Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


swrg mhlw 5 ] (1218-1)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

myrY guir moro shsw auqwirAw ] (1218-1)
mayrai gur moro sahsaa utaari-aa.
My Guru has rid me of my cynicism.

iqsu gur kY jweIAY bilhwrI sdw sdw hau vwirAw ]1] rhwau ] (1218-2)
tis gur kai jaa-ee-ai balihaaree sadaa sadaa ha-o vaari-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am a sacrifice to that Guru; I am devoted to Him, forever and ever. ||1||Pause||

gur kw nwmu jipE idnu rwqI gur ky crn min DwirAw ] (1218-2)
gur kaa naam japi-o din raatee gur kay charan man Dhaari-aa.
I chant the Guru's Name day and night; I enshrine the Guru's Feet within my mind.

gur kI DUir krau inq mjnu iklivK mYlu auqwirAw ]1] (1218-3)
gur kee Dhoor kara-o nit majan kilvikh mail utaari-aa. ||1||
I bathe continually in the dust of the Guru's Feet, washing off my dirty sins. ||1||

gur pUry kI krau inq syvw guru Apnw nmskwirAw ] (1218-4)
gur pooray kee kara-o nit sayvaa gur apnaa namaskaari-aa.
I continually serve the Perfect Guru; I humbly bow to my Guru.

srb Plw dIn@y guir pUrY nwnk guir insqwirAw ]2]47]70] (1218-4)
sarab falaa deenHay gur poorai naanak gur nistaari-aa. ||2||47||70||
The Perfect Guru has blessed me with all fruitful rewards; O Nanak, the Guru has emancipated me. ||2||47||70||

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1218-5)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

ismrq nwmu pRwn giq pwvY ] (1218-5)
simrat naam paraan gat paavai.
Meditating in remembrance on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the mortal attains salvation.

imtih klys qRws sB nwsY swDsMig ihqu lwvY ]1] rhwau ] (1218-5)
miteh kalays taraas sabh naasai saaDhsang hit laavai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
His sorrows are dispelled, and his fears are all erased; he is in love with the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ||1||Pause||

hir hir hir hir min AwrwDy rsnw hir jsu gwvY ] (1218-6)
har har har har man aaraaDhay rasnaa har jas gaavai.
His mind worships and adores the Lord, Har, Har, Har, Har; his tongue sings the Praises of the Lord.

qij AiBmwnu kwm k®oDu inMdw bwsudyv rMgu lwvY ]1] (1218-7)
taj abhimaan kaam kroDh nindaa baasudayv rang laavai. ||1||
Abandoning egotistical pride, sexual desire, anger and slander, he embraces love for the Lord. ||1||

dwmodr dieAwl AwrwDhu goibMd krq suohwvY ] (1218-7)
daamodar da-i-aal aaraaDhahu gobind karat sohaavai.
Worship and adore the Merciful Lord God; chanting the Name of the Lord of the Universe, you shall be embellished and exalted.

khu nwnk sB kI hoie rynw hir hir dris smwvY ]2]48]71] (1218-8)
kaho naanak sabh kee ho-ay raynaa har har daras samaavai. ||2||48||71||
Says Nanak, whoever becomes the dust of all, merges in the Blesed Vision of the Lord, Har, Har. ||2||48||71||

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1218-9)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

Apuny gur pUry bilhwrY ] (1218-9)
apunay gur pooray balihaarai.
I am a sacrifice to my Perfect Guru.

pRgt pRqwpu kIE nwm ko rwKy rwKnhwrY ]1] rhwau ] (1218-9)
pargat partaap kee-o naam ko raakhay raakhanhaarai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My Savior Lord has saved me; He has revealed the Glory of His Name. ||1||Pause||

inrBau kIey syvk dws Apny sgly dUK ibdwrY ] (1218-10)
nirbha-o kee-ay sayvak daas apnay saglay dookh bidaarai.
He makes His servants and slaves fearless, and takes away all their pain.

Awn aupwv iqAwig jn sgly crn kml ird DwrY ]1] (1218-10)
aan upaav ti-aag jan saglay charan kamal rid Dhaarai. ||1||
So renounce all other efforts, and enshrine the Lord's Lotus Feet within your mind. ||1||

pRwn ADwr mIq swjn pRB eykY eykMkwrY ] (1218-11)
paraan aDhaar meet saajan parabh aykai aykankaarai.
God is the Support of the breath of life, my Best Friend and Companion, the One and Only Creator of the Universe.

sB qy aUc Twkuru nwnk kw bwr bwr nmskwrY ]2]49]72] (1218-11)
sabh tay ooch thaakur naanak kaa baar baar namaskaarai. ||2||49||72||
Nanak's Lord and Master is the Highest of all; again and again, I humbly bow to Him. ||2||49||72||

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1218-12)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

ibnu hir hY ko khw bqwvhu ] (1218-12)
bin har hai ko kahaa bataavhu.
Tell me: other than the Lord, who exists?

suK smUh kruxw mY krqw iqsu pRB sdw iDAwvhu ]1] rhwau ] (1218-13)
sukh samooh karunaa mai kartaa tis parabh sadaa Dhi-aavahu. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Creator, the Embodiment of Mercy, bestows all comforts; meditate forever on that God. ||1||Pause||

jw kY sUiq proey jMqw iqsu pRB kw jsu gwvhu ] (1218-13)
jaa kai soot paro-ay jantaa tis parabh kaa jas gaavhu.
All creatures are strung on His Thread; sing the Praises of that God.

ismir Twkuru ijin sBu ikCu dInw Awn khw pih jwvhu ]1] (1218-14)
simar thaakur jin sabh kichh deenaa aan kahaa peh jaavhu. ||1||
Meditate in remembrance on that Lord and Master who gives you everything. Why would you go to anyone else? ||1||

sPl syvw suAwmI myry kI mn bWCq Pl pwvhu ] (1218-14)
safal sayvaa su-aamee mayray kee man baaNchhat fal paavhu.
Service to my Lord and Master is fruitful and rewarding; from Him, you shall obtain the fruits of your mind's desires.

khu nwnk lwBu lwhw lY cwlhu suK syqI Gir jwvhu ]2]50]73] (1218-15)
kaho naanak laabh laahaa lai chaalahu sukh saytee ghar jaavhu. ||2||50||73||
Says Nanak, take your profits and leave; you shall go to your true home in peace. ||2||50||73||

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1218-16)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

Twkur qum@ srxweI AwieAw ] (1218-16)
thaakur tumH sarnaa-ee aa-i-aa.
O my Lord and Master, I have come to Your Sanctuary.

auqir gieE myry mn kw sMsw jb qy drsnu pwieAw ]1] rhwau ] (1218-16)
utar ga-i-o mayray man kaa sansaa jab tay darsan paa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The anxiety of my mind departed, when I gazed upon the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||1||Pause||

Anbolq myrI ibrQw jwnI Apnw nwmu jpwieAw ] (1218-17)
anbolat mayree birthaa jaanee apnaa naam japaa-i-aa.
You know my condition, without my speaking. You inspire me to chant Your Name.

duK nwTy suK shij smwey And And gux gwieAw ]1] (1218-18)
dukh naathay sukh sahj samaa-ay anad anad gun gaa-i-aa. ||1||
My pains are gone, and I am absorbed in peace, poise and bliss, singing Your Glorious Praises. ||1||

bwh pkir kiF lIny Apuny igRh AMD kUp qy mwieAw ] (1218-18)
baah pakar kadh leenay apunay garih anDh koop tay maa-i-aa.
Taking me by the arm, You lifted me up, out of the deep dark pit of household and Maya.

khu nwnk guir bMDn kwty ibCurq Awin imlwieAw ]2]51]74] (1218-19)
kaho naanak gur banDhan kaatay bichhurat aan milaa-i-aa. ||2||51||74||
Says Nanak, the Guru has broken my bonds, and ended my separaation; He has united me with God. ||2||51||74||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD