Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


pUrw Bwgu hovY muiK msqik sdw hir ky gux gwih ]1] rhwau ] (1335-1)
pooraa bhaag hovai mukh mastak sadaa har kay gun gaahi. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Perfect destiny is inscribed upon your forehead and face; sing the Praises of the Lord forever. ||1||Pause||

AMimRq nwmu Bojnu hir dyie ] (1335-1)
amrit naam bhojan har day-ay.
The Lord bestows the Ambrosial Food of the Naam.

koit mDy koeI ivrlw lyie ] (1335-2)
kot maDhay ko-ee virlaa lay-ay.
Out of millions, only a rare few receive it

ijs no ApxI ndir kryie ]1] (1335-2)
jis no apnee nadar karay-i. ||1||
- only those who are blessed by God's Glance of Grace. ||1||

gur ky crx mn mwih vswie ] (1335-2)
gur kay charan man maahi vasaa-ay.
Whoever enshrines the Guru's Feet within his mind,

duKu An@yrw AMdrhu jwie ] (1335-3)
dukh anHayraa andrahu jaa-ay.
is rid of pain and darkness from within.

Awpy swcw ley imlwie ]2] (1335-3)
aapay saachaa la-ay milaa-ay. ||2||
The True Lord unites him with Himself. ||2||

gur kI bwxI isau lwie ipAwru ] (1335-3)
gur kee banee si-o laa-ay pi-aar.
So embrace love for the Word of the Guru's Bani.

AYQY EQY eyhu ADwru ] (1335-4)
aithai othai ayhu aDhaar.
Here and hereafter, this is your only Support.

Awpy dyvY isrjnhwru ]3] (1335-4)
aapay dayvai sirjanhaar. ||3||
The Creator Lord Himself bestows it. ||3||

scw mnwey Apxw Bwxw ] (1335-4)
sachaa manaa-ay apnaa bhaanaa.
One whom the Lord inspires to accept His Will,

soeI Bgqu suGVu suojwxw ] (1335-4)
so-ee bhagat sugharh sojaanaa.
is a wise and knowing devotee.

nwnku iqs kY sd kurbwxw ]4]7]17]7]24] (1335-5)
naanak tis kai sad kurbaanaa. ||4||7||17||7||24||
Nanak is forever a sacrifice to him. ||4||7||17||7||24||

pRBwqI mhlw 4 ibBws (1335-6)
parbhaatee mehlaa 4 bibhaas
Prabhaatee, Fourth Mehl, Bibhaas:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1335-6)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

rsik rsik gun gwvh gurmiq ilv aunmin nwim lgwn ] (1335-7)
rasak rasak gun gaavah gurmat liv unman naam lagaan.
Through the Guru's Teachings, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord with joyous love and delight; I am enraptured, lovingly attuned to the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

AMimRqu rsu pIAw gur sbdI hm nwm ivthu kurbwn ]1] (1335-7)
amrit ras pee-aa gur sabdee ham naam vitahu kurbaan. ||1||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, I drink in the Ambrosial Essence; I am a sacrifice to the Naam. ||1||

hmry jgjIvn hir pRwn ] (1335-8)
hamray jagjeevan har paraan.
The Lord, the Life of the World, is my Breath of Life.

hir aUqmu ird AMqir BwieE guir mMqu dIE hir kwn ]1] rhwau ] (1335-8)
har ootam rid antar bhaa-i-o gur mant dee-o har kaan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Lofty and Exalted Lord became pleasing to my heart and my inner being, when the Guru breathed the Mantra of the Lord into my ears. ||1||Pause||

Awvhu sMq imlhu myry BweI imil hir hir nwmu vKwn ] (1335-9)
aavhu sant milhu mayray bhaa-ee mil har har naam vakhaan.
Come, O Saints: let us join together, O Siblings of Destiny; let us meet and chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

ikqu ibiD ikau pweIAY pRBu Apunw mo kau krhu aupdysu hir dwn ]2] (1335-9)
kit biDh ki-o paa-ee-ai parabh apunaa mo ka-o karahu updays har daan. ||2||
How am I to find my God? Please bless me with the Gift of the Lord's Teachings. ||2||

sqsMgiq mih hir hir visAw imil sMgiq hir gun jwn ] (1335-10)
satsangat meh har har vasi-aa mil sangat har gun jaan.
The Lord, Har, Har, abides in the Society of the Saints; joining this Sangat, the Lord's Glories are known.

vfY Bwig sqsMgiq pweI guru siqguru pris Bgvwn ]3] (1335-11)
vadai bhaag satsangat paa-ee gur satgur paras bhagvaan. ||3||
By great good fortune, the Society of the Saints is found. Through the Guru, the True Guru, I receive the Touch of the Lord God. ||3||

gun gwvh pRB Agm Twkur ky gun gwie rhy hYrwn ] (1335-12)
gun gaavah parabh agam thaakur kay gun gaa-ay rahay hairaan.
I sing the Glorious Praises of God, my Inaccessible Lord and Master; singing His Praises, I am enraptured.

jn nwnk kau guir ikrpw DwrI hir nwmu dIE iKn dwn ]4]1] (1335-12)
jan naanak ka-o gur kirpaa Dhaaree har naam dee-o khin daan. ||4||1||
The Guru has showered His Mercy on servant Nanak; in an instant, He blessed him with the Gift of the Lord's Name. ||4||1||

pRBwqI mhlw 4 ] (1335-13)
parbhaatee mehlaa 4.
Prabhaatee, Fourth Mehl:

augvY sUru gurmuiK hir bolih sB rYin sm@wlih hir gwl ] (1335-13)
ugvai soor gurmukh har boleh sabh rain samHaalih har gaal.
With the rising of the sun, the Gurmukh speaks of the Lord. All through the night, he dwells upon the Sermon of the Lord.

hmrY pRiB hm loc lgweI hm krh pRBU hir Bwl ]1] (1335-14)
hamrai parabh ham loch lagaa-ee ham karah parabhoo har bhaal. ||1||
My God has infused this longing within me; I seek my Lord God. ||1||

myrw mnu swDU DUir rvwl ] (1335-14)
mayraa man saaDhoo Dhoor ravaal.
My mind is the dust of the feet of the Holy.

hir hir nwmu idRVwieE guir mITw gur pg Jwrh hm bwl ]1] rhwau ] (1335-15)
har har naam darirh-aa-i-o gur meethaa gur pag jhaarah ham baal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Guru has implanted the Sweet Name of the Lord, Har, Har, within me. I dust the Guru's Feet with my hair. ||1||Pause||

swkq kau idnu rYin AMDwrI moih PwQy mwieAw jwl ] (1335-15)
saakat ka-o din rain anDhaaree mohi faathay maa-i-aa jaal.
Dark are the days and nights of the faithless cynics; they are caught in the trap of attachment to Maya.

iKnu plu hir pRBu irdY n visE irin bwDy bhu ibiD bwl ]2] (1335-16)
khin pal har parabh ridai na vasi-o rin baaDhay baho biDh baal. ||2||
The Lord God does not dwell in their hearts, even for an instant; every hair of their heads is totally tied up in debts. ||2||

sqsMgiq imil miq buiD pweI hau CUty mmqw jwl ] (1335-17)
satsangat mil mat buDh paa-ee ha-o chhootay mamtaa jaal.
Joining the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, wisdom and understanding are obtained, and one is released from the traps of egotism and possessiveness.

hir nwmw hir mIT lgwnw guir kIey sbid inhwl ]3] (1335-17)
har naamaa har meeth lagaanaa gur kee-ay sabad nihaal. ||3||
The Lord's Name, and the Lord, seem sweet to me. Through the Word of His Shabad, the Guru has made me happy. ||3||

hm bwirk gur Agm gusweI gur kir ikrpw pRiqpwl ] (1335-18)
ham baarik gur agam gusaa-ee gur kar kirpaa partipaal.
I am just a child; the Guru is the Unfathomable Lord of the World. In His Mercy, He cherishes and sustains me.

ibKu Baujl fubdy kwiF lyhu pRB gur nwnk bwl gupwl ]4]2] (1335-19)
bikh bha-ojal dubday kaadh layho parabh gur naanak baal gupaal. ||4||2||
I am drowning in the ocean of poison; O God, Guru, Lord of the World, please save Your child, Nanak. ||4||2||

pRBwqI mhlw 4 ] (1335-19)
parbhaatee mehlaa 4.
Prabhaatee, Fourth Mehl:

ieku iKnu hir pRiB ikrpw DwrI gun gwey rsk rsIk ] (1335-19)
ik khin har parabh kirpaa Dhaaree gun gaa-ay rasak raseek.
The Lord God showered me with His Mercy for an instant; I sing His Glorious Praises with joyous love and delight.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD