Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


mnmuK dUjY Brim Bulwey nw bUJih vIcwrw ]7] (1235-1)
manmukh doojai bharam bhulaa-ay naa boojheh veechaaraa. ||7||
The self-willed manmukhs wander, lost in doubt and duality. They do not know how to contemplate the Lord. ||7||

Awpy gurmuiK Awpy dyvY Awpy kir kir vyKY ] (1235-1)
aapay gurmukh aapay dayvai aapay kar kar vaykhai.
He Himself is the Gurmukh, and He Himself gives; He Himself creates and beholds.

nwnk sy jn Qwie pey hY ijn kI piq pwvY lyKY ]8]3] (1235-2)
naanak say jan thaa-ay pa-ay hai jin kee pat paavai laykhai. ||8||3||
O Nanak, those humble beings are approved, whose honor the Lord Himself accepts. ||8||3||

swrg mhlw 5 AstpdIAw Gru 1 (1235-3)
saarag mehlaa 5 asatpadee-aa ghar 1
Saarang, Fifth Mehl, Ashtapadees, First House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1235-3)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

gusweˆØI prqwpu quhwro fITw ] (1235-4)
gusaa-eeN partaap tuhaaro deethaa.
O Lord of the World, I gaze upon Your wondrous glory.

krn krwvn aupwie smwvn sgl CqRpiq bITw ]1] rhwau ] (1235-4)
karan karaavan upaa-ay samaavan sagal chhatarpat beethaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You are the Doer, the Cause of causes, the Creator and Destroyer. You are the Sovereign Lord of all. ||1||Pause||

rwxw rwau rwj Bey rMkw auin JUTy khxu khwieE ] (1235-5)
raanaa raa-o raaj bha-ay rankaa un jhoothay kahan kahaa-i-o.
The rulers and nobles and kings shall become beggars. Their ostentatious shows are false

hmrw rwjnu sdw slwmiq qw ko sgl Gtw jsu gwieE ]1] (1235-5)
hamraa raajan sadaa salaamat taa ko sagal ghataa jas gaa-i-o. ||1||
. My Sovereign Lord King is eternally stable. His Praises are sung in every heart. ||1||

aupmw sunhu rwjn kI sMqhu khq jyq pwhUcw ] (1235-6)
upmaa sunhu raajan kee santahu kahat jayt paahoochaa.
Listen to the Praises of my Lord King, O Saints. I chant them as best I can.

bysumwr vf swh dwqwrw aUcy hI qy aUcw ]2] (1235-6)
baysumaar vad saah daataaraa oochay hee tay oochaa. ||2||
My Lord King, the Great Giver, is Immeasurable. He is the Highest of the high. ||2||

pvin proieE sgl Akwrw pwvk kwst sMgy ] (1235-7)
pavan paro-i-o sagal akaaraa paavak kaasat sangay.
He has strung His Breath throughout the creation; He locked the fire in the wood.

nIru Drix kir rwKy eykq koie n iks hI sMgy ]3] (1235-7)
neer Dharan kar raakhay aykat ko-ay na kis hee sangay. ||3||
He placed the water and the land together, but neither blends with the other. ||3||

Git Git kQw rwjn kI cwlY Gir Gir quJih aumwhw ] (1235-8)
ghat ghat kathaa raajan kee chaalai ghar ghar tujheh omaahaa.
In each and every heart, the Story of our Sovereign Lord is told; in each and every home, they yearn for Him.

jIA jMq siB pwCY kirAw pRQmy irjku smwhw ]4] (1235-8)
jee-a jant sabh paachhai kari-aa parathmay rijak samaahaa. ||4||
Afterwards, He created all beings and creatures; but first, He provided them with sustenance. ||4||

jo ikCu krxw su Awpy krxw msliq kwhU dIn@I ] (1235-9)
jo kichh karnaa so aapay karnaa maslat kaahoo deenHee.
Whatever He does, He does by Himself. Who has ever given Him advice?

Aink jqn kir krh idKwey swcI swKI cIn@I ]5] (1235-10)
anik jatan kar karah dikhaa-ay saachee saakhee cheenHee. ||5||
The mortals make all sorts of efforts and showy displays, but He is realized only through the Teachings of Truth. ||5||

hir Bgqw kir rwKy Apny dInI nwmu vfweI ] (1235-10)
har bhagtaa kar raakhay apnay deenee naam vadaa-ee.
The Lord protects and saves His devotees; He blesses them with the glory of His Name.

ijin ijin krI AvigAw jn kI qy qYN dIey ruV@weI ]6] (1235-11)
jin jin karee avgi-aa jan kee tay taiN dee-ay rurhHaa-ee. ||6||
Whoever is disrespectful to the humble servant of the Lord, shall be swept away and destroyed. ||6||

mukiq Bey swDsMgiq kir iqn ky Avgn siB prhirAw ] (1235-11)
mukat bha-ay saaDhsangat kar tin kay avgan sabh parhari-aa.
Those who join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, are liberated; all their demerits are taken away.

iqn kau dyiK Bey ikrpwlw iqn Bv swgru qirAw ]7] (1235-12)
tin ka-o daykh bha-ay kirpaalaa tin bhav saagar tari-aa. ||7||
Seeing them, God becomes merciful; they are carried across the terrifying world-ocean. ||7||

hm nwn@y nIc qumy@ bf swihb kudriq kaux bIcwrw ] (1235-12)
ham naanHay neech tumHay bad saahib kudrat ka-un beechaaraa.
I am lowly, I am nothing at all; You are my Great Lord and Master - how can I even contemplate Your creative potency?

mnu qnu sIqlu gur drs dyKy nwnk nwmu ADwrw ]8]1] (1235-13)
man tan seetal gur daras daykhay naanak naam aDhaaraa. ||8||1||
My mind and body are cooled and soothed, gazing upon the Blessed Vision of the Guru's Darshan. Nanak takes the Support of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||8||1||

swrg mhlw 5 AstpdI Gru 6 (1235-15)
saarag mehlaa 5 asatpadee ghar 6
Saarang, Fifth Mehl, Ashtapadees, Sixth House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1235-15)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

Agm AgwiD sunhu jn kQw ] (1235-16)
agam agaaDh sunhu jan kathaa.
Listen to the Story of the Inaccessible and Unfathomable.

pwrbRhm kI Acrj sBw ]1] rhwau ] (1235-16)
paarbarahm kee achraj sabhaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The glory of the Supreme Lord God is wondrous and amazing! ||1||Pause||

sdw sdw siqgur nmskwr ] (1235-16)
sadaa sadaa satgur namaskaar.
Forever and ever, humbly bow to the True Guru.

gur ikrpw qy gun gwie Apwr ] (1235-17)
gur kirpaa tay gun gaa-ay apaar.
By Guru's Grace, sing the Glorious Praises of the Infinite Lord.

mn BIqir hovY prgwsu ] (1235-17)
man bheetar hovai pargaas.
His Light shall radiate deep within your mind.

igAwn AMjnu AigAwn ibnwsu ]1] (1235-17)
gi-aan anjan agi-aan binaas. ||1||
With the healing ointment of spiritual wisdom, ignorance is dispelled. ||1||

imiq nwhI jw kw ibsQwru ] (1235-18)
mit naahee jaa kaa bisthaar.
There is no limit to His Expanse.

soBw qw kI Apr Apwr ] (1235-18)
sobhaa taa kee apar apaar.
His Glory is Infinite and Endless.

Aink rMg jw ky gny n jwih ] (1235-18)
anik rang jaa kay ganay na jaahi.
His many plays cannot be counted.

sog hrK duhhU mih nwih ]2] (1235-19)
sog harakh duhhoo meh naahi. ||2||
He is not subject to pleasure or pain. ||2||

Aink bRhmy jw ky byd Duin krih ] (1235-19)
anik barahmay jaa kay bayd Dhun karahi.
Many Brahmas vibrate Him in the Vedas.

Aink mhys bYis iDAwnu Drih ] (1235-19)
anik mahays bais Dhi-aan Dhareh.
Many Shivas sit in deep meditation.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD