Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


hir jn krxI aUqm hY hir kIriq jig ibsQwir ]3] (1261-1)
har jan karnee ootam hai har keerat jag bisthaar. ||3||
The lifestyle of the Lord's humble servant is exalted and sublime. He spreads the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises throughout the world. ||3||

ik®pw ik®pw kir Twkur myry hir hir hir aur Dwir ] (1261-1)
kirpaa kirpaa kar thaakur mayray har har har ur Dhaar.
O my Lord and Master, please be merciful, merciful to me, that I may enshrine the Lord, Har, Har, Har, within my heart.

nwnk siqguru pUrw pwieAw min jipAw nwmu murwir ]4]9] (1261-2)
naanak satgur pooraa paa-i-aa man japi-aa naam muraar. ||4||9||
Nanak has found the Perfect True Guru; in his mind, he chants the Name of the Lord. ||4||9||

mlwr mhlw 3 Gru 2 (1261-3)
malaar mehlaa 3 ghar 2
Malaar, Third Mehl, Second House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1261-3)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

iehu mnu igrhI ik iehu mnu audwsI ] (1261-4)
ih man girhee ke ih man udaasee.
Is this mind a householder, or is this mind a detached renunciate?

ik iehu mnu Avrnu sdw AivnwsI ] (1261-4)
ke ih man avran sadaa avinaasee.
Is this mind beyond social class, eternal and unchanging?

ik iehu mnu cMclu ik iehu mnu bYrwgI ] (1261-4)
ke ih man chanchal ke ih man bairaagee.
Is this mind fickle, or is this mind detached?

iesu mn kau mmqw ikQhu lwgI ]1] (1261-5)
is man ka-o mamtaa kithhu laagee. ||1||
How has this mind been gripped by possessiveness? ||1||

pMifq iesu mn kw krhu bIcwru ] (1261-5)
pandit is man kaa karahu beechaar.
O Pandit, O religious scholar, reflect on this in your mind.

Avru ik bhuqw pVih auTwvih Bwru ]1] rhwau ] (1261-6)
avar ke bahutaa parheh uthaaveh bhaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Why do you read so many other things, and carry such a heavy load? ||1||Pause||

mwieAw mmqw krqY lweI ] (1261-6)
maa-i-aa mamtaa kartai laa-ee.
The Creator has attached it to Maya and possessiveness.

eyhu hukmu kir isRsit aupweI ] (1261-6)
ayhu hukam kar sarisat upaa-ee.
Enforcing His Order, He created the world.

gur prswdI bUJhu BweI ] (1261-7)
gur parsaadee boojhhu bhaa-ee.
By Guru's Grace, understand this, O Siblings of Destiny.

sdw rhhu hir kI srxweI ]2] (1261-7)
sadaa rahhu har kee sarnaa-ee. ||2||
Remain forever in the Sanctuary of the Lord. ||2||

so pMifqu jo iqhW guxw kI pMf auqwrY ] (1261-7)
so pandit jo tihaaN gunaa kee pand utaarai.
He alone is a Pandit, who sheds the load of the three qualities.

Anidnu eyko nwmu vKwxY ] (1261-8)
an-din ayko naam vakhaanai.
Night and day, he chants the Name of the One Lord.

siqgur kI Ehu dIiKAw lyie ] (1261-8)
satgur kee oh deekhi-aa lay-ay.
He accepts the Teachings of the True Guru.

siqgur AwgY sIsu Dryie ] (1261-8)
satgur aagai sees Dharay-ay.
He offers his head to the True Guru.

sdw Algu rhY inrbwxu ] (1261-9)
sadaa alag rahai nirbaan.
He remains forever unattached in the state of Nirvaanaa.

so pMifqu drgh prvwxu ]3] (1261-9)
so pandit dargeh parvaan. ||3||
Such a Pandit is accepted in the Court of the Lord. ||3||

sBnW mih eyko eyku vKwxY ] (1261-9)
sabhnaaN meh ayko ayk vakhaanai.
He preaches that the One Lord is within all beings.

jW eyko vyKY qW eyko jwxY ] (1261-10)
jaaN ayko vaykhai taaN ayko jaanai.
As he sees the One Lord, he knows the One Lord.

jw kau bKsy myly soie ] (1261-10)
jaa ka-o bakhsay maylay so-ay.
That person, whom the Lord forgives, is united with Him.

AYQY EQY sdw suKu hoie ]4] (1261-10)
aithai othai sadaa sukh ho-ay. ||4||
He finds eternal peace, here and hereafter. ||4||

khq nwnku kvn ibiD kry ikAw koie ] (1261-10)
kahat naanak kavan biDh karay ki-aa ko-ay.
Says Nanak, what can anyone do?

soeI mukiq jw kau ikrpw hoie ] (1261-11)
so-ee mukat jaa ka-o kirpaa ho-ay.
He alone is liberated, whom the Lord blesses with His Grace.

Anidnu hir gux gwvY soie ] (1261-11)
an-din har gun gaavai so-ay.
Night and day, he sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

swsqR byd kI iPir kUk n hoie ]5]1]10] (1261-12)
saastar bayd kee fir kook na ho-ay. ||5||1||10||
Then, he no longer bothers with the proclamations of the Shaastras or the Vedas. ||5||1||10||

mlwr mhlw 3 ] (1261-12)
malaar mehlaa 3.
Malaar, Third Mehl:

BRim BRim join mnmuK BrmweI ] (1261-12)
bharam bharam jon manmukh bharmaa-ee.
The self-willed manmukhs wander lost in reincarnation, confused and deluded by doubt.

jmkwlu mwry inq piq gvweI ] (1261-13)
jamkaal maaray nit pat gavaa-ee.
The Messenger of Death constantly beats them and disgraces them.

siqgur syvw jm kI kwix cukweI ] (1261-13)
satgur sayvaa jam kee kaan chukaa-ee.
Serving the True Guru, the mortal's subservience to Death is ended.

hir pRBu imilAw mhlu Gru pweI ]1] (1261-13)
har parabh mili-aa mahal ghar paa-ee. ||1||
He meets the Lord God, and enters the Mansion of His Presence. ||1||

pRwxI gurmuiK nwmu iDAwie ] (1261-14)
paraanee gurmukh naam Dhi-aa-ay.
O mortal, as Gurmukh, meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

jnmu pdwrQu duibDw KoieAw kaufI bdlY jwie ]1] rhwau ] (1261-14)
janam padaarath dubiDhaa kho-i-aa ka-udee badlai jaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In duality, you are ruining and wasting this priceless human life. You trade it away in exchange for a shell. ||1||Pause||

kir ikrpw gurmuiK lgY ipAwru ] (1261-15)
kar kirpaa gurmukh lagai pi-aar.
The Gurmukh falls in love with the Lord, by His Grace.

AMqir Bgiq hir hir auir Dwru ] (1261-15)
antar bhagat har har ur Dhaar.
He enshrines loving devotion to the Lord, Har, Har, deep within his heart.

Bvjlu sbid lµGwvxhwru ] (1261-15)
bhavjal sabad langhaavanhaar.
The Word of the Shabad carries him across the terrifying world-ocean.

dir swcY idsY sicAwru ]2] (1261-16)
dar saachai disai sachiaar. ||2||
He appears true in the True Court of the Lord. ||2||

bhu krm kry siqguru nhI pwieAw ] (1261-16)
baho karam karay satgur nahee paa-i-aa.
Performing all sorts of rituals, they do not find the True Guru.

ibnu gur Brim BUly bhu mwieAw ] (1261-16)
bin gur bharam bhoolay baho maa-i-aa.
Without the Guru, so many wander lost and confused in Maya.

haumY mmqw bhu mohu vDwieAw ] (1261-17)
ha-umai mamtaa baho moh vaDhaa-i-aa.
Egotism, possessiveness and attachment rise up and increase within them.

dUjY Bwie mnmuiK duKu pwieAw ]3] (1261-17)
doojai bhaa-ay manmukh dukh paa-i-aa. ||3||
In the love of dualty, the self-willed manmukhs suffer in pain. ||3||

Awpy krqw Agm AQwhw ] (1261-18)
aapay kartaa agam athaahaa.
The Creator Himself is Inaccessible and Infinite.

gur sbdI jpIAY scu lwhw ] (1261-18)
gur sabdee japee-ai sach laahaa.
Chant the Word of the Guru's Shabad, and earn the true profit.

hwjru hjUir hir vyprvwhw ] (1261-18)
haajar hajoor har vayparvaahaa.
The Lord is Independent, Ever-present, here and now.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD