Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


jnm jnm ky iklivK Bau BMjn gurmuiK eyko fITw ]1] rhwau ] (1234-1)
janam janam kay kilvikh bha-o bhanjan gurmukh ayko deethaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
It is the Destroyer of the sins, the guilt and fears of countless incarnations; the Gurmukh sees the One Lord. ||1||Pause||

koit kotMqr ky pwp ibnwsn hir swcw min BwieAw ] (1234-1)
kot kotantar kay paap binaasan har saachaa man bhaa-i-aa.
Millions upon millions of sins are erased, when the mind comes to love the True Lord.

hir ibnu Avru n sUJY dUjw siqguir eyku buJwieAw ]1] (1234-2)
har bin avar na soojhai doojaa satgur ayk bujhaa-i-aa. ||1||
I do not know any other, except the Lord; the True Guru has revealed the One Lord to me. ||1||

pRym pdwrQu ijn Git visAw shjy rhy smweI ] (1234-3)
paraym padaarath jin ghat vasi-aa sehjay rahay samaa-ee.
Those whose hearts are filled with the wealth of the Lord's Love, remain intuitively absorbed in Him.

sbid rqy sy rMig clUly rwqy shij suBweI ]2] (1234-3)
sabad ratay say rang chaloolay raatay sahj subhaa-ee. ||2||
Imbued with the Shabad, they are dyed in the deep crimson color of His Love. They are imbued with the Lord's celestial peace and poise. ||2||

rsnw sbdu vIcwir ris rwqI lwl BeI rMgu lweI ] (1234-4)
rasnaa sabad veechaar ras raatee laal bha-ee rang laa-ee.
Contemplating the Shabad, the tongue is imbued with joy; embracing His Love, it is dyed a deep crimson.

rwm nwmu inhkyvlu jwixAw mnu iqRpiqAw sWiq AweI ]3] (1234-4)
raam naam nihkayval jaani-aa man taripti-aa saaNt aa-ee. ||3||
I have come to know the Name of the Pure Detached Lord; my mind is satisfied and comforted. ||3||

pMifq piV@ piV@ monI siB Qwky BRim ByK Qky ByKDwrI ] (1234-5)
pandit parhH parhH monee sabh thaakay bharam bhaykh thakay bhaykh-Dhaaree.
The Pandits, the religious scholars, read and study, and all the silent sages have grown weary; they have grown weary of wearing their religious robes and wandering all around.

gur prswid inrMjnu pwieAw swcY sbid vIcwrI ]4] (1234-5)
gur parsaad niranjan paa-i-aa saachai sabad veechaaree. ||4||
By Guru's Grace, I have found the Immaculate Lord; I contemplate the True Word of the Shabad. ||4||

Awvw gauxu invwir sic rwqy swc sbdu min BwieAw ] (1234-6)
aavaa ga-on nivaar sach raatay saach sabad man bhaa-i-aa.
My coming and going in reincarnation is ended, and I am imbued with Truth; the True Word of the Shabad is pleasing to my mind.

siqguru syiv sdw suKu pweIAY ijin ivchu Awpu gvwieAw ]5] (1234-7)
satgur sayv sadaa sukh paa-ee-ai jin vichahu aap gavaa-i-aa. ||5||
Serving the True Guru, eternal peace is found, and self-conceit is eliminated from within. ||5||

swcY sbid shj Duin aupjY min swcY ilv lweI ] (1234-7)
saachai sabad sahj Dhun upjai man saachai liv laa-ee.
Through the True Word of the Shabad, the celestial melody wells up, and the mind is lovingly focused on the True Lord.

Agm Agocru nwmu inrMjnu gurmuiK mMin vsweI ]6] (1234-8)
agam agochar naam niranjan gurmukh man vasaa-ee. ||6||
The Immaculate Naam, the Name of the Inaccessible and Unfathomable Lord, abides in the mind of the Gurmukh. ||6||

eyks mih sBu jgqo vrqY ivrlw eyku pCwxY ] (1234-8)
aykas meh sabh jagto vartai virlaa ayk pachhaanai.
The whole world is contained in the One Lord. How rare are those who understand the One Lord.

sbid mrY qw sBu ikCu sUJY Anidnu eyko jwxY ]7] (1234-9)
sabad marai taa sabh kichh soojhai an-din ayko jaanai. ||7||
One who dies in the Shabad comes to know everything; night and day, he realizes the One Lord. ||7||

ijs no ndir kry soeI jnu bUJY horu khxw kQnu n jweI ] (1234-10)
jis no nadar karay so-ee jan boojhai hor kahnaa kathan na jaa-ee.
That humble being, upon whom the Lord casts His Glance of Grace, understands. Nothing else can be said.

nwnk nwim rqy sdw bYrwgI eyk sbid ilv lweI ]8]2] (1234-10)
naanak naam ratay sadaa bairaagee ayk sabad liv laa-ee. ||8||2||
O Nanak, those who are imbued with the Naam are forever detached from the world; they are lovingly attuned to the One Word of the Shabad. ||8||2||

swrg mhlw 3 ] (1234-11)
saarag mehlaa 3.
Saarang, Third Mehl:

mn myry hir kI AkQ khwxI ] (1234-11)
man mayray har kee akath kahaanee.
O my mind, the Speech of the Lord is unspoken.

hir ndir kry soeI jnu pwey gurmuiK ivrlY jwxI ]1] rhwau ] (1234-11)
har nadar karay so-ee jan paa-ay gurmukh virlai jaanee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
That humble being who is blessed by the Lord's Glance of Grace, obtains it. How rare is that Gurmukh who understands. ||1||Pause||

hir gihr gMBIru guxI ghIru gur kY sbid pCwinAw ] (1234-12)
har gahir gambheer gunee gaheer gur kai sabad pachhaani-aa.
The Lord is Deep, Profound and Unfathomable, the Ocean of Excellence; He is realized through the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

bhu ibiD krm krih Bwie dUjY ibnu sbdY baurwinAw ]1] (1234-13)
baho biDh karam karahi bhaa-ay doojai bin sabdai ba-uraani-aa. ||1||
Mortals do their deeds in all sorts of ways, in the love of duality; but without the Shabad, they are insane. ||1||

hir nwim nwvY soeI jnu inrmlu iPir mYlw mUil n hoeI ] (1234-13)
har naam naavai so-ee jan nirmal fir mailaa mool na ho-ee.
That humble being who bathes in the Lord's Name becomes immaculate; he never becomes polluted again.

nwm ibnw sBu jgu hY mYlw dUjY Brim piq KoeI ]2] (1234-14)
naam binaa sabh jag hai mailaa doojai bharam pat kho-ee. ||2||
Without the Name, the whole world is polluted; wandering in duality, it loses its honor. ||2||

ikAw idRVW ikAw sMgRih iqAwgI mY qw bUJ n pweI ] (1234-15)
ki-aa darirh-aaN ki-aa sangrahi ti-aagee mai taa boojh na paa-ee.
What should I grasp? What should I gather up or leave behind? I do not know.

hoih dieAwlu ik®pw kir hir jIau nwmo hoie sKweI ]3] (1234-15)
hohi da-i-aal kirpaa kar har jee-o naamo ho-ay sakhaa-ee. ||3||
O Dear Lord, Your Name is the Help and Support of those whom You bless with Your kindness and compassion. ||3||

scw scu dwqw krm ibDwqw ijsu BwvY iqsu nwie lwey ] (1234-16)
sachaa sach daataa karam biDhaataa jis bhaavai tis naa-ay laa-ay.
The True Lord is the True Giver, the Architect of Destiny; as He pleases, He links mortals to the Name.

gurU duAwrY soeI bUJY ijs no Awip buJwey ]4] (1234-16)
guroo du-aarai so-ee boojhai jis no aap bujhaa-ay. ||4||
He alone comes to understand, who enters the Guru's Gate, whom the Lord Himself instructs. ||4||

dyiK ibsmwdu iehu mnu nhI cyqy Awvw gauxu sMswrw ] (1234-17)
daykh bismaad ih man nahee chaytay aavaa ga-on sansaaraa.
Even gazing upon the wonders of the Lord, this mind does not think of Him. The world comes and goes in reincarnation.

siqguru syvy soeI bUJY pwey moK duAwrw ]5] (1234-17)
satgur sayvay so-ee boojhai paa-ay mokh du-aaraa. ||5||
Serving the True Guru, the mortal comes to understand, and finds the Door of Salvation. ||5||

ijn@ dru sUJY sy kdy n ivgwVih siqguir bUJ buJweI ] (1234-18)
jinH dar soojhai say kaday na vigaarheh satgur boojh bujhaa-ee.
Those who understand the Lord's Court, never suffer separation from him. The True Guru has imparted this understanding.

scu sMjmu krxI ikriq kmwvih Awvx jwxu rhweI ]6] (1234-18)
sach sanjam karnee kirat kamaaveh aavan jaan rahaa-ee. ||6||
They practice truth, self-restraint and good deeds; their comings and goings are ended. ||6||

sy dir swcY swcu kmwvih ijn gurmuiK swcu ADwrw ] (1234-19)
say dar saachai saach kamaaveh jin gurmukh saach aDhaaraa.
In the Court of the True Lord, they practice Truth. The Gurmukhs take the Support of the True Lord.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD