Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


kir ikrpw lIny kir Apuny aupjI drs ipAws ] (1228-1)
kar kirpaa leenay kar apunay upjee daras pi-aas.
Granting His Grace, He has made me His Own. The thirst for the Blessed Vision of His Darshan wells up within me.

sMqsMig imil hir gux gwey ibnsI duqIAw Aws ]1] (1228-1)
satsang mil har gun gaa-ay binsee dutee-aa aas. ||1||
Joining the Society of the Saints, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord; I have given up other hopes. ||1||

mhw auidAwn AtvI qy kwFy mwrgu sMq kihE ] (1228-2)
mahaa udi-aan atvee tay kaadhay maarag sant kahi-o.
The Saint has pulled me out of the utterly desolate wilderness, and shown me the path.

dyKq drsu pwp siB nwsy hir nwnk rqnu lihE ]2]100]123] (1228-2)
daykhat daras paap sabh naasay har naanak ratan lahi-o. ||2||100||123||
Gazing upon His Darshan, all sins are taken away; Nanak is blessed with the jewel of the Lord. ||2||100||123||

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1228-3)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

mweI rI AirE pRym kI Koir ] (1228-3)
maa-ee ree ari-o paraym kee khor.
O mother, I am involved with the Love of the Lord;

drsn ruicq ipAws min suMdr skq n koeI qoir ]1] rhwau ] (1228-4)
darsan ruchit pi-aas man sundar sakat na ko-ee tor. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am intoxicated with it. My mind has such a longing and thirst for the Blessed Vision, the Darshan of my Beauteous Lord. No one can break this. ||1||Pause||

pRwn mwn piq ipq suq bMDp hir srbsu Dn mor ] (1228-4)
paraan maan pat pit sut banDhap har sarbas Dhan mor.
The Lord is my breath of life, honor, spouse, parent, child, relative, wealth - everything.

iDRgu srIru Asq ibstw ik®m ibnu hir jwnq hor ]1] (1228-5)
Dharig sareer asat bistaa kiram bin har jaanat hor. ||1||
Cursed is this body of bones, this pile of maggots and manure, if it knows any other than the Lord. ||1||

BieE ik®pwl dIn duK BMjnu prw pUrblw jor ] (1228-5)
bha-i-o kirpaal deen dukh bhanjan paraa poorbalaa jor.
The Destroyer of the pains of the poor has become merciful to me, by the power of the karma of my past actions.

nwnk srix ik®pw iniD swgr ibnisE Awn inhor ]2]101]124] (1228-6)
naanak saran kirpaa niDh saagar binsi-o aan nihor. ||2||101||124||
Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of God, the Treasure, the Ocean of Mercy; my subservience to others is past. ||2||101||124||

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1228-7)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

nIkI rwm kI Duin soie ] (1228-7)
neekee raam kee Dhun so-ay.
The Lord's melody is noble and sublime.

crn kml AnUp suAwmI jpq swDU hoie ]1] rhwau ] (1228-7)
charan kamal anoop su-aamee japat saaDhoo ho-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Lotus Feet of my Lord and Master are incomparably beautiful. Meditating on them, one becomes Holy. ||1||Pause||

icqvqw gopwl drsn klmlw kFu Doie ] (1228-8)
chitvataa gopaal darsan kalmalaa kadh Dho-ay.
Just by thinking of the Darshan, the Blessed Vision of the Lord of the World, the dirty sins are washed away.

jnm mrn ibkwr AMkur hir kwit Cwfy Koie ]1] (1228-8)
janam maran bikaar ankur har kaat chhaaday kho-ay. ||1||
The Lord cuts down and weeds out the corruption of the cycle of birth and death. ||1||

prw pUrib ijsih iliKAw ibrlw pwey koie ] (1228-9)
paraa poorab jisahi likhi-aa birlaa paa-ay ko-ay.
How rare is that person who has such pre-ordained destiny, to find the Lord.

rvx gux gopwl krqy nwnkw scu joie ]2]102]125] (1228-9)
ravan gun gopaal kartay naankaa sach jo-ay. ||2||102||125||
Chanting the Glorious Praises of the Creator, the Lord of the Universe - O Nanak, this is Truth. ||2||102||125||

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1228-10)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

hir ky nwm kI miq swr ] (1228-10)
har kay naam kee mat saar.
The intellect of one who dwells on the Name of the Lord is excellent.

hir ibswir ju Awn rwcih imQn sB ibsQwr ]1] rhwau ] (1228-10)
har bisaar jo aan raacheh mithan sabh bisthaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
One who forgets the Lord and becomes involved with some other - all his showy pretensions are false. ||1||Pause||

swDsMgim Bju suAwmI pwp hovq Kwr ] (1228-11)
saaDhsangam bhaj su-aamee paap hovat khaar.
Meditate, vibrate on our Lord and Master in the Company of the Holy, and your sins shall be eradicated.

crnwribMd bswie ihrdY bhuir jnm n mwr ]1] (1228-11)
charnaarbind basaa-ay hirdai bahur janam na maar. ||1||
When the Lord's Lotus Feet abide within the heart, the mortal is never again caught in the cycle of death and birth. ||1||

kir AnugRh rwiK lIny eyk nwm ADwr ] (1228-12)
kar anugrah raakh leenay ayk naam aDhaar.
He showers us with His kindness and compassion; He saves and protects those who take the Support of the Naam, the Name of the One Lord.

idn rYin ismrq sdw nwnk muK aUjl drbwir ]2]103]126] (1228-12)
din rain simrat sadaa naanak mukh oojal darbaar. ||2||103||126||
Meditating in remembrance on Him, day and night, O Nanak, your face shall be radiant in the Court of the Lord. ||2||103||126||

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1228-13)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

mwnI qUM rwm kY dir mwnI ] (1228-13)
maanee tooN raam kai dar maanee.
Honored - you shall be honored in the Court of the Lord.

swDsMig imil hir gun gwey ibnsI sB AiBmwnI ]1] rhwau ] (1228-14)
saaDhsang mil har gun gaa-ay binsee sabh abhimaanee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, and sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord; your egotistical pride will be totally dispelled. ||1||Pause||

Dwir AnugRhu ApnI kir lInI gurmuiK pUr igAwnI ] (1228-14)
Dhaar anoograhu apnee kar leenee gurmukh poor gi-aanee.
Showering His kindness and compassion, He shall make you His Own. As Gurmukh, your spiritual wisdom shall be perfect.

srb sUK Awnµd Gnyry Twkur drs iDAwnI ]1] (1228-15)
sarab sookh aanand ghanayray thaakur daras Dhi-aanee. ||1||
All peace and all sorts of ecstasy are obtained, by meditating on the Darshan, the Blessed Vision of my Lord and Master. ||1||

inkit vrqin sw sdw suhwgin dh ids sweI jwnI ] (1228-15)
nikat vartan saa sadaa suhaagan dah dis saa-ee jaanee.
She who dwells close to her Lord is always the pure, happy soul-bride; she is famous in the ten directions.

ipRA rMg rMig rqI nwrwien nwnk iqsu kurbwnI ]2]104]127] (1228-15)
pari-a rang rang ratee naaraa-in naanak tis kurbaanee. ||2||104||127||
She is imbued with the Love of her Loving Beloved Lord; Nanak is a sacrifice to her. ||2||104||127||

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1228-16)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

quA crn Awsro eIs ] (1228-16)
tu-a charan aasro ees.
O Lord, I take the Support of Your Lotus Feet.

qumih pCwnU swku qumih sMig rwKnhwr qumY jgdIs ] rhwau ] (1228-16)
tumeh pachhaanoo saak tumeh sang raakhanhaar tumai jagdees. rahaa-o.
You are my Best Friend and Companion; I am with You. You are our Protector, O Lord of the Universe. ||1||Pause||

qU hmro hm qumry khIAY ieq auq qum hI rwKy ] (1228-17)
too hamro ham tumray kahee-ai it ut tum hee raakhay.
You are mine, and I am Yours; here and hereafter, You are my Saving Grace.

qU byAMqu AprMpru suAwmI gur ikrpw koeI lwKY ]1] (1228-17)
too bay-ant aprampar su-aamee gur kirpaa ko-ee laakhai. ||1||
You are Endess and Infinite, O my Lord and Master; by Guru's Grace, a few understand. ||1||

ibnu bkny ibnu khn khwvn AMqrjwmI jwnY ] (1228-18)
bin baknay bin kahan kahaavan antarjaamee jaanai.
Without being spoken, without being told, You know all, O Searcher of hearts.

jw kau myil ley pRBu nwnku sy jn drgh mwny ]2]105]128] (1228-18)
jaa ka-o mayl la-ay parabh naanak say jan dargeh maanay. ||2||105||128||
One whom God unites with Himself, O Nanak, that humble being is honored in the Court of the Lord. ||2||105||128||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD