Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


jb ipRA Awie bsy igRih Awsin qb hm mMglu gwieAw ] (1267-1)
jab pari-a aa-ay basay garihi aasan tab ham mangal gaa-i-aa.
When my Beloved came to live in my house, I began to sing the songs of bliss.

mIq swjn myry Bey suhyly pRBu pUrw gurU imlwieAw ]3] (1267-2)
meet saajan mayray bha-ay suhaylay parabh pooraa guroo milaa-i-aa. ||3||
My friends and companions are happy; God leads me to meet the Perfect Guru. ||3||

sKI shylI Bey Anµdw guir kwrj hmry pUry ] (1267-2)
sakhee sahaylee bha-ay anandaa gur kaaraj hamray pooray.
My friends and companions are in ecstasy; the Guru has completed all my projects.

khu nwnk vru imilAw suKdwqw Coif n jweI dUry ]4]3] (1267-3)
kaho naanak var mili-aa sukh-daata chhod na jaa-ee dooray. ||4||3||
Says Nanak, I have met my Husband, the Giver of peace; He shall never leave me and go away. ||4||3||

mlwr mhlw 5 ] (1267-4)
malaar mehlaa 5.
Malaar, Fifth Mehl:

rwj qy kIt kIt qy surpiq kir doK jTr kau Brqy ] (1267-4)
raaj tay keet keet tay surpat kar dokh jathar ka-o bhartay.
From a king to a worm, and from a worm to the lord of gods, they engage in evil to fill their bellies.

ik®pw iniD Coif Awn kau pUjih Awqm GwqI hrqy ]1] (1267-4)
kirpaa niDh chhod aan ka-o poojeh aatam ghaatee hartay. ||1||
They renounce the Lord, the Ocean of Mercy, and worship some other; they are thieves and killers of the soul. ||1||

hir ibsrq qy duiK duiK mrqy ] (1267-5)
har bisrat tay dukh dukh martay.
Forgetting the Lord, they suffer in sorrow and die.

Aink bwr BRmih bhu jonI tyk n kwhU Drqy ]1] rhwau ] (1267-5)
anik baar bharmeh baho jonee tayk na kaahoo Dhartay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
They wander lost in reincarnation through all sorts of species; they do not find shelter anywhere. ||1||Pause||

iqAwig suAwmI Awn kau icqvq mUV mugD Kl Kr qy ] (1267-6)
ti-aag su-aamee aan ka-o chitvat moorh mugaDh khal khar tay.
Those who abandon their Lord and Master and think of some other, are foolish, stupid, idiotic donkeys.

kwgr nwv lµGih kq swgru ibRQw kQq hm qrqy ]2] (1267-7)
kaagar naav langheh kat saagar baritha kathat ham tartay. ||2||
How can they cross over the ocean in a paper boat? Their eogtistical boasts that they will cross over are meaningless. ||2||

isv ibrMic Asur sur jyqy kwl Agin mih jrqy ] (1267-7)
siv biranch asur sur jaytay kaal agan meh jartay.
Shiva, Brahma, angels and demons, all burn in the fire of death.

nwnk srin crn kmln kI qum@ n fwrhu pRB krqy ]3]4] (1267-8)
naanak saran charan kamlan kee tumH na daarahu parabh kartay. ||3||4||
Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the Lord's Lotus Feet; O God, Creator, please do not send me into exile. ||3||4||

rwgu mlwr mhlw 5 dupdy Gru 1 (1267-9)
raag malaar mehlaa 5 dupday ghar 1
Raag Malaar, Fifth Mehl, Du-Padas, First House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1267-9)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

pRB myry Eie bYrwgI iqAwgI ] (1267-10)
parabh mayray o-ay bairaagee ti-aagee.
My God is detached and free of desire.

hau ieku iKnu iqsu ibnu rih n skau pRIiq hmwrI lwgI ]1] rhwau ] (1267-10)
ha-o ik khin tis bin reh na saka-o pareet hamaaree laagee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I cannot survive without Him, even for an instant. I am so in love with Him. ||1||Pause||

aun kY sMig moih pRBu iciq AwvY sMq pRswid moih jwgI ] (1267-11)
un kai sang mohi parabh chit aavai sant parsaad mohi jaagee.
Associating with the Saints, God has come into my consciousness. By their Grace, I have been awakened.

suin aupdysu Bey mn inrml gun gwey rMig rWgI ]1] (1267-11)
sun updays bha-ay man nirmal gun gaa-ay rang raaNgee. ||1||
Hearing the Teachings, my mind has become immaculate. Imbued with the Lord's Love, I sing His Glorious Praises. ||1||

iehu mnu dyie kIey sMq mIqw ik®pwl Bey bfBwgˆØI ] (1267-12)
ih man day-ay kee-ay sant meetaa kirpaal bha-ay badbhaageeN.
Dedicating this mind, I have made friends with the Saints. They have become merciful to me; I am very fortunate.

mhw suKu pwieAw brin n swkau rynu nwnk jn pwgI ]2]1]5] (1267-12)
mahaa sukh paa-i-aa baran na saaka-o rayn naanak jan paagee. ||2||1||5||
I have found absolute peace - I cannot describe it. Nanak has obtained the dust of the feet of the humble. ||2||1||5||

mlwr mhlw 5 ] (1267-13)
malaar mehlaa 5.
Malaar, Fifth Mehl:

mweI moih pRIqmu dyhu imlweI ] (1267-13)
maa-ee mohi pareetam dayh milaa-ee.
O mother, please lead me to union with my Beloved.

sgl shylI suK Bir sUqI ijh Gir lwlu bsweI ]1] rhwau ] (1267-14)
sagal sahaylee sukh bhar sootee jih ghar laal basaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
All my friends and companions sleep totally in peace; their Beloved Lord has come into the homes of their hearts. ||1||Pause||

moih Avgn pRBu sdw dieAwlw moih inrguin ikAw cqurweI ] (1267-14)
mohi avgan parabh sadaa da-i-aalaa mohi nirgun ki-aa chaturaa-ee.
I am worthless; God is forever Merciful. I am unworthy; what clever tricks could I try?

krau brwbir jo ipRA sMig rwqˆØI ieh haumY kI FITweI ]1] (1267-15)
kara-o baraabar jo pari-a sang raateeN ih ha-umai kee dheethaa-ee. ||1||
I claim to be on a par with those who are imbued with the Love of their Beloved. This is my stubborn egotism. ||1||

BeI inmwxI srin iek qwkI gur siqgur purK suKdweI ] (1267-16)
bha-ee nimaanee saran ik taakee gur satgur purakh sukh-daa-ee.
I am dishonored - I seek the Sanctuary of the One, the Guru, the True Guru, the Primal Being, the Giver of peace.

eyk inmK mih myrw sBu duKu kwitAw nwnk suiK rYin ibhweI ]2]2]6] (1267-16)
ayk nimakh meh mayraa sabh dukh kaati-aa naanak sukh rain bihaa-ee. ||2||2||6||
In an instant, all my pains have been taken away; Nanak passes the night of his life in peace. ||2||2||6||

mlwr mhlw 5 ] (1267-17)
malaar mehlaa 5.
Malaar, Fifth Mehl:

brsu myG jI iqlu iblmu n lwau ] (1267-17)
baras maygh jee til bilam na laa-o.
Rain down, O cloud; do not delay.

brsu ipAwry mnih sDwry hoie Andu sdw min cwau ]1] rhwau ] (1267-18)
baras pi-aaray maneh saDhaaray ho-ay anad sadaa man chaa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
O beloved cloud, O support of the mind, you bring lasting bliss and joy to the mind. ||1||Pause||

hm qyrI Dr suAwmIAw myry qU ikau mnhu ibswry ] (1267-18)
ham tayree Dhar su-aamee-aa mayray too ki-o manhu bisaaray.
I take to Your Support, O my Lord and Master; how could You forget me?


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD