Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ikrq sMjogI pwieAw Bwil ] (1338-1)
kirat sanjogee paa-i-aa bhaal.
By pre-ordained destiny, I have searched and found God.

swDsMgiq mih bsy gupwl ] (1338-1)
saaDhsangat meh basay gupaal.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the Lord of the World abides.

gur imil Awey qumrY duAwr ] (1338-1)
gur mil aa-ay tumrai du-aar.
Meeting with the Guru, I have come to Your Door.

jn nwnk drsnu dyhu murwir ]4]1] (1338-2)
jan naanak darsan dayh muraar. ||4||1||
O Lord, please bless servant Nanak with the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||4||1||

pRBwqI mhlw 5 ] (1338-2)
parbhaatee mehlaa 5.
Prabhaatee, Fifth Mehl:

pRB kI syvw jn kI soBw ] (1338-2)
parabh kee sayvaa jan kee sobhaa.
Serving God, His humble servant is glorified.

kwm k®oD imty iqsu loBw ] (1338-3)
kaam kroDh mitay tis lobhaa.
Unfulfilled sexual desire, unresolved anger and unsatisfied greed are eradicated.

nwmu qyrw jn kY BMfwir ] (1338-3)
naam tayraa jan kai bhandaar.
Your Name is the treasure of Your humble servant.

gun gwvih pRB drs ipAwir ]1] (1338-3)
gun gaavahi parabh daras pi-aar. ||1||
Singing His Praises, I am in love with the Blessed Vision of God's Darshan. ||1||

qumrI Bgiq pRB qumih jnweI ] (1338-4)
tumree bhagat parabh tumeh janaa-ee.
You are known, O God, by Your devotees.

kwit jyvrI jn lIey CfweI ]1] rhwau ] (1338-4)
kaat jayvree jan lee-ay chhadaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Breaking their bonds, You emancipate them. ||1||Pause||

jo jnu rwqw pRB kY rMig ] (1338-4)
jo jan raataa parabh kai rang.
Those humble beings who are imbued with God's Love

iqin suKu pwieAw pRB kY sMig ] (1338-5)
tin sukh paa-i-aa parabh kai sang.
find peace in God's Congregation.

ijsu rsu AwieAw soeI jwnY ] (1338-5)
jis ras aa-i-aa so-ee jaanai.
They alone understand this, to whom this subtle essence comes.

pyiK pyiK mn mih hYrwnY ]2] (1338-5)
paykh paykh man meh hairaanai. ||2||
Beholding it, and gazing upon it, in their minds they are wonderstruck. ||2||

so suKIAw sB qy aUqmu soie ] (1338-6)
so sukhee-aa sabh tay ootam so-ay.
They are at peace, the most exalted of all,

jw kY ihRdY visAw pRBu soie ] (1338-6)
jaa kai hirdai vasi-aa parabh so-ay.
within whose hearts God dwells.

soeI inhclu AwvY n jwie ] (1338-6)
so-ee nihchal aavai na jaa-ay.
They are stable and unchanging; they do not come and go in reincarnation.

Anidnu pRB ky hir gux gwie ]3] (1338-7)
an-din parabh kay har gun gaa-ay. ||3||
Night and day, they sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord God. ||3||

qw kau krhu sgl nmskwru ] (1338-7)
taa ka-o karahu sagal namaskaar.
All bow down in humble respect to those

jw kY min pUrnu inrMkwru ] (1338-7)
jaa kai man pooran nirankaar.
whose minds are filled with the Formless Lord.

kir ikrpw moih Twkur dyvw ] (1338-8)
kar kirpaa mohi thaakur dayvaa.
Show mercy unto me, O my Divine Lord and Master.

nwnku auDrY jn kI syvw ]4]2] (1338-8)
naanak uDhrai jan kee sayvaa. ||4||2||
May Nanak be saved, by serving these humble beings. ||4||2||

pRBwqI mhlw 5 ] (1338-8)
parbhaatee mehlaa 5.
Prabhaatee, Fifth Mehl:

gun gwvq min hoie Anµd ] (1338-9)
gun gaavat man ho-ay anand.
Singing His Glorious Praises, the mind is in ecstasy.

AwT phr ismrau BgvMq ] (1338-9)
aath pahar simra-o bhagvant.
Twenty-four hours a day, I meditate in remembrance on God.

jw kY ismrin klml jwih ] (1338-9)
jaa kai simran kalmal jaahi.
Remembering Him in meditation, the sins go away.

iqsu gur kI hm crnI pwih ]1] (1338-9)
tis gur kee ham charnee paahi. ||1||
I fall at the Feet of that Guru. ||1||

sumiq dyvhu sMq ipAwry ] (1338-10)
sumat dayvhu sant pi-aaray.
O beloved Saints, please bless me with wisdom;

ismrau nwmu moih insqwry ]1] rhwau ] (1338-10)
simra-o naam mohi nistaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
let me meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and be emancipated. ||1||Pause||

ijin guir kihAw mwrgu sIDw ] (1338-11)
jin gur kahi-aa maarag seeDhaa.
The Guru has shown me the straight path;

sgl iqAwig nwim hir gIDw ] (1338-11)
sagal ti-aag naam har geeDhaa.
I have abandoned everything else. I am enraptured with the Name of the Lord.

iqsu gur kY sdw bil jweIAY ] (1338-11)
tis gur kai sadaa bal jaa-ee-ai.
I am forever a sacrifice to that Guru;

hir ismrnu ijsu gur qy pweIAY ]2] (1338-12)
har simran jis gur tay paa-ee-ai. ||2||
I meditate in remembrance on the Lord, through the Guru. ||2||

bUfq pRwnI ijin gurih qrwieAw ] (1338-12)
boodat paraanee jin gureh taraa-i-aa.
The Guru carries those mortal beings across, and saves them from drowning.

ijsu pRswid mohY nhI mwieAw ] (1338-13)
jis parsaad mohai nahee maa-i-aa.
By His Grace, they are not enticed by Maya;

hlqu plqu ijin gurih svwirAw ] (1338-13)
halat palat jin gureh savaari-aa.
in this world and the next, they are embellished and exalted by the Guru.

iqsu gur aUpir sdw hau vwirAw ]3] (1338-13)
tis gur oopar sadaa ha-o vaari-aa. ||3||
I am forever a sacrifice to that Guru. ||3||

mhw mugD qy kIAw igAwnI ] (1338-14)
mahaa mugaDh tay kee-aa gi-aanee.
From the most ignorant, I have been made spiritually wise,

gur pUry kI AkQ khwnI ] (1338-14)
gur pooray kee akath kahaanee.
through the Unspoken Speech of the Perfect Guru.

pwrbRhm nwnk gurdyv ] (1338-14)
paarbarahm naanak gurdayv.
The Divine Guru, O Nanak, is the Supreme Lord God.

vfY Bwig pweIAY hir syv ]4]3] (1338-15)
vadai bhaag paa-ee-ai har sayv. ||4||3||
By great good fortune, I serve the Lord. ||4||3||

pRBwqI mhlw 5 ] (1338-15)
parbhaatee mehlaa 5.
Prabhaatee, Fifth Mehl:

sgly dUK imty suK dIey Apnw nwmu jpwieAw ] (1338-15)
saglay dookh mitay sukh dee-ay apnaa naam japaa-i-aa.
Eradicating all my pains, He has blessed me with peace, and inspired me to chant His Name.

kir ikrpw ApnI syvw lwey sglw durqu imtwieAw ]1] (1338-16)
kar kirpaa apnee sayvaa laa-ay saglaa durat mitaa-i-aa. ||1||
In His Mercy, He has enjoined me to His service, and has purged me of all my sins. ||1||

hm bwirk srin pRB dieAwl ] (1338-16)
ham baarik saran parabh da-i-aal.
I am only a child; I seek the Sanctuary of God the Merciful.

Avgx kwit kIey pRiB Apuny rwiK lIey myrY gur gopwil ]1] rhwau ] (1338-17)
avgan kaat kee-ay parabh apunay raakh lee-ay mayrai gur gopaal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Erasing my demerits and faults, God has made me His Own. My Guru, the Lord of the World, protects me. ||1||Pause||

qwp pwp ibnsy iKn BIqir Bey ik®pwl gusweI ] (1338-17)
taap paap binsay khin bheetar bha-ay kirpaal gusaa-ee.
My sicknesses and sins were erased in an instant, when the Lord of the World became merciful.

swis swis pwrbRhmu ArwDI Apuny siqgur kY bil jweI ]2] (1338-18)
saas saas paarbarahm araaDhee apunay satgur kai bal jaa-ee. ||2||
With each and very breath, I worship and adore the Supreme Lord God; I am a sacrifice to the True Guru. ||2||

Agm Agocru ibAMqu suAwmI qw kw AMqu n pweIAY ] (1338-19)
agam agochar bi-ant su-aamee taa kaa ant na paa-ee-ai.
My Lord and Master is Inaccessible, Unfathomable and Infinite. His limits cannot be found.

lwhw Kwit hoeIAY DnvMqw Apunw pRBU iDAweIAY ]3] (1338-19)
laahaa khaat ho-ee-ai Dhanvantaa apunaa parabhoo Dhi-aa-ee-ai. ||3||
We earn the profit, and become wealthy, meditating on our God. ||3||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD