Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


mnu BUlau Brmis Bvr qwr ] (1188-1)
man bhoola-o bharmas bhavar taar.
The mind, deluded by doubt, buzzes around like a bumble bee.

ibl ibrQy cwhY bhu ibkwr ] (1188-1)
bil birthay chaahai baho bikaar.
The holes of the body are worthless, if the mind is filled with such great desire for corrupt passions.

mYgl ijau Pwsis kwmhwr ] (1188-1)
maigal ji-o faasas kaamhaar.
It is like the elephant, trapped by its own sexual desire.

kiV bMDin bwiDE sIs mwr ]2] (1188-2)
karh banDhan baaDhi-o sees maar. ||2||
It is caught and held tight by the chains, and beaten on its head. ||2||

mnu mugDO dwdru BgiqhInu ] (1188-2)
man mugDhou daadar bhagtiheen.
The mind is like a foolish frog, without devotional worship.

dir BRst srwpI nwm bInu ] (1188-2)
dar bharsat saraapee naam been.
It is cursed and condemned in the Court of the Lord, without the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

qw kY jwiq n pwqI nwm lIn ] (1188-3)
taa kai jaat na paatee naam leen.
He has no class or honor, and no one even mentions his name.

siB dUK sKweI guxh bIn ]3] (1188-3)
sabh dookh sakhaa-ee gunah been. ||3||
That person who lacks virtue - all of his pains and sorrows are his only companions. ||3||

mnu clY n jweI Twik rwKu ] (1188-3)
man chalai na jaa-ee thaak raakh.
His mind wanders out, and cannot be brought back or restrained.

ibnu hir rs rwqy piq n swKu ] (1188-4)
bin har ras raatay pat na saakh.
Without being imbued with the sublime essence of the Lord, it has no honor or credit.

qU Awpy surqw Awip rwKu ] (1188-4)
too aapay surtaa aap raakh.
You Yourself are the Listener, Lord, and You Yourself are our Protector.

Dir Dwrx dyKY jwxY Awip ]4] (1188-4)
Dhar Dhaaran daykhai jaanai aap. ||4||
You are the Support of the earth; You Yourself behold and understand it. ||4||

Awip Bulwey iksu khau jwie ] (1188-5)
aap bhulaa-ay kis kaha-o jaa-ay.
When You Yourself make me wander, unto whom can I complain?

guru myly ibrQw khau mwie ] (1188-5)
gur maylay birthaa kaha-o maa-ay.
Meeting the Guru, I will tell Him of my pain, O my mother.

Avgx Cofau gux kmwie ] (1188-5)
avgan chhoda-o gun kamaa-ay.
Abandoning my worthless demerits, now I practice virtue.

gur sbdI rwqw sic smwie ]5] (1188-6)
gur sabdee raataa sach samaa-ay. ||5||
Imbued with the Word of the Guru's Shabad, I am absorbed in the True Lord. ||5||

siqgur imilAY miq aUqm hoie ] (1188-6)
satgur mili-ai mat ootam ho-ay.
Meeting with the True Guru, the intellect is elevated and exalted.

mnu inrmlu haumY kFY Doie ] (1188-6)
man nirmal ha-umai kadhai Dho-ay.
The mind becomes immaculate, and egotism is washed away.

sdw mukqu bMiD n skY koie ] (1188-7)
sadaa mukat banDh na sakai ko-ay.
He is liberated forever, and no one can put him in bondage.

sdw nwmu vKwxY Aauru n koie ]6] (1188-7)
sadaa naam vakhaanai a-or na ko-ay. ||6||
He chants the Naam forever, and nothing else. ||6||

mnu hir kY BwxY AwvY jwie ] (1188-7)
man har kai bhaanai aavai jaa-ay.
The mind comes and goes according to the Will of the Lord.

sB mih eyko ikCu khxu n jwie ] (1188-8)
sabh meh ayko kichh kahan na jaa-ay.
The One Lord is contained amongst all; nothing else can be said.

sBu hukmo vrqY hukim smwie ] (1188-8)
sabh hukmo vartai hukam samaa-ay.
The Hukam of His Command pervades everywhere, and all merge in His Command.

dUK sUK sB iqsu rjwie ]7] (1188-8)
dookh sookh sabh tis rajaa-ay. ||7||
Pain and pleasure all come by His Will. ||7||

qU ABulu n BUlO kdy nwih ] (1188-9)
too abhul na bhoolou kaday naahi.
You are infallible; You never make mistakes.

gur sbdu suxwey miq Agwih ] (1188-9)
gur sabad sunaa-ay mat agaahi.
Those who listen to the Word of the Guru's Shabad - their intellects become deep and profound.

qU motau Twkuru sbd mwih ] (1188-9)
too mota-o thaakur sabad maahi.
You, O my Great Lord and Master, are contained in the Shabad.

mnu nwnk mwinAw scu slwih ]8]2] (1188-10)
man naanak maani-aa sach salaahi. ||8||2||
O Nanak, my mind is pleased, praising the True Lord. ||8||2||

bsMqu mhlw 1 ] (1188-10)
basant mehlaa 1.
Basant, First Mehl:

drsn kI ipAws ijsu nr hoie ] (1188-10)
darsan kee pi-aas jis nar ho-ay.
That person, who thirsts for the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan,

eykqu rwcY prhir doie ] (1188-11)
aykat raachai parhar do-ay.
is absorbed in the One Lord, leaving duality behind.

dUir drdu miQ AMimRqu Kwie ] (1188-11)
door darad math amrit khaa-ay.
His pains are taken away, as he churns and drinks in the Ambrosial Nectar.

gurmuiK bUJY eyk smwie ]1] (1188-11)
gurmukh boojhai ayk samaa-ay. ||1||
The Gurmukh understands, and merges in the One Lord. ||1||

qyry drsn kau kyqI ibllwie ] (1188-12)
tayray darsan ka-o kaytee billaa-ay.
So many cry out for Your Darshan, Lord.

ivrlw ko cInis gur sbid imlwie ]1] rhwau ] (1188-12)
virlaa ko cheenas gur sabad milaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
How rare are those who realize the Word of the Guru's Shabad and merge with Him. ||1||Pause||

byd vKwix khih ieku khIAY ] (1188-12)
bayd vakhaan kaheh ik kahee-ai.
The Vedas say that we should chant the Name of the One Lord.

Ehu byAMqu AMqu ikin lhIAY ] (1188-13)
oh bay-ant ant kin lahee-ai.
He is endless; who can find His limits?

eyko krqw ijin jgu kIAw ] (1188-13)
ayko kartaa jin jag kee-aa.
There is only One Creator, who created the world.

bwJu klw Dir ggnu DrIAw ]2] (1188-13)
baajh kalaa Dhar gagan Dharee-aa. ||2||
Without any pillars, He supports the earth and the sky. ||2||

eyko igAwnu iDAwnu Duin bwxI ] (1188-14)
ayko gi-aan Dhi-aan Dhun banee.
Spiritual wisdom and meditation are contained in the melody of the Bani, the Word of the One Lord.

eyku inrwlmu AkQ khwxI ] (1188-14)
ayk niraalam akath kahaanee.
The One Lord is Untouched and Unstained; His story is unspoken.

eyko sbdu scw nIswxu ] (1188-14)
ayko sabad sachaa neesaan.
The Shabad, the Word, is the Insignia of the One True Lord.

pUry gur qy jwxY jwxu ]3] (1188-15)
pooray gur tay jaanai jaan. ||3||
Through the Perfect Guru, the Knowing Lord is known. ||3||

eyko Drmu idRVY scu koeI ] (1188-15)
ayko Dharam darirhai sach ko-ee.
There is only one religion of Dharma; let everyone grasp this truth.

gurmiq pUrw juig juig soeI ] (1188-15)
gurmat pooraa jug jug so-ee.
Through the Guru's Teachings, one becomes perfect, all the ages through.

Anhid rwqw eyk ilv qwr ] (1188-16)
anhad raataa ayk liv taar.
Imbued with the Unmanifest Celestial Lord, and lovingly absorbed in the One,

Ehu gurmuiK pwvY AlK Apwr ]4] (1188-16)
oh gurmukh paavai alakh apaar. ||4||
the Gurmukh attains the invisible and infinite. ||4||

eyko qKqu eyko pwiqswhu ] (1188-16)
ayko takhat ayko paatisaahu.
There is one celestial throne, and One Supreme King.

srbI QweI vyprvwhu ] (1188-17)
sarbee thaa-ee vayparvaahu.
The Independent Lord God is pervading all places.

iqs kw kIAw iqRBvx swru ] (1188-17)
tis kaa kee-aa taribhavan saar.
The three worlds are the creation of that Sublime Lord.

Ehu Agmu Agocru eykMkwru ]5] (1188-17)
oh agam agochar aykankaar. ||5||
The One Creator of the Creation is Unfathomable and Incomprehensible. ||5||

eykw mUriq swcw nwau ] (1188-17)
aykaa moorat saachaa naa-o.
His Form is One, and True is His Name.

iqQY inbVY swcu inAwau ] (1188-18)
tithai nibrhai saach ni-aa-o.
True justice is administered there.

swcI krxI piq prvwxu ] (1188-18)
saachee karnee pat parvaan.
Those who practice Truth are honored and accepted.

swcI drgh pwvY mwxu ]6] (1188-18)
saachee dargeh paavai maan. ||6||
They are honored in the Court of the True Lord. ||6||

eykw Bgiq eyko hY Bwau ] (1188-19)
aykaa bhagat ayko hai bhaa-o.
Devotional worship of the One Lord is the expression of love for the One Lord.

ibnu BY BgqI Awvau jwau ] (1188-19)
bin bhai bhagtee aava-o jaa-o.
Without the Fear of God and devotional worship of Him, the mortal comes and goes in reincarnation.

gur qy smiJ rhY imhmwxu ] (1188-19)
gur tay samajh rahai mihmaan.
One who obtains this understanding from the Guru dwells like an honored guest in this world.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD