Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


min qin riv rihAw jgdIsur pyKq sdw hjUry ] (1269-1)
man tan rav rahi-aa jagdeesur paykhat sadaa hajooray.
The Lord of the Universe is permeating and pervading my mind and body; I see Him Ever-present, here and now

nwnk riv rihE sB AMqir srb rihAw BrpUry ]2]8]12] (1269-1)
naanak rav rahi-o sabh antar sarab rahi-aa bharpooray. ||2||8||12||
. O Nanak, He is permeating the inner being of all; He is all-pervading everywhere. ||2||8||12||

mlwr mhlw 5 ] (1269-2)
malaar mehlaa 5.
Malaar, Fifth Mehl:

hir kY Bjin kaun kaun n qwry ] (1269-2)
har kai bhajan ka-un ka-un na taaray.
Vibrating and meditating on the Lord, who has not been carried across?

Kg qn mIn qn imRg qn brwh qn swDU sMig auDwry ]1] rhwau ] (1269-3)
khag tan meen tan marig tan baraah tan saaDhoo sang uDhaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those reborn into the body of a bird, the body of a fish, the body of a deer, and the body of a bull - in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, they are saved. ||1||Pause||

dyv kul dYq kul jK´ ikMnr nr swgr auqry pwry ] (1269-3)
dayv kul dait kul jakh-y kinnar nar saagar utray paaray.
The families of gods, the families of demons, titans, celestial singers and human beings are carried across the ocean.

jo jo Bjnu krY swDU sMig qw ky dUK ibdwry ]1] (1269-4)
jo jo bhajan karai saaDhoo sang taa kay dookh bidaaray. ||1||
Whoever meditates and vibrates on the Lord in the Saadh Sangat - his pains are taken away. ||1||

kwm kroD mhw ibiKAw rs ien qy Bey inrwry ] (1269-4)
kaam karoDh mahaa bikhi-aa ras in tay bha-ay niraaray.
Sexual desire, anger and the pleasures of terrible corruption - he keeps away from these.

dIn dieAwl jpih kruxw mY nwnk sd bilhwry ]2]9]13] (1269-5)
deen da-i-aal jaapeh karunaa mai naanak sad balihaaray. ||2||9||13||
He meditates on the Lord, Merciful to the meek, the Embodiment of Compassion; Nanak is forever a sacrifice to Him. ||2||9||13||

mlwr mhlw 5 ] (1269-6)
malaar mehlaa 5.
Malaar, Fifth Mehl:

Awju mY bYisE hir hwt ] (1269-6)
aaj mai baisi-o har haat.
Today, I am seated in the Lord's store.

nwmu rwis swJI kir jn isau jWau n jm kY Gwt ]1] rhwau ] (1269-6)
naam raas saajhee kar jan si-o jaaN-o na jam kai ghaat. ||1|| rahaa-o.
With the wealth of the Lord, I have entered into partnership with the humble; I shall not have take the Highway of Death. ||1||Pause||

Dwir AnugRhu pwrbRhim rwKy BRm ky Kuly@ kpwt ] (1269-7)
Dhaar anoograhu paarbarahm raakhay bharam kay khulHay kapaat.
Showering me with His Kindness, the Supreme Lord God has saved me; the doors of doubt have been opened wide.

bysumwr swhu pRBu pwieAw lwhw crn iniD Kwt ]1] (1269-7)
baysumaar saahu parabh paa-i-aa laahaa charan niDh khaat. ||1||
I have found God, the Banker of Infinity; I have earned the profit of the wealth of His Feet. ||1||

srin ghI Acuq AibnwsI iklibK kwFy hY CWit ] (1269-8)
saran gahee achut abhinaasee kilbikh kaadhay hai chhaaNt.
I have grasped the protection of the Sanctuary of the Unchanging, Unmoving, Imperishable Lord; He has picked up my sins and thrown them out.

kil klys imty dws nwnk bhuir n jonI mwt ]2]10]14] (1269-8)
kal kalays mitay daas naanak bahur na jonee maat. ||2||10||14||
Slave Nanak's sorrow and suffering has ended. He shall never again be squeezed into the mold of reincarnation. ||2||10||14||

mlwr mhlw 5 ] (1269-9)
malaar mehlaa 5.
Malaar, Fifth Mehl:

bhu ibiD mwieAw moh ihrwno ] (1269-9)
baho biDh maa-i-aa moh hiraano.
In so many ways, attachment to Maya leads to ruin.

koit mDy koaU ibrlw syvku pUrn Bgqu icrwno ]1] rhwau ] (1269-10)
kot maDhay ko-oo birlaa sayvak pooran bhagat chiraano. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Among millions, it is very rare to find a selfless servant who remains a perfect devotee for very long. ||1||Pause||

ieq auq foil foil sRmu pwieE qnu Dnu hoq ibrwno ] (1269-10)
it ut dol dol saram paa-i-o tan Dhan hot biraano.
Roaming and wandering here and there, the mortal finds only trouble; his body and wealth become strangers to himself.

log durwie krq TigAweI hoqO sMig n jwno ]1] (1269-11)
log duraa-ay karat thagi-aa-ee hotou sang na jaano. ||1||
Hiding from people, he practices deception; he does not know the One who is always with him. ||1||

imRg pMKI mIn dIn nIc ieh sMkt iPir Awno ] (1269-11)
marig pankhee meen deen neech ih sankat fir aano.
He wanders through troubled incarnations of low and wretched species as a deer, a bird and a fish.

khu nwnk pwhn pRB qwrhu swDsMgiq suK mwno ]2]11]15] (1269-12)
kaho naanak paahan parabh taarahu saaDhsangat sukh maano. ||2||11||15||
Says Nanak, O God, I am a stone - please carry me across, that I may enjoy peace in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||2||11||15||

mlwr mhlw 5 ] (1269-13)
malaar mehlaa 5.
Malaar, Fifth Mehl:

dust muey ibKu KweI rI mweI ] (1269-13)
dusat mu-ay bikh khaa-ee ree maa-ee.
The cruel and evil ones died after taking poison, O mother.

ijs ky jIA iqn hI riK lIny myry pRB kau ikrpw AweI ]1] rhwau ] (1269-13)
jis kay jee-a tin hee rakh leenay mayray parabh ka-o kirpaa aa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
And the One, to whom all creatures belong, has saved us. God has granted His Grace. ||1||Pause||

AMqrjwmI sB mih vrqY qW Bau kYsw BweI ] (1269-14)
antarjaamee sabh meh vartai taaN bha-o kaisaa bhaa-ee.
The Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, is contained within all; why should I be afraid, O Siblings of Destiny?

sMig shweI Coif n jweI pRBu dIsY sBnI TweˆØI ]1] (1269-14)
sang sahaa-ee chhod na jaa-ee parabh deesai sabhnee thaa-eeN. ||1||
God, my Help and Support, is always with me. He shall never leave; I see Him everywhere. ||1||

AnwQw nwQu dIn duK BMjn Awip lIey liV lweI ] (1269-15)
anaathaa naath deen dukh bhanjan aap lee-ay larh laa-ee.
He is the Master of the masterless, the Destroyer of the pains of the poor; He has attached me to the hem of His robe.

hir kI Et jIvih dws qyry nwnk pRB srxweI ]2]12]16] (1269-16)
har kee ot jeeveh daas tayray naanak parabh sarnaa-ee. ||2||12||16||
O Lord, Your slaves live by Your Support; Nanak has come to the Sanctuary of God. ||2||12||16||

mlwr mhlw 5 ] (1269-16)
malaar mehlaa 5.
Malaar, Fifth Mehl:

mn myry hir ky crn rvIjY ] (1269-17)
man mayray har kay charan raveejai.
O my mind, dwell on the Feet of the Lord.

drs ipAws myro mnu moihE hir pMK lgwie imlIjY ]1] rhwau ] (1269-17)
daras pi-aas mayro man mohi-o har pankh lagaa-ay mileejai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My mind is enticed by thirst for the Blessed Vision of the Lord; I would take wings and fly out to meet Him. ||1||Pause||

Kojq Kojq mwrgu pwieE swDU syv krIjY ] (1269-18)
khojat khojat maarag paa-i-o saaDhoo sayv kareejai.
Searching and seeking, I have found the Path, and now I serve the Holy.

Dwir AnugRhu suAwmI myry nwmu mhw rsu pIjY ]1] (1269-18)
Dhaar anoograhu su-aamee mayray naam mahaa ras peejai. ||1||
O my Lord and Master, please be kind to me, that I may drink in Your most sublime essence. ||1||

qRwih qRwih kir srnI Awey jlqau ikrpw kIjY ] (1269-19)
taraahi taraahi kar sarnee aa-ay jalta-o kirpaa keejai.
Begging and pleading, I have come to Your Sanctuary; I am on fire - please shower me with Your Mercy!

kru gih lyhu dws Apuny kau nwnk Apuno kIjY ]2]13]17] (1269-19)
kar geh layho daas apunay ka-o naanak apuno keejai. ||2||13||17||
Please give me Your Hand - I am Your slave, O Lord. Please make Nanak Your Own. ||2||13||17||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD