Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


gwvq sunq doaU Bey mukqy ijnw gurmuiK iKnu hir pIk ]1] (1336-1)
gaavat sunat do-oo bha-ay muktay jinaa gurmukh khin har peek. ||1||
Both the singer and the listener are liberated, when, as Gurmukh, they drink in the Lord's Name, even for an instant. ||1||

myrY min hir hir rwm nwmu rsu tIk ] (1336-2)
mayrai man har har raam naam ras teek.
The Sublime Essence of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is enshrined within my mind.

gurmuiK nwmu sIql jlu pwieAw hir hir nwmu pIAw rsu JIk ]1] rhwau ] (1336-2)
gurmukh naam seetal jal paa-i-aa har har naam pee-aa ras jheek. ||1|| rahaa-o.
As Gurmukh, I have obtained the cooling, soothing Water of the Naam. I eagerly drink in the sublime essence of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||Pause||

ijn hir ihrdY pRIiq lgwnI iqnw msqik aUjl tIk ] (1336-3)
jin har hirdai pareet lagaanee tinaa mastak oojal teek.
Those whose hearts are imbued with the Love of the Lord have the mark of radiant purity upon their foreheads.

hir jn soBw sB jg aUpir ijau ivic aufvw sis kIk ]2] (1336-4)
har jan sobhaa sabh jag oopar ji-o vich udvaa sas keek. ||2||
The Glory of the Lord's humble servant is manifest throughout the world, like the moon among the stars. ||2||

ijn hir ihrdY nwmu n visE iqn siB kwrj PIk ] (1336-4)
jin har hirdai naam na vasi-o tin sabh kaaraj feek.
Those whose hearts are not filled with the Lord's Name - all their affairs are worthless and insipid.

jYsy sIgwru krY dyh mwnuK nwm ibnw nkty nk kIk ]3] (1336-5)
jaisay seegaar karai dayh maanukh naam binaa naktay nak keek. ||3||
They may adorn and decorate their bodies, but without the Naam, they look like their noses have been cut off. ||3||

Git Git rmeIAw rmq rwm rwie sB vrqY sB mih eIk ] (1336-5)
ghat ghat rama-ee-aa ramat raam raa-ay sabh vartai sabh meh eek.
The Sovereign Lord permeates each and every heart; the One Lord is all-pervading everywhere.

jn nwnk kau hir ikrpw DwrI gur bcn iDAwieE GrI mIk ]4]3] (1336-6)
jan naanak ka-o har kirpaa Dhaaree gur bachan Dhi-aa-i-o gharee meek. ||4||3||
The Lord has showered His Mercy upon servant Nanak; through the Word of the Guru's Teachings, I have meditated on the Lord in an instant. ||4||3||

pRBwqI mhlw 4 ] (1336-7)
parbhaatee mehlaa 4.
Prabhaatee, Fourth Mehl:

Agm dieAwl ik®pw pRiB DwrI muiK hir hir nwmu hm khy ] (1336-7)
agam da-i-aal kirpaa parabh Dhaaree mukh har har naam ham kahay.
God, the Inaccessible and Merciful, has showered me with His Mercy; I chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, with my mouth.

piqq pwvn hir nwmu iDAwieE siB iklibK pwp lhy ]1] (1336-8)
patit paavan har naam Dhi-aa-i-o sabh kilbikh paap lahay. ||1||
I meditate on the Name of the Lord, the Purifier of sinners; I am rid of all my sins and mistakes. ||1||

jip mn rwm nwmu riv rhy ] (1336-8)
jap man raam naam rav rahay.
O mind, chant the Name of the All-pervading Lord.

dIn dieAwlu duK BMjnu gwieE gurmiq nwmu pdwrQu lhy ]1] rhwau ] (1336-9)
deen da-i-aal dukh bhanjan gaa-i-o gurmat naam padaarath lahay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I sing the Praises of the Lord, Merciful to the meek, Destroyer of pain. Following the Guru's Teachings, I gather in the Wealth of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

kwieAw ngir ngir hir bisE miq gurmiq hir hir shy ] (1336-9)
kaa-i-aa nagar nagar har basi-o mat gurmat har har sahay.
The Lord abides in the body-village; through the Wisdom of the Guru's Teachings, the Lord, Har, Har, is revealed.

srIir srovir nwmu hir pRgitE Gir mMdir hir pRBu lhy ]2] (1336-10)
sareer sarovar naam har pargati-o ghar mandar har parabh lahay. ||2||
In the lake of the body, the Lord's Name has been revealed. Within my own home and mansion, I have obtained the Lord God. ||2||

jo nr Brim Brim auidAwny qy swkq mUV muhy ] (1336-11)
jo nar bharam bharam udi-aanay tay saakat moorh muhay.
Those beings who wander in the wilderness of doubt - those faithless cynics are foolish, and are plundered.

ijau imRg nwiB bsY bwsu bsnw BRim BRimE Jwr ghy ]3] (1336-11)
ji-o marig naabh basai baas basnaa bharam bharmi-o jhaar gahay. ||3||
They are like the deer: the scent of musk comes from its own navel, but it wanders and roams around, searching for it in the bushes. ||3||

qum vf Agm AgwiD boiD pRB miq dyvhu hir pRB lhy ] (1336-12)
tum vad agam agaaDh boDh parabh mat dayvhu har parabh lahay.
You are Great and Unfathomable; Your Wisdom, God, is Profound and Incomprehensible. Please bless me with that wisdom, by which I might attain You, O Lord God.

jn nwnk kau guir hwQu isir DirE hir rwm nwim riv rhy ]4]4] (1336-13)
jan naanak ka-o gur haath sir Dhari-o har raam naam rav rahay. ||4||4||
The Guru has placed His Hand upon servant Nanak; he chants the Name of the Lord. ||4||4||

pRBwqI mhlw 4 ] (1336-13)
parbhaatee mehlaa 4.
Prabhaatee, Fourth Mehl:

min lwgI pRIiq rwm nwm hir hir jipE hir pRBu vfPw ] (1336-14)
man laagee pareet raam naam har har japi-o har parabh vadfaa.
My mind is in love with the Name of the Lord, Har, Har; I meditate on the Great Lord God.

siqgur bcn suKwny hIArY hir DwrI hir pRB ik®pPw ]1] (1336-14)
satgur bachan sukhaanay hee-arai har Dhaaree har parabh kirpfaa. ||1||
The Word of the True Guru has become pleasing to my heart. The Lord God has showered me with His Grace. ||1||

myry mn Bju rwm nwm hir inmKPw ] (1336-15)
mayray man bhaj raam naam har nimkhafaa.
O my mind, vibrate and meditate on the Lord's Name every instant.

hir hir dwnu dIE guir pUrY hir nwmw min qin bsPw ]1] rhwau ] (1336-15)
har har daan dee-o gur poorai har naamaa man tan basfaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Perfect Guru has blessed me with the gift of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. The Lord's Name abides in my mind and body. ||1||Pause||

kwieAw ngir visE Gir mMdir jip soBw gurmuiK krpPw ] (1336-16)
kaa-i-aa nagar vasi-o ghar mandar jap sobhaa gurmukh karpafaa.
The Lord abides in the body-village, in my home and mansion. As Gurmukh, I meditate on His Glory.

hliq pliq jn Bey suhyly muK aUjl gurmuiK qrPw ]2] (1336-17)
halat palat jan bha-ay suhaylay mukh oojal gurmukh tarfaa. ||2||
Here and hereafter, the Lord's humble servants are embellished and exalted; their faces are radiant; as Gurmukh, they are carried across. ||2||

AnBau hir hir hir ilv lwgI hir aur DwirE guir inmKPw ] (1336-17)
anbha-o har har har liv laagee har ur Dhaari-o gur nimkhafaa.
I am lovingly attuned to the Fearless Lord, Har, Har, Har; through the Guru, I have enshrined the Lord within my heart in an instant.

koit koit ky doK sB jn ky hir dUir kIey iek plPw ]3] (1336-18)
kot kot kay dokh sabh jan kay har door kee-ay ik palfaa. ||3||
Millions upon millions of the faults and mistakes of the Lord's humble servant are all taken away in an instant. ||3||

qumry jn qum hI qy jwny pRB jwinE jn qy muKPw ] (1336-19)
tumray jan tum hee tay jaanay parabh jaani-o jan tay mukhfaa.
Your humble servants are known only through You, God; knowing You, they becomes supreme.

hir hir Awpu DirE hir jn mih jn nwnku hir pRBu iekPw ]4]5] (1336-19)
har har aap Dhari-o har jan meh jan naanak har parabh ikfaa. ||4||5||
The Lord, Har, Har, has enshrined Himself within His humble servant. O Nanak, the Lord God and His servant are one and the same. ||4||5||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD