Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


qY swcw mwinAw ikh ibcwir ]1] (1187-1)
tai saachaa maani-aa kih bichaar. ||1||
What makes you think that it is real? ||1||

Dnu dwrw sMpiq gRyh ] (1187-1)
Dhan daaraa sampat garayh.
Wealth, spouse, property and household

kCu sMig n cwlY smJ lyh ]2] (1187-1)
kachh sang na chaalai samajh layh. ||2||
- none of them shall go along with you; you must know that this is true! ||2||

iek Bgiq nwrwien hoie sMig ] (1187-2)
ik bhagat naaraa-in ho-ay sang.
Only devotion to the Lord shall go with you.

khu nwnk Bju iqh eyk rMig ]3]4] (1187-2)
kaho naanak bhaj tih ayk rang. ||3||4||
Says Nanak, vibrate and meditate on the Lord with single-minded love. ||3||4||

bsMqu mhlw 9 ] (1187-2)
basant mehlaa 9.
Basant, Ninth Mehl:

khw BUilE ry JUTy loB lwg ] (1187-2)
kahaa bhooli-o ray jhoothay lobh laag.
Why do you wander lost, O mortal, attached to falsehood and greed?

kCu ibgirE nwihn Ajhu jwg ]1] rhwau ] (1187-3)
kachh bigri-o naahin ajahu jaag. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Nothing has been lost yet - there is still time to wake up! ||1||Pause||

sm supnY kY iehu jgu jwnu ] (1187-3)
sam supnai kai ih jag jaan.
You must realize that this world is nothing more than a dream.

ibnsY iCn mY swcI mwnu ]1] (1187-4)
binsai chhin mai saachee maan. ||1||
In an instant, it shall perish; know this as true. ||1||

sMig qyrY hir bsq nIq ] (1187-4)
sang tayrai har basat neet.
The Lord constantly abides with you.

ins bwsur Bju qwih mIq ]2] (1187-4)
nis baasur bhaj taahi meet. ||2||
Night and day, vibrate and meditate on Him, O my friend. ||2||

bwr AMq kI hoie shwie ] (1187-5)
baar ant kee ho-ay sahaa-ay.
At the very last instant, He shall be your Help and Support.

khu nwnk gun qw ky gwie ]3]5] (1187-5)
kaho naanak gun taa kay gaa-ay. ||3||5||
Says Nanak, sing His Praises. ||3||5||

bsMqu mhlw 1 AstpdIAw Gru 1 duqukIAw (1187-6)
basant mehlaa 1 asatpadee-aa ghar 1 dutukee-aa
Basant, First Mehl, Ashtapadees, First House, Du-Tukees:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1187-6)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

jgu kaUAw nwmu nhI cIiq ] (1187-7)
jag ka-oo-aa naam nahee cheet.
The world is a crow; it does not remember the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

nwmu ibswir igrY dyKu BIiq ] (1187-7)
naam bisaar girai daykh bheet.
Forgetting the Naam, it sees the bait, and pecks at it.

mnUAw folY cIiq AnIiq ] (1187-7)
manoo-aa dolai cheet aneet.
The mind wavers unsteadily, in guilt and deceit.

jg isau qUtI JUT prIiq ]1] (1187-7)
jag si-o tootee jhooth pareet. ||1||
I have shattered my attachment to the false world. ||1||

kwmu k®oDu ibKu bjru Bwru ] (1187-8)
kaam kroDh bikh bajar bhaar.
The burden of sexual desire, anger and corruption is unbearable.

nwm ibnw kYsy gun cwru ]1] rhwau ] (1187-8)
naam binaa kaisay gun chaar. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the Naam, how can the mortal maintain a virtuous lifestyle? ||1||Pause||

Gru bwlU kw GUmn Gyir ] (1187-8)
ghar baaloo kaa ghooman ghayr.
The world is like a house of sand, built on a whirlpool;

brKis bwxI budbudw hyir ] (1187-9)
barkhas banee budbudaa hayr.
it is like a bubble formed by drops of rain.

mwqR bUMd qy Dir cku Pyir ] (1187-9)
matar boond tay Dhar chak fayr.
It is formed from a mere drop, when the Lord's wheel turns round.

srb joiq nwmY kI cyir ]2] (1187-9)
sarab jot naamai kee chayr. ||2||
The lights of all souls are the servants of the Lord's Name. ||2||

srb aupwie gurU isir moru ] (1187-10)
sarab upaa-ay guroo sir mor.
My Supreme Guru has created everything.

Bgiq krau pg lwgau qor ] (1187-10)
bhagat kara-o pag laaga-o tor.
I perform devotional worship service to You, and fall at Your Feet, O Lord.

nwim rqo cwhau quJ Eru ] (1187-10)
naam rato chaaha-o tujh or.
Imbued with Your Name, I long to be Yours.

nwmu durwie clY so coru ]3] (1187-11)
naam duraa-ay chalai so chor. ||3||
Those who do not let the Naam become manifest within themselves, depart like thieves in the end. ||3||

piq KoeI ibKu AMcil pwie ] (1187-11)
pat kho-ee bikh anchal paa-ay.
The mortal loses his honor, gathering sin and corruption.

swc nwim rqo piq isau Gir jwie ] (1187-11)
saach naam rato pat si-o ghar jaa-ay.
But imbued with the Lord's Name, you shall go to your true home with honor.

jo ikCu kIn@is pRBu rjwie ] (1187-12)
jo kichh keenHas parabh rajaa-ay.
God does whatever He wills.

BY mwnY inrBau myrI mwie ]4] (1187-12)
bhai maanai nirbha-o mayree maa-ay. ||4||
One who abides in the Fear of God, becomes fearless, O my mother. ||4||

kwmin cwhY suMdir Bogu ] (1187-12)
kaaman chaahai sundar bhog.
The woman desires beauty and pleasure.

pwn PUl mITy rs rog ] (1187-12)
paan fool meethay ras rog.
But betel leaves, garlands of flowers and sweet tastes lead only to disease.

KIlY ibgsY qyqo sog ] (1187-13)
kheelai bigsai tayto sog.
The more she plays and enjoys, the more she suffers in sorrow.

pRB srxwgiq kIn@is hog ]5] (1187-13)
parabh sarnaagat keenHas hog. ||5||
But when she enters into the Sanctuary of God, whatever she wishes comes to pass. ||5||

kwpVu pihris AiDku sIgwru ] (1187-13)
kaaparh pahiras aDhik seegaar.
She wears beautiful clothes with all sorts of decorations.

mwtI PUlI rUpu ibkwru ] (1187-14)
maatee foolee roop bikaar.
But the flowers turn to dust, and her beauty leads her into evil.

Awsw mnsw bWDo bwru ] (1187-14)
aasaa mansaa baaNDho baar.
Hope and desire have blocked the doorway.

nwm ibnw sUnw Gru bwru ]6] (1187-14)
naam binaa soonaa ghar baar. ||6||
Without the Naam, one's hearth and home are deserted. ||6||

gwChu puqRI rwj kuAwir ] (1187-15)
gaachhahu putree raaj ku-aar.
O princess, my daughter, run away from this place!

nwmu Bxhu scu doqu svwir ] (1187-15)
naam bhanahu sach dot savaar.
Chant the True Name, and embellish your days.

ipRau syvhu pRB pRym ADwir ] (1187-15)
pari-o sayvhu parabh paraym aDhaar.
Serve your Beloved Lord God, and lean on the Support of His Love.

gur sbdI ibKu iqAws invwir ]7] (1187-15)
gur sabdee bikh ti-aas nivaar. ||7||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, abandon your thirst for corruption and poison. ||7||

mohin moih lIAw mnu moih ] (1187-16)
mohan mohi lee-aa man mohi.
My Fascinating Lord has fascinated my mind.

gur kY sbid pCwnw qoih ] (1187-16)
gur kai sabad pachhaanaa tohi.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, I have realized You, Lord.

nwnk TwFy cwhih pRBU duAwir ] (1187-16)
naanak thaadhay chaaheh parabhoo du-aar.
Nanak stands longingly at God's Door.

qyry nwim sMqoKy ikrpw Dwir ]8]1] (1187-17)
tayray naam santokhay kirpaa Dhaar. ||8||1||
I am content and satisfied with Your Name; please shower me with Your Mercy. ||8||1||

bsMqu mhlw 1 ] (1187-17)
basant mehlaa 1.
Basant, First Mehl:

mnu BUlau Brmis Awie jwie ] (1187-17)
man bhoola-o bharmas aa-ay jaa-ay.
The mind is deluded by doubt; it comes and goes in reincarnation.

Aiq lubD luBwnau ibKm mwie ] (1187-18)
at lubaDh lubhaana-o bikham maa-ay.
It is lured by the poisonous lure of Maya.

nh AsiQru dIsY eyk Bwie ] (1187-18)
nah asthir deesai ayk bhaa-ay.
It does not remain stable in the Love of the One Lord.

ijau mIn kuMflIAw kMiT pwie ]1] (1187-18)
ji-o meen kundlee-aa kanth paa-ay. ||1||
Like the fish, its neck is pierced by the hook. ||1||

mnu BUlau smJis swic nwie ] (1187-19)
man bhoola-o samjhas saach naa-ay.
The deluded mind is instructed by the True Name.

gur sbdu bIcwry shj Bwie ]1] rhwau ] (1187-19)
gur sabad beechaaray sahj bhaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
It contemplates the Word of the Guru's Shabad, with intuitive ease. ||1||Pause||


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD