Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


pUCau pUCau dIn BWiq kir koaU khY ipRA dysWigE ] (1204-1)
poochha-o poochha-o deen bhaaNt kar ko-oo kahai pari-a daysaaNgi-o.
I ask and ask, with humility, "Who can tell me which country my Husband Lord lives in?"

hINEu dyNau sBu mnu qnu Arpau sIsu crx pir rwiKE ]2] (1204-1)
heeN-o dayN-u sabh man tan arpa-o sees charan par raakhi-o. ||2||
I would dedicate my heart to him, I offer my mind and body and everything; I place my head at his feet. ||2||

crx bMdnw Amol dwsro dyNau swDsMgiq ArdwigE ] (1204-2)
charan bandnaa amol daasro dayN-u saaDhsangat ardaagi-o.
I bow at the feet of the voluntary slave of the Lord; I beg him to bless me with the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

krhu ik®pw moih pRBU imlwvhu inmK drsu pyKwigE ]3] (1204-2)
karahu kirpaa mohi parabhoo milaavhu nimakh daras paykhaagi-o. ||3||
Show Mercy to me, that I may meet God, and gaze upon the Blessed Vision of His Darshan every moment. ||3||

idRsit BeI qb BIqir AwieE myrw mnu Anidnu sIqlwigE ] (1204-3)
darisat bha-ee tab bheetar aa-i-o mayraa man an-din seetlaagi-o.
When He is Kind to me, He comes to dwell within my being. Night and day, my mind is calm and peaceful.

khu nwnk ris mMgl gwey sbdu Anwhdu bwijE ]4]5] (1204-4)
kaho naanak ras mangal gaa-ay sabad anaahad baaji-o. ||4||5||
Says Nanak, I sing the Songs of Joy; the Unstruck Word of the Shabad resounds within me. ||4||5||

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1204-4)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

mweI siq siq siq hir siq siq siq swDw ] (1204-5)
maa-ee sat sat sat har sat sat sat saaDhaa.
O mother, True, True True is the Lord, and True, True, True is His Holy Saint.

bcnu gurU jo pUrY kihE mY CIik gWTrI bwDw ]1] rhwau ] (1204-5)
bachan guroo jo poorai kahi-o mai chheek gaaNthree baaDhaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Word which the Perfect Guru has spoken, I have tied to my robe. ||1||Pause||

inis bwsur niKAqR ibnwsI riv ssIAr bynwDw ] (1204-6)
nis baasur nakhi-atar binaasee rav sasee-ar baynaaDhaa.
Night and day, and the stars in the sky shall vanish. The sun and the moon shall vanish.

igir bsuDw jl pvn jwiego ieik swD bcn AtlwDw ]1] (1204-6)
gir basuDhaa jal pavan jaa-igo ik saaDh bachan atlaaDhaa. ||1||
The mountains, the earth, the water and the air shall pass away. Only the Word of the Holy Saint shall endure. ||1||

AMf ibnwsI jyr ibnwsI auqBuj syq ibnwDw ] (1204-7)
and binaasee jayr binaasee ut-bhuj sayt binaaDhaa.
Those born of eggs shall pass away, and those born of the womb shall pass away. Those born of the earth and sweat shall pass away as well.

cwir ibnwsI Ktih ibnwsI ieik swD bcn inhclwDw ]2] (1204-7)
chaar binaasee khateh binaasee ik saaDh bachan nihchalaaDhaa. ||2||
The four Vedas shall pass away, and the six Shaastras shall pass away. Only the Word of the Holy Saint is eternal. ||2||

rwj ibnwsI qwm ibnwsI swqku BI bynwDw ] (1204-8)
raaj binaasee taam binaasee saatak bhee baynaaDhaa.
Raajas, the quality of energetic activity shall pass away. Taamas, the quality of lethargic darkness shall pass away. Saatvas, the quality of peaceful light shall pass away as well.

idRsitmwn hY sgl ibnwsI ieik swD bcn AwgwDw ]3] (1204-9)
daristimaan hai sagal binaasee ik saaDh bachan aagaaDhaa. ||3||
All that is seen shall pass away. Only the Word of the Holy Saint is beyond destruction. ||3||

Awpy Awip Awp hI Awpy sBu Awpn Kylu idKwDw ] (1204-9)
aapay aap aap hee aapay sabh aapan khayl dikhaaDhaa.
He Himself is Himself by Himself. All that is seen is His play.

pwieE n jweI khI BWiq ry pRBu nwnk gur imil lwDw ]4]6] (1204-10)
paa-i-o na jaa-ee kahee bhaaNt ray parabh naanak gur mil laaDhaa. ||4||6||
He cannot be found by any means. O Nanak, meeting with the Guru, God is found. ||4||6||

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1204-11)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

myrY min bwisbo gur goibMd ] (1204-11)
mayrai man baasibo gur gobind.
The Guru, the Lord of the Universe, dwells within my mind.

jhW ismrnu BieE hY Twkur qhW ngr suK Awnµd ]1] rhwau ] (1204-11)
jahaaN simran bha-i-o hai thaakur tahaaN nagar sukh aanand. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Wherever my Lord and Master is remembered in meditation - that village is filled with peace and bliss. ||1||Pause||

jhW bIsrY Twkuru ipAwro qhW dUK sB Awpd ] (1204-12)
jahaaN beesrai thaakur pi-aaro tahaaN dookh sabh aapad.
Wherever my Beloved Lord and Master is forgotten - all misery and misfortune is there.

jh gun gwie Awnµd mMgl rUp qhW sdw suK sMpd ]1] (1204-12)
jah gun gaa-ay aanand mangal roop tahaaN sadaa sukh sampad. ||1||
Where the Praises of my Lord, the Embodiment of Bliss and Joy are sung - eternal peace and wealth are there. ||1||

jhw sRvn hir kQw n sunIAY qh mhw BieAwn auidAwnd ] (1204-13)
jahaa sarvan har kathaa na sunee-ai tah mahaa bha-i-aan udi-aanad.
Wherever they do not listen to the Stories of the Lord with their ears - the utterly desolate wilderness is there.

jhW kIrqnu swDsMgiq rsu qh sGn bws PlWnd ]2] (1204-14)
jahaaN keertan saaDhsangat ras tah saghan baas falaaNnad. ||2||
Where the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises are sung with love in the Saadh Sangat - there is fragrance and fruit and joy in abundance. ||2||

ibnu ismrn koit brK jIvY sglI AauD ibRQwnd ] (1204-14)
bin simran kot barakh jeevai saglee a-oDh barithaanad.
Without meditative remembrance on the Lord, one may live for millions of years, but his life would be totally useless.

eyk inmK goibMd Bjnu kir qau sdw sdw jIvwnd ]3] (1204-15)
ayk nimakh gobind bhajan kar ta-o sadaa sadaa jeevaanad. ||3||
But if he vibrates and meditates on the Lord of the Universe, for even a moment, then he shall live forever and ever. ||3||

srin srin srin pRB pwvau dIjY swDsMgiq ikrpwnd ] (1204-15)
saran saran saran parabh paava-o deejai saaDhsangat kirpaanad.
O God, I seek Your Sanctuary, Your Sanctuary, Your Sanctuary; please mercifully bless me with the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

nwnk pUir rihE hY srb mY sgl guxw ibiD jWnd ]4]7] (1204-16)
naanak poor rahi-o hai sarab mai sagal gunaa biDh jaaNnad. ||4||7||
O Nanak, the Lord is All-pervading everywhere, amongst all. He knows the qualities and the condition of all. ||4||7||

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1204-17)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

Ab moih rwm Brosau pwey ] (1204-17)
ab mohi raam bharosa-o paa-ay.
Now, I have obtained the Support of the Lord.

jo jo srix pirE kruxwiniD qy qy Bvih qrwey ]1] rhwau ] (1204-17)
jo jo saran pari-o karunaaniDh tay tay bhaveh taraa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Those who seek the Sanctuary of the Ocean of Mercy are carried across the world-ocean. ||1||Pause||

suiK soieE Aru shij smwieE shsw gurih gvwey ] (1204-18)
sukh so-i-o ar sahj samaa-i-o sahsaa gureh gavaa-ay.
They sleep in peace, and intuitively merge into the Lord. The Guru takes away their cynicism and doubt.

jo cwhq soeI hir kIE mn bWCq Pl pwey ]1] (1204-19)
jo chaahat so-ee har kee-o man baaNchhat fal paa-ay. ||1||
Whatever they wish for, the Lord does; they obtain the fruits of their minds' desires. ||1||

ihrdY jpau nyqR iDAwnu lwvau sRvnI kQw sunwey ] (1204-19)
hirdai japa-o naytar Dhi-aan laava-o sarvanee kathaa sunaa-ay.
In my heart, I meditate on Him; with my eyes, I focus my meditation on Him. With my ears, I listen to His Sermon.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD