Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


hir hm gwvih hir hm bolih Aauru duqIAw pRIiq hm iqAwgI ]1] (1266-1)
har ham gaavahi har ham boleh a-or dutee-aa pareet ham ti-aagee. ||1||
I sing of the Lord, and I speak of the Lord; I have discarded all other loves. ||1||

mnmohn moro pRIqm rwmu hir prmwnµdu bYrwgI ] (1266-1)
manmohan moro pareetam raam har parmaanand bairaagee.
My Beloved is the Enticer of the mind; The Detached Lord God is the Embodiment of Supreme bliss.

hir dyKy jIvq hY nwnku iek inmK plo muiK lwgI ]2]2]9]9]13]9]31] (1266-2)
har daykhay jeevat hai naanak ik nimakh palo mukh laagee. ||2||2||9||9||13||9||31||
Nanak lives by gazing upon the Lord; may I see Him for a moment, for even just an instant. ||2||2||9||9||13||9||31||

rwgu mlwr mhlw 5 caupdy Gru 1 (1266-4)
raag malaar mehlaa 5 cha-upday ghar 1
Raag Malaar, Fifth Mehl, Chau-Padas, First House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1266-4)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

ikAw qU socih ikAw qU icqvih ikAw qUM krih aupwey ] (1266-5)
ki-aa too socheh ki-aa too chitvahi ki-aa tooN karahi upaa-ay.
What are you so worried about? What are you thinking? What have you tried?

qw kau khhu prvwh kwhU kI ijh gopwl shwey ]1] (1266-5)
taa ka-o kahhu parvaah kaahoo kee jih gopaal sahaa-ay. ||1||
Tell me - the Lord of the Universe - who controls Him? ||1||

brsY myGu sKI Gir pwhun Awey ] (1266-6)
barsai maygh sakhee ghar paahun aa-ay.
The rain showers down from the clouds, O companion. The Guest has come into my home.

moih dIn ik®pw iniD Twkur nv iniD nwim smwey ]1] rhwau ] (1266-6)
mohi deen kirpaa niDh thaakur nav niDh naam samaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am meek; my Lord and Master is the Ocean of Mercy. I am absorbed in the nine treasures of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

Aink pRkwr Bojn bhu kIey bhu ibMjn imstwey ] (1266-7)
anik parkaar bhojan baho kee-ay baho binjan mistaa-ay.
I have prepared all sorts of foods in various ways, and all sorts of sweet deserts.

krI pwkswl soc pivqRw huix lwvhu Bogu hir rwey ]2] (1266-7)
karee paaksaal soch pavitaraa hun laavhu bhog har raa-ay. ||2||
I have made my kitchen pure and sacred. Now, O my Sovereign Lord King, please sample my food. ||2||

dust ibdwry swjn rhsy ieih mMidr Gr Apnwey ] (1266-8)
dusat bidaaray saajan rahsay ihi mandir ghar apnaa-ay.
The villains have been destroyed, and my friends are delighted. This is Your Own Mansion and Temple, O Lord.

jau igRih lwlu rMgIE AwieAw qau mY siB suK pwey ]3] (1266-8)
ja-o garihi laal rangee-o aa-i-aa ta-o mai sabh sukh paa-ay. ||3||
When my Playful Beloved came into my household, then I found total peace. ||3||

sMq sBw Et gur pUry Duir msqik lyKu ilKwey ] (1266-9)
sant sabhaa ot gur pooray Dhur mastak laykh likhaa-ay.
In the Society of the Saints, I have the Support and Protection of the Perfect Guru; this is the pre-ordained destiny inscribed upon my forehead.

jn nwnk kMqu rMgIlw pwieAw iPir dUKu n lwgY Awey ]4]1] (1266-10)
jan naanak kant rangeelaa paa-i-aa fir dookh na laagai aa-ay. ||4||1||
Servant Nanak has found his Playful Husband Lord. He shall never suffer in sorrow again. ||4||1||

mlwr mhlw 5 ] (1266-10)
malaar mehlaa 5.
Malaar, Fifth Mehl:

KIr ADwir bwirku jb hoqw ibnu KIrY rhnu n jweI ] (1266-10)
kheer aDhaar baarik jab hotaa bin kheerai rahan na jaa-ee.
When the baby's only food is milk, it cannot survive without its milk.

swir sm@wil mwqw muiK nIrY qb Ehu iqRpiq AGweI ]1] (1266-11)
saar samHaal maataa mukh neerai tab oh taripat aghaa-ee. ||1||
The mother takes care of it, and pours milk into its mouth; then, it is satisfied and fulfilled. ||1||

hm bwirk ipqw pRBu dwqw ] (1266-12)
ham baarik pitaa parabh daataa.
I am just a baby; God, the Great Giver, is my Father.

BUlih bwirk Aink lK brIAw An Taur nwhI jh jwqw ]1] rhwau ] (1266-12)
bhooleh baarik anik lakh baree-aa an tha-ur naahee jah jaataa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The child is so foolish; it makes so many mistakes. But it has nowhere else to go. ||1||Pause||

cMcl miq bwirk bpury kI srp Agin kr mylY ] (1266-13)
chanchal mat baarik bapuray kee sarap agan kar maylai.
The mind of the poor child is fickle; he touches even snakes and fire.

mwqw ipqw kMiT lwie rwKY And shij qb KylY ]2] (1266-13)
maataa pitaa kanth laa-ay raakhai anad sahj tab khaylai. ||2||
His mother and father hug him close in their embrace, and so he plays in joy and bliss. ||2||

ijs kw ipqw qU hY myry suAwmI iqsu bwirk BUK kYsI ] (1266-14)
jis kaa pitaa too hai mayray su-aamee tis baarik bhookh kaisee.
What hunger can the child ever have, O my Lord and Master, when You are his Father?

nv iniD nwmu inDwnu igRih qyrY min bWCY so lYsI ]3] (1266-14)
nav niDh naam niDhaan garihi tayrai man baaNchhai so laisee. ||3||
The treasure of the Naam and the nine treasures are in Your celestial household. You fulfill the desires of the mind. ||3||

ipqw ik®pwil AwigAw ieh dInI bwirku muiK mWgY so dynw ] (1266-15)
pitaa kirpaal aagi-aa ih deenee baarik mukh maaNgai so daynaa.
My Merciful Father has issued this Command: whatever the child asks for, is put into his mouth.

nwnk bwirku drsu pRB cwhY moih ihRdY bsih inq crnw ]4]2] (1266-16)
naanak baarik daras parabh chaahai mohi hirdai baseh nit charnaa. ||4||2||
Nanak, the child, longs for the Blessed Vision of God's Darshan. May His Feet always dwell within my heart. ||4||2||

mlwr mhlw 5 ] (1266-17)
malaar mehlaa 5.
Malaar, Fifth Mehl:

sgl ibDI juir Awhru kirAw qijE sgl AMdysw ] (1266-17)
sagal biDhee jur aahar kari-aa taji-o sagal andaysaa.
I tried everything, and gathered all devices together; I have discarded all my anxieties.

kwrju sgl ArMiBE Gr kw Twkur kw Bwrosw ]1] (1266-17)
kaaraj sagal araambhi-o ghar kaa thaakur kaa bhaarosaa. ||1||
I have begun to set all my household affairs right; I have placed my faith in my Lord and Master. ||1||

sunIAY bwjY bwj suhwvI ] (1266-18)
sunee-ai baajai baaj suhaavee.
I listen to the celestial vibrations resonating and resounding.

Boru BieAw mY ipRA muK pyKy igRih mMgl suhlwvI ]1] rhwau ] (1266-18)
bhor bha-i-aa mai pari-a mukh paykhay garihi mangal suhlaavee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Sunrise has come, and I gaze upon the Face of my Beloved. My household is filled with peace and pleasure. ||1||Pause||

mnUAw lwie svwry QwnW pUCau sMqw jwey ] (1266-19)
manoo-aa laa-ay savaaray thaanaaN poochha-o santaa jaa-ay.
I focus my mind, and embellish and adorn the place within; then I go out to speak with the Saints.

Kojq Kojq mY pwhun imilE Bgiq krau iniv pwey ]2] (1266-19)
khojat khojat mai paahun mili-o bhagat kara-o niv paa-ay. ||2||
Seeking and searching, I have found my Husband Lord; I bow at His Feet and worship Him with devotion. ||2||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD