Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


gur kw sbdu sdw sd Atlw ] (1340-1)
gur kaa sabad sadaa sad atlaa.
The Word of the Guru's Shabad is unchanging, forever and ever.

gur kI bwxI ijsu min vsY ] dUKu drdu sBu qw kw nsY ]1] (1340-1)
gur kee banee jis man vasai. dookh darad sabh taa kaa nasai. ||1||
All pains and afflictions run away from those, whose minds are filled with the Word of the Guru's Bani. ||1||

hir rMig rwqw mnu rwm gun gwvY ] (1340-2)
har rang raataa man raam gun gaavai.
Imbued with the Lord's Love, they sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

mukquo swDU DUrI nwvY ]1] rhwau ] (1340-2)
mukto saaDhoo Dhooree naavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
They are liberated, bathing in the dust of the feet of the Holy. ||1||Pause||

gur prswdI auqry pwir ] (1340-2)
gur parsaadee utray paar.
By Guru's Grace, they are carried across to the other shore;

Bau Brmu ibnsy ibkwr ] (1340-3)
bha-o bharam binsay bikaar.
they are rid of fear, doubt and corruption.

mn qn AMqir bsy gur crnw ] (1340-3)
man tan antar basay gur charnaa.
The Guru's Feet abide deep within their minds and bodies.

inrBY swD pry hir srnw ]2] (1340-3)
nirbhai saaDh paray har sarnaa. ||2||
The Holy are fearless; they take to the Sanctuary of the Lord. ||2||

And shj rs sUK Gnyry ] (1340-4)
anad sahj ras sookh ghanayray.
They are blessed with abundant bliss, happiness, pleasure and peace.

dusmnu dUKu n AwvY nyry ] (1340-4)
dusman dookh na aavai nayray.
Enemies and pains do not even approach them.

guir pUrY Apuny kir rwKy ] (1340-4)
gur poorai apunay kar raakhay.
The Perfect Guru makes them His Own, and protects them.

hir nwmu jpq iklibK siB lwQy ]3] (1340-4)
har naam japat kilbikh sabh laathay. ||3||
Chanting the Lord's Name, they are rid of all their sins. ||3||

sMq swjn isK Bey suhyly ] (1340-5)
sant saajan sikh bha-ay suhaylay.
The Saints, spiritual companions and Sikhs are exalted and uplifted.

guir pUrY pRB isau lY myly ] (1340-5)
gur poorai parabh si-o lai maylay.
The Perfect Guru leads them to meet God.

jnm mrn duK Pwhw kwitAw ] (1340-5)
janam maran dukh faahaa kaati-aa.
The painful noose of death and rebirth is snapped.

khu nwnk guir pVdw FwikAw ]4]8] (1340-6)
kaho naanak gur parh-daa dhaaki-aa. ||4||8||
Says Nanak, the Guru covers their faults. ||4||8||

pRBwqI mhlw 5 ] (1340-6)
parbhaatee mehlaa 5.
Prabhaatee, Fifth Mehl:

siqguir pUrY nwmu dIAw ] (1340-6)
satgur poorai naam dee-aa.
The Perfect True Guru has bestowed the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

And mMgl kilAwx sdw suKu kwrju sglw rwis QIAw ]1] rhwau ] (1340-7)
anad mangal kali-aan sadaa sukh kaaraj saglaa raas thee-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am blessed with bliss and happiness, emancipation and eternal peace. All my affairs have been resolved. ||1||Pause||

crn kml gur ky min vUTy ] (1340-8)
charan kamal gur kay man voothay.
The Lotus Feet of the Guru abide within my mind.

dUK drd BRm ibnsy JUTy ]1] (1340-8)
dookh darad bharam binsay jhoothay. ||1||
I am rid of pain, suffering, doubt and fraud. ||1||

inq auiT gwvhu pRB kI bwxI ] (1340-8)
nit uth gaavhu parabh kee banee.
Rise early, and sing the Glorious Word of God's Bani.

AwT phr hir ismrhu pRwxI ]2] (1340-9)
aath pahar har simrahu paraanee. ||2||
Twenty-four hours a day, meditate in remembrance on the Lord, O mortal. ||2||

Gir bwhir pRBu sBnI QweI ] (1340-9)
ghar baahar parabh sabhnee thaa-ee.
Inwardly and outwardly, God is everywhere.

sMig shweI jh hau jweI ]3] (1340-9)
sang sahaa-ee jah ha-o jaa-ee. ||3||
Wherever I go, He is always with me, my Helper and Support. ||3||

duie kr joiV krI Ardwis ] (1340-10)
du-ay kar jorh karee ardaas.
With my palms pressed together, I offer this prayer.

sdw jpy nwnku guxqwsu ]4]9] (1340-10)
sadaa japay naanak guntaas. ||4||9||
O Nanak, I meditate forever on the Lord, the Treasure of Virtue. ||4||9||

pRBwqI mhlw 5 ] (1340-10)
parbhaatee mehlaa 5.
Prabhaatee, Fifth Mehl:

pwrbRhmu pRBu suGV sujwxu ] (1340-11)
paarbarahm parabh sugharh sujaan.
The Supreme Lord God is All-wise and All-knowing.

guru pUrw pweIAY vfBwgI drsn kau jweIAY kurbwxu ]1] rhwau ] (1340-11)
gur pooraa paa-ee-ai vadbhaagee darsan ka-o jaa-ee-ai kurbaan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Perfect Guru is found by great good fortune. I am a sacrifice to the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. ||1||Pause||

iklibK myty sbid sMqoKu ] (1340-12)
kilbikh maytay sabad santokh.
My sins are cut away, through the Word of the Shabad, and I have found contentment.

nwmu ArwDn hoAw jogu ] (1340-12)
naam araaDhan ho-aa jog.
I have become worthy of worshipping the Naam in adoration.

swDsMig hoAw prgwsu ] (1340-12)
saaDhsang ho-aa pargaas.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I have been enlightened.

crn kml mn mwih invwsu ]1] (1340-13)
charan kamal man maahi nivaas. ||1||
The Lord's Lotus Feet abide within my mind. ||1||

ijin kIAw iqin lIAw rwiK ] (1340-13)
jin kee-aa tin lee-aa raakh.
The One who made us, protects and preserves us.

pRBu pUrw AnwQ kw nwQu ] (1340-13)
parabh pooraa anaath kaa naath.
God is Perfect, the Master of the masterless.

ijsih invwjy ikrpw Dwir ] (1340-14)
jisahi nivaajay kirpaa Dhaar.
Those, upon whom He showers His Mercy

pUrn krm qw ky Awcwr ]2] (1340-14)
pooran karam taa kay aachaar. ||2||
- they have perfect karma and conduct. ||2||

gux gwvY inq inq inq nvy ] (1340-14)
gun gaavai nit nit nit navay.
They sing the Glories of God, continually, continuously, forever fresh and new.

lK caurwsIh join n Bvy ] (1340-14)
lakh cha-oraaseeh jon na bhavay.
They do not wander in the 8.4 million incarnations.

eIhW aUhW crx pUjwry ] (1340-15)
eehaaN oohaaN charan poojaaray.
Here and hereafter, they worship the Lord's Feet.

muKu aUjlu swcy drbwry ]3] (1340-15)
mukh oojal saachay darbaaray. ||3||
Their faces are radiant, and they are honored in the Court of the Lord. ||3||

ijsu msqik guir DirAw hwQu ] (1340-15)
jis mastak gur Dhari-aa haath.
That person, upon whose forehead the Guru places His Hand

koit mDy ko ivrlw dwsu ] (1340-16)
kot maDhay ko virlaa daas.
- out of millions, how rare is that slave.

jil Qil mhIAil pyKY BrpUir ] (1340-16)
jal thal mahee-al paykhai bharpoor.
He sees God pervading and permeating the water, the land and the sky.

nwnk auDris iqsu jn kI DUir ]4]10] (1340-16)
naanak uDhras tis jan kee Dhoor. ||4||10||
Nanak is saved by the dust of the feet of such a humble being. ||4||10||

pRBwqI mhlw 5 ] (1340-17)
parbhaatee mehlaa 5.
Prabhaatee, Fifth Mehl:

kurbwxu jweI gur pUry Apny ] (1340-17)
kurbaan jaa-ee gur pooray apnay.
I am a sacrifice to my Perfect Guru.

ijsu pRswid hir hir jpu jpny ]1] rhwau ] (1340-17)
jis parsaad har har jap japnay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By His Grace, I chant and meditate on the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||Pause||

AMimRq bwxI suxq inhwl ] (1340-18)
amrit banee sunat nihaal.
Listening to the Ambrosial Word of His Bani, I am exalted and enraptured.

ibnis gey ibiKAw jMjwl ]1] (1340-18)
binas ga-ay bikhi-aa janjaal. ||1||
My corrupt and poisonous entanglements are gone. ||1||

swc sbd isau lwgI pRIiq ] (1340-19)
saach sabad si-o laagee pareet.
I am in love with the True Word of His Shabad.

hir pRBu Apunw AwieAw cIiq ]2] (1340-19)
har parabh apunaa aa-i-aa cheet. ||2||
The Lord God has come into my consciousness. ||2||

nwmu jpq hoAw prgwsu ] (1340-19)
naam japat ho-aa pargaas.
Chanting the Naam, I am enlightened.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD