Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ijin AYsw nwmu ivswirAw myrw hir hir iqs kY kuil lwgI gwrI ] (1263-1)
jin aisaa naam visaari-aa mayraa har har tis kai kul laagee gaaree.
One who forgets such a Name of the Lord, Har, Har - his family is dishonored.

hir iqs kY kuil prsUiq n krIAhu iqsu ibDvw kir mhqwrI ]2] (1263-2)
har tis kai kul parsoot na karee-ahu tis biDhvaa kar mehtaaree. ||2||
His family is sterile and barren, and his mother is made a widow. ||2||

hir hir Awin imlwvhu guru swDU ijsu Aihinis hir auir DwrI ] (1263-2)
har har aan milaavhu gur saaDhoo jis ahinis har ur Dhaaree.
O Lord, let me meet the Holy Guru, who night and day keep the Lord enshrined in his heart.

guir fITY gur kw isKu ibgsY ijau bwirku dyiK mhqwrI ]3] (1263-3)
gur deethai gur kaa sikh bigsai ji-o baarik daykh mehtaaree. ||3||
Seeing the Guru, the GurSikh blossoms forth, like the child seeing his mother. ||3||

Dn ipr kw iek hI sMig vwsw ivic haumY BIiq krwrI ] (1263-4)
Dhan pir kaa ik hee sang vaasaa vich ha-umai bheet karaaree.
The soul-bride and the Husband Lord live together as one, but the hard wall of egotism has come between them.

guir pUrY haumY BIiq qorI jn nwnk imly bnvwrI ]4]1] (1263-4)
gur poorai ha-umai bheet toree jan naanak milay banvaaree. ||4||1||
The Perfect Guru demolishes the wall of egotism; servant Nanak has met the Lord, the Lord of the World. ||4||1||

mlwr mhlw 4 ] (1263-5)
malaar mehlaa 4.
Malaar, Fourth Mehl:

gMgw jmunw godwvrI srsuqI qy krih audmu DUir swDU kI qweI ] (1263-5)
gangaa jamunaa godaavree sarsutee tay karahi udam Dhoor saaDhoo kee taa-ee.
The Ganges, the Jamunaa, the Godaavari and the Saraswati - these rivers strive for the dust of the feet of the Holy.

iklivK mYlu Bry pry hmrY ivic hmrI mYlu swDU kI DUir gvweI ]1] (1263-6)
kilvikh mail bharay paray hamrai vich hamree mail saaDhoo kee Dhoor gavaa-ee. ||1||
Overflowing with their filthy sins, the mortals take cleansing baths in them; the rivers' pollution is washed away by the dust of the feet of the Holy. ||1||

qIriQ ATsiT mjnu nweI ] (1263-7)
tirath athsath majan naa-ee.
Instead of bathing at the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage, take your cleansing bath in the Name.

sqsMgiq kI DUir prI auif nyqRI sB durmiq mYlu gvweI ]1] rhwau ] (1263-7)
satsangat kee Dhoor paree ud naytree sabh durmat mail gavaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
When the dust of the feet of the Sat Sangat rises up into the eyes, all filthy evil-mindedness is removed. ||1||Pause||

jwhrnvI qpY BwgIriQ AwxI kydwru QwipE mhsweI ] (1263-8)
jaaharnavee tapai bhaageerath aanee kaydaar thaapi-o mehsaa-ee.
Bhaageerat'h the penitent brought the Ganges down, and Shiva established Kaydaar.

kWsI ik®snu crwvq gwaU imil hir jn soBw pweI ]2] (1263-8)
kaaNsee krisan charaavat gaa-oo mil har jan sobhaa paa-ee. ||2||
Krishna grazed cows in Kaashi; through the humble servant of the Lord, these places became famous. ||2||

ijqny qIrQ dyvI Qwpy siB iqqny locih DUir swDU kI qweI ] (1263-9)
jitnay tirath dayvee thaapay sabh titnay locheh Dhoor saaDhoo kee taa-ee.
And all the sacred shrines of pilgrimage established by the gods, long for the dust of the feet of the Holy.

hir kw sMqu imlY gur swDU lY iqs kI DUir muiK lweI ]3] (1263-10)
har kaa sant milai gur saaDhoo lai tis kee Dhoor mukh laa-ee. ||3||
Meeting with the Lord's Saint, the Holy Guru, I apply the dust of His feet to my face. ||3||

ijqnI isRsit qumrI myry suAwmI sB iqqnI locY DUir swDU kI qweI ] (1263-10)
jitnee sarisat tumree mayray su-aamee sabh titnee lochai Dhoor saaDhoo kee taa-ee.
And all the creatures of Your Universe, O my Lord and Master, long for the dust of the feet of the Holy.

nwnk illwit hovY ijsu iliKAw iqsu swDU DUir dy hir pwir lµGweI ]4]2] (1263-11)
naanak lilaat hovai jis likhi-aa tis saaDhoo Dhoor day har paar langhaa-ee. ||4||2||
O Nanak, one who has such destiny inscribed on his forehead, is blessed with the dust of the feet of the Holy; the Lord carries him across. ||4||2||

mlwr mhlw 4 ] (1263-12)
malaar mehlaa 4.
Malaar, Fourth Mehl:

iqsu jn kau hir mIT lgwnw ijsu hir hir ik®pw krY ] (1263-12)
tis jan ka-o har meeth lagaanaa jis har har kirpaa karai.
The Lord seems sweet to that humble being who is blessed by the Grace of the Lord.

iqs kI BUK dUK siB auqrY jo hir gux hir aucrY ]1] (1263-13)
tis kee bhookh dookh sabh utrai jo har gun har uchrai. ||1||
His hunger and pain are totally taken away; he chants the Glorious Praises of the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||

jip mn hir hir hir insqrY ] (1263-13)
jap man har har har nistarai.
Meditating on the Lord, Har, Har, Har, the mortal is emancipated.

gur ky bcn krn suin iDAwvY Bv swgru pwir prY ]1] rhwau ] (1263-13)
gur kay bachan karan sun Dhi-aavai bhav saagar paar parai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One who listens to the Guru's Teachings and meditates on them, is carried across the terrifying world-ocean. ||1||Pause||

iqsu jn ky hm hwit ibhwJy ijsu hir hir ik®pw krY ] (1263-14)
tis jan kay ham haat bihaajhay jis har har kirpaa karai.
I am the slave of that humble being, who is blessed by the Grace of the Lord, Har, Har.

hir jn kau imilAW suKu pweIAY sB durmiq mYlu hrY ]2] (1263-15)
har jan ka-o mili-aaN sukh paa-ee-ai sabh durmat mail harai. ||2||
Meeting with the Lord's humble servant, peace is obtained; all the pollution and filth of evil-mindedness is washed away. ||2||

hir jn kau hir BUK lgwnI jnu iqRpqY jw hir gun ibcrY ] (1263-15)
har jan ka-o har bhookh lagaanee jan tariptai jaa har gun bichrai.
The humble servant of the Lord feels hunger only for the Lord. He is satisfied only when he chants the Lord's Glories.

hir kw jnu hir jl kw mInw hir ibsrq PUit mrY ]3] (1263-16)
har kaa jan har jal kaa meenaa har bisrat foot marai. ||3||
The humble servant of the Lord is a fish in the Water of the Lord. Forgetting the Lord, he would dry up and die. ||3||

ijin eyh pRIiq lweI so jwnY kY jwnY ijsu min DrY ] (1263-17)
jin ayh pareet laa-ee so jaanai kai jaanai jis man Dharai.
He alone knows this love, who enshrines it within his mind.

jnu nwnku hir dyiK suKu pwvY sB qn kI BUK trY ]4]3] (1263-17)
jan naanak har daykh sukh paavai sabh tan kee bhookh tarai. ||4||3||
Servant Nanak gazes upon the Lord and is at peace; The hunger of his body is totally satisfied. ||4||3||

mlwr mhlw 4 ] (1263-18)
malaar mehlaa 4.
Malaar, Fourth Mehl:

ijqny jIA jMq pRiB kIny iqqny isir kwr ilKwvY ] (1263-18)
jitnay jee-a jant parabh keenay titnay sir kaar likhaavai.
All the beings and creatures which God has created - on their foreheds, He has written their destiny.

hir jn kau hir dIn@ vfweI hir jnu hir kwrY lwvY ]1] (1263-19)
har jan ka-o har deenH vadaa-ee har jan har kaarai laavai. ||1||
The Lord blesses His humble servant with glorious greatness. The Lord enjoins him to his tasks. ||1||

siqguru hir hir nwmu idRVwvY ] (1263-19)
satgur har har naam darirh-aavai.
The True Guru implants the Naam, the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, within.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD