Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


swrg mhlw 5 ] (1231-1)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

lwl lwl mohn gopwl qU ] (1231-1)
laal laal mohan gopaal too.
You are my Loving Beloved Enticing Lord of the World.

kIt hsiq pwKwx jMq srb mY pRiqpwl qU ]1] rhwau ] (1231-1)
keet hasat paakhaan jant sarab mai partipaal too. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You are in worms, elephants, stones and all beings and creatures; You nourish and cherish them all. ||1||Pause||

nh dUir pUir hjUir sMgy ] (1231-2)
nah door poor hajoor sangay.
You are not far away; You are totally present with all.

suMdr rswl qU ]1] (1231-2)
sundar rasaal too. ||1||
You are Beautiful, the Source of Nectar. ||1||

nh brn brn nh kulh kul ] (1231-3)
nah baran baran nah kulah kul.
You have no caste or social class, no ancestry or family.

nwnk pRB ikrpwl qU ]2]9]138] (1231-3)
naanak parabh kirpaal too. ||2||9||138||
Nanak: God, You are Merciful. ||2||9||138||

swrg mÚ 5 ] (1231-3)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

krq kyl ibKY myl cMdR sUr mohy ] (1231-3)
karat kayl bikhai mayl chandar soor mohay.
Acting and play-acting, the mortal sinks into corruption. Even the moon and the sun are enticed and bewitched.

aupjqw ibkwr duMdr nauprI Junµqkwr suMdr Aing Bwau krq iPrq ibnu gopwl Dohy ] rhwau ] (1231-4)
upjataa bikaar dundar na-uparee jhunantkaar sundar anig bhaa-o karat firat bin gopaal Dhohay. rahaa-o.
The disturbing noise of corruption wells up, in the tinkling ankle bells of Maya the beautiful. With her beguiling gestures of love, she seduces everyone except the Lord. ||Pause||

qIin Bauny lptwie rhI kwc krim n jwq shI aunmq AMD DMD ricq jYsy mhw swgr hohy ]1] (1231-5)
teen bha-unay laptaa-ay rahee kaach karam na jaat sahee unmat anDh DhanDh rachit jaisay mahaa saagar hohay. ||1||
Maya clings to the three worlds; those who are stuck in wrong actions cannot escape her. Drunk and engrossed in blind worldly affairs, they are tossed about on the mighty ocean. ||1||

auDry hir sMq dws kwit dInI jm kI Pws piqq pwvn nwmu jw ko ismir nwnk Ehy ]2]10]139]3]13]155] (1231-6)
uDhray har sant daas kaat deenee jam kee faas patit paavan naam jaa ko simar naanak ohay. ||2||10||139||3||13||155||
The Saint, the slave of the Lord is saved; the noose of the Messenger of Death is snapped. The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the Purifier of sinners; O Nanak, remember Him in meditation. ||2||10||139||3||13||155||

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1231-8)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

rwgu swrMg mhlw 9 ] (1231-8)
raag saarang mehlaa 9.
Raag Saarang, Ninth Mehl:

hir ibnu qyro ko n shweI ] (1231-8)
har bin tayro ko na sahaa-ee.
No one will be your help and support, except the Lord.

kW kI mwq ipqw suq binqw ko kwhU ko BweI ]1] rhwau ] (1231-8)
kaaN kee maat pitaa sut banitaa ko kaahoo ko bhaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Who has any mother, father, child or spouse? Who is anyone's brother or sister? ||1||Pause||

Dnu DrnI Aru sMpiq sgrI jo mwinE ApnweI ] (1231-9)
Dhan Dharnee ar sampat sagree jo maani-o apnaa-ee.
All the wealth, land and property which you consider your own

qn CUtY kCu sMig n cwlY khw qwih lptweI ]1] (1231-9)
tan chhootai kachh sang na chaalai kahaa taahi laptaa-ee. ||1||
- when you leave your body, none of it shall go along with you. Why do you cling to them? ||1||

dIn dieAwl sdw duK BMjn qw isau ruic n bFweI ] (1231-10)
deen da-i-aal sadaa dukh bhanjan taa si-o ruch na badhaa-ee.
God is Merciful to the meek, forever the Destroyer of fear, and yet you do not develop any loving relationship with Him.

nwnk khq jgq sB imiQAw ijau supnw rYnweI ]2]1] (1231-11)
naanak kahat jagat sabh mithi-aa ji-o supnaa rainaa-ee. ||2||1||
Says Nanak, the whole world is totally false; it is like a dream in the night. ||2||1||

swrMg mhlw 9 ] (1231-11)
saarang mehlaa 9.
Saarang, Ninth Mehl:

khw mn ibiKAw isau lptwhI ] (1231-11)
kahaa man bikhi-aa si-o laptaahee.
O mortal, why are you engrossed in corruption?

Xw jg mih koaU rhnu n pwvY ieik Awvih ieik jwhI ]1] rhwau ] (1231-12)
yaa jag meh ko-oo rahan na paavai ik aavahi ik jaahee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
No one is allowed to remain in this world; one comes, and another departs. ||1||Pause||

kW ko qnu Dnu sMpiq kW kI kw isau nyhu lgwhI ] (1231-12)
kaaN ko tan Dhan sampat kaaN kee kaa si-o nayhu lagaahee.
Who has a body? Who has wealth and property? With whom should we fall in love?

jo dIsY so sgl ibnwsY ijau bwdr kI CwhI ]1] (1231-13)
jo deesai so sagal binaasai ji-o baadar kee chhaahee. ||1||
Whatever is seen, shall all disappear, like the shade of a passing cloud. ||1||

qij AiBmwnu srix sMqn ghu mukiq hoih iCn mwhI ] (1231-14)
taj abhimaan saran santan gahu mukat hohi chhin maahee.
Abandon egotism, and grasp the Sanctuary of the Saints; you shall be liberated in an instant.

jn nwnk BgvMq Bjn ibnu suKu supnY BI nwhI ]2]2] (1231-14)
jan naanak bhagvant bhajan bin sukh supnai bhee naahee. ||2||2||
O servant Nanak, without meditating and vibrating on the Lord God, there is no peace, even in dreams. ||2||2||

swrMg mhlw 9 ] (1231-15)
saarang mehlaa 9.
Saarang, Ninth Mehl:

khw nr Apno jnmu gvwvY ] (1231-15)
kahaa nar apno janam gavaavai.
O mortal, why have you wasted your life?

mwieAw mid ibiKAw ris ricE rwm srin nhI AwvY ]1] rhwau ] (1231-15)
maa-i-aa mad bikhi-aa ras rachi-o raam saran nahee aavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Intoxicated with Maya and its riches, involved in corrupt pleasures, you have not sought the Sanctuary of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

iehu sMswru sgl hY supno dyiK khw loBwvY ] (1231-16)
ih sansaar sagal hai supno daykh kahaa lobhaavai.
This whole world is just a dream; why does seeing it fill you with greed?

jo aupjY so sgl ibnwsY rhnu n koaU pwvY ]1] (1231-16)
jo upjai so sagal binaasai rahan na ko-oo paavai. ||1||
Everything that has been created will be destroyed; nothing will remain. ||1||

imiQAw qnu swco kir mwinE ieh ibiD Awpu bMDwvY ] (1231-17)
mithi-aa tan saacho kar maani-o ih biDh aap banDhaavai.
You see this false body as true; in this way, you have placed yourself in bondage.

jn nwnk soaU jnu mukqw rwm Bjn icqu lwvY ]2]3] (1231-18)
jan naanak so-oo jan muktaa raam bhajan chit laavai. ||2||3||
O servant Nanak, he is a liberated being, whose consciousness lovingly vibrates, and meditates on the Lord. ||2||3||

swrMg mhlw 9 ] (1231-18)
saarang mehlaa 9.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

mn kir kbhU n hir gun gwieE ] (1231-18)
man kar kabhoo na har gun gaa-i-o.
In my mind, I never sang the Glorious Praises of the Lord.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD