Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


swrg mhlw 5 ] (1219-1)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

hir ky nwm kI giq TWFI ] (1219-1)
har kay naam kee gat thaaNdhee.
The Name of the Lord is cooling and soothing.

byd purwn isimRiq swDU jn Kojq Kojq kwFI ]1] rhwau ] (1219-1)
bayd puraan simrit saaDhoo jan khojat khojat kaadhee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Searching, searching the Vedas, the Puraanas and the Simritees, the Holy Saints have realized this. ||1||Pause||

isv ibrMc Aru ieMdR lok qw mih jlqO iPirAw ] (1219-2)
siv biranch ar indar lok taa meh jaltou firi-aa.
In the worlds of Shiva, Brahma and Indra, I wandered around, burning up with envy.

ismir ismir suAwmI Bey sIql dUKu drdu BRmu ihirAw ]1] (1219-2)
simar simar su-aamee bha-ay seetal dookh darad bharam hiri-aa. ||1||
Meditating, meditating in remembrance on my Lord and Master, I became cool and calm; my pains, sorrows and doubts are gone. ||1||

jo jo qirE purwqnu nvqnu Bgiq Bwie hir dyvw ] (1219-3)
jo jo tari-o puraatan navtan bhagat bhaa-ay har dayvaa.
Whoever has been saved in the past or the present, was saved through loving devotional worship of the Divine Lord.

nwnk kI bynµqI pRB jIau imlY sMq jn syvw ]2]52]75] (1219-3)
naanak kee baynantee parabh jee-o milai sant jan sayvaa. ||2||52||75||
This is Nanak's prayer: O Dear God, please let me serve the humble Saints. ||2||52||75||

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1219-4)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl;

ijhvy AMimRq gux hir gwau ] (1219-4)
jihvay amrit gun har gaa-o.
O my tongue, sing the Ambrosial Praises of the Lord.

hir hir boil kQw suin hir kI aucrhu pRB ko nwau ]1] rhwau ] (1219-5)
har har bol kathaa sun har kee uchrahu parabh ko naa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, listen to the Lord's Sermon, and chant God's Name. ||1||Pause||

rwm nwmu rqn Dnu sMchu min qin lwvhu Bwau ] (1219-5)
raam naam ratan Dhan sanchahu man tan laavhu bhaa-o.
So gather in the jewel, the wealth of the Lord's Name; love God with your mind and body.

Awn ibBUq imiQAw kir mwnhu swcw iehY suAwau ]1] (1219-6)
aan bibhoot mithi-aa kar maanhu saachaa ihai su-aa-o. ||1||
You must realize that all other wealth is false; this alone is the true purpose of life. ||1||

jIA pRwn mukiq ko dwqw eyks isau ilv lwau ] (1219-6)
jee-a paraan mukat ko daataa aykas si-o liv laa-o.
He is the Giver of the soul, the breath of life and liberation; lovingly tune in to the One and Only Lord.

khu nwnk qw kI srxweI dyq sgl AipAwau ]2]53]76] (1219-7)
kaho naanak taa kee sarnaa-ee dayt sagal api-aa-o. ||2||53||76||
Says Nanak, I have entered His Sanctuary; He gives sustenance to all. ||2||53||76||

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1219-8)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

hoqI nhI kvn kCu krxI ] (1219-8)
hotee nahee kavan kachh karnee.
I cannot do anything else.

iehY Et pweI imil sMqh gopwl eyk kI srxI ]1] rhwau ] (1219-8)
ihai ot paa-ee mil santeh gopaal ayk kee sarnee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have taken this Support, meeting the Saints; I have entered the Sanctuary of the One Lord of the World. ||1||Pause||

pMc doK iCdR ieAw qn mih ibKY ibAwiD kI krxI ] (1219-9)
panch dokh chhidar i-aa tan meh bikhai bi-aaDh kee karnee.
The five wicked enemies are within this body; they lead the mortal to practice evil and corruption.

Aws Apwr idns gix rwKy gRsq jwq blu jrxI ]1] (1219-9)
aas apaar dinas gan raakhay garsat jaat bal jarnee. ||1||
He has infinite hope, but his days are numbered, and old age is sapping his strength. ||1||

AnwQh nwQ dieAwl suK swgr srb doK BY hrxI ] (1219-10)
anaathah naath da-i-aal sukh saagar sarab dokh bhai harnee.
He is the Help of the helpless, the Merciful Lord, the Ocean of Peace, the Destroyer of all pains and fears.

min bWCq icqvq nwnk dws pyiK jIvw pRB crxI ]2]54]77] (1219-11)
man baaNchhat chitvat naanak daas paykh jeevaa parabh charnee. ||2||54||77||
Slave Nanak longs for this blessing, that he may live, gazing upon the Feet of God. ||2||54||77||

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1219-11)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

PIky hir ky nwm ibnu swd ] (1219-12)
feekay har kay naam bin saad.
Without the Lord's Name, flavors are tasteless and insipid.

AMimRq rsu kIrqnu hir gweIAY Aihinis pUrn nwd ]1] rhwau ] (1219-12)
amrit ras keertan har gaa-ee-ai ahinis pooran naad. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Sing the Sweet Ambrosial Praises of the Lord's Kirtan; day and night, the Sound-current of the Naad will resonate and resound. ||1||Pause||

ismrq sWiq mhw suKu pweIAY imit jwih sgl ibKwd ] (1219-13)
simrat saaNt mahaa sukh paa-ee-ai mit jaahi sagal bikhaad.
Meditating in remembrance on the Lord, total peace and bliss are obtained, and all sorrows are taken away.

hir hir lwBu swDsMig pweIAY Gir lY Awvhu lwid ]1] (1219-13)
har har laabh saaDhsang paa-ee-ai ghar lai aavhu laad. ||1||
The profit of the Lord, Har, Har, is found in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; so load it and bring it on home. ||1||

sB qy aUc aUc qy aUco AMqu nhI mrjwd ] (1219-14)
sabh tay ooch ooch tay oocho ant nahee marjaad.
He is the Highest of all, the Highest of the high; His celestial ecomony has no limit.

brin n swkau nwnk mihmw pyiK rhy ibsmwd ]2]55]78] (1219-14)
baran na saaka-o naanak mahimaa paykh rahay bismaad. ||2||55||78||
Nanak cannot even express His Glorious Grandeur; gazing upon Him, he is wonder-struck. ||2||55||78||

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1219-15)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

AwieE sunn pVn kau bwxI ] (1219-15)
aa-i-o sunan parhan ka-o banee.
The mortal came to hear and chant the Word of the Guru's Bani.

nwmu ivswir lgih An lwlic ibrQw jnmu prwxI ]1] rhwau ] (1219-16)
naam visaar lageh an laalach birthaa janam paraanee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
But he has forgotten the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and he has become attached to other temptations. His life is totally worthless! ||1||Pause||

smJu Acyq cyiq mn myry kQI sMqn AkQ khwxI ] (1219-16)
samajh achayt chayt man mayray kathee santan akath kahaanee.
O my unconscious mind, become conscious and figure it out; the Saints speak the Unspoken Speech of the Lord.

lwBu lYhu hir irdY ArwDhu CutkY Awvx jwxI ]1] (1219-17)
laabh laihu har ridai aaraaDhahu chhutkai aavan jaanee. ||1||
So gather in your profits - worship and adore the Lord within your heart; your coming and going in reincarnation shall end. ||1||

audmu skiq isAwxp qum@rI dyih q nwmu vKwxI ] (1219-17)
udam sakat si-aanap tumHree deh ta naam vakhaanee.
Efforts, powers and clever tricks are Yours; if You bless me with them, I repeat Your Name.

syeI Bgq Bgiq sy lwgy nwnk jo pRB BwxI ]2]56]79] (1219-18)
say-ee bhagat bhagat say laagay naanak jo parabh bhaanee. ||2||56||79||
They alone are devotees, and they alone are attached to devotional worship, O Nanak, who are pleasing to God. ||2||56||79||

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1219-19)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

DnvMq nwm ky vxjwry ] (1219-19)
Dhanvant naam kay vanjaaray.
Those who deal in the Naam, the Name of the Lord, are wealthy.

sWJI krhu nwm Dnu Kwthu gur kw sbdu vIcwry ]1] rhwau ] (1219-19)
saaNjhee karahu naam Dhan khaatahu gur kaa sabad veechaaray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
So become a partner with them, and earn the wealth of the Naam. Contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||1||Pause||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD