Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


hIxO nIcu burO buirAwru ] (1331-1)
heenou neech burou buri-aar.
the lowest of the low, the worst of the worst.

nIDn kO Dnu nwmu ipAwru ] (1331-1)
neeDhan kou Dhan naam pi-aar.
I am poor, but I have the Wealth of Your Name, O my Beloved.

iehu Dnu swru horu ibiKAw Cwru ]4] (1331-1)
ih Dhan saar hor bikhi-aa chhaar. ||4||
This is the most excellent wealth; all else is poison and ashes. ||4||

ausqiq inMdw sbdu vIcwru ] (1331-2)
ustat nindaa sabad veechaar.
I pay no attention to slander and praise; I contemplate the Word of the Shabad.

jo dyvY iqs kau jYkwru ] (1331-2)
jo dayvai tis ka-o jaikaar.
I celebrate the One who blesses me with His Bounty.

qU bKsih jwiq piq hoie ] (1331-2)
too bakhsahi jaat pat ho-ay.
Whomever You forgive, O Lord, is blessed with status and honor.

nwnku khY khwvY soie ]5]12] (1331-3)
naanak kahai kahaavai so-ay. ||5||12||
Says Nanak, I speak as He causes me to speak. ||5||12||

pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] (1331-3)
parbhaatee mehlaa 1.
Prabhaatee, First Mehl:

KwieAw mYlu vDwieAw pYDY Gr kI hwix ] (1331-3)
khaa-i-aa mail vaDhaa-i-aa paiDhai ghar kee haan.
Eating too much, one's filth only increases; wearing fancy clothes, one's home is disgraced.

bik bik vwdu clwieAw ibnu nwvY ibKu jwix ]1] (1331-4)
bak bak vaad chalaa-i-aa bin naavai bikh jaan. ||1||
Talking too much, one only starts arguments. Without the Name, everything is poison - know this well. ||1||

bwbw AYsw ibKm jwil mnu vwisAw ] (1331-4)
baabaa aisaa bikham jaal man vaasi-aa.
O Baba, such is the treacherous trap which has caught my mind;

ibblu Jwig shij prgwisAw ]1] rhwau ] (1331-5)
bibal jhaag sahj pargaasi-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
riding out the waves of the storm, it will be enlightened by intuitive wisdom. ||1||Pause||

ibKu Kwxw ibKu bolxw ibKu kI kwr kmwie ] (1331-5)
bikh khaanaa bikh bolnaa bikh kee kaar kamaa-ay.
They eat poison, speak poison and do poisonous deeds.

jm dir bwDy mwrIAih CUtis swcY nwie ]2] (1331-6)
jam dar baaDhay maaree-ah chhootas saachai naa-ay. ||2||
Bound and gagged at Death's door, they are punished; they can be saved only through the True Name. ||2||

ijv AwieAw iqv jwiesI kIAw iliK lY jwie ] (1331-6)
jiv aa-i-aa tiv jaa-isee kee-aa likh lai jaa-ay.
As they come, they go. Their actions are recorded, and go along with them.

mnmuiK mUlu gvwieAw drgh imlY sjwie ]3] (1331-7)
manmukh mool gavaa-i-aa dargeh milai sajaa-ay. ||3||
The self-willed manmukh loses his capital, and is punished in the Court of the Lord. ||3||

jgu KotO scu inrmlO gur sbdIN vIcwir ] (1331-7)
jag khotou sach nirmalou gur sabdeeN veechaar.
The world is false and polluted; only the True One is Pure. Contemplate Him through the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

qy nr ivrly jwxIAih ijn AMqir igAwnu murwir ]4] (1331-8)
tay nar virlay jaanee-ahi jin antar gi-aan muraar. ||4||
Those who have God's spiritual wisdom within, are known to be very rare. ||4||

Ajru jrY nIJru JrY Amr Anµd srUp ] (1331-8)
ajar jarai neejhar jharai amar anand saroop.
They endure the unendurable, and the Nectar of the Lord, the Embodiment of Bliss, trickles into them continuously.

nwnku jl kO mInu sY Qy BwvY rwKhu pRIiq ]5]13] (1331-9)
naanak jal kou meen sai thay bhaavai raakho pareet. ||5||13||
O Nanak, the fish is in love with the water; if it pleases You, Lord, please enshrine such love within me. ||5||13||

pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] (1331-9)
parbhaatee mehlaa 1.
Prabhaatee, First Mehl:

gIq nwd hrK cqurweI ] (1331-9)
geet naad harakh chaturaa-ee.
Songs, sounds, pleasures and clever tricks;

rhs rMg Purmwieis kweI ] (1331-10)
rahas rang furmaa-is kaa-ee.
joy, love and the power to command;

pYn@xu Kwxw cIiq n pweI ] (1331-10)
painHan khaanaa cheet na paa-ee.
fine clothes and food - these have no place in one's consciousness.

swcu shju suKu nwim vsweI ]1] (1331-10)
saach sahj sukh naam vasaa-ee. ||1||
True intuitive peace and poise rest in the Naam. ||1||

ikAw jwnW ikAw krY krwvY ] (1331-11)
ki-aa jaanaaN ki-aa karai karaavai.
What do I know about what God does?

nwm ibnw qin ikCu n suKwvY ]1] rhwau ] (1331-11)
naam binaa tan kichh na sukhaavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, nothing makes my body feel good. ||1||Pause||

jog ibnod sÍwd Awnµdw ] (1331-11)
jog binod savaad aanandaa.
Yoga, thrills, delicious flavors and ecstasy;

miq sq Bwie Bgiq goibMdw ] (1331-12)
mat sat bhaa-ay bhagat gobindaa.
wisdom, truth and love all come from devotion to the Lord of the Universe.

kIriq krm kwr inj sMdw ] (1331-12)
keerat karam kaar nij sandaa.
My own occupation is to work to praise the Lord.

AMqir rvqO rwj rivMdw ]2] (1331-12)
antar ravtou raaj ravindaa. ||2||
Deep within, I dwell on the Lord of the sun and the moon. ||2||

ipRau ipRau pRIiq pRyim aur DwrI ] (1331-13)
pari-o pari-o pareet paraym ur Dhaaree.
I have lovingly enshrined the love of my Beloved within my heart.

dInw nwQu pIau bnvwrI ] (1331-13)
deenaa naath pee-o banvaaree.
My Husband Lord, the Lord of the World, is the Master of the meek and the poor.

Anidnu nwmu dwnu bRqkwrI ] (1331-13)
an-din naam daan baratkaaree.
Night and day, the Naam is my giving in charity and fasting.

iqRpiq qrMg qqu bIcwrI ]3] (1331-14)
taripat tarang tat beechaaree. ||3||
The waves have subsided, contemplating the essence of reality. ||3||

AkQO kQau ikAw mY joru ] (1331-14)
akthou katha-o ki-aa mai jor.
What power do I have to speak the Unspoken?

Bgiq krI krwieih mor ] (1331-14)
bhagat karee karaa-ihi mor.
I worship You with devotion; You inspire me to do so.

AMqir vsY cUkY mY mor ] (1331-15)
antar vasai chookai mai mor.
You dwell deep within; my egotism is dispelled.

iksu syvI dUjw nhI horu ]4] (1331-15)
kis sayvee doojaa nahee hor. ||4||
So whom should I serve? There is no other than You. ||4||

gur kw sbdu mhw rsu mITw ] (1331-15)
gur kaa sabad mahaa ras meethaa.
The Word of the Guru's Shabad is utterly sweet and sublime.

AYsw AMimRqu AMqir fITw ] (1331-15)
aisaa amrit antar deethaa.
Such is the Ambrosial Nectar I see deep within.

ijin cwiKAw pUrw pdu hoie ] (1331-16)
jin chaakhi-aa pooraa pad ho-ay.
Those who taste this, attain the state of perfection.

nwnk DRwipE qin suKu hoie ]5]14] (1331-16)
naanak Dharaapi-o tan sukh ho-ay. ||5||14||
O Nanak, they are satisfied, and their bodies are at peace. ||5||14||

pRBwqI mhlw 1 ] (1331-17)
parbhaatee mehlaa 1.
Prabhaatee, First Mehl:

AMqir dyiK sbid mnu mwinAw Avru n rWgnhwrw ] (1331-17)
antar daykh sabad man maani-aa avar na raaNganhaaraa.
Deep within, I see the Shabad, the Word of God; my mind is pleased and appeased. Nothing else can touch and imbue me.

Aihinis jIAw dyiK smwly iqs hI kI srkwrw ]1] (1331-17)
ahinis jee-aa daykh samaalay tis hee kee sarkaaraa. ||1||
Day and night, God watches over and cares for His beings and creatures; He is the Ruler of all. ||1||

myrw pRBu rWig GxO Aiq rUVO ] (1331-18)
mayraa parabh raaNg ghanou at roorhou.
My God is dyed in the most beautiful and glorious color.

dIn dieAwlu pRIqm mnmohnu Aiq rs lwl sgUVO ]1] rhwau ] (1331-18)
deen da-i-aal pareetam manmohan at ras laal sagoorhou. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Merciful to the meek and the poor, my Beloved is the Enticer of the mind; He is so very sweet, imbued with the deep crimson color of His Love. ||1||Pause||

aUpir kUpu ggn pinhwrI AMimRqu pIvxhwrw ] (1331-19)
oopar koop gagan panihaaree amrit peevanhaaraa.
The Well is high up in the Tenth Gate; the Ambrosial Nectar flows, and I drink it in.

ijs kI rcnw so ibiD jwxY gurmuiK igAwnu vIcwrw ]2] (1331-19)
jis kee rachnaa so biDh jaanai gurmukh gi-aan veechaaraa. ||2||
The creation is His; He alone knows its ways and means. The Gurmukh contemplates spiritual wisdom. ||2||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD