Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


ibiKAwskq rihE inis bwsur kIno Apno BwieE ]1] rhwau ] (1232-1)
bikhi-aaskat rahi-o nis baasur keeno apno bhaa-i-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I remained under the influence of corruption, night and day; I did whatever I pleased. ||1||Pause||

gur aupdysu suinE nih kwnin pr dwrw lptwieE ] (1232-1)
gur updays suni-o neh kaanan par daaraa laptaa-i-o.
I never listened to the Guru's Teachings; I was entangled with others' spouses.

pr inMdw kwrin bhu Dwvq smiJE nh smJwieE ]1] (1232-2)
par nindaa kaaran baho Dhaavat samjhi-o nah samjhaa-i-o. ||1||
I ran all around slandering others; I was taught, but I never learned. ||1||

khw khau mY ApunI krnI ijh ibiD jnmu gvwieE ] (1232-3)
kahaa kaha-o mai apunee karnee jih biDh janam gavaa-i-o.
How can I even describe my actions? This is how I wasted my life.

kih nwnk sB Aaugn mo mih rwiK lyhu srnwieE ]2]4]3]13]139]4]159] (1232-3)
kahi naanak sabh a-ugan mo meh raakh layho sarnaa-i-o. ||2||4||3||13||139||4||159||
Says Nanak, I am totally filled with faults. I have come to Your Sanctuary - please save me, O Lord! ||2||4||3||13||139||4||159||

rwgu swrg AstpdIAw mhlw 1 Gru 1 (1232-5)
raag saarag asatpadee-aa mehlaa 1 ghar 1
Raag Saarang, Ashtapadees, First Mehl, First House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1232-5)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

hir ibnu ikau jIvw myrI mweI ] (1232-6)
har bin ki-o jeevaa mayree maa-ee.
How can I live, O my mother?

jY jgdIs qyrw jsu jwcau mY hir ibnu rhnu n jweI ]1] rhwau ] (1232-6)
jai jagdees tayraa jas jaacha-o mai har bin rahan na jaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Hail to the Lord of the Universe. I ask to sing Your Praises; without You, O Lord, I cannot even survive. ||1||Pause||

hir kI ipAws ipAwsI kwmin dyKau rYin sbweI ] (1232-7)
har kee pi-aas pi-aasee kaaman daykh-a-u rain sabaa-ee.
I am thirsty, thirsty for the Lord; the soul-bride gazes upon Him all through the night.

sRIDr nwQ myrw mnu lInw pRBu jwnY pIr prweI ]1] (1232-7)
sareeDhar naath mayraa man leenaa parabh jaanai peer paraa-ee. ||1||
My mind is absorbed into the Lord, my Lord and Master. Only God knows the pain of another. ||1||

gxq srIir pIr hY hir ibnu gur sbdI hir pWeI ] (1232-8)
ganat sareer peer hai har bin gur sabdee har paaN-ee.
My body suffers in pain, without the Lord; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, I find the Lord.

hohu dieAwl ik®pw kir hir jIau hir isau rhW smweI ]2] (1232-8)
hohu da-i-aal kirpaa kar har jee-o har si-o rahaaN samaa-ee. ||2||
O Dear Lord, please be kind and compassionate to me, that I might remain merged in You, O Lord. ||2||

AYsI rvq rvhu mn myry hir crxI icqu lweI ] (1232-9)
aisee ravat ravhu man mayray har charnee chit laa-ee.
Follow such a path, O my conscious mind, that you may remain focused on the Feet of the Lord.

ibsm Bey gux gwie mnohr inrBau shij smweI ]3] (1232-9)
bisam bha-ay gun gaa-ay manohar nirbha-o sahj samaa-ee. ||3||
I am wonder-struck, singing the Glorious Praises of my Fascinating Lord; I am intuitively absorbed in the Fearless Lord. ||3||

ihrdY nwmu sdw Duin inhcl GtY n kImiq pweI ] (1232-10)
hirdai naam sadaa Dhun nihchal ghatai na keemat paa-ee.
That heart, in which the Eternal, Unchanging Naam vibrates and resounds, does not diminish, and cannot be evaluated.

ibnu nwvY sBu koeI inrDnu siqguir bUJ buJweI ]4] (1232-11)
bin naavai sabh ko-ee nirDhan satgur boojh bujhaa-ee. ||4||
Without the Name, everyone is poor; the True Guru has imparted this understanding. ||4||

pRIqm pRwn Bey suin sjnI dUq muey ibKu KweI ] (1232-11)
pareetam paraan bha-ay sun sajnee doot mu-ay bikh khaa-ee.
My Beloved is my breath of life - listen, O my companion. The demons have taken poison and died.

jb kI aupjI qb kI qYsI rMgul BeI min BweI ]5] (1232-12)
jab kee upjee tab kee taisee rangul bha-ee man bhaa-ee. ||5||
As love for Him welled up, so it remains. My mind is imbued with His Love. ||5||

shj smwiD sdw ilv hir isau jIvW hir gun gweI ] (1232-12)
sahj samaaDh sadaa liv har si-o jeevaaN har gun gaa-ee.
I am absorbed in celestial samaadhi, lovingly attached to the Lord forever. I live by singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

gur kY sbid rqw bYrwgI inj Gir qwVI lweI ]6] (1232-13)
gur kai sabad rataa bairaagee nij ghar taarhee laa-ee. ||6||
Imbued with the Word of the Guru's Shabad, I have become detached from the world. In the profound primal trance, I dwell within the home of my own inner being. ||6||

suD rs nwmu mhw rsu mITw inj Gir qqu gusWeIN ] (1232-13)
suDh ras naam mahaa ras meethaa nij ghar tat gusaaN-eeN.
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is sublimely sweet and supremely delicious; within the home of my own self, I understand the essence of the Lord.

qh hI mnu jh hI qY rwiKAw AYsI gurmiq pweI ]7] (1232-14)
tah hee man jah hee tai raakhi-aa aisee gurmat paa-ee. ||7||
Wherever You keep my mind, there it is. This is what the Guru has taught me. ||7||

snk snwid bRhmwid ieMdRwidk Bgiq rqy bin AweI ] (1232-14)
sanak sanaad barahmaad indraadik bhagat ratay ban aa-ee.
Sanak and Sanandan, Brahma and Indra, were imbued with devotional worship, and came to be in harmony with Him.

nwnk hir ibnu GrI n jIvW hir kw nwmu vfweI ]8]1] (1232-15)
naanak har bin gharee na jeevaaN har kaa naam vadaa-ee. ||8||1||
O Nanak, without the Lord, I cannot live, even for an instant. The Name of the Lord is glorious and great. ||8||1||

swrg mhlw 1 ] (1232-16)
saarag mehlaa 1.
Saarang, First Mehl:

hir ibnu ikau DIrY mnu myrw ] (1232-16)
har bin ki-o Dheerai man mayraa.
Without the Lord, how can my mind be comforted?

koit klp ky dUK ibnwsn swcu idRVwie inbyrw ]1] rhwau ] (1232-16)
kot kalap kay dookh binaasan saach drirh-aa-ay nibayraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The guilt and sin of millions of ages is erased, and one is released from the cycle of reincarnation, when the Truth is implanted within. ||1||Pause||

k®oDu invwir jly hau mmqw pRymu sdw nau rMgI ] (1232-17)
kroDh nivaar jalay ha-o mamtaa paraym sadaa na-o rangee.
Anger is gone, egotism and attachment have been burnt away; I am imbued with His ever-fresh Love.

AnBau ibsir gey pRBu jwicAw hir inrmwielu sMgI ]1] (1232-17)
anbha-o bisar ga-ay parabh jaachi-aa har nirmaa-il sangee. ||1||
Other fears are forgotten, begging at God's Door. The Immaculate Lord is my Companion. ||1||

cMcl miq iqAwig Bau BMjnu pwieAw eyk sbid ilv lwgI ] (1232-18)
chanchal mat ti-aag bha-o bhanjan paa-i-aa ayk sabad liv laagee.
Forsaking my fickle intellect, I have found God, the Destroyer of fear; I am lovingly attuned to the One Word, the Shabad.

hir rsu cwiK iqRKw invwrI hir myil ley bfBwgI ]2] (1232-19)
har ras chaakh tarikhaa nivaaree har mayl la-ay badbhaagee. ||2||
Tasting the sublime essence of the Lord, my thirst is quenched; by great good fortune, the Lord has united me with Himself. ||2||

ABrq isMic Bey suBr sr gurmiq swcu inhwlw ] (1232-19)
abhrat sinch bha-ay subhar sar gurmat saach nihaalaa.
The empty tank has been filled to overflowing. Following the Guru's Teachings, I am enraptured with the True Lord.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD