Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


psrI ikrix ris kml ibgwsy sis Gir sUru smwieAw ] (1332-1)
pasree kiran ras kamal bigaasay sas ghar soor samaa-i-aa.
The rays of light spread out, and the heart-lotus joyfully blossoms forth; the sun enters into the house of the moon.

kwlu ibDuMis mnsw min mwrI gur pRswid pRBu pwieAw ]3] (1332-2)
kaal biDhuns mansaa man maaree gur parsaad parabh paa-i-aa. ||3||
I have conquered death; the desires of the mind are destroyed. By Guru's Grace, I have found God. ||3||

Aiq ris rMig clUlY rwqI dUjw rMgu n koeI ] (1332-2)
at ras rang chaloolai raatee doojaa rang na ko-ee.
I am dyed in the deep crimson color of His Love. I am not colored by any other color.

nwnk rsin rswey rwqy riv rihAw pRBu soeI ]4]15] (1332-3)
naanak rasan rasaa-ay raatay rav rahi-aa parabh so-ee. ||4||15||
O Nanak, my tongue is saturated with the taste of God, who is permeating and pervading everywhere. ||4||15||

pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] (1332-4)
parbhaatee mehlaa 1.
Prabhaatee, First Mehl:

bwrh mih rwvl Kip jwvih chu iCA mih sMinAwsI ] (1332-4)
baarah meh raaval khap jaaveh chahu chhi-a meh sani-aasee.
The Yogis are divided into twelve schools, the Sannyaasees into ten.

jogI kwpVIAw isrKUQy ibnu sbdY gil PwsI ]1] (1332-4)
jogee kaaprhee-aa sirkhoothay bin sabdai gal faasee. ||1||
The Yogis and those wearing religious robes, and the Jains with their all hair plucked out - without the Word of the Shabad, the noose is around their necks. ||1||

sbid rqy pUry bYrwgI ] (1332-5)
sabad ratay pooray bairaagee.
Those who are imbued with the Shabad are the perfectly detached renunciates.

AauhiT hsq mih BIiKAw jwcI eyk Bwie ilv lwgI ]1] rhwau ] (1332-5)
a-uhath hasat meh bheekhi-aa jaachee ayk bhaa-ay liv laagee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
They beg to receive charity in the hands of their hearts, embracing love and affection for the One. ||1||Pause||

bRhmx vwdu pVih kir ikirAw krxI krm krwey ] (1332-6)
barahman vaad parheh kar kiri-aa karnee karam karaa-ay.
The Brahmins study and argue about the scriptures; they perform ceremonial rituals, and lead others in these rituals.

ibnu bUJy ikCu sUJY nwhI mnmuKu ivCuiV duKu pwey ]2] (1332-6)
bin boojhay kichh soojhai naahee manmukh vichhurh dukh paa-ay. ||2||
Without true understanding, those self-willed manmukhs understand nothing. Separated from God, they suffer in pain. ||2||

sbid imly sy sUcwcwrI swcI drgh mwny ] (1332-7)
sabad milay say soochaachaaree saachee dargeh maanay.
Those who receive the Shabad are sanctified and pure; they are approved in the True Court.

Anidnu nwim rqin ilv lwgy juig juig swic smwny ]3] (1332-8)
an-din naam ratan liv laagay jug jug saach samaanay. ||3||
Night and day, they remain lovingly attuned to the Naam; throughout the ages, they are merged in the True One. ||3||

sgly krm Drm suic sMjm jp qp qIrQ sbid vsy ] (1332-8)
saglay karam Dharam such sanjam jap tap tirath sabad vasay.
Good deeds, righteousness and Dharmic faith, purification, austere self-discipline, chanting, intense meditation and pilgrimages to sacred shrines - all these abide in the Shabad.

nwnk siqgur imlY imlwieAw dUK prwCq kwl nsy ]4]16] (1332-9)
naanak satgur milai milaa-i-aa dookh paraachhat kaal nasay. ||4||16||
O Nanak, united in union with the True Guru, suffering, sin and death run away. ||4||16||

pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] (1332-10)
parbhaatee mehlaa 1.
Prabhaatee, First Mehl:

sMqw kI ryxu swD jn sMgiq hir kIriq qru qwrI ] (1332-10)
santaa kee rayn saaDh jan sangat har keerat tar taaree.
The dust of the feet of the Saints, the Company of the Holy, and the Praises of the Lord carry us across to the other side.

khw krY bpurw jmu frpY gurmuiK irdY murwrI ]1] (1332-10)
kahaa karai bapuraa jam darpai gurmukh ridai muraaree. ||1||
What can the wretched, terrified Messenger of Death do to the Gurmukhs? The Lord abides in their hearts. ||1||

jil jwau jIvnu nwm ibnw ] (1332-11)
jal jaa-o jeevan naam binaa.
Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, life might just as well be burnt down.

hir jip jwpu jpau jpmwlI gurmuiK AwvY swdu mnw ]1] rhwau ] (1332-11)
har jap jaap japa-o japmaalee gurmukh aavai saad manaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Gurmukh chants and meditates on the Lord, chanting the chant on the mala; the Flavor of the Lord comes into the mind. ||1||Pause||

gur aupdys swcu suKu jw kau ikAw iqsu aupmw khIAY ] (1332-12)
gur updays saach sukh jaa ka-o ki-aa tis upmaa kahee-ai.
Those who follow the Guru's Teachings find true peace - how can I even describe the glory of such a person?

lwl jvyhr rqn pdwrQ Kojq gurmuiK lhIAY ]2] (1332-12)
laal javayhar ratan padaarath khojat gurmukh lahee-ai. ||2||
The Gurmukh seeks and finds the gems and jewels, diamonds, rubies and treasures. ||2||

cInY igAwnu iDAwnu Dnu swcO eyk sbid ilv lwvY ] (1332-13)
cheenai gi-aan Dhi-aan Dhan saachou ayk sabad liv laavai.
So center yourself on the treasures of spiritual wisdom and meditation; remain lovingly attuned to the One True Lord, and the Word of His Shabad.

inrwlµbu inrhwru inhkyvlu inrBau qwVI lwvY ]3] (1332-14)
niraalamb nirhaar nihkayval nirbha-o taarhee laavai. ||3||
Remain absorbed in the Primal State of the Fearless, Immaculate, Independent, Self-sufficient Lord. ||3||

swier spq Bry jl inrmil aultI nwv qrwvY ] (1332-14)
saa-ir sapat bharay jal nirmal ultee naav taraavai.
The seven seas are overflowing with the Immaculate Water; the inverted boat floats across.

bwhir jwqO Twik rhwvY gurmuiK shij smwvY ]4] (1332-15)
baahar jaatou thaak rahaavai gurmukh sahj samaavai. ||4||
The mind which wandered in external distractions is restrained and held in check; the Gurmukh is intuitively absorbed in God. ||4||

so igrhI so dwsu audwsI ijin gurmuiK Awpu pCwinAw ] (1332-15)
so girhee so daas udaasee jin gurmukh aap pachhaani-aa.
He is a householder, he is a renunciate and God's slave, who, as Gurmukh, realizes his own self.

nwnku khY Avru nhI dUjw swc sbid mnu mwinAw ]5]17] (1332-16)
naanak kahai avar nahee doojaa saach sabad man maani-aa. ||5||17||
Says Nanak, his mind is pleased and appeased by the True Word of the Shabad; there is no other at all. ||5||17||

rwgu pRBwqI mhlw 3 caupdy (1332-17)
raag parbhaatee mehlaa 3 cha-upday
Raag Prabhaatee, Third Mehl, Chau-Padas:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1332-17)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

gurmuiK ivrlw koeI bUJY sbdy rihAw smweI ] (1332-18)
gurmukh virlaa ko-ee boojhai sabday rahi-aa samaa-ee.
Those who become Gurmukh and understand are very rare; God is permeating and pervading through the Word of His Shabad.

nwim rqy sdw suKu pwvY swic rhY ilv lweI ]1] (1332-18)
naam ratay sadaa sukh paavai saach rahai liv laa-ee. ||1||
Those who are imbued with the Naam, the Name of the Lord, find everlasting peace; they remain lovingly attuned to the True One. ||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD