Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


slok mhlw 2 ] (1238-1)
salok mehlaa 2.
Shalok, Second Mehl:

Awip aupwey nwnkw Awpy rKY vyk ] (1238-1)
aap upaa-ay naankaa aapay rakhai vayk.
He Himself creates, O Nanak; He establishes the various creatures.

mMdw iks no AwKIAY jW sBnw swihbu eyku ] (1238-1)
mandaa kis no aakhee-ai jaaN sabhnaa saahib ayk.
How can anyone be called bad? We have only One Lord and Master.

sBnw swihbu eyku hY vyKY DMDY lwie ] (1238-2)
sabhnaa saahib ayk hai vaykhai DhanDhai laa-ay.
There is One Lord and Master of all; He watches over all, and assigns all to their tasks.

iksY QoVw iksY Aglw KwlI koeI nwih ] (1238-2)
kisai thorhaa kisai aglaa khaalee ko-ee naahi.
Some have less, and some have more; no one is allowed to leave empty.

Awvih nµgy jwih nµgy ivcy krih ivQwr ] (1238-3)
aavahi nangay jaahi nangay vichay karahi vithaar.
Naked we come, and naked we go; in between, we put on a show.

nwnk hukmu n jwxIAY AgY kweI kwr ]1] (1238-3)
naanak hukam na jaanee-ai agai kaa-ee kaar. ||1||
O Nanak, one who does not understand the Hukam of God's Command - what will he have to do in the world hereafter? ||1||

mhlw 1 ] (1238-4)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

ijnis Qwip jIAW kau ByjY ijnis Qwip lY jwvY ] (1238-4)
jinas thaap jee-aaN ka-o bhayjai jinas thaap lai jaavai.
He sends out the various created beings, and he calls back the various created beings again.

Awpy Qwip auQwpY Awpy eyqy vys krwvY ] (1238-4)
aapay thaap uthaapai aapay aytay vays karaavai.
He himself establishes, and He Himself disestablishes. He fashions them in various forms.

jyqy jIA iPrih AauDUqI Awpy iBiKAw pwvY ] (1238-5)
jaytay jee-a fireh a-uDhootee aapay bhikhi-aa paavai.
And all the human beings who wander around as beggars, He Himself gives in charity to them.

lyKY bolxu lyKY clxu kwiequ kIcih dwvy ] (1238-5)
laykhai bolan laykhai chalan kaa-it keecheh daavay.
As it is recorded, the mortals speak, and as it is recorded, they walk. So why put on all this show?

mUlu miq prvwxw eyho nwnku AwiK suxwey ] (1238-6)
mool mat parvaanaa ayho naanak aakh sunaa-ay.
This is the basis of intelligence; this is certified and approved. Nanak speaks and proclaims it.

krxI aupir hoie qpwvsu jy ko khY khwey ]2] (1238-6)
karnee upar ho-ay tapaavas jay ko kahai kahaa-ay. ||2||
By past actions, each being is judged; what else can anyone say? ||2||

pauVI ] (1238-7)

gurmuiK clqu rcwieEnu gux prgtI AwieAw ] (1238-7)
gurmukh chalat rachaa-i-on gun pargatee aa-i-aa.
The Guru's Word makes the drama play itself out. Through virtue, this becomes evident.

gurbwxI sd aucrY hir mMin vswieAw ] (1238-7)
gurbaanee sad uchrai har man vasaa-i-aa.
Whoever utters the Word of the Guru's Bani - the Lord is enshrined in his mind.

skiq geI BRmu kitAw isv joiq jgwieAw ] (1238-8)
sakat ga-ee bharam kati-aa siv jot jagaa-i-aa.
Maya's power is gone, and doubt is eradicated; awaken to the Light of the Lord.

ijn kY poqY puMnu hY guru purKu imlwieAw ] (1238-8)
jin kai potai punn hai gur purakh milaa-i-aa.
Those who hold onto goodness as their treasure meet the Guru, the Primal Being.

nwnk shjy imil rhy hir nwim smwieAw ]2] (1238-9)
naanak sehjay mil rahay har naam samaa-i-aa. ||2||
O Nanak, they are intuitively absorbed and blended into the Name of the Lord. ||2||

slok mhlw 2 ] (1238-9)
salok mehlaa 2.
Shalok, Second Mehl:

swh cly vxjwirAw iliKAw dyvY nwil ] (1238-9)
saah chalay vanjaari-aa likhi-aa dayvai naal.
The merchants come from the Banker; He sends the account of their destiny with them.

ilKy aupir hukmu hoie leIAY vsqu sm@wil ] (1238-10)
likhay upar hukam ho-ay la-ee-ai vasat samHaal.
On the basis of their accounts, He issues the Hukam of His Command, and they are left to take care of their merchandise.

vsqu leI vxjwreI vKru bDw pwie ] (1238-10)
vasat la-ee vanjaara-ee vakhar baDhaa paa-ay.
The merchants have purchased their merchandise and packed up their cargo.

kyeI lwhw lY cly ieik cly mUlu gvwie ] (1238-11)
kay-ee laahaa lai chalay ik chalay mool gavaa-ay.
Some depart after having earned a good profit, while others leave, having lost their investment altogether.

QoVw iknY n mMigE iksu khIAY swbwis ] (1238-11)
thorhaa kinai na mangi-o kis kahee-ai saabaas.
No one asks to have less; who should be celebrated?

ndir iqnw kau nwnkw ij swbqu lwey rwis ]1] (1238-12)
nadar tinaa ka-o naankaa je saabat laa-ay raas. ||1||
The Lord casts His Glance of Grace, O Nanak, upon those who have preserved their capital investment. ||1||

mhlw 1 ] (1238-12)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

juiV juiV ivCuVy ivCuiV juVy ] (1238-12)
jurh jurh vichhurhay vichhurh jurhay.
United, the united separate, and separated, they unite again.

jIiv jIiv muey muey jIvy ] (1238-13)
jeev jeev mu-ay mu-ay jeevay.
Living, the living die, and dying, they live again.

kyiqAw ky bwp kyiqAw ky byty kyqy gur cyly hUey ] (1238-13)
kayti-aa kay baap kayti-aa kay baytay kaytay gur chaylay hoo-ay.
They become the fathers of many, and the sons of many; they become the gurus of many, and the disciples.

AwgY pwCY gxq n AwvY ikAw jwqI ikAw huix hUey ] (1238-14)
aagai paachhai ganat na aavai ki-aa jaatee ki-aa hun hoo-ay.
No account can be made of the future or the past; who knows what shall be, or what was?

sBu krxw ikrqu kir ilKIAY kir kir krqw kry kry ] (1238-14)
sabh karnaa kirat kar likee-ai kar kar kartaa karay karay.
All the actions and events of the past are recorded; the Doer did, He does, and He will do.

mnmuiK mrIAY gurmuiK qrIAY nwnk ndrI ndir kry ]2] (1238-15)
manmukh maree-ai gurmukh taree-ai naanak nadree nadar karay. ||2||
The self-willed manmukh dies, while the Gurmukh is saved; O Nanak, the Gracious Lord bestows His Glance of Grace. ||2||

pauVI ] (1238-15)

mnmuiK dUjw Brmu hY dUjY loBwieAw ] (1238-15)
manmukh doojaa bharam hai doojai lobhaa-i-aa.
The self-willed manmukh wanders in duality, lured and enticed by duality.

kUVu kptu kmwvdy kUVo AwlwieAw ] (1238-16)
koorh kapat kamaavday koorho aalaa-i-aa.
He practices falsehood and deception, telling lies.

puqR klqRü mohu hyqu hY sBu duKu sbwieAw ] (1238-16)
putar kalatar moh hayt hai sabh dukh sabaa-i-aa.
Love and attachment to children and spouse is total misery and pain.

jm dir bDy mwrIAih Brmih BrmwieAw ] (1238-17, swrMg)
jam dar baDhay maaree-ah bharmeh bharmaa-i-aa.
He is gagged and bound at the door of the Messenger of Death; he dies, and wanders lost in reincarnation.

mnmuiK jnmu gvwieAw nwnk hir BwieAw ]3] (1238-17)
manmukh janam gavaa-i-aa naanak har bhaa-i-aa. ||3||
The self-willed manmukh wastes his life; Nanak loves the Lord. ||3||

slok mhlw 2 ] (1238-18)
salok mehlaa 2.
Shalok, Second Mehl:

ijn vifAweI qyry nwm kI qy rqy mn mwih ] (1238-18)
jin vadi-aa-ee tayray naam kee tay ratay man maahi.
Those who are blessed with the glorious greatness of Your Name - their minds are imbued with Your Love.

nwnk AMimRqu eyku hY dUjw AMimRqu nwih ] (1238-18)
naanak amrit ayk hai doojaa amrit naahi.
O Nanak, there is only One Ambrosial Nectar; there is no other nectar at all.

nwnk AMimRqu mnY mwih pweIAY gur prswid ] (1238-19)
naanak amrit manai maahi paa-ee-ai gur parsaad.
O Nanak, the Ambrosial Nectar is obtained within the mind, by Guru's Grace.

iqn@I pIqw rMg isau ijn@ kau iliKAw Awid ]1] (1238-19)
tinHee peetaa rang si-o jinH ka-o likhi-aa aad. ||1||
They alone drink it in with love, who have such pre-ordained destiny. ||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD