Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ikau n ArwDhu imil kir swDhu GrI muhqk bylw AweI ] (1237-1)
ki-o na aaraaDhahu mil kar saaDhahu gharee muhtak baylaa aa-ee.
Why do you not worship and adore Him? Join together with the Holy Saints; any instant, your time shall come.

ArQu drbu sBu jo ikCu dIsY sMig n kChU jweI ] (1237-1)
arath darab sabh jo kichh deesai sang na kachhhoo jaa-ee.
All your property and wealth, and all that you see - none of it will go along with you.

khu nwnk hir hir AwrwDhu kvn aupmw dyau kvn bfweI ]2] (1237-2)
kaho naanak har har aaraaDhahu kavan upmaa day-o kavan badaa-ee. ||2||
Says Nanak, worship and adore the Lord, Har, Har. What praise, and what approval, can I offer to Him? ||2||

pUCau sMq myro Twkuru kYsw ] (1237-3)
poochha-o sant mayro thaakur kaisaa.
I ask the Saints, what is my Lord and Master like?

hˆØIau ArwpauN dyhu sdysw ] (1237-3)
heeN-o araapa-uN dayh sadaysaa.
I offer my heart, to one who brings me news of Him.

dyhu sdysw pRB jIau kYsw kh mohn prvysw ] (1237-3)
dayh sadaysaa parabh jee-o kaisaa kah mohan parvaysaa.
Give me news of my Dear God; where does the Enticer live?

AMg AMg suKdweI pUrn bRhmweI Qwn Qwnµqr dysw ] (1237-4)
ang ang sukh-daa-ee pooran barahmaa-ee thaan thaanantar daysaa.
He is the Giver of peace to life and limb; God is totally permeating all places, interspaces and countries.

bMDn qy mukqw Git Git jugqw kih n skau hir jYsw ] (1237-4)
banDhan tay muktaa ghat ghat jugtaa kahi na saka-o har jaisaa.
He is liberated from bondage, joined to each and every heart. I cannot say what the Lord is like.

dyiK cirq nwnk mnu moihE pUCY dInu myro Twkuru kYsw ]3] (1237-5)
daykh charit naanak man mohi-o poochhai deen mayro thaakur kaisaa. ||3||
Gazing upon His wondrous play, O Nanak, my mind is fascinated. I humbly ask, what is my Lord and Master like? ||3||

kir ikrpw Apuny pih AwieAw ] (1237-6)
kar kirpaa apunay peh aa-i-aa.
In His Kindness, He has come to His humble servant.

DMin su irdw ijh crn bswieAw ] (1237-6)
Dhan so ridaa jih charan basaa-i-aa.
Blessed is that heart, in which the Lord's Feet are enshrined.

crn bswieAw sMq sMgwieAw AigAwn AMDyru gvwieAw ] (1237-6)
charan basaa-i-aa sant sangaa-i-aa agi-aan anDhayr gavaa-i-aa.
His Feet are enshrined within, in the Society of the Saints; the darkness of ignorance is dispelled.

BieAw pRgwsu irdY aulwsu pRBu loVIdw pwieAw ] (1237-7)
bha-i-aa pargaas ridai ulaas parabh lorheedaa paa-i-aa.
The heart is enlightened and illumined and enraptured; God has been found.

duKu nwTw suKu Gr mih vUTw mhw Anµd shjwieAw ] (1237-7)
dukh naathaa sukh ghar meh voothaa mahaa anand sehjaa-i-aa.
Pain is gone, and peace has come to my house. The ultimate intuitive peace prevails.

khu nwnk mY pUrw pwieAw kir ikrpw Apuny pih AwieAw ]4]1] (1237-8)
kaho naanak mai pooraa paa-i-aa kar kirpaa apunay peh aa-i-aa. ||4||1||
Says Nanak, I have found the Perfect Lord; in His Kindness, He has come to His humble servant. ||4||1||

swrMg kI vwr mhlw 4 rwie mhmy hsny kI Duin (1237-10)
saarang kee vaar mehlaa 4 raa-ay mahmay hasnay kee Dhuian
Vaar Of Saarang, Fourth Mehl, To Be Sung To The Tune Of Mehma-Hasna:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1237-10)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

slok mhlw 2 ] (1237-11)
salok mehlaa 2.
Shalok, Second Mehl:

guru kuMjI pwhU invlu mnu koTw qnu Ciq ] (1237-11)
gur kunjee paahoo nival man kothaa tan chhat.
The key of the Guru opens the lock of attachment, in the house of the mind, under the roof of the body.

nwnk gur ibnu mn kw qwku n auGVY Avr n kuMjI hiQ ]1] (1237-11)
naanak gur bin man kaa taak na ugh-rhai avar na kunjee hath. ||1||
O Nanak, without the Guru, the door of the mind cannot be opened. No one else holds the key in hand. ||1||

mhlw 1 ] (1237-12)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

n BIjY rwgI nwdI byid ] (1237-12)
na bheejai raagee naadee bayd.
He is not won over by music, songs or the Vedas.

n BIjY surqI igAwnI joig ] (1237-12)
na bheejai surtee gi-aanee jog.
He is not won over by intuitive wisdom, meditation or Yoga.

n BIjY sogI kIqY roij ] (1237-13)
na bheejai sogee keetai roj.
He is not won over by feeling sad and depressed forever.

n BIjY rUpˆØI mwlˆØI rMig ] (1237-13)
na bheejai roopeeN maaleeN rang.
He is not won over by beauty, wealth and pleasures.

n BIjY qIriQ BivAY nµig ] (1237-13)
na bheejai tirath bhavi-ai nang.
He is not won over by wandering naked at sacred shrines.

n BIjY dwqˆØI kIqY puMin ] (1237-13)
na bheejai daateeN keetai punn.
He is not won over by giving donations in charity.

n BIjY bwhir bYiTAw suMin ] (1237-14)
na bheejai baahar baithi-aa sunn.
He is not won over by living alone in the wilderness.

n BIjY ByiV mrih iBiV sUr ] (1237-14)
na bheejai bhayrh mareh bhirh soor.
He is not won over by fighting and dying as a warrior in battle.

n BIjY kyqy hovih DUV ] (1237-14)
na bheejai kaytay hoveh Dhoorh.
He is not won over by becoming the dust of the masses.

lyKw ilKIAY mn kY Bwie ] (1237-15)
laykhaa likee-ai man kai bhaa-ay.
The account is written of the loves of the mind.

nwnk BIjY swcY nwie ]2] (1237-15)
naanak bheejai saachai naa-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, the Lord is won over only by His Name. ||2||

mhlw 1 ] (1237-15)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

nv iCA Kt kw kry bIcwru ] (1237-15)
nav chhi-a khat kaa karay beechaar.
You may study the nine grammars, the six Shaastras and the six divions of the Vedas.

inis idn aucrY Bwr ATwr ] (1237-16)
nis din uchrai bhaar athaar.
You may recite the Mahaabhaarata.

iqin BI AMqu n pwieAw qoih ] (1237-16)
tin bhee ant na paa-i-aa tohi.
Even these cannot find the limits of the Lord.

nwm ibhUx mukiq ikau hoie ] (1237-16)
naam bihoon mukat ki-o ho-ay.
Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, how can anyone be liberated?

nwiB vsq bRhmY AMqu n jwixAw ] (1237-17)
naabh vasat barahmai ant na jaani-aa.
Brahma, in the lotus of the navel, does not know the limits of God.

gurmuiK nwnk nwmu pCwixAw ]3] (1237-17)
gurmukh naanak naam pachhaani-aa. ||3||
The Gurmukh, O Nanak, realizes the Naam. ||3||

pauVI ] (1237-17)

Awpy Awip inrMjnw ijin Awpu aupwieAw ] (1237-17)
aapay aap niranjanaa jin aap upaa-i-aa.
The Immaculate Lord Himself, by Himself, created Himself.

Awpy Kylu rcwieEnu sBu jgqu sbwieAw ] (1237-18)
aapay khayl rachaa-i-on sabh jagat sabaa-i-aa.
He Himself created the whole drama of all the world's play.

qRY gux Awip isrijAnu mwieAw mohu vDwieAw ] (1237-18)
tarai gun aap sirji-an maa-i-aa moh vaDhaa-i-aa.
He Himself formed the three gunas, the three qualities; He increased the attachment to Maya.

gur prswdI aubry ijn Bwxw BwieAw ] (1237-19)
gur parsaadee ubray jin bhaanaa bhaa-i-aa.
By Guru's Grace, they are saved - those who love the Will of God.

nwnk scu vrqdw sB sic smwieAw ]1] (1237-19)
naanak sach varatdaa sabh sach samaa-i-aa. ||1||
O Nanak, the True Lord is pervading everywhere; all are contained within the True Lord. ||1||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD