Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


crxI clau mwrig Twkur kY rsnw hir gux gwey ]2] (1205-1)
charnee chala-o maarag thaakur kai rasnaa har gun gaa-ay. ||2||
With my feet, I walk on my Lord and Mater's Path. With my tongue, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||2||

dyiKE idRsit srb mMgl rUp aultI sMq krwey ] (1205-1)
daykhi-o darisat sarab mangal roop ultee sant karaa-ay.
With my eyes, I see the Lord, the Embodiment of Absolute Bliss; the Saint has turned away from the world.

pwieE lwlu Amolu nwmu hir Coif n kqhU jwey ]3] (1205-2)
paa-i-o laal amol naam har chhod na kathoo jaa-ay. ||3||
I have found the Priceless Name of the Beloved Lord; it never leaves me or goes anywhere else. ||3||

kvn aupmw kaun bfweI ikAw gun khau rIJwey ] (1205-2)
kavan upmaa ka-un badaa-ee ki-aa gun kaha-o reejhaa-ay.
What praise, what glory and what virtues should I utter, in order to please the Lord?

hoq ik®pwl dIn dieAw pRB jn nwnk dws dswey ]4]8] (1205-3)
hot kirpaal deen da-i-aa parabh jan naanak daas dasaa-ay. ||4||8||
That humble being, unto whom the Merciful Lord is kind - O servant Nanak, he is the slave of God's slaves. ||4||8||

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1205-4)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

Euie suK kw isau brin sunwvq ] (1205-4)
o-ay sukh kaa si-o baran sunaavat.
Who can I tell, and with whom can I speak, about this state of peace and bliss?

And ibnod pyiK pRB drsn min mMgl gun gwvq ]1] rhwau ] (1205-4)
anad binod paykh parabh darsan man mangal gun gaavat. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am in ecstasy and delight, gazing upon the Blessed Vision of God's Darshan. My mind sings His Songs of Joy and His Glories. ||1||Pause||

ibsm BeI pyiK ibsmwdI pUir rhy ikrpwvq ] (1205-5)
bisam bha-ee paykh bismaadee poor rahay kirpaavat.
I am wonderstruck, gazing upon the Wondrous Lord. The Merciful Lord is All-pervading everywhere.

pIE AMimRq nwmu Amolk ijau cwiK gUMgw muskwvq ]1] (1205-5)
pee-o amrit naam amolak ji-o chaakh goongaa muskaavat. ||1||
I drink in the Invaluable Nectar of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. Like the mute, I can only smile - I cannot speak of its flavor. ||1||

jYsy pvnu bMD kir rwiKE bUJ n Awvq jwvq ] (1205-6)
jaisay pavan banDh kar raakhi-o boojh na aavat jaavat.
As the breath is held in bondage, no one can understand its coming in and going out.

jw kau irdY pRgwsu BieE hir auAw kI khI n jwie khwvq ]2] (1205-6)
jaa ka-o ridai pargaas bha-i-o har u-aa kee kahee na jaa-ay kahaavat. ||2||
So is that person, whose heart is enlightened by the Lord - his story cannot be told. ||2||

Awn aupwv jyqy ikCu khIAih qyqy sIKy pwvq ] (1205-7)
aan upaav jaytay kichh kahee-ahi taytay seekhay paavat.
As many other efforts as you can think of - I have seen them and studied them all.

AicMq lwlu igRh BIqir pRgitE Agm jYsy prKwvq ]3] (1205-8)
achint laal garih bheetar pargati-o agam jaisay parkhaavat. ||3||
My Beloved, Carefree Lord has revealed Himself within the home of my own heart; thus I have realized the Inaccessible Lord. ||3||

inrgux inrMkwr AibnwsI Aqulo quilE n jwvq ] (1205-8)
nirgun nirankaar abhinaasee atulo tuli-o na jaavat.
The Absolute, Formless, Eternally Unchanging, Immeasurable Lord cannot be measured.

khu nwnk Ajru ijin jirAw iqs hI kau bin Awvq ]4]9] (1205-9)
kaho naanak ajar jin jari-aa tis hee ka-o ban aavat. ||4||9||
Says Nanak, whoever endures the unendurable - this state belongs to him alone. ||4||9||

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1205-10)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

ibKeI idnu rYin iev hI gudwrY ] (1205-10)
bikh-ee din rain iv hee gudaarai.
The corrupt person passes his days and nights uselessly.

goibMdu n BjY AhMbuiD mwqw jnmu jUAY ijau hwrY ]1] rhwau ] (1205-10)
gobind na bhajai ahaN-buDh maataa janam joo-ai ji-o haarai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He does not vibrate and meditate on the Lord of the Universe; he is intoxicated with egotistical intellect. He loses his life in the gamble. ||1||Pause||

nwmu Amolw pRIiq n iqs isau pr inMdw ihqkwrY ] (1205-11)
naam amolaa pareet na tis si-o par nindaa hitkaarai.
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is priceless, but he is not in love with it. He loves only to slander others.

Cwpru bWiD svwrY iqRx ko duAwrY pwvku jwrY ]1] (1205-11)
chhaapar baaNDh savaarai tarin ko du-aarai paavak jaarai. ||1||
Weaving the grass, he builds his house of straw. At the door, he builds a fire. ||1||

kwlr pot auTwvY mUMfih AMimRqu mn qy fwrY ] (1205-12)
kaalar pot uthaavai mooNdeh amrit man tay daarai.
He carries a load of sulfur on his head, and drives the Ambrosial Nectar out of his mind.

EFY bsqR kwjr mih pirAw bhuir bhuir iPir JwrY ]2] (1205-12)
odhai bastar kaajar meh pari-aa bahur bahur fir jhaarai. ||2||
Wearing his good clothes, the mortal falls into the coal-pit; again and again, he tries to shake it off. ||2||

kwtY pyfu fwl pir TwFO Kwie Kwie muskwrY ] (1205-13)
kaatai payd daal par thaadhou khaa-ay khaa-ay muskaarai.
Standing on the branch, eating and eating and smiling, he cuts down the tree.

igirE jwie rswqil pirE iCtI iCtI isr BwrY ]3] (1205-14)
giri-o jaa-ay rasaatal pari-o chhitee chhitee sir bhaarai. ||3||
He falls down head-first and is shattered into bits and pieces. ||3||

inrvYrY sMig vYru rcwey phuic n skY gvwrY ] (1205-14)
nirvairai sang vair rachaa-ay pahuch na sakai gavaarai.
He bears vengeance against the Lord who is free of vengeance. The fool is not up to the task.

khu nwnk sMqn kw rwKw pwrbRhmu inrMkwrY ]4]10] (1205-15)
kaho naanak santan kaa raakhaa paarbarahm nirankaarai. ||4||10||
Says Nanak, the Saving Grace of the Saints is the Formless, Supreme Lord God. ||4||10||

swrg mhlw 5 ] (1205-15)
saarag mehlaa 5.
Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

Avir siB BUly BRmq n jwinAw ] (1205-15)
avar sabh bhoolay bharmat na jaani-aa.
All the others are deluded by doubt; they do not understand.

eyku suDwKru jw kY ihrdY visAw iqin bydih qqu pCwinAw ]1] rhwau ] (1205-16)
ayk suDhaakhar jaa kai hirdai vasi-aa tin baydeh tat pachhaani-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
That person, within whose heart the One Pure Word abides, realizes the essence of the Vedas. ||1||Pause||

privriq mwrgu jyqw ikCu hoeIAY qyqw log pcwrw ] (1205-17)
parvirat maarag jaytaa kichh ho-ee-ai taytaa log pachaaraa.
He walks in the ways of the world, trying to please people.

jau lau irdY nhI prgwsw qau lau AMD AMDwrw ]1] (1205-17)
ja-o la-o ridai nahee pargaasaa ta-o la-o anDh anDhaaraa. ||1||
But as long as his heart is not enlightened, he is stuck in pitch black darkness. ||1||

jYsy DrqI swDY bhu ibiD ibnu bIjY nhI jWmY ] (1205-18)
jaisay Dhartee saaDhai baho biDh bin beejai nahee jaaNmai.
The land may be prepared in every way, but nothing sprouts without being planted.

rwm nwm ibnu mukiq n hoeI hY qutY nwhI AiBmwnY ]2] (1205-18)
raam naam bin mukat na ho-ee hai tutai naahee abhimaanai. ||2||
Just so, without the Lord's Name, no one is liberated, nor is egotistical pride eradicated. ||2||

nIru iblovY Aiq sRmu pwvY nYnU kYsy rIsY ] (1205-19)
neer bilovai at saram paavai nainoo kaisay reesai.
The mortal may churn water until he is sore, but how can butter be produced?

ibnu gur Byty mukiq n kwhU imlq nhI jgdIsY ]3] (1205-19)
bin gur bhaytay mukat na kaahoo milat nahee jagdeesai. ||3||
Without meeting the Guru, no one is liberated, and the Lord of the Universe is not met. ||3||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD