Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


Aink purK AMsw Avqwr ] (1236-1)
anik purakh ansaa avtaar.
Many beings take incarnation.

Aink ieMdR aUBy drbwr ]3] (1236-1)
anik indar oobhay darbaar. ||3||
Many Indras stand at the Lord's Door. ||3||

Aink pvn pwvk Aru nIr ] (1236-1)
anik pavan paavak ar neer.
Many winds, fires and waters.

Aink rqn swgr diD KIr ] (1236-2)
anik ratan saagar daDh kheer.
Many jewels, and oceans of butter and milk.

Aink sUr ssIAr niKAwiq ] (1236-2)
anik soor sasee-ar nakhi-aat.
Many suns, moons and stars.

Aink dyvI dyvw bhu BWiq ]4] (1236-2)
anik dayvee dayvaa baho bhaaNt. ||4||
Many gods and goddesses of so many kinds. ||4||

Aink bsuDw Aink kwmDyn ] (1236-3)
anik basuDhaa anik kaamDhayn.
Many earths, many wish-fulfilling cows.

Aink pwrjwq Aink muiK byn ] (1236-3)
anik paarjaat anik mukh bayn.
Many miraculous Elysian trees, many Krishnas playing the flute.

Aink Akws Aink pwqwl ] (1236-3)
anik akaas anik paataal.
Many Akaashic ethers, many nether regions of the underworld.

Aink muKI jpIAY gopwl ]5] (1236-4)
anik mukhee japee-ai gopaal. ||5||
Many mouths chant and meditate on the Lord. ||5||

Aink swsqR isimRiq purwn ] (1236-4)
anik saastar simrit puraan.
Many Shaastras, Simritees and Puraanas.

Aink jugiq hovq biKAwn ] (1236-4)
anik jugat hovat bakhi-aan.
Many ways in which we speak.

Aink sroqy sunih inDwn ] (1236-5)
anik sarotay suneh niDhaan.
Many listeners listen to the Lord of Treasure.

srb jIA pUrn Bgvwn ]6] (1236-5)
sarab jee-a pooran bhagvaan. ||6||
The Lord God totally permeates all beings. ||6||

Aink Drm Aink kumyr ] (1236-5)
anik Dharam anik kumayr.
Many righteous judges of Dharma, many gods of wealth.

Aink brn Aink kink sumyr ] (1236-6)
anik baran anik kanik sumayr.
Many gods of water, many mountains of gold.

Aink syK nvqn nwmu lyih ] (1236-6)
anik saykh navtan naam layhi.
Many thousand-headed snakes, chanting ever-new Names of God.

pwrbRhm kw AMqu n qyih ]7] (1236-6)
paarbarahm kaa ant na tayhi. ||7||
They do not know the limits of the Supreme Lord God. ||7||

Aink purIAw Aink qh KMf ] (1236-7)
anik puree-aa anik tah khand.
Many solar systems, many galaxies.

Aink rUp rMg bRhmMf ] (1236-7)
anik roop rang barahmand.
Many forms, colors and celestial realms.

Aink bnw Aink Pl mUl ] (1236-7)
anik banaa anik fal mool.
Many gardens, many fruits and roots.

Awpih sUKm Awpih AsQUl ]8] (1236-8)
aapeh sookham aapeh asthool. ||8||
He Himself is mind, and He Himself is matter. ||8||

Aink jugwid idns Aru rwiq ] (1236-8)
anik jugaad dinas ar raat.
Many ages, days and nights.

Aink prlau Aink auqpwiq ] (1236-8)
anik parla-o anik utpaat.
Many apocalypses, many creations.

Aink jIA jw ky igRh mwih ] (1236-9)
anik jee-a jaa kay garih maahi.
Many beings are in His home.

rmq rwm pUrn sRb TWie ]9] (1236-9)
ramat raam pooran sarab thaaN-ay. ||9||
The Lord is perfectly pervading all places. ||9||

Aink mwieAw jw kI lKI n jwie ] (1236-9)
anik maa-i-aa jaa kee lakhee na jaa-ay.
Many Mayas, which cannot be known.

Aink klw KylY hir rwie ] (1236-10)
anik kalaa khaylai har raa-ay.
Many are the ways in which our Sovereign Lord plays.

Aink Duinq lilq sMgIq ] (1236-10)
anik Dhunit lalit sangeet.
Many exquisite melodies sing of the Lord.

Aink gupq pRgty qh cIq ]10] (1236-10)
anik gupat pargatay tah cheet. ||10||
Many recording scribes of the conscious and subconscious are revealed there. ||10||

sB qy aUc Bgq jw kY sMig ] (1236-11)
sabh tay ooch bhagat jaa kai sang.
He is above all, and yet He dwells with His devotees.

AwT phr gun gwvih rMig ] (1236-11)
aath pahar gun gaavahi rang.
Twenty-four hours a day, they sing His Praises with love.

Aink Anwhd Awnµd Junkwr ] (1236-11)
anik anaahad aanand jhunkaar.
Many unstruck melodies resound and resonate with bliss.

auAw rs kw kCu AMqu n pwr ]11] (1236-12)
u-aa ras kaa kachh ant na paar. ||11||
There is no end or limit of that sublime essence. ||11||

siq purKu siq AsQwnu ] (1236-12)
sat purakh sat asthaan.
True is the Primal Being, and True is His dwelling.

aUc qy aUc inrml inrbwnu ] (1236-12)
ooch tay ooch nirmal nirbaan.
He is the Highest of the high, Immaculate and Detached, in Nirvaanaa.

Apunw kIAw jwnih Awip ] (1236-13)
apunaa kee-aa jaaneh aap.
He alone knows His handiwork.

Awpy Git Git rihE ibAwip ] (1236-13)
aapay ghat ghat rahi-o bi-aap.
He Himself pervades each and every heart.

ik®pw inDwn nwnk dieAwl ] (1236-13)
kirpaa niDhaan naanak da-i-aal.
The Merciful Lord is the Treasure of Compassion, O Nanak.

ijin jipAw nwnk qy Bey inhwl ]12]1]2]2]3]7] (1236-14)
jin japi-aa naanak tay bha-ay nihaal. ||12||1||2||2||3||7||
Those who chant and meditate on Him, O Nanak, are exalted and enraptured. ||12||1||2||2||3||7||

swrg CMq mhlw 5 (1236-15)
saarag chhant mehlaa 5
Saarang, Chhant, Fifth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1236-15)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

sB dyKIAY AnBY kw dwqw ] (1236-16)
sabh daykhee-ai anbhai kaa daataa.
See the Giver of fearlessness in all.

Git Git pUrn hY Ailpwqw ] (1236-16)
ghat ghat pooran hai alipaataa.
The Detached Lord is totally permeating each and every heart.

Git Git pUrnu kir ibsQIrnu jl qrMg ijau rcnu kIAw ] (1236-16)
ghat ghat pooran kar bistheeran jal tarang ji-o rachan kee-aa.
Like waves in the water, He created the creation.

hiB rs mwxy Bog Gtwxy Awn n bIAw ko QIAw ] (1236-17)
habh ras maanay bhog ghataanay aan na bee-aa ko thee-aa.
He enjoys all tastes, and takes pleasure in all hearts. There is no other like Him at all.

hir rMgI iek rMgI Twkuru sMqsMig pRBu jwqw ] (1236-17)
har rangee ik rangee thaakur satsang parabh jaataa.
The color of the Lord's Love is the one color of our Lord and Master; in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, God is realized.

nwnk dris lInw ijau jl mInw sB dyKIAY AnBY kw dwqw ]1] (1236-18)
naanak daras leenaa ji-o jal meenaa sabh daykhee-ai anbhai kaa daataa. ||1||
O Nanak, I am drenched with the Blessed Vision of the Lord, like the fish in the water. I see the Giver of fearlessness in all. ||1||

kaun aupmw dyau kvn bfweI ] (1236-19)
ka-un upmaa day-o kavan badaa-ee.
What praises should I give, and what approval should I offer to Him?

pUrn pUir rihE sRb TweI ] (1236-19)
pooran poor rahi-o sarab thaa-ee.
The Perfect Lord is totally pervading and permeating all places.

pUrn mnmohn Gt Gt sohn jb iKMcY qb CweI ] (1236-19)
pooran manmohan ghat ghat sohan jab khinchai tab chhaa-ee.
The Perfect Enticing Lord adorns each and every heart. When He withdraws, the mortal turns to dust.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD