Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


hir bolhu gur ky isK myry BweI hir Baujlu jgqu qrwvY ]1] rhwau ] (1264-1)
har bolhu gur kay sikh mayray bhaa-ee har bha-ojal jagat taraavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Chant the Name of the Lord, O Sikhs of the Guru, O my Siblings of Destiny. Only the Lord will carry you across the terrifying world-ocean. ||1||Pause||

jo gur kau jnu pUjy syvy so jnu myry hir pRB BwvY ] (1264-1)
jo gur ka-o jan poojay sayvay so jan mayray har parabh bhaavai.
That humble being who worships, adores and serves the Guru is pleasing to my Lord God.

hir kI syvw siqguru pUjhu kir ikrpw Awip qrwvY ]2] (1264-2)
har kee sayvaa satgur poojahu kar kirpaa aap taraavai. ||2||
To worship and adore the True Guru is to serve the Lord. In His Mercy, He saves us and carries us across. ||2||

Brim BUly AigAwnI AMDuly BRim BRim PUl qorwvY ] (1264-2)
bharam bhoolay agi-aanee anDhulay bharam bharam fool toraavai.
The ignorant and the blind wander deluded by doubt; deluded and confused, they pick flowers to offer to their idols.

inrjIau pUjih mVw sryvih sB ibrQI Gwl gvwvY ]3] (1264-3)
nirjee-o poojeh marhaa sarayveh sabh birthee ghaal gavaavai. ||3||
They worship lifeless stones and serve the tombs of the dead; all their efforts are useless. ||3||

bRhmu ibMdy so siqguru khIAY hir hir kQw suxwvY ] (1264-4)
barahm binday so satgur kahee-ai har har kathaa sunaavai.
He alone is said to be the True Guru, who realizes God, and proclaims the Sermon of the Lord, Har, Har.

iqsu gur kau Cwdn Bojn pwt ptMbr bhu ibiD siq kir muiK sMchu iqsu puMn kI iPir qoit n AwvY ]4] (1264-4)
tis gur ka-o chhaadan bhojan paat patambar baho biDh sat kar mukh sanchahu tis punn kee fir tot na aavai. ||4||
Offer the Guru sacred foods, clothes, silk and satin robes of all sorts; know that He is True. The merits of this shall never leave you lacking. ||4||

siqguru dyau prqiK hir mUriq jo AMimRq bcn suxwvY ] (1264-5)
satgur day-o partakh har moorat jo amrit bachan sunaavai.
The Divine True Guru is the Embodiment, the Image of the Lord; He utters the Ambrosial Word.

nwnk Bwg Bly iqsu jn ky jo hir crxI icqu lwvY ]5]4] (1264-6)
naanak bhaag bhalay tis jan kay jo har charnee chit laavai. ||5||4||
O Nanak, blessed and good is the destiny of that humble being, who focuses his consciousness on the Feet of the Lord. ||5||4||

mlwr mhlw 4 ] (1264-7)
malaar mehlaa 4.
Malaar, Fourth Mehl:

ijn@ kY hIArY bisE myrw siqguru qy sMq Bly Bl BWiq ] (1264-7)
jinH kai hee-arai basi-o mayraa satgur tay sant bhalay bhal bhaaNt.
Those whose hearts are filled with my True Guru - those Saints are good and noble in every way.

iqn@ dyKy myrw mnu ibgsY hau iqn kY sd bil jWq ]1] (1264-7)
tinH daykhay mayraa man bigsai ha-o tin kai sad bal jaaNt. ||1||
Seeing them, my mind blossoms forth in bliss; I am forever a sacrifice to them. ||1||

igAwnI hir bolhu idnu rwiq ] (1264-8)
gi-aanee har bolhu din raat.
O spiritual teacher, chant the Name of the Lord, day and night.

iqn@ kI iqRsnw BUK sB auqrI jo gurmiq rwm rsu KWiq ]1] rhwau ] (1264-8)
tinH kee tarisnaa bhookh sabh utree jo gurmat raam ras khaaNt. ||1|| rahaa-o.
All hunger and thirst are satisfied, for those who partake of the sublime essence of the Lord, through the Guru's Teachings. ||1||Pause||

hir ky dws swD sKw jn ijn imilAw lih jwie BrWiq ] (1264-9)
har kay daas saaDh sakhaa jan jin mili-aa leh jaa-ay bharaaNt.
The slaves of the Lord are our Holy companions. Meeting with them, doubt is taken away.

ijau jl duD iBMn iBMn kwFY cuix hMsulw iqau dyhI qy cuix kwFY swDU haumY qwiq ]2] (1264-10)
ji-o jal duDh bhinn bhinn kaadhai chun hansulaa ti-o dayhee tay chun kaadhai saaDhoo ha-umai taat. ||2||
As the swan separates the milk from the water, the Holy Saint removes the fire of egotism from the body. ||2||

ijn kY pRIiq nwhI hir ihrdY qy kptI nr inq kptu kmWiq ] (1264-11)
jin kai pareet naahee har hirdai tay kaptee nar nit kapat kamaaNt.
Those who do not love the Lord in their hearts are deceitful; they continually practice deception.

iqn kau ikAw koeI dyie KvwlY Eie Awip bIij Awpy hI KWiq ]3] (1264-11)
tin ka-o ki-aa ko-ee day-ay khavaalai o-ay aap beej aapay hee khaaNt. ||3||
What can anyone give them to eat? Whatever they themselves plant, they must eat. ||3||

hir kw ichnu soeI hir jn kw hir Awpy jn mih Awpu rKWiq ] (1264-12)
har kaa chihan so-ee har jan kaa har aapay jan meh aap rakhaaNt.
This is the Quality of the Lord, and of the Lord's humble servants as well; the Lord places His Own Essence within them.

Dnu DMnu gurU nwnku smdrsI ijin inMdw ausqiq qrI qrWiq ]4]5] (1264-13)
Dhan Dhan guroo naanak samadrasee jin nindaa ustat taree taraaNt. ||4||5||
Blessed, blessed, is Guru Nanak, who looks impartially on all; He crosses over and transcends both slander and praise. ||4||5||

mlwr mhlw 4 ] (1264-14)
malaar mehlaa 4.
Malaar, Fourth Mehl:

Agmu Agocru nwmu hir aUqmu hir ikrpw qy jip lieAw ] (1264-14)
agam agochar naam har ootam har kirpaa tay jap la-i-aa.
The Name of the Lord is inaccessible, unfathomable, exalted and sublime. It is chanted by the Lord's Grace.

sqsMgiq swD pweI vfBwgI sMig swDU pwir pieAw ]1] (1264-14)
satsangat saaDh paa-ee vadbhaagee sang saaDhoo paar pa-i-aa. ||1||
By great good fortune, I have found the True Congregation, and in the Company of the Holy, I am carried across. ||1||

myrY min Anidnu Andu BieAw ] (1264-15)
mayrai man an-din anad bha-i-aa.
My mind is in ecstasy, night and day.

gur prswid nwmu hir jipAw myry mn kw BRmu Bau gieAw ]1] rhwau ] (1264-15)
gur parsaad naam har japi-aa mayray man kaa bharam bha-o ga-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
By Guru's Grace, I chant the Name of the Lord. Doubt and fear are gone from my mind. ||1||Pause||

ijn hir gwieAw ijn hir jipAw iqn sMgiq hir mylhu kir mieAw ] (1264-16)
jin har gaa-i-aa jin har japi-aa tin sangat har maylhu kar ma-i-aa.
Those who chant and meditate on the Lord - O Lord, in Your Mercy, please unite me with them.

iqn kw drsu dyiK suKu pwieAw duKu haumY rogu gieAw ]2] (1264-17)
tin kaa daras daykh sukh paa-i-aa dukh ha-umai rog ga-i-aa. ||2||
Gazing upon them, I am at peace; the pain and disease of egotism are gone. ||2||

jo Anidnu ihrdY nwmu iDAwvih sBu jnmu iqnw kw sPlu BieAw ] (1264-18)
jo an-din hirdai naam Dhi-aavahi sabh janam tinaa kaa safal bha-i-aa.
Those who meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord in their hearts - their lives become totally fruitful.

Eie Awip qry isRsit sB qwrI sBu kulu BI pwir pieAw ]3] (1264-18)
o-ay aap taray sarisat sabh taaree sabh kul bhee paar pa-i-aa. ||3||
They themselves swim across, and carry the world across with them. Their ancestors and family cross over as well. ||3||

quDu Awpy Awip aupwieAw sBu jgu quDu Awpy vis kir lieAw ] (1264-19)
tuDh aapay aap upaa-i-aa sabh jag tuDh aapay vas kar la-i-aa.
You Yourself created the whole world, and You Yourself keep it under Your control.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD