] (1344-17)
pooraa satgur sahj samaavai.
Through the Perfect True Guru, one is intuitively absorbed into the Lord.

iehu mnu folq qau ThrwvY ] (1344-18)
ih man dolat ta-o thehraavai.
This wobbling, unsteady mind is stabilized,

scu krxI kir kwr kmwvY ]5] (1344-18)
sach karnee kar kaar kamaavai. ||5||
and one lives the lifestyle of true actions. ||5||

AMqir jUTw ikau suic hoie ] (1344-18)
antar joothaa ki-o such ho-ay.
If someone is false within his own self, then how can he be pure?

sbdI DovY ivrlw koie ] (1344-19)
sabdee Dhovai virlaa ko-ay.
How rare are those who wash with the Shabad.

gurmuiK koeI scu kmwvY ] (1344-19)
gurmukh ko-ee sach kamaavai.
How rare are those who, as Gurmukh, live the Truth.

Awvxu jwxw Twik rhwvY ]6] (1344-19)
aavan jaanaa thaak rahaavai. ||6||
Their comings and goings in reincarnation are over and done. ||6||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD