Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


swrg mhlw 5 ] (1227-1)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

mweI rI mwqI crx smUh ] (1227-1)
maa-ee ree maatee charan samooh.
O mother, I am totally intoxicated with the Lord's Feet.

eyksu ibnu hau Awn n jwnau duqIAw Bwau sB lUh ]1] rhwau ] (1227-1)
aykas bin ha-o aan na jaan-o dutee-aa bhaa-o sabh looh. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I know of none other than the Lord. I have totally burnt off my sense of duality. ||1||Pause||

iqAwig guopwl Avr jo krxw qy ibiKAw ky KUh ] (1227-2)
ti-aag gopaal avar jo karnaa tay bikhi-aa kay khooh.
To abandon the Lord of the World, and become involved with anything else, is to fall into the pit of corruption.

drs ipAws myrw mnu moihE kwFI nrk qy DUh ]1] (1227-3)
daras pi-aas mayraa man mohi-o kaadhee narak tay Dhooh. ||1||
My mind is enticed, thirsty for the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. He has lifted me up and out of hell. ||1||

sMq pRswid imilE suKdwqw ibnsI haumY hUh ] (1227-3)
sant parsaad mili-o sukh-daata binsee ha-umai hooh.
By the Grace of the Saints, I have met the Lord, the Giver of peace; the noise of egotism has been stilled.

rwm rMig rwqy dws nwnk mauilE mnu qnu jUh ]2]95]118] (1227-4)
raam rang raatay daas naanak ma-uli-o man tan jooh. ||2||95||118||
Slave Nanak is imbued with the Love of the Lord; the forests of his mind and body have blossomed forth. ||2||95||118||

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1227-4)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

ibnsy kwc ky ibauhwr ] (1227-5)
binsay kaach kay bi-uhaar.
The false dealings are finished.

rwm Bju imil swDsMgiq iehY jg mih swr ]1] rhwau ] (1227-5)
raam bhaj mil saaDhsangat ihai jag meh saar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, and meditate, vibrate on the Lord. This is the most excellent thing in the world. ||1||Pause||

eIq aUq n foil kqhU nwmu ihrdY Dwir ] (1227-5)
eet oot na dol kathoo naam hirdai Dhaar.
Here and hereafter, you shall never waver; enshrine the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within your heart.

gur crn boihQ imilE BwgI auqirE sMswr ]1] (1227-6)
gur charan bohith mili-o bhaagee utri-o sansaar. ||1||
The boat of the Guru's Feet is found by great good fortune; it shall carry you across the world-ocean. ||1||

jil Qil mhIAil pUir rihE srb nwQ Apwr ] (1227-6)
jal thal mahee-al poor rahi-o sarab naath apaar.
The Infinite Lord is totally permeating and pervading the water, the land and the sky.

hir nwmu AMimRqu pIau nwnk Awn rs siB Kwr ]2]96]119] (1227-7)
har naam amrit pee-o naanak aan ras sabh khaar. ||2||96||119||
Drink in the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord's Name; O Nanak, all other tastes are bitter. ||2||96||119||

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1227-8)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

qw qy krx plwh kry ] (1227-8)
taa tay karan palaah karay.
You whine and cry

mhw ibkwr moh md mwqO ismrq nwih hry ]1] rhwau ] (1227-8)
mahaa bikaar moh mad maatou simrat naahi haray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
- you are intoxicated with the great corruption of attachment and pride, but you do not remember the Lord in meditation. ||1||Pause||

swDsMig jpqy nwrwiex iqn ky doK jry ] (1227-9)
saaDhsang japtay naaraa-in tin kay dokh jaray.
Those who meditate on the Lord in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy - the guilt of their minstakes is burnt away.

sPl dyh DMin Eie jnmy pRB kY sMig rly ]1] (1227-9)
safal dayh Dhan o-ay janmay parabh kai sang ralay. ||1||
Fruitful is the body, and blessed is the birth of those who merge with God. ||1||

cwir pdwrQ Ast dsw isiD sB aUpir swD Bly ] (1227-10)
chaar padaarath asat dasaa siDh sabh oopar saaDh bhalay.
The four great blessings, and the eighteen supernatural spiritual powers - above all these are the Holy Saints.

nwnk dws DUir jn bWCY auDrih lwig ply ]2]97]120] (1227-10)
naanak daas Dhoor jan baaNchhai uDhrahi laag palay. ||2||97||120||
Slave Nanak longs for the dust of the feet of the humble; attached to the hem of His robe, he is saved. ||2||97||120||

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1227-11)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

hir ky nwm ky jn kWKI ] (1227-11)
har kay naam kay jan kaaNkhee.
The Lord's humble servants yearn for the Lord's Name.

min qin bcin eyhI suKu cwhq pRB drsu dyKih kb AwKI ]1] rhwau ] (1227-12)
man tan bachan ayhee sukh chaahat parabh daras daykheh kab aakhee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In thought, word and deed, they long for this peace, to gaze with their eyes upon the Blessed Vision of God's Darshan. ||1||Pause||

qU byAMqu pwrbRhm suAwmI giq qyrI jwie n lwKI ] (1227-12)
too bay-ant paarbarahm su-aamee gat tayree jaa-ay na laakhee.
You are Endless, O God, my Supreme Lord and Master; Your state cannot be known.

crn kml pRIiq mnu byiDAw kir srbsu AMqir rwKI ]1] (1227-13)
charan kamal pareet man bayDhi-aa kar sarbas antar raakhee. ||1||
My mind is pierced through by the Love of Your Lotus Feet; this is everything to me - I enshrine it deep within my being. ||1||

byd purwn isimRiq swDU jn ieh bwxI rsnw BwKI ] (1227-14)
bayd puraan simrit saaDhoo jan ih banee rasnaa bhaakhee.
In the Vedas, the Puraanas and the Simritees, the humble and the Holy chant this Bani with their tongues.

jip rwm nwmu nwnk insqrIAY horu duqIAw ibrQI swKI ]2]98]121] (1227-14)
jap raam naam naanak nistaree-ai hor dutee-aa birthee saakhee. ||2||98||121||
Chanting the Lord's Name, O Nanak, I am emancipated; other teachings of duality are useless. ||2||98||121||

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1227-15)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

mwKI rwm kI qU mwKI ] (1227-15)
maakhee raam kee too maakhee.
A fly! You are just a fly, created by the Lord.

jh durgMD qhw qU bYsih mhw ibiKAw md cwKI ]1] rhwau ] (1227-15)
jah durganDh tahaa too baiseh mahaa bikhi-aa mad chaakhee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Wherever it stinks, you land there; you suck in the most toxic stench. ||1||Pause||

ikqih AsQwin qU itknu n pwvih ieh ibiD dyKI AwKI ] (1227-16)
kiteh asthaan too tikan na paavahi ih biDh daykhee aakhee.
You don't stay put anywhere; I have seen this with my eyes.

sMqw ibnu qY koie n CwifAw sMq pry goibd kI pwKI ]1] (1227-17)
santaa bin tai ko-ay na chhaadi-aa sant paray gobid kee paakhee. ||1||
You have not spared anyone, except the Saints - the Saints are on the side of the Lord of the Universe. ||1||

jIA jMq sgly qY mohy ibnu sMqw iknY n lwKI ] (1227-17)
jee-a jant saglay tai mohay bin santaa kinai na laakhee.
You have enticed all beings and creatures; no one knows You, except the Saints.

nwnk dwsu hir kIrqin rwqw sbdu suriq scu swKI ]2]99]122] (1227-18)
naanak daas har keertan raataa sabad surat sach saakhee. ||2||99||122||
Slave Nanak is imbued with the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises. Focusing his consciousness on the Word of the Shabad, he realizes the Presence of the True Lord. ||2||99||122||

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1227-19)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

mweI rI kwtI jm kI Pws ] (1227-19)
maa-ee ree kaatee jam kee faas.
O mother, the noose of Death has been cut away.

hir hir jpq srb suK pwey bIcy gRsq audws ]1] rhwau ] (1227-19)
har har japat sarab sukh paa-ay beechay garsat udaas. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, I have found total peace. I remain unattached in the midst of my household. ||1||Pause||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD