Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


mlwr mÚ 5 ] (1270-1)
malaar mehlaa 5.
Malaar, Fifth Mehl:

pRB ko Bgiq bClu ibrdwieE ] (1270-1)
parabh ko bhagat bachhal birdaari-o.
It is God's Nature to love His devotees.

inMdk mwir crn ql dIny Apuno jsu vrqwieE ]1] rhwau ] (1270-1)
nindak maar charan tal deenay apuno jas vartaa-i-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He destroys the slanderers, crushing them beneath His Feet. His Glory is manifest everywhere. ||1||Pause||

jY jY kwru kIno sB jg mih dieAw jIAn mih pwieE ] (1270-2)
jai jai kaar keeno sabh jag meh da-i-aa jee-an meh paa-i-o.
His Victory is celebrated all throughout the world. He blesses all creatures with compassion.

kMiT lwie Apuno dwsu rwiKE qwqI vwau n lwieE ]1] (1270-3)
kanth laa-ay apuno daas raakhi-o taatee vaa-o na laa-i-o. ||1||
Hugging him close in His Embrace, the Lord saves and protects His slave. The hot winds cannot even touch him. ||1||

AMgIkwru kIE myry suAwmI BRmu Bau myit suKwieE ] (1270-3)
angeekaar kee-o mayray su-aamee bharam bha-o mayt sukhaa-i-o.
My Lord and Master has made me His Own; dispelling my doubts and fears, He has made me happy.

mhw Anµd krhu dws hir ky nwnk ibsÍwsu min AwieE ]2]14]18] (1270-4)
mahaa anand karahu daas har kay naanak bisvaas man aa-i-o. ||2||14||18||
The Lord's slaves enjoy ultimate ecstasy; O Nanak, faith has welled up in my mind. ||2||14||18||

rwgu mlwr mhlw 5 caupdy Gru 2 (1270-5)
raag malaar mehlaa 5 cha-upday ghar 2
Raag Malaar, Fifth Mehl, Chau-Padas, Second House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1270-5)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

gurmuiK dIsY bRhm pswru ] (1270-6)
gurmukh deesai barahm pasaar.
The Gurmukh sees God pervading everywhere.

gurmuiK qRY guxIAW ibsQwru ] (1270-6)
gurmukh tarai gunee-aaN bisthaar.
The Gurmukh knows that the universe is the extension of the three gunas, the three dispositions.

gurmuiK nwd byd bIcwru ] (1270-6)
gurmukh naad bayd beechaar.
The Gurmukh reflects on the Sound-current of the Naad, and the wisdom of the Vedas.

ibnu gur pUry Gor AMDwru ]1] (1270-6)
bin gur pooray ghor anDhaar. ||1||
Without the Perfect Guru, there is only pitch-black darkness. ||1||

myry mn guru guru krq sdw suKu pweIAY ] (1270-7)
mayray man gur gur karat sadaa sukh paa-ee-ai.
O my mind, calling on the Guru, eternal peace is found.

gur aupdyis hir ihrdY visE swis igrwis Apxw Ksmu iDAweIAY ]1] rhwau ] (1270-7)
gur updays har hirdai vasi-o saas giraas apnaa khasam Dhi-aa-ee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Following the Guru's Teachings, the Lord comes to dwell within the heart; I meditate on my Lord and Master with every breath and morsel of food. ||1||Pause||

gur ky crx ivthu bil jwau ] (1270-8)
gur kay charan vitahu bal jaa-o.
I am a sacrifice to the Guru's Feet.

gur ky gux Anidnu inq gwau ] (1270-8)
gur kay gun an-din nit gaa-o.
Night and day, I continually sing the Glorious Praises of the Guru.

gur kI DUiV krau iesnwnu ] (1270-9)
gur kee Dhoorh kara-o isnaan.
I take my cleansing bath in the dust of the Guru's Feet.

swcI drgh pweIAY mwnu ]2] (1270-9)
saachee dargeh paa-ee-ai maan. ||2||
I am honored in the True Court of the Lord. ||2||

guru boihQu Bvjl qwrxhwru ] (1270-9)
gur bohith bhavjal taaranhaar.
The Guru is the boat, to carry me across the terrifying world-ocean.

guir ByitAY n hoie join Aauqwru ] (1270-10)
gur bhayti-ai na ho-ay jon a-utaar.
Meeting with the Guru, I shall not be reincarnated ever again.

gur kI syvw so jnu pwey ] (1270-10)
gur kee sayvaa so jan paa-ay.
That humble being serves the Guru,

jw kau krim iliKAw Duir Awey ]3] (1270-10)
jaa ka-o karam likhi-aa Dhur aa-ay. ||3||
who has such karma inscribed on his forehead by the Primal Lord. ||3||

guru myrI jIvin guru AwDwru ] (1270-11)
gur mayree jeevan gur aaDhaar.
The Guru is my life; the Guru is my support.

guru myrI vrqix guru prvwru ] (1270-11)
gur mayree vartan gur parvaar.
The Guru is my way of life; the Guru is my family.

guru myrw Ksmu siqgur srxweI ] (1270-12)
gur mayraa khasam satgur sarnaa-ee.
The Guru is my Lord and Master; I seek the Sanctuary of the True Guru.

nwnk guru pwrbRhmu jw kI kIm n pweI ]4]1]19] (1270-12)
naanak gur paarbarahm jaa kee keem na paa-ee. ||4||1||19||
O Nanak, the Guru is the Supreme Lord God; His value cannot be estimated. ||4||1||19||

mlwr mhlw 5 ] (1270-13)
malaar mehlaa 5.
Malaar, Fifth Mehl:

gur ky crn ihrdY vswey ] (1270-13)
gur kay charan hirdai vasaa-ay.
I enshrine the Lord's Feet within my heart;

kir ikrpw pRiB Awip imlwey ] (1270-13)
kar kirpaa parabh aap milaa-ay.
in His Mercy, God has united me with Himself.

Apny syvk kau ley pRBu lwie ] (1270-13)
apnay sayvak ka-o la-ay parabh laa-ay.
God enjoins His servant to his tasks.

qw kI kImiq khI n jwie ]1] (1270-14)
taa kee keemat kahee na jaa-ay. ||1||
His worth cannot be expressed. ||1||

kir ikrpw pUrn suKdwqy ] (1270-14)
kar kirpaa pooran sukh-daatay.
Please be merciful to me, O Perfect Giver of peace.

qum@rI ik®pw qy qUM iciq Awvih AwT phr qyrY rMig rwqy ]1] rhwau ] (1270-14)
tumHree kirpaa tay tooN chit aavahi aath pahar tayrai rang raatay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By Your Grace, You come to mind; I am imbued with Your Love, twenty-four hours a day. ||1||Pause||

gwvxu sunxu sBu qyrw Bwxw ] (1270-15)
gaavan sunan sabh tayraa bhaanaa.
Singing and listening, it is all by Your Will.

hukmu bUJY so swic smwxw ] (1270-15)
hukam boojhai so saach samaanaa.
One who understands the Hukam of Your Command is absorbed in Truth.

jip jip jIvih qyrw nWau ] (1270-16)
jap jap jeeveh tayraa naaN-o.
Chanting and meditating on Your Name, I live.

quJ ibnu dUjw nwhI Qwau ]2] (1270-16)
tujh bin doojaa naahee thaa-o. ||2||
Without You, there is no place at all. ||2||

duK suK krqy hukmu rjwie ] (1270-16)
dukh sukh kartay hukam rajaa-ay.
Pain and pleasure come by Your Command, O Creator Lord.

BwxY bKs BwxY dyie sjwie ] (1270-17)
bhaanai bakhas bhaanai day-ay sajaa-ay.
By the Pleasure of Your Will You forgive, and by the Pleasure of Your Will You award punishment.

duhW isirAW kw krqw Awip ] (1270-17)
duhaaN siri-aaN kaa kartaa aap.
You are the Creator of both realms.

kurbwxu jWeI qyry prqwp ]3] (1270-17)
kurbaan jaaN-ee tayray partaap. ||3||
I am a sacrifice to Your Glorious Grandeur. ||3||

qyrI kImiq qUhY jwxih ] (1270-18)
tayree keemat toohai jaaneh.
You alone know Your value.

qU Awpy bUJih suix Awip vKwxih ] (1270-18)
too aapay boojheh sun aap vakaaneh.
You alone understand, You Yourself speak and listen.

syeI Bgq jo quDu Bwxy ] (1270-18)
say-ee bhagat jo tuDh bhaanay.
They alone are devotees, who are pleasing to Your Will.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD