Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


iesqRI rUp cyrI kI inAweI soB nhI ibnu Brqwry ]1] (1268-1)
istaree roop chayree kee ni-aa-ee sobh nahee bin bhartaaray. ||1||
I am Your beautiful bride, Your servant and slave. I have no nobility without my Husband Lord. ||1||

ibnau suinE jb Twkur myrY byig AwieE ikrpw Dwry ] (1268-2)
bin-o suni-o jab thaakur mayrai bayg aa-i-o kirpaa Dhaaray.
When my Lord and Master listened to my prayer, He hurried to shower me with His Mercy.

khu nwnk myro binE suhwgo piq soBw Bly Acwry ]2]3]7] (1268-2)
kaho naanak mayro bani-o suhaago pat sobhaa bhalay achaaray. ||2||3||7||
Says Nanak, I have become just like my Husband Lord; I am blessed with honor, nobility and the lifestyle of goodness. ||2||3||7||

mlwr mhlw 5 ] (1268-3)
malaar mehlaa 5.
Malaar, Fifth Mehl:

pRIqm swcw nwmu iDAwie ] (1268-3)
pareetam saachaa naam Dhi-aa-ay.
Meditate on the True Name of your Beloved.

dUK drd ibnsY Bv swgru gur kI mUriq irdY bswie ]1] rhwau ] (1268-3)
dookh darad binsai bhav saagar gur kee moorat ridai basaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The pains and sorrows of the terrifying world-ocean are dispelled, by enshrining the Image of the Guru within your heart. ||1||Pause||

dusmn hqy doKI siB ivAwpy hir srxweI AwieAw ] (1268-4)
dusman hatay dokhee sabh vi-aapay har sarnaa-ee aa-i-aa.
Your enemies shall be destroyed, and all the evil-doers shall perish, when you come to the Sanctuary of the Lord.

rwKnhwrY hwQ dy rwiKE nwmu pdwrQu pwieAw ]1] (1268-5)
raakhanhaarai haath day raakhi-o naam padaarath paa-i-aa. ||1||
The Savior Lord has given me His Hand and saved me; I have obtained the wealth of the Naam. ||1||

kir ikrpw iklivK siB kwty nwmu inrmlu min dIAw ] (1268-5)
kar kirpaa kilvikh sabh kaatay naam nirmal man dee-aa.
Granting His Grace, He has eradicated all my sins; He has placed the Immaculate Naam within my mind.

gux inDwnu nwnk min visAw bwhuiV dUK n QIAw ]2]4]8] (1268-6)
gun niDhaan naanak man vasi-aa baahurh dookh na thee-aa. ||2||4||8||
O Nanak, the Treasure of Virtue fills my mind; I shall never again suffer in pain. ||2||4||8||

mlwr mhlw 5 ] (1268-7)
malaar mehlaa 5.
Malaar, Fifth Mehl:

pRB myry pRIqm pRwn ipAwry ] (1268-7)
parabh mayray pareetam paraan pi-aaray.
My Beloved God is the Lover of my breath of life.

pRym Bgiq Apno nwmu dIjY dieAwl AnugRhu Dwry ]1] rhwau ] (1268-7)
paraym bhagat apno naam deejai da-i-aal anoograhu Dhaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Please bless me with the loving devotional worship of the Naam, O Kind and Compassionate Lord. ||1||Pause||

ismrau crn quhwry pRIqm irdY quhwrI Awsw ] (1268-8)
simra-o charan tuhaaray pareetam ridai tuhaaree aasaa.
I meditate in remembrance on Your Feet, O my Beloved; my heart is filled with hope.

sMq jnw pih krau bynqI min drsn kI ipAwsw ]1] (1268-8)
sant janaa peh kara-o bayntee man darsan kee pi-aasaa. ||1||
I offer my prayer to the humble Saints; my mind thirsts for the Blssed Vision of the Lord's Darshan. ||1||

ibCurq mrnu jIvnu hir imlqy jn kau drsnu dIjY ] (1268-9)
bichhurat maran jeevan har miltay jan ka-o darsan deejai.
Separation is death, and Union with the Lord is life. Please bless Your humble servant with Your Darshan.

nwm ADwru jIvn Dnu nwnk pRB myry ikrpw kIjY ]2]5]9] (1268-9)
naam aDhaar jeevan Dhan naanak parabh mayray kirpaa keejai. ||2||5||9||
O my God, please be Merciful, and bless Nanak with the support, the life and wealth of the Naam. ||2||5||9||

mlwr mhlw 5 ] (1268-10)
malaar mehlaa 5.
Malaar, Fifth Mehl:

Ab Apny pRIqm isau bin AweI ] (1268-10)
ab apnay pareetam si-o ban aa-ee.
Now, I have become just like my Beloved.

rwjw rwmu rmq suKu pwieE brsu myG suKdweI ]1] rhwau ] (1268-11)
raajaa raam ramat sukh paa-i-o baras maygh sukh-daa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Dwelling on my Sovereign Lord King, I have found peace. Rain down, O peace-giving cloud. ||1||Pause||

ieku plu ibsrq nhI suK swgru nwmu nvY iniD pweI ] (1268-11)
ik pal bisrat nahee sukh saagar naam navai niDh paa-ee.
I cannot forget Him, even for an instant; He is the Ocean of peace. Through the Naam, the Name of the Lord, I have obtained the nine treasures.

audOqu BieE pUrn BwvI ko Byty sMq shweI ]1] (1268-12)
udout bha-i-o pooran bhaavee ko bhaytay sant sahaa-ee. ||1||
My perfect destiny has been activated, meeting with the Saints, my help and support. ||1||

suK aupjy duK sgl ibnwsy pwrbRhm ilv lweI ] (1268-12)
sukh upjay dukh sagal binaasay paarbarahm liv laa-ee.
Peace has welled up, and all pain has been dispelled, lovingly attuned to the Supreme Lord God.

qirE sMswru kiTn BY swgru hir nwnk crn iDAweI ]2]6]10] (1268-13)
tari-o sansaar kathin bhai saagar har naanak charan Dhi-aa-ee. ||2||6||10||
The arduous and terrifying world-ocean is crossed over, O Nanak, by meditating on the Feet of the Lord. ||2||6||10||

mlwr mhlw 5 ] (1268-14)
malaar mehlaa 5.
Malaar, Fifth Mehl:

Ginhr bris sgl jgu CwieAw ] (1268-14)
ghanihar baras sagal jag chhaa-i-aa.
The clouds have rained down all over the world.

Bey ik®pwl pRIqm pRB myry And mMgl suK pwieAw ]1] rhwau ] (1268-14)
bha-ay kirpaal pareetam parabh mayray anad mangal sukh paa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My Beloved Lord God has become merciful to me; I am blessed with ecstasy, bliss and peace. ||1||Pause||

imty klys iqRsn sB bUJI pwrbRhmu min iDAwieAw ] (1268-15)
mitay kalays tarisan sabh boojhee paarbarahm man Dhi-aa-i-aa.
My sorrows are erased, and all my thirsts are quenched, meditating on the Supreme Lord God.

swDsMig jnm mrn invwry bhuir n kqhU DwieAw ]1] (1268-16)
saaDhsang janam maran nivaaray bahur na kathoo Dhaa-i-aa. ||1||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, death and birth come to an end, and the mortal does not wander anywhere, ever again. ||1||

mnu qnu nwim inrMjin rwqau crn kml ilv lwieAw ] (1268-16)
man tan naam niranjan raata-o charan kamal liv laa-i-aa.
My mind and body are imbued with the Immaculate Naam, the Name of the Lord; I am lovingly attuned to His Lotus Feet.

AMgIkwru kIE pRiB ApnY nwnk dws srxwieAw ]2]7]11] (1268-17)
angeekaar kee-o parabh apnai naanak daas sarnaa-i-aa. ||2||7||11||
God has made Nanak His Own; slave Nanak seeks His Sanctuary. ||2||7||11||

mlwr mhlw 5 ] (1268-18)
malaar mehlaa 5.
Malaar, Fifth Mehl:

ibCurq ikau jIvy Eie jIvn ] (1268-18)
bichhurat ki-o jeevay o-ay jeevan.
Separated from the Lord, how can any living being live?

icqih aulws Aws imlby kI crn kml rs pIvn ]1] rhwau ] (1268-18)
chiteh ulaas aas milbay kee charan kamal ras peevan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My consciousness is filled with yearning and hope to meet my Lord, and drink in the sublime essence of His Lotus Feet. ||1||Pause||

ijn kau ipAws qumwrI pRIqm iqn kau AMqru nwhI ] (1268-19)
jin ka-o pi-aas tumaaree pareetam tin ka-o antar naahee.
Those who are thirsty for You, O my Beloved, are not separated from You.

ijn kau ibsrY myro rwmu ipAwrw sy mUey mir jWhIN ]1] (1268-19)
jin ka-o bisrai mayro raam pi-aaraa say moo-ay mar jaaNheeN. ||1||
Those who forget my Beloved Lord are dead and dying. ||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD