Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


qU vf dwqw qU vf dwnw Aauru nhI ko dUjw ] (1186-1)
too vad daataa too vad daanaa a-or nahee ko doojaa.
You are the Great Giver; You are so very Wise. There is no other like You.

qU smrQu suAwmI myrw hau ikAw jwxw qyrI pUjw ]3] (1186-1)
too samrath su-aamee mayraa ha-o ki-aa jaanaa tayree poojaa. ||3||
You are my All-powerful Lord and Master; I do not know how to worship You. ||3||

qyrw mhlu Agocru myry ipAwry ibKmu qyrw hY Bwxw ] (1186-2)
tayraa mahal agochar mayray pi-aaray bikham tayraa hai bhaanaa.
Your Mansion is imperceptible, O my Beloved; it is so difficult to accept Your Will.

khu nwnk Fih pieAw duAwrY riK lyvhu mugD Ajwxw ]4]2]20] (1186-2)
kaho naanak dheh pa-i-aa du-aarai rakh layvhu mugaDh ajaanaa. ||4||2||20||
Says Nanak, I have collapsed at Your Door, Lord. I am foolish and ignorant - please save me! ||4||2||20||

bsMqu ihMfol mhlw 5 ] (1186-3)
basant hindol mehlaa 5.
Basant Hindol, Fifth Mehl:

mUlu n bUJY Awpu n sUJY Brim ibAwpI AhM mnI ]1] (1186-3)
mool na boojhai aap na soojhai bharam bi-aapee ahaN manee. ||1||
The mortal does not know the Primal Lord God; he does not understand hmself. He is engrossed in doubt and egotism. ||1||

ipqw pwrbRhm pRB DnI ] (1186-4)
pitaa paarbarahm parabh Dhanee.
My Father is the Supreme Lord God, my Master.

moih insqwrhu inrgunI ]1] rhwau ] (1186-4)
mohi nistaarahu nirgunee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I am unworthy, but please save me anyway. ||1||Pause||

Epiq prlau pRB qy hovY ieh bIcwrI hir jnI ]2] (1186-5)
opat parla-o parabh tay hovai ih beechaaree har janee. ||2||
Creation and destruction come only from God; this is what the Lord's humble servants believe. ||2||

nwm pRBU ky jo rMig rwqy kil mih suKIey sy gnI ]3] (1186-5)
naam parabhoo kay jo rang raatay kal meh sukhee-ay say ganee. ||3||
Only those who are imbued with God's Name are judged to be peaceful in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. ||3||

Avru aupwau n koeI sUJY nwnk qrIAY gur bcnI ]4]3]21] (1186-6)
avar upaa-o na ko-ee soojhai naanak taree-ai gur bachnee. ||4||3||21||
It is the Guru's Word that carries us across; Nanak cannot think of any other way. ||4||3||21||

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1186-7)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

rwgu bsMqu ihMfol mhlw 9 ] (1186-7)
raag basant hindol mehlaa 9.
Raag Basant Hindol, Ninth Mehl:

swDo iehu qnu imiQAw jwnau ] (1186-7)
saaDho ih tan mithi-aa jaan-o.
O Holy Saints, know that this body is false.

Xw BIqir jo rwmu bsqu hY swco qwih pCwno ]1] rhwau ] (1186-7)
yaa bheetar jo raam basat hai saacho taahi pachhaano. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Lord who dwells within it - recognize that He alone is real. ||1||Pause||

iehu jgu hY sMpiq supny kI dyiK khw AYfwno ] (1186-8)
ih jag hai sampat supnay kee daykh kahaa aidaano.
The wealth of this world is only a dream; why are you so proud of it?

sMig iqhwrY kCU n cwlY qwih khw lptwno ]1] (1186-9)
sang tihaarai kachhoo na chaalai taahi kahaa laptaano. ||1||
None of it shall go along with you in the end; why do you cling to it? ||1||

ausqiq inMdw doaU prhir hir kIriq auir Awno ] (1186-9)
ustat nindaa do-oo parhar har keerat ur aano.
Leave behind both praise and slander; enshrine the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises within your heart.

jn nwnk sB hI mY pUrn eyk purK Bgvwno ]2]1] (1186-10)
jan naanak sabh hee mai pooran ayk purakh bhagvaano. ||2||1||
O servant Nanak, the One Primal Being, the Lord God, is totally permeating everywhere. ||2||1||

bsMqu mhlw 9 ] (1186-10)
basant mehlaa 9.
Basant, Ninth Mehl:

pwpI hIAY mY kwmu bswie ] (1186-10)
paapee hee-ai mai kaam basaa-ay.
The heart of the sinner is filled with unfulfilled sexual desire.

mnu cMclu Xw qy gihE n jwie ]1] rhwau ] (1186-11)
man chanchal yaa tay gahi-o na jaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He cannot control his fickle mind. ||1||Pause||

jogI jMgm Aru sMinAws ] (1186-11)
jogee jangam ar sanni-aas.
The Yogis, wandering ascetics and renunciates

sB hI pir fwrI ieh Pws ]1] (1186-11)
sabh hee par daaree ih faas. ||1||
- this net is cast over them all. ||1||

ijih ijih hir ko nwmu sm@wir ] (1186-12)
jihi jihi har ko naam samHaar.
Those who contemplate the Name of the Lord

qy Bv swgr auqry pwir ]2] (1186-12)
tay bhav saagar utray paar. ||2||
cross over the terrifying world-ocean. ||2||

jn nwnk hir kI srnwie ] (1186-12)
jan naanak har kee sarnaa-ay.
Servant Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the Lord.

dIjY nwmu rhY gun gwie ]3]2] (1186-13)
deejai naam rahai gun gaa-ay. ||3||2||
Please bestow the blessing of Your Name, that he may continue to sing Your Glorious Praises. ||3||2||

bsMqu mhlw 9 ] (1186-13)
basant mehlaa 9.
Basant, Ninth Mehl:

mweI mY Dnu pwieE hir nwmu ] (1186-13)
maa-ee mai Dhan paa-i-o har naam.
O mother, I have gathered the wealth of the Lord's Name.

mnu myro Dwvn qy CUitE kir bYTo ibsrwmu ]1] rhwau ] (1186-13)
man mayro Dhaavan tay chhooti-o kar baitho bisraam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My mind has stopped its wanderings, and now, it has come to rest. ||1||Pause||

mwieAw mmqw qn qy BwgI aupijE inrml igAwnu ] (1186-14)
maa-i-aa mamtaa tan tay bhaagee upji-o nirmal gi-aan.
Attachment to Maya has run away from my body, and immaculate spiritual wisdom has welled up within me.

loB moh eyh pris n swkY ghI Bgiq Bgvwn ]1] (1186-14)
lobh moh ayh paras na saakai gahee bhagat bhagvaan. ||1||
Greed and attachment cannot even touch me; I have grasped hold of devotional worship of the Lord. ||1||

jnm jnm kw sMsw cUkw rqnu nwmu jb pwieAw ] (1186-15)
janam janam kaa sansaa chookaa ratan naam jab paa-i-aa.
The cynicism of countless lifetimes has been eradicated, since I obtained the jewel of the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

iqRsnw skl ibnwsI mn qy inj suK mwih smwieAw ]2] (1186-16)
tarisnaa sakal binaasee man tay nij sukh maahi samaa-i-aa. ||2||
My mind was rid of all its desires, and I was absorbed in the peace of my own inner being. ||2||

jw kau hoq dieAwlu ikrpw iniD so goibMd gun gwvY ] (1186-16)
jaa ka-o hot da-i-aal kirpaa niDh so gobind gun gaavai.
That person, unto whom the Merciful Lord shows compassion, sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe.

khu nwnk ieh ibiD kI sMpY koaU gurmuiK pwvY ]3]3] (1186-17)
kaho naanak ih biDh kee sampai ko-oo gurmukh paavai. ||3||3||
Says Nanak, this wealth is gathered only by the Gurmukh. ||3||3||

bsMqu mhlw 9 ] (1186-17)
basant mehlaa 9.
Basant, Ninth Mehl:

mn khw ibswirE rwm nwmu ] (1186-17)
man kahaa bisaari-o raam naam.
O my mind, how can you forget the Lord's Name?

qnu ibnsY jm isau prY kwmu ]1] rhwau ] (1186-18)
tan binsai jam si-o parai kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
When the body perishes, you shall have to deal with the Messenger of Death. ||1||Pause||

iehu jgu DUey kw phwr ] (1186-18)
ih jag Dhoo-ay kaa pahaar.
This world is just a hill of smoke.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD