Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


nwnk gurmuiK nwim smwhw ]4]2]11] (1262-1)
naanak gurmukh naam samaahaa. ||4||2||11||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh merges in the Naam. ||4||2||11||

mlwr mhlw 3 ] (1262-1)
malaar mehlaa 3.
Malaar, Third Mehl:

jIvq mukq gurmqI lwgy ] (1262-1)
jeevat mukat gurmatee laagay.
Those who are attached to the Guru's Teachings, are Jivan-mukta, liberated while yet alive.

hir kI Bgiq Anidnu sd jwgy ] (1262-2)
har kee bhagat an-din sad jaagay.
They remain forever awake and aware night and day, in devotional worship of the Lord.

siqguru syvih Awpu gvwie ] (1262-2)
satgur sayveh aap gavaa-ay.
They serve the True Guru, and eradicate their self-conceit.

hau iqn jn ky sd lwgau pwie ]1] (1262-2)
ha-o tin jan kay sad laaga-o paa-ay. ||1||
I fall at the feet of such humble beings. ||1||

hau jIvW sdw hir ky gux gweI ] (1262-3)
ha-o jeevaaN sadaa har kay gun gaa-ee.
Constantly singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, I live.

gur kw sbdu mhw rsu mITw hir kY nwim mukiq giq pweI ]1] rhwau ] (1262-3)
gur kaa sabad mahaa ras meethaa har kai naam mukat gat paa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Word of the Guru's Shabad is such totally sweet elixir. Through the Name of the Lord, I have attained the state of liberation. ||1||Pause||

mwieAw mohu AigAwnu gubwru ] (1262-4)
maa-i-aa moh agi-aan gubaar.
Attachment to Maya leads to the darkness of ignorance.

mnmuK mohy mugD gvwr ] (1262-4)
manmukh mohay mugaDh gavaar.
The self-willed manukhs are attached, foolish and ignorant.

Anidnu DMDw krq ivhwie ] (1262-4)
an-din DhanDhaa karat vihaa-ay.
Night and day, their lives pass away in worldly entanglements.

mir mir jMmih imlY sjwie ]2] (1262-5)
mar mar jameh milai sajaa-ay. ||2||
They die and die again and again, only to be reborn and receive their punishment. ||2||

gurmuiK rwm nwim ilv lweI ] (1262-5)
gurmukh raam naam liv laa-ee.
The Gurmukh is lovingly attuned to the Name of the Lord.

kUVY lwlic nw lptweI ] (1262-5)
koorhai laalach naa laptaa-ee.
He does not cling to false greed.

jo ikCu hovY shij suBwie ] (1262-6)
jo kichh hovai sahj subhaa-ay.
Whatever he does, he does with intuitive poise.

hir rsu pIvY rsn rswie ]3] (1262-6)
har ras peevai rasan rasaa-ay. ||3||
He drinks in the sublime essence of the Lord; his tongue delights in its flavor. ||3||

koit mDy iksih buJweI ] (1262-6)
kot maDhay kiseh bujhaa-ee.
Among millions, hardly any understand.

Awpy bKsy dy vifAweI ] (1262-7)
aapay bakhsay day vadi-aa-ee.
The Lord Himself forgives, and bestows His glorious greatness.

jo Duir imilAw su ivCuiV n jweI ] (1262-7)
jo Dhur mili-aa so vichhurh na jaa-ee.
Whoever meets with the Primal Lord God, shall never be separated again.

nwnk hir hir nwim smweI ]4]3]12] (1262-7)
naanak har har naam samaa-ee. ||4||3||12||
Nanak is absorbed in the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||4||3||12||

mlwr mhlw 3 ] (1262-8)
malaar mehlaa 3.
Malaar, Third Mehl:

rsnw nwmu sBu koeI khY ] (1262-8)
rasnaa naam sabh ko-ee kahai.
Everyone speaks the Name of the Lord with the tongue.

siqguru syvy qw nwmu lhY ] (1262-8)
satgur sayvay taa naam lahai.
But only by serving the True Guru does the mortal receive the Name.

bMDn qoVy mukiq Gir rhY ] (1262-9)
banDhan torhay mukat ghar rahai.
His bonds are shattered, and he stays in the house of liberation.

gur sbdI AsiQru Gir bhY ]1] (1262-9)
gur sabdee asthir ghar bahai. ||1||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, he sits in the eternal, unchanging house. ||1||

myry mn kwhy rosu krIjY ] (1262-9)
mayray man kaahay ros kareejai.
O my mind, why are you angry?

lwhw kljuig rwm nwmu hY gurmiq Anidnu ihrdY rvIjY ]1] rhwau ] (1262-9)
laahaa kaljug raam naam hai gurmat an-din hirdai raveejai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Lord's Name is the source of profit. Contemplate and appreciate the Guru's Teachings within your heart, night and day. ||1||Pause||

bwbIhw iKnu iKnu ibllwie ] (1262-10)
baabeehaa khin khin billaa-ay.
Each and every instant, the rainbird cries and calls.

ibnu ipr dyKy nˆØId n pwie ] (1262-11)
bin pir daykhay neeNd na paa-ay.
Without seeing her Beloved, she does not sleep at all.

iehu vyCoVw sihAw n jwie ] (1262-11)
ih vaychhorhaa sahi-aa na jaa-ay.
She cannot endure this separation.

siqguru imlY qW imlY suBwie ]2] (1262-11)
satgur milai taaN milai subhaa-ay. ||2||
When she meets the True Guru, then she intuitively meets her Beloved. ||2||

nwmhIxu ibnsY duKu pwie ] (1262-12)
naamheen binsai dukh paa-ay.
Lacking the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the mortal suffers and dies.

iqRsnw jilAw BUK n jwie ] (1262-12)
tarisnaa jali-aa bhookh na jaa-ay.
He is burnt in the fire of desire, and his hunger does not depart.

ivxu Bwgw nwmu n pwieAw jwie ] (1262-12)
vin bhaagaa naam na paa-i-aa jaa-ay.
Without good destiny, he cannot find the Naam.

bhu ibiD Qwkw krm kmwie ]3] (1262-13)
baho biDh thaakaa karam kamaa-ay. ||3||
He performs all sorts of rituals until he is exhausted. ||3||

qRY gux bwxI byd bIcwru ] (1262-13)
tarai gun banee bayd beechaar.
The mortal thinks about the Vedic teachings of the three gunas, the three dispositions.

ibiKAw mYlu ibiKAw vwpwru ] (1262-13)
bikhi-aa mail bikhi-aa vaapaar.
He deals in corruption, filth and vice.

mir jnmih iPir hoih KuAwru ] (1262-14)
mar janmeh fir hohi khu-aar.
He dies, only to be reborn; he is ruined over and over again.

gurmuiK qurIAw guxu auir Dwru ]4] (1262-14)
gurmukh turee-aa gun ur Dhaar. ||4||
The Gurmukh enshrines the glory of the supreme state of celestial peace. ||4||

guru mwnY mwnY sBu koie ] (1262-14)
gur maanai maanai sabh ko-ay.
One who has faith in the Guru - everyone has faith in him.

gur bcnI mnu sIqlu hoie ] (1262-15)
gur bachnee man seetal ho-ay.
Through the Guru's Word, the mind is cooled and soothed.

chu juig soBw inrml jnu soie ] (1262-15)
chahu jug sobhaa nirmal jan so-ay.
Throughout the four ages, that humble being is known to be pure.

nwnk gurmuiK ivrlw koie ]5]4]13]9]13]22] (1262-15)
naanak gurmukh virlaa ko-ay. ||5||4||13||9||13||22||
O Nanak, that Gurmukh is so rare. ||5||4||13||9||13||22||

rwgu mlwr mhlw 4 Gru 1 caupdy (1262-17)
raag malaar mehlaa 4 ghar 1 cha-upday
Raag Malaar, Fourth Mehl, First House, Chau-Padas:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1262-17)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

Anidnu hir hir iDAwieE ihrdY miq gurmiq dUK ivswrI ] (1262-18)
an-din har har Dhi-aa-i-o hirdai mat gurmat dookh visaaree.
Night and day, I meditate on the Lord, Har, Har, within my heart; through the Guru's Teachings, my pain is forgotten.

sB Awsw mnsw bMDn qUty hir hir pRiB ikrpw DwrI ]1] (1262-18)
sabh aasaa mansaa banDhan tootay har har parabh kirpaa Dhaaree. ||1||
The chains of all my hopes and desires have been snapped; my Lord God has showered me with His Mercy. ||1||

nYnI hir hir lwgI qwrI ] (1262-19)
nainee har har laagee taaree.
My eyes gaze eternally on the Lord, Har, Har.

siqguru dyiK myrw mnu ibgisE jnu hir ByitE bnvwrI ]1] rhwau ] (1262-19)
satgur daykh mayraa man bigsi-o jan har bhayti-o banvaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Gazing on the True Guru, my mind blossoms forth. I have met with the Lord, the Lord of the World. ||1||Pause||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD