Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


swrMg mhlw 5 caupdy Gru 5 (1229-2)
saarang mehlaa 5 cha-upday ghar 5
Saarang, Fifth Mehl, Chau-Padas, Fifth House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1229-2)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

hir Bij Awn krm ibkwr ] (1229-3)
har bhaj aan karam bikaar.
Meditate, vibrate on the Lord; other actions are corrupt.

mwn mohu n buJq iqRsnw kwl gRs sMswr ]1] rhwau ] (1229-3)
maan moh na bujhat tarisnaa kaal garas sansaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Pride, attachment and desire are not quenched; the world is in the grip of death. ||1||Pause||

Kwq pIvq hsq sovq AauD ibqI Aswr ] (1229-3)
khaat peevat hasat sovat a-oDh bitee asaar.
Eating, drinking, laughing and sleeping, life passes uselessly.

nrk audir BRmMq jlqo jmih kInI swr ]1] (1229-4)
narak udar bharmant jalto jameh keenee saar. ||1||
The mortal wanders in reincarnation, burning in the hellish environment of the womb; in the end, he is destroyed by death. ||1||

pr dRoh krq ibkwr inMdw pwp rq kr Jwr ] (1229-4)
par daroh karat bikaar nindaa paap rat kar jhaar.
He practices fraud, cruelty and slander against others; he sins, and washes his hands.

ibnw siqgur bUJ nwhI qm moh mhW AMDwr ]2] (1229-5)
binaa satgur boojh naahee tam moh mahaaN anDhaar. ||2||
Without the True Guru, he has no understanding; he is lost in the utter darkness of anger and attachment. ||2||

ibKu TgaurI Kwie mUTo iciq n isrjnhwr ] (1229-5)
bikh thag-uree khaa-ay mootho chit na sirjanhaar.
He takes the intoxicating drugs of cruelty and corruption, and is plundered. He is not conscious of the Creator Lord God.

goibMd gupq hoie rihE inAwro mwqMg miq AhMkwr ]3] (1229-6)
gobind gupat ho-ay rahi-o ni-aaro maatang mat ahaNkaar. ||3||
The Lord of the Universe is hidden and unattached. The mortal is like a wild elephant, intoxicated with the wine of egotism. ||3||

kir ik®pw pRB sMq rwKy crn kml ADwr ] (1229-7)
kar kirpaa parabh sant raakhay charan kamal aDhaar.
In His Mercy, God saves His Saints; they have the Support of His Lotus Feet.

kr joir nwnku srin AwieE guopwl purK Apwr ]4]1]129] (1229-7)
kar jor naanak saran aa-i-o gopaal purakh apaar. ||4||1||129||
With his palms pressed together, Nanak has come to the Sanctuary of the Primal Being, the Infinite Lord God. ||4||1||129||

swrg mhlw 5 Gru 6 pVqwl (1229-9)
saarag mehlaa 5 ghar 6 parh-taal
Saarang, Fifth Mehl, Sixth House, Partaal:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1229-9)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

suB bcn boil gun Amol ] (1229-10)
subh bachan bol gun amol.
Chant His Sublime Word and His Priceless Glories.

ikMkrI ibkwr ] (1229-10)
kinkree bikaar.
Why are you indulding in corrupt actions?

dyKu rI bIcwr ] (1229-10)
daykh ree beechaar.
Look at this, see and understand!

gur sbdu iDAwie mhlu pwie ] (1229-10)
gur sabad Dhi-aa-ay mahal paa-ay.
Meditate on the Word of the Guru's Shabad, and attain the Mansion of the Lord's Presence.

hir sMig rMg krqI mhw kyl ]1] rhwau ] (1229-11)
har sang rang kartee mahaa kayl. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Imbued with the Love of the Lord, you shall totally play with Him. ||1||Pause||

supn rI sMswru ] (1229-11)
supan ree sansaar.
The world is a dream.

imQnI ibsQwru ] (1229-11)
mithnee bisthaar.
Its expanse is false.

sKI kwie moih moihlI ipRA pRIiq irdY myl ]1] (1229-11)
sakhee kaa-ay mohi mohilee pari-a pareet ridai mayl. ||1||
O my companion, why are you so enticed by the Enticer? Enshrine the Love of Your Beloved within your heart. ||1||

srb rI pRIiq ipAwru ] (1229-12)
sarab ree pareet pi-aar.
He is total love and affection.

pRBu sdw rI dieAwru ] (1229-12)
parabh sadaa ree da-i-aar.
God is always merciful.

kWeyN Awn Awn rucIAY ] (1229-12)
kaaN-ayN aan aan ruchee-ai.
Others - why are you involved with others?

hir sMig sMig KcIAY ] (1229-13)
har sang sang khachee-ai.
Remain involved with the Lord.

jau swDsMg pwey ] (1229-13)
ja-o saaDhsang paa-ay.
When you join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy,

khu nwnk hir iDAwey ] (1229-13)
kaho naanak har Dhi-aa-ay.
says Nanak, meditate on the Lord.

Ab rhy jmih myl ]2]1]130] (1229-13)
ab rahay jameh mayl. ||2||1||130||
Now, your association with death is ended. ||2||1||130||

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1229-14)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

kMcnw bhu dq krw ] (1229-14)
kanchnaa baho dat karaa.
You may make donations of gold,

BUim dwnu Arip Drw ] (1229-14)
bhoom daan arap Dharaa.
and give away land in charity

mn Aink soc pivqR krq ] (1229-15)
man anik soch pavitar karat.
and purify your mind in various ways,

nwhI ry nwm quil mn crn kml lwgy ]1] rhwau ] (1229-15)
naahee ray naam tul man charan kamal laagay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
but none of this is equal to the Lord's Name. Remain attached to the Lord's Lotus Feet. ||1||Pause||

cwir byd ijhv Bny ] (1229-15)
chaar bayd jihav bhanay.
You may recite the four Vedas with your tongue,

ds Ast Kst sRvn suny ] (1229-16)
das asat khasat sarvan sunay.
and listen to the eighteen Puraanas and the six Shaastras with your ears,

nhI quil goibd nwm Duny ] (1229-16)
nahee tul gobid naam Dhunay.
but these are not equal to the celestial melody of the Naam, the Name of the Lord of the Universe.

mn crn kml lwgy ]1] (1229-16)
man charan kamal laagay. ||1||
Remain attached to the Lord's Lotus Feet. ||1||

brq sMiD soc cwr ] (1229-17)
barat sanDh soch chaar.
You may observe fasts, and say your prayers, purify yourself

ik®Aw kuMit inrwhwr ] (1229-17)
kir-aa kunt niraahaar.
and do good deeds; you may go on pilgrimages everywhere and eat nothing at all.

Aprs krq pwkswr ] (1229-17)
apras karat paaksaar.
You may cook your food without touching anyone;

invlI krm bhu ibsQwr ] (1229-17)
nivlee karam baho bisthaar.
you may make a great show of cleansing techniques,

DUp dIp krqy hir nwm quil n lwgy ] (1229-18)
Dhoop deep kartay har naam tul na laagay.
and burn incense and devotional lamps, but none of these are equal to the Lord's Name.

rwm dieAwr suin dIn bynqI ] (1229-18)
raam da-i-aar sun deen bayntee.
O Merciful Lord, please hear the prayer of the meek and the poor.

dyhu drsu nYn pyKau jn nwnk nwm imst lwgy ]2]2]131] (1229-18)
dayh daras nain paykha-o jan naanak naam misat laagay. ||2||2||131||
Please grant me the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, that I may see You with my eyes. The Naam is so sweet to servant Nanak. ||2||2||131||

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1229-19)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

rwm rwm rwm jwip rmq rwm shweI ]1] rhwau ] (1229-19)
raam raam raam jaap ramat raam sahaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Meditate on the Lord, Raam, Raam, Raam. The Lord is your Help and Support. ||1||Pause||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD